63.07% Protagonist Killer / Chapter 81: Chapter 80 : Fake Karakura War (Part 17).

章 81: Chapter 80 : Fake Karakura War (Part 17).

We arrived at the front side of the war. I saw a gigantic pillar of flames with Yamamoto inside of it, talking to Aizen. I stood at the top of the building together with the girls and we prepared for the show that was about to happen.

"Don't get too cocky boy. Do you think you're powerful enough to cut me?" Yamamoto asked while coming out of the pillar.

"I don't think about whether I can... Because I already have..." Aizen said.

"Silence!" Yamamoto swinged his flaming sword at Aizen.

Aizen disappeared when the sword passed by him and reappeared behind Yamamoto and thrusted his sword right when both of them turned around, this made Aizen's sword go through Yamamoto's belly.

Suddenly Yamamoto grabbed Aizen's arm strongly enough to draw blood.

"I've caught you, Sousuke Aizen!" He said.

"Interesting... You've caught me. What are you going you do now?... Is the arm you're holding really my arm? I'm sure you know my Kyouka Suigetsu's power." Aizen calmly said.

"Are you saying that this is part of your Complete Hypnosis? I see... If I go by what I see and what I touch then that may be true, however, I will never mistake your Reiatsu of the Zanpakutou stabbing me in the stomach!" Yamamoto said whils gripping Aizen's arm with even more strength.

'Calm down old man, you are going to rip his arm off, then he will be free again.' I thought while watching it.

"You said that I missed my opportunity but no. It's the other way around. An opportunity has been opened up!" Yamamoto said.

While Ichigo was just standing there behind Yamamoto and Aizen.

"Girls, you should brace yourselves. This are about to go hot." I warned them.

"Wh-." Nelliel was going to ask when many pillars of flames errupted from the ground.

"Fuck! How cool! Honey, when will I be able to do that in my Resurrección?" Kūkaku asked while admiring the flames pillars.

"Hmm. I don't know. Yamamoto has live for more than a thousand years. But I am sure that if you train enough, you can make even better." I consoled her.

"{Ennetsu Jigoku}! All of your battles up to this point were meant for this very moment." Yamamoto said.

"You were setting this up while your subordinates were being defeated, huh? How devious." Aizen said.

"Devious is fine." Yamamoto said while clenching Aizen's arm even stronger. "You will die with me in this blazing inferno... Ichigo! Stand back! You are not a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. I cannot let you get dragged into this... Stand back this instant!" While Yamamoto said that, Ichigo tried to talk to him, but he did not let it.

"What about the other squad members? They're going to be engulfed by this blazing inferno of yours." Aizen tried to reason with him.

'Perhaps he felt danger?... Nah, Aizen is The Cockroach of the cockroaches. He just don't want to burn his hair.' I thought.

"There all have come prepared. we will die to exterminate great evil. This is the will of the Thirteen Court Guards Squads." Yamamoto said.

'What a shitty plan Old Man. Yhwach will come in many months but you simply choose to die here.*Sigh*. Knowing the future can be a bless but also a curse.' I lamented the Old Man's choice.

"Behind you Old Man!" Ichigo suddenly screamed.

Behind Yamamoto Wonderweiss sith his Resurrección appeared. As if it was an instinct, Yamamoto attacked him. But he simply grabbed the sword and the flames of it extinguished and the Old Man was thrown back.

"Why? Why Ryuujin Jakka's flames were extinguished?" He asked.

"Shall I tell you? Your Ryuujin Jakka is the most powerful Zanpakutou, there is no mistake about it. If I fought you head on, your fighting power would surpass mine. But by discarding all other power and specializing in a single aspect, i can combat even the strongest Zanpakutou. His name is Wonderweiss, he is our only modified Arrancar and the name of his Resurrección is |Extinguir|. Wonderweiss's role is to seal away your Ryuujin Jakka, and nothing else." Aizen said after appearing.

'There was a need to explain it? I know that this was supposed to be something that the audience watching the anime or reading the manga, could undertand what was happening. But wouldn't it be much better if Aizen simply shut his lousy mouth, and letting the audience to connect the pointings?!' I sighed to myself while facepalming.

"Why are you sighing?" Yoruichi asked.

