89.67% Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei) / Chapter 189: The Accommodating Empress – I

章 189: The Accommodating Empress – I

As usual these days, time passed by in a blur, and then it was the day of my wedding with Rika.

Unlike with Eri and Sylphy, there wasn't a guy's night out the night before the wedding.

There was just too much to get sorted beforehand.

I had to head back to Arcadia and both make and get fitted for Imperial Regalia, create the line of inheritance and slot all my kids in (Eos and Ena would be First and Second Imperial Princesses while Rika's kids would have the next right, followed by Eri, Sylphy, and eventually Roxy), and also triple check the magic formations and transport lines across the Magic Continent.

Despite my magical competence, and despite being a fantasy world, government bureaucracy was still government bureaucracy.

Even by flaunting authority and strong-arming things to make things go faster, time was burned up at an alarming rate.

And like that, it was time for the wedding ceremony.

I stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

A tall black long coat with a crimson cloak. A fancy golden 'R' embroidered over my heart. An obsidian crown on my head, a matching sword sheathed at my left, and a blood-diamond scepter on my right.

That outfit, paired with my silver hair and golden eyes screamed Demon Lord.

Which was the intention, even though it made me feel a little weird looking at it.

Still, staring at my outfit again...

"The crown, scepter, and sword, huh?"

I vaguely remembered that being a thing back on Earth.

The crown was the throne, the scepter was authority, and sword was the power to enforce it.

Well, I definitely had all three here.

After giving my outfit another once over to make sure I didn't forget anything, I turned around.

It was my black tower back in Arcadia. The base of operations I used my entire time since I arrived in the Magic Continent.

Although it'd be on theme, we weren't having the reception here.

Since it was serving both as appointing the official Empress of Arcadia, as well as my declaration of the establishment of the Empire of Arcadia, we would be doing it at the Imperial Palace instead.

Yes, Imperial Palace with capital letters. Very important place.

I personally thought my sky-piercing tower here was cooler, but I GUESS that proper ceremonies were better done at a palace.

A pair of footsteps echoed from the stairs.

I glanced over and saw Ena and Eos walk up.

Ena was dressed like a proper princess, wearing a beautiful black ball gown with golden stars embroidered within it.

Eos, on the other hand, was wearing a fancy black suit that looked more like a knight's uniform.

Both outfits were great. But then again, considering how beautiful my daughters were, they would look great in anything.

...Which made me concerned for the future considering how many sisters Ena and Eos would probably have...

But problem for future me.

I looked at my daughters and said, "Is it time?"

Eos nodded. "It is, Father."

Ena giggled. "I'm so excited! Daddy is finally going to be Emperor!"

I let out a wry smile. "It wasn't my intention... but things have a way of getting out of hand." After that, I started walking towards the stairs leading to the roof.

Eos and Ena followed after me.

As we walked, I said, "Is the plan the same?"

Eos nodded. "Nothing has changed, so it should be the same procedure, Father."

"I see."

We walked the rest of the way in silence and then arrived on the roof.

Since the black tower stretched above the clouds, around us, there was nothing but the infinite blue sky.

I walked over to the edge of the tower, gazing out at the sky. And then I turned back to look at my daughters. "Are you two fine with this?"

Eos paused and then nodded. "You are free to do what you wish, Father."

Ena nodded and said, "Daddy can do whatever Daddy wants to do!"

"...And you don't mind that I'm marrying multiple women then?"

Eos hesitated. "...I had some reservations at first. But I believe that this is for the better." She smiled and said, ""Besides, Mama Eri is a great fit for you."

"Eh?" Ena looked at Eos and said, "I think Mama Sylphy is though? She loves Daddy more."

"That may be true, but she is a bit..." Eos coughed, her face turning red. "I-In any case." She turned to look at me and said, "Since Father is becoming a proper Demon Emperor, multiple wives are a given." She reached up to adjust her glasses and said, "It is better this way to prevent people from influencing you with beautiful women."

