Rosa had been practicing her attacks since the moment she arrived, but it was not enough. She had multiple targets. The wooden and the stone on the corner. She broke two wooden puppets, but the stones remain the same. She wanted to return like the demon when the shadow was within her. She tried to get strong enough to make anyone kneel. Rosa cannot help anyone if she is not strong enough. How come this black knight is giving her such a hard time? The Doctor might not have seen the fear of the battle, yet he managed to weaken her. She wanted to defeat him, but all she managed to do was draw blood. Rosa hated that she was weaker than so many people. She believes weakness entered her mind and transferred to her body as she is something she is having a hard time accepting.
“There is a list of people who can put me down just like that, and it is not pretty. I do not accept this.” She roared as she made the strike on the stone. It made a vibrating recoil, making her take a step back.