

After finishing carrying Naruto to the medical ward of the hospital, we were both examined for any major injuries, but likely Naruto only had a few cuts and scratches of nothing that serious but me on the other hand I have 2 fractured ribs and some bruises from smashing into the hard after taking the initial damage from the kick. Knocking sound came from outside my small room which interrupted my though process.

"Hello Mr. Kuto, I am one of the physicians of the ward you can call me DR. Ueno. Now since the formalities are done, I have come to tell you that you are all healed up due to the excellent service that our medical officers have given, that you will still have to stay for the night before you can leave just so that your body can gain its stamina back".

"Ok doctor I just want to thank for you for providing me your service and if you can be able to answer a few of my questions that would be great like how is Naruto doing and what will be done to the attackers that harmed him and myself"?

"Yes, I can but as to the regards of Naruto he is fine due to him having minor injuries was healed and has been escorted back to his apartment with one of the medical staff and onto the subject of the assault that has taken place I have no clear information on what will be done. It will be delt with by the Hokage so you could be summoned by him as soon as in the morning after you wake or it could take fair longer due to the special circumstances but that is all that I can say for the moment now. Get some sleep you did a good thing, and you should be proud of it".

Soon after answering my questions the doctor leaves the room to allow me to get some needed rest. And to help speed up my recovery I take his advice and soon fall into a deep sleep. But as soon as the night came to take me away the morning sun arouse to awaken be from my pleasurable slumber.

I wake up with a slight yawn, slowly rise to my feet while rubbing my eyes cursing the sly bastard that opened my blinds to the room. But before I could protest towards the person I was soon picked up and carried away to the oversized kitchen that this hospital had. Where I was soon seated with the same person that carried me all the way here but before I speak, he had already began talking.

"Ok since we do not have a lot of time, I will explain everything to you now. I am chunin Asahi Souma and I was tasked to bring you here as fast as possible to eat then soon after I will take you to meet the leader of the village. But before you ask, I will tell you now that all questions will be answered by lord third so all that I ask is that you finish your food so we can leave as soon as possible" he said in a monotone voice.

I just do as I am told and finish eating my food that consist of a bowl of rice and so sort of fish that I did not know and so after I am eating all my food we begin to go towards the homage's office, by the time I am before his door the chunin that escorted me bows his head to me and leaves.

I breathe in a few times before I open the door and walk in but as of the moment that my foot stepped into the office all eyes were one me.

"Ah come come in my young Nox we have much to discuss about and so little time to due so" lord third said with a smile on his face.

I could only node my head as I see not only the Hokage in his office but the shadow of the leaf to Danzo with his piercing stare that seemed as though it could see into the depths of my soul.

Lord third gazes towards me and notices a slight drop of sweat from my forehead, turns towards Danzo for a brief moment with them both making eye contact.

So after that Danzo gaze receded to a somewhat normal manner before the hokage gave a cough and began to question me.

"So my young boy I just wanted to ask you a few question just so that I can get a understanding of the situation from your point of view.


{Hidden Quest Alert}

{Meeting Lord Third}

Objective: -?








After noticing the mission alert I was on edge not know what could happen if this meeting didn't go well.

"I will do my best to answer any question that you have lord third".

"Now my boy there is no need for formalities but on to my question I would like for you to describe what transpired that night from your on point of view".

"Well that's a easy request so last night I was going to the one of the training grounds that I heard shinobi go to perfect their skills and when I got to the training grounds I saw three academy students shoving naruto around in a circle. So I did what any reasonable person would do and help Naruto by defending him from his would be attackers. But fending them off the older bother of one of the three children jumped out of no where and gave me a few fracture from his kick to by ribs.

"so that is my interpretation of the events that transpired yesterday a story of the defenseless gaining help fight his aggressors.

" Mm I see so the information that I already now was conformed well my boy I believe in your story that you told me of the prior night. But I have another question for you, what do you think should be the punishments for the aggressors.

"If I am going to be honest I think that the children should not be punished badly just because they are young like me and they can make mistakes like they did all I would ask is that the academy students be forced to apologize and pay a fine of 1000 Ryo each to both me and Naruto. But as for the genin that attacked me I can understand his process of thought since it was just me standing over the broken bodies of his younger sibling friends, in his situation I would have done the same to protect my family and friends so he should not be penalized but be given a warning to be less hasty and try to find out all the facts first be engaging in combat that could cost him his life or the lives of his squad mates.

"You surprise me my young Nox kids your age don't have even half the maturity you do and I will adhere to the punishments that you have given.

"Now that concludes the questions relating to the advents that transpired but I still would like to ask you some personal questions if I may.