Ena frowned and said, "But won't people try since Father has so many beautiful wives?"

Eos nodded. "Idiots may 'try.' Of course, they will have to do so in the face of our new mothers."

"Oh!" Ena giggled. "Right! They won't like that."

Eos smiled. "Not one bit."

I chuckled.

That was good. I hadn't had a chance to have a heart-to-heart with Eos and Ena yet, but it seemed like they were okay with things.

I wasn't as worried about Roland since he was practically adopted, but Eos and Ena were my flesh and blood.


So I was happy that they weren't opposed to any of this and that they weren't upset.

Eos stared at me and then frowned. "Father..."

"Yes, Eos?"

"Are you happy?" Eos sighed and said, "Father has had to grow up quickly. More so than Sister and I. Are... you fine with it?"

I blinked.

...Oh. I hadn't realized it, but they must have been watching me as much as I was watching them.

Even if they weren't born with a 'common sense' framework like most people, my daughters would have realized that my growth was unnatural.

Of course, I was technically an adult on round two, so I had the mental capacity to deal with everything. If I wasn't though, or if I had been a guy who hadn't grown up mentally at all...

"I'm more than fine. It was a bit unexpected, but I wouldn't change anything." I smiled and said, "I have two loving wives with children on the way. My family is completely reunited. I'm marrying a supportive and diligent wife today who will help me manage this chaos, and I'm marrying my beloved Master next week. Not to mention I have my two adorable and supportive daughters here with me as well." I laughed and said, "It's good that I'm not a greedy man. Another man might have taken this as the cue to try and get even more. But I think this is enough for me."

Ena let out a bright smile and said, "Good! As long as Daddy's happy!"

I paused and then looked at Eos and Ena. "...Are you two happy? I know that you two never had a chance to have a proper childhood... I'm not the only one who grew up too fast."

Eos smiled. "I'm happy." She paused and then said, "...Though I could do without the horrid experience of picking up my own father for a date-"

Ena gasped. "You did what with Daddy?!"

Eos turned a bright red and then smacked Ena on the shoulder. "Phrasing! And it was an accident!"

"You have to tell me what you did now, Eos! You never mentioned that you did that!"

Eos pointedly ignored Ena and looked back at me. "...Regardless, I am happy, Father." She smiled and said, "Although it was a bit lonely in the beginning knowing that it was just us and Stella, I am happy to have a big family now."

Ena nodded and said, "I'm happy too! And when I start my own family, I want to have lots and lots of babies to spoil!"


I didn't quite know how to react to that statement from Ena.

One part of me was happy to hear that she knew what she wanted.

Another part was upset that she was already going to leave soon too and likely start a family of her own.

Yet another part of me wanted to crush the guy who would dare to take my cute Ena away from me.

And then yet another remembered that would likely be Cliff, and then I couldn't help but pray for his unlucky soul considering how much more stamina Ena had than an ordinary woman...

So, since I didn't know what to think, I put that all aside and turned back around. "Alright. Then... I guess it's time." I stepped onto the ledge and swung out my arm. As I did, crimson threads spread out from me before exploding into golden wings.

Ena gasped and said, "Daddy's wings are pretty!"

Eos's eyes widened and she said, "How are they gold? No." She shook her head and looked at me. "Since when did you have wings, Father?"

I smiled and said, "Well, you girls got your wings from someone, didn't you?"

Eos frowned. "...Now you are just being facetious, Father."

I laughed and then smiled. "Let's go." After that, I jumped off, spreading my wings.

...Although I said all that, my wings were more just glorified gliders.

I could still fly, but it was through manipulating wind mana and maneuvering with that instead of actually flying like Ena and Eos.

Still, it looked cool.

Between an angel flapping their wings to approach you and an angel moving through the air towards you with their wings unmoving, the latter definitely looked more intimidating.

We flew through the clouds, breaking through. As we did, all of the Magic Continent spread out before my eyes.