"Hmm? Oh, it because I don't see a need for Aizen to simply reveal Wonderweiss's role on the battlefield. It is plain idiot. After all, he revealed it to Yamamoto himself." I said.

"Hmm, yeah. It is a idiot move. But at least we know what is happening." Yoruichi shrugged.

'But I already knew it from the beginning!' A pity that I could not tell them.

While we talked, Yamamoto's pillars of flame extinguished.

"Awwww. Damnit! Why did he extinguished the flames?! It was so cool!" Kūkaku sadly said.

'When it comes to explosions, cutting or fire, Kūkaku becomes like a little girl... I find it adorable.' I looked at her.

"Wonderweiss has lost his speech, intelligence, memory and reasoning to gain that single ability." Aizen said after the flames were gone.

'A pity that he will be thrashed and killed by Yamamoto.' I shrugged.

"Lost them? You mean you robbed them from him." Yamamoto corrected Aizen.

"This is all the will of the Hougyoku. You cannot do anything against the power that Wonderweiss has traded everything for. Farewell. Genryusai Yamamoto... Go Wonderweiss!" Said Aizen before turning around and walking away.

'Having too much hubris is something that can come back and bite your ass really hard. Well... I may have some... But not so much that it clouds my judgement and makes me think that I am above everyone. I am sure that if Yamamoto fought me with all he has, even if there was a hundred of me, I would still lose.

The same can be said by Yhwach, if I appear in front of him and dared to oppose or destroy him. He can simply kill me by killing the future me. Done.' I thought while crossing my arms.

Then Wonderweiss went to attack Yamamoto, who only punched him with the {Ikkotsu}, sending Wonderweiss flying and destroying many buildings on the way. This Old Man truly is a monster among monsters.

"Do you think that you can kill md if you seal away my Ryuujin Jakka? How naive. I'm astounded by how foolish you are. How do you think I remained the Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Guards Squads for over a thousand years?... No Shinigami born in the past thousand years has been stronger than I am. That's why." Then he dashed to attack Aizen but was pushed back by Wonderweiss, who had a gaping whole on his stomach.

"I wasn't holding back. You're quite the tough fellow. Now... If my {Ikkotsu} could not defeat you... This is going to hurt." Yamamoto said while taking his arms of the sleeves of his kimono and showing his ripped body that had a lof of scars. "Are you fine with that?... Ah, yes. Your speech has been wiped away." He said.

'Man... Why do all the Old Men spread throught the multiverse, have to be perverted or insanely strong... Or both?! They simply hack so much.' I lamented again. Maybe I am getting old?

Then Wonderweiss vanished and appeared at Yamamoto's side, and punched him with his long white arms. Yamamoto simply jumped.

"No preliminary action for your attack, eh? You are really a modified improvement!" The Old Man said.

"Brace yourselves again. The place is about to get shakey." I said while firming my feet on the ground.

"Hu-. Uahhhhh!" Cirucci was going to say something but was interrupted by the ground shaking.


Yamamoto, who was on the air, descended while punching, when he hit the ground, there was a explosion while Wonderweiss jumped. Then Yamamoto began to appear near Wonderweiss, tricking him into hitting the air, because when Wonderweiss was going to hit him, he always disappeared.

"You are fast, but... You're still a boy!" He punched Wonderweiss.


Wonderweiss hit the ground, making it shake again.

'Huff. I'm glad I was not retarded enough to seal this Old Man's Zanpakutou and that Aizen was still a threat. I would have died back there.' I thought while cold sweating a little.

Then Wonderweiss came back and began to send many and many punches at Yamamoto.

"You really are tough. And your attacks are strong. But you're too young. Your attacks are too straightforward." Yamamoto said while blocking his attacks.

Then Yamamoto appeared behind Wonderweiss but before he could attack, from Wonderweiss's long shoulders, an arm appeared and went to attack Yamamoto. But Yamamoto grabbed the arm and ripped it off. And like a Hydra, many more appeared on Wonderweiss's shoulders and began to punch Yamamoto but he was defending it.

After punching for many times, two arms grabbed Yamamoto's and opened his guard. Then Wonderweiss's shoulder exploded and an uncountable amount of arms came out.