"Of course, lord third I replied with vigor.

"Well then that's good so id like to ask you were did you learn to fight so well since it is obvious that you have some skills due to the state that the three young children were in and with the amount of force applied to each blow only one much older than yourself of have done something of that caliber without the use of chakra.

Damn those were the words that I was not hoping for in the slightest I thought to myself.

"Well as you see lord third. I mean grandpa Kage I have unlocked my chakra my myself and due to many academy students going to the park that I play at with my fellow orphans I picked up a few of the things that they learned like the leaf concentration technique that helped me learn how to control my chakra better. So, after that I just trained with time, I had a few leaves on my head and use my chakra to enhance my body by using it.

After finishing my sentence, I look to toward by Danzo and the third to see their reaction in the case of Danzo I could see a greed in his eyes that gave me chills and the third had a face of contemplation and a slight smirk at the same time.

"Now I have one final question young Nox what do you want to be when you grow up?

Yes, this is what I have been waiting for him to ask me since this should be easy reputation points. I then act as though I am thinking then I breathe in and release, soon after I straighten myself and say" lord third I want to become a strong shinobi but not just one with the power to protect his village that is his family but also have the knowledge and wisdom to help lead and guide his village through strife.

After finishing my bold-faced propaganda to the hokage he just stopped and stared at me with a calm smile and said" Well that is a fine dream to have my boy and I hope that it will come through and that you will carry the will of fire to be your guide through the dark night that is the shinobi world.


{Hidden Quest Alert}

{Meeting Lord Third}

Objective: Show the Hokage that you carry the will of fire and that you will protect its people in the future.


Title {Will of Fire} (Passive)

Through the showing of your love for your village to the hokage you now will have a permanent plus ten to any dialogue situation with a citizen of the land of fire.

+10000 RYO

+ {B Rank Tanto} (Deals 250 physical damage and 350 physical damage with chakra flow)

(A Tanto forged from the steel mines of the land of iron with the specific property of allowing one to flow their chakra through the blade extending its length and damage.


Decrease Rep with all Konoha -10 to all stats

I give an automatically relax as I notice the mission completion and rewards appear in front of me. But as I started to ease up both seasoned veterans looked towards me and started are battle of wits in both of against to other it seemed.

"Well now my boy since you will become one of my proud shinobi one day, I will give you a small gift as a sign if appreciation he so givens be a stack of Ryo which I guessed was my 10k for my quest.

I simply gave him a node so show my appreciation and then danzo walk towards me with a less grumpy face than usual and soon takes out a scroll. "I never had a chance to introduce myself my name is Danzo Shimura an elder of the hokage's council and I see great promise in you little one.

He then unseals the scroll and a gorgeous tanto appears in his hand which he soon gives be to hold.

"It is yours now and use it well for me in the future.

"Yes, sir I will use it but If I may can, I remove it from its sheath as I say as I look towards lord third for approval which he soon nodes for.

I then take a few steps and unsheathe the tanto shiiing and as I grasp the hilt, I notice the amazing design of two silver snake starting from the bottom if the hilt then slowly rapping around the hilt until it reached the top of the hilt, and they so devour each other.

I enter into a basic sword stance that I saw one of the academy instructors enter and use each motion that he did flawlessly due to me copying his every single move he did with my sharingan at the time which advanced to the two Tomeo in each eye.

After finished each of the strike patterns I begin to enter a trace as each of my movement get faster and faster slowly eating away at each unnecessary movement that may slow me now until in a brief moment of clarity I focus all of my chakra into the blade as did the samurai from the land of iron and allowed it to flow into the blade lake a calm stream until at the last moment I made the calm stream turn into a raging wave full of strength and so I open my eyes and preformed a crescent attack my chakra infused blade and launch it into the air which it so crashed through the ceiling leaving the ceiling with a large gash and sun light peering through.

I soon after realizing what I have done five anbu members jump into the room and have their blade pointed towards me, I then soon drop the blade and put my hands up.

A loud banging sound can be heard after lord third smashed his hand against his table to send all his anbu member packing. "I am deeply sorry for that young Nox I hope that you can forgive my guards since they are only caring for mu safety.

"No no lord third I should have not been so reckless I will no be taking my leave. I then blow my head toward both men and started running towards my orphanage cursing myself for being so stupid about my abilities.

And as so as I left both me were left in silence until Danzo said that he would be taken his leave now "Fellow my friend I have matters of the root to take care of.

Danzo then so arrives at his hideout and begins to command a root ninja to keep a more close eye on young Nox and the nine tails.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God I am tire this is almost 400 extra words compared to my last longest chapter.

2359 words is this chapter.

Have a good night guys peace

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