While there was a lot to draw the eye, one thing in particular caught my attention. A gleaming white castle with shrouded mist covering it in the distance.

<Zenithia> the Imperial Palace that Rika built with my designs and her own experience.

Unlike a usual Demon Lord palace, it was made of pure white stone and gold, matching my theme of Demon Lord of Salvation.

As we flew closer, I could see that the ceremony was already in session.

Rika was being considerate, so she had arranged things so she would do the logistics and hard work.

All I would have to do is show up, give a small speech, and declare her as my Empress.

And true to her word, Rika was standing on a balcony, giving a speech while her image was broadcast across the entire Magic Continent.

Although I was still far away, I couldn't help but acknowledge Rika's beauty.

She wore an obsidian crown, just like my own, but one adorned with violet gemstones. Her lilac hair was styled with loose curls behind her, making it fall in wavy curves. And she wore a form-fitting black dress with stylized tattered hems. Her glasses were also removed for the occasion, showing off her sharp and noble features in full glory.

A proper Demon Empress fit to lead the entire Magic Continent.

Standing there and speaking to the masses, there was no denying her that role.

Especially with Ruijerd and Roland standing behind her, both in full military uniform. 

Rika's speech winded down.

I floated there for a bit with Eos and Ena, waiting for my cue.

And then Rika glanced up at me before saying one last line. "...And because of that, there is something We wish to say to you all."

There it was.

I flew down from the sky and lightly touched on to the balcony beside Rika.

Eos and Ena followed after me, landing next to Ruijerd and Roland.

I walked over to Rika, staring at her.

...Yes. Beautiful.

Although it wasn't fair to Eri and Sylphy, I had to admit that Rika had a presence about her that they didn't.

All my wives were unmatched beauties, of course.

But Rika was beautiful in the way that an ordinary person couldn't.

Was this the power of 'blue blood?' The inherited royalty that people couldn't fake?

She was usually worn out and irritated so she didn't show it, but here and now, she emanated the full aura and authority of a beautiful and alluring Demon Empress.

But I didn't let myself get lost in her beauty.

After taking a moment to appreciate it, I nodded and turned out to face the balcony.

There was a crowd below watching and waiting on my word. The people that I saved, the citizens who believed in Lord Rudras and praised his name.

I took a deep breath, thinking about what to say. And then I decided to just keep it simple and clean.

"People of Arcadia. It has been a long struggle for us all. Time risking our lives to reclaim a sense of peace. Praying for miracles and accomplishing them against all odds..."

Cheers echoed from the crowd below. At the same time, they started to chant. "Lord Rudras! Lord Rudras!"

I smiled and then said, "Though I had no intention to rule..." I rested my right hand on my scepter and said, "You have made me your symbol of hope. Your miracle."

Another round of cheers echoed.

I pulled out my scepter and raised it to the sky. At the same time, I cheated a bit and made the clouds part, casting sunlight down on us.

Looking out at the crowd, I smiled and said, "From now until the end of time. Not just our home here, but all of the Magic Continent." I smiled and said, "Let us reclaim this land together and make it a utopia, just like our Arcadia. An Empire, instead of a small kingdom."

An explosive cheer. People chanting Emperor Rudras instead of Lord Rudras.

Behind me, and out of sight of the broadcast, Rika clicked her tongue and muttered, "Fanatics. I write a fancy speech and get no cheers while this idiot spouts off and gets hailed as their savior."

I resisted the urge to laugh or break my composure. Taking a deep breath, I nodded and said, "Today marks a momentous occasion." I looked out at the crowd and said, "Now, we unite the Magic Continent as one under the Arcadian Empire. And now..." I held out my hand to Rika.

Rika grabbed my hand and walked forward.

Hand-in-hand, I looked out at the crowd and said, "My Imperial Wife, Empress Rika shall be my side. Let us go forth together, forever!"


I smiled.

Rika waved.