Yamamoto had a surprised face before Wonderweiss sent the most brutal wave of punches, the punches were so much that the air itself began to dislocate. Then Wonderweiss sent one last heavy punch at Yamamoto. When all cleared.

"What? Is that all?... I'm glad you aren't in your child form. That way I can kill you without remorse." When Yamamoto said this, after ripping off both arms that were holding his, he stepped on the air. This made Wonderweiss have fear.

From below the Old Man's feet, air began to dislocate before it spread to all around him, before he disappeared and appeared right in front of Wonderweiss.

"{Soukotsu}." He said before hitting Wonderweiss with both his arms.

Wonderweiss simply... Cracked and broke. all of his parts fell on the ground.

"How pitiful, he didn't take away your feelings, did he? How cruel!" He said to Aizen.

"Cruel? Souls who have become Hollows have no purpose. They just devour souls for fun of it. How is it cruel then, to give them a purpose? You crushed his soul into pieces. You're the cruel one." Aizen said.

"I can agree with that. I mean Hollows are born to eat other Hollows and it is fun as hell, isn't it, Master?!" Cirucci asked.

"Well... We are just... Problematic ones. But I agree too. Hollows are born to kill other, huh?" I asked myself.

"I'm not going to get into a foolish argument with you about that." Yamamoto said before jumping to the ground. "Say whatever like whilr you can. It'll all end soon." He said while entering a battle stance.

"Foolish Old Man." I said while shaking my head.

"Why is he foolish?" Nelliel asked.

"You'll see why." I said.

"A foolish argument, huh? You disregard my words. That's why you miss what I say." Aizen mysteriously said.

"What do you mean?" Yamamoto asked.

"Remember what I said. I said that |Extinguir| was created for the sole purpose of sealing away Ryuujin Jakka's flames. That means he prevented you from creating any new flames, by sealing it within his sword. But were those the flames you created? Wasn't there more? Flames, which you had already released. Now, where do you suppose, those flames were sealed into?... You have sharp mind, Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. You're well aware of what would happen, if all of the power you produced were discharged at once." Aizen said while Yamamoto attempted to stop it from blowing up.

"That looks kinda bad for us... Shouldn't we run, Honey?" Kūkaku asked.

Yoruichi was the only one calm.

"Fret not. Look at Aizen, he is completely calm. Besides there are still many Captains on the ground defeated or unconscious, there is no way in hell that Yamamoto will let them die like this, even if he and all of them were ready to die." I told them while spreading my Reaitsu and making a shield in front of us.


The biggest explosion that I ever saw came from Wonderweiss's destroyed head, it was like the sun itself came down here. when it died down, we could see that Yamamoto used his own body to stop the explosion from going further. What an irony, his own flames almost destroyed anything, including him.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Aizen began to clap to Yamamoto. "Containing such an explosion is an impressive feat, Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. If you didn't use your body to contain it, your flames would have blown away your barrier and this small town and everything around it would have been turned to dust. I thank you, Genryusai Yamamoto. You have protected my world." Aizen said after he stopped clapping.

'Damn. Aizen sure knows how to add salt to a open wound.' I thought.

"Damn... You..." Yamamoto fell on on the ground.

Then Aizen began to go near Yamamoto while unsheating his sword.

"Fool." I said.

"Why?" This time, Rukia asked.

"As Yamamoto himself said. In all of the existence of the Gotei 13, there never was no one that could replace him. There wasn't any lack of people trying, but no one ever came close to the power that Yamamoto possessed." I answered her.

"He's right. Yamamoto is a monster. One of the strongest." Yoruichi agreed.

"Genryusai Yamamoto, I will not spare your life. You are Soul Society's history itself. I will finish you off with my sword." Aizen said while admiring his sword.

Suddenly, Yamamoto grabbed Aizen's right foot.

"Don't make me repeat myself, boy. You're foolish!" Then from Yamamoto's hand red veins began to appear. "{Hadou #96: Ittoukaso}." The Old Man said, sacrificing his own arm to activate the Hadou.

"Brace yourselves!" I said.

"How many times you are going to say that?!" Kūkaku loudly said.

"I don't know! This Old Man is simply Immortal!" I said.


From the ground, something similar to the tip of a katana came. It was red and had an incredible power. Making everything tremble, inside of the red energy, everything became dust.

