Synopsis: A world called Asertia was terrorized by an unknown entity. Gods and Goddesses created immortal beings to protect Asertia, but after they found the truth behind that entity, everything is changed!
15 years old Val Belliot with his dream to be the greatest adventurer start his journey and an unexpected encounter with a mysterious guy made his whole life change completely!
レビューを書くAt first, I thought this will be like any other generic fantasy novel. After I read to chapter 20+ I never thought that I would get hooked by this. First of all, I love the characters and of course, the MC as well. All of them have a very unique personality, and the way they treat the MC differently is just beautiful. Second of all, I love the gore part of this novel, I'm really a big fan of the gore genre and this is just great!
So far so good. I only have a small problem with the long chapters, but it seems the author edited almost all the chapters and made it into 2 parts. So I won't complaining anymore. I'll wait for the next rekease
I'm a sucker for the fantasy genre. This novel really details in explaining literally everything. A fresh story for me and so far, there are so many things that I can't wait to be revealed. Good job author and I'll wait for the next chapter.
I've been reading this novel for weeks and I love how the story goes. The MC characteristic really fits with the story and his development is going better and better. Finally, I can say this novel is totally recommended for those who want to try it.
I read the first chapter and I know this novel is so good. The beginning of chapter two is also blown my mind! I 100% recommend you to read this novel!!!
I'm not a big fan of fantasy but i gave it a try because this is the same author who made Blood Knuckles and so far I love the story and the characters that are introduced are have a similar vibe and it immediately took my interest. Currently at ch12 and I'll give another thought once I read further.
It's mind-blowing after I read until the latest chapter. I thought that the story would be bland but the author really knows how to make a plot and I thought that the side story only to be a filler but turns out it connected to future problems. I still couldn't believe that this novel managed to make such an interesting plot and story. 5/5 no doubt!
The story itself is decent, but what makes it interesting is the characters that are introduced in the novel. Each of them has a unique personality that stays consistent, and the way the author portrays them is making them more interesting the more chapters author released. The character development is great!
Hey! I was the person who needed more novels to read. I must say, its very good ngl.. However some formats get a little harder to read but its good for me. :)
作者 Iqfauli
I have read the latest chapter. Boy oh boy I regret that I said the story is decent. The main character development is f-ing good! The journey is thrilling and at the end of Volume 1 was unexpected. The beginning of Volume 2 blown my mind! I recommend this novel. I'm waiting for the next release!