And after that, I snapped my fingers. "Let us feast!"

Magic formations flared down below, and no doubt across the entire Magic Continent, conjuring up a buffet for everyone to enjoy.

And with that, the formalities were over.

And with that, I bid a quick retreat inside, bracing myself for the biting words my family no doubt had for me...


"What the heck was that?!" Dad laughed and pointed a turkey drumstick at me from across the table. "Emperor? Let's reclaim this land together? You were so cheesy!"

Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Ignore your father, Rudy. I think it was great!"

Mama Lily nodded and said, "It was a wonderful speech, Rudy. Better than any Asuran Noble could hope to make."

Dad waved his drumstick around and said, "To be fair, that's not a high bar."

I let out a deep sigh.

While my Arcadian citizens were celebrating outside, I was having a simple feast inside the palace with my family.

Said family currently included my parents, Eri, Sylphy, my sisters, my angelic daughters Eos and Ena, my responsible son Roland, and Aunt Therese.

Oh, and of course my beloved Empress Rika, who was sitting on my left at our place at the head of the table.

I had asked Ruijerd to join us, but he insisted on supervising the patrolling White Knights to ensure everything was peaceful.

Sylphy stared at me for a while before looking at Rika. After that, she frowned and muttered, "I think it's still a bit sudden."


Eri nodded. "Yeah." She frowned too and then stared at Rika. "Are you sure you're fine with just this small ceremony?"

Oh, thank the stars. I thought the conversation was gonna veer off into a different direction...

Rika sipped a glass of wine and said, "This much is fine." She waved her hand and said, "Our marriage is mostly political, so I won't be selfish and interfere with your relationships."

Eri shook her head. "Political or not, you're part of the family now." She frowned and then looked over at me. "Are you really going to let Rika's memories of your wedding end like this?"

I coughed and said, "W-Well, it's true that this didn't have much pomp and circumstance, but we both agreed on it. Right, Rika?"

Rika nodded. "I prefer small intimate gatherings regardless." She smiled and said, "This small dinner is more than enough."


Dad crossed his arms and said, "I dunno, Kid. Seems more like a cop out to me."

Mom nodded. "Not that I don't trust you Rudy, but..." She looked at Rika and said, "Is this really fine?"

Rika smiled. "I insisted on keeping it small, Mother. Please, rest assured." She paused and then looked towards me. "In fact, Rudy wanted something much grander."

"...I still think that having Zenithia float in the sky for our wedding with a solar eclipse would have been best."

Heavily impractical, but definitely Demon Lord worthy. Also extremely memorable for everyone involved.

Eri blinked and then covered her face. "Why am I not surprised...?" She sighed and then looked at Rika. "Okay. Good call on that."

Rika smiled. "Thank you, Eri."

After that, a comfortable silence fell as everyone started grabbing food to eat from the buffet laid out in front of us.

And then Mama Lily spoke up. "Come to think of it." She looked at me and Rika before saying, "Just how did you and Miss Rika meet?"


Rika coughed.

Dad raised an eyebrow.

I cleared my throat. "W-Well..."


"I have to say, you were excellent at improvisation as always, Rudy." Rika chuckled as we walked back to the Imperial Bedroom.

I sighed and said, "Thank the heavens and my past self for making a perfect memory and having a very quick brain."

After a quick improvisation story and careful shaping of the truth to avoid the fact that I technically summoned Rika from across time and space to work as a servant and glorifying our work together raising up Arcadia from scratch, night finally arrived.

As a result, everyone departed for the evening, leaving just me and Rika behind.

And speaking of Rika...

"I have prepared everything for tonight." Walking in front of me, she glanced back and said, "The bed, the atmosphere... Tonight will be a night fit for an Emperor. I can assure you that."

I frowned and said, "You didn't have to put in all that effort, Rika."

"Yes. But I wanted to." She glanced back and smiled. "If it makes you feel better, consider it a selfish act."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C189
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