While from it, Aizen came. He had only a few burned marks, nothing major. While from above him, Ichigo came, he was wearing his mask and he used his {Getsuga Tenshou}.

Aizen took the full blow on his shoulder. Ichigo then tried to hit him two more times but Aizen dodged the first and blocked the second.

"You failed to kill me, Ichigo." Aizen said.

"What?" Ichigo asked.

"That was my last opening." Aizen answered.

"It was good enough to injure you." Ichigo said.

"Injured? You call this injury?" Then blue veins appeared and covered the gash on his shoulder.

"Instant Regeneration?!" Ichigo was suprised.

"This isn't Instant Regeneration... Do you think that I would undergo a Hollowfication? This is just its compulsion to protect its Master." Aizen said.

"What do you mean?" Ichigo, how can you be so dumb.

Then Aizen opened his coat and showed that above his stomach, there was a little blue ball and it made a plus sign.

"That's!" Ichigo tried to say.

"It' the Hougyoku... So, this is your Reaitsu? How wonderful." Aizen said after he placed his right hand on the injury on his left shoulder, taking Ichigo's Reiatsu from it. "You've matured splentily. Just the way I wanted you to." Aizen said.

'This is creepy.' I thought.

"What?!" It seems that Ichigo thought the same.

"You met Kuchiki Rukia and following your battle with Uryuu Ishida, you awakened your own Shinigamu powers. During the battle with Renji abarai, you learned about the power of your Zanpakutou. During your battle with Zaraki Kenpachi, you got a clue about your Bankai. During the battle with Kuchiki Byakuya, you began your Hollowfication. During the battle with Grimmjow, you mastered your Hollowfication. And during Ulquiorra's battle, it seems you've gained an even greater power. Ichigo Kurosaki. All lf the battle you've fought were part of my plan." Aizen said.

"What... What do you mean by that? I'm asking you what do you mean by that!" Ichigo screamed.

"Your voice... Don't raise your voice, Ichigo Kurosaki. There is nothing to be surprised about it. I simply... Believed that you would be a great research subject, so I assisted your development. That's all I'm saying. You've never thought that it was strange? You have never seen a Hollow in your entire life before you met Kuchiki Rukia, but shortly after doing so, you were attacked by one. How a Menos Grande was drawn to bait that Quincies use to attract and exterminate minor Hollows? When you. When you began to get used to fighting as a Shinigami, Kuchiki Rukia's previously undetected Reiatsu was suddenly detected and reported by Soul Society. You fought Renji Abarai, Zaraki Kenpachi, Byakuya Kuchiki whe your power was comparable to theirs. You never once thought it was strange? Did you think that you met by fate? Did you think that attack happened by chance? Wait... Did you think your victories were the result of your hard work?" Aizen mocked Ichigo.

Then Ichigo began to attack Aizen madly. Before Aizen grabbed Ichigo's sword.

"Don't disappoint me. Your power should be much greater than this. Don't believe what I said?" Aizen asked.

"Of course not!" Ichigo rejected.

"But it's the truth." Aizen said.

"You're lying! All my battles were your doing?! You planned all of it?! Who'd believe that?! You said before that you discovered Rukia after she had gone missing in the World of the Living! And yet you say that you knew about me since the time I met her?! That doesn't makes sense!" Ichigo contested.

"What an intereting thing to say. You just called me a liar and said that you would never believe me. You claim that I'm lying right now... So why do you think I was telling the truth back then?" Aizen asked. Ichigo became perplexed. "I suppose it can't be helped. I sympatize with you. This world was never about truth or lies. There are only the hard facts. Despite that, everyone who exists in this world mistakenly believes that only facts that are favorable to them are truths.

They know no other way to live... But for the powerless who make up most of the world, facts that act against them are the only truths. Do you know all of the facts? Who stationaded Kuchiki Rukia on the World of the Living? Who gave Renji Abarai's equipment the ability to detect Reiatsu? Who added informationon your whereabouts jn the report sent to the Lieutenants? Was I really unable to figure out where the Hougyoku was for a hundred years?" Aizen simply mind-raped Ichigo at this point.

"There's one thing I want to ask you. You said that you believed that I would be a great research subject. Why? What did you base that belief on? If you saw me when I met Rukia... Tell me. When did you believe that?" Ichigo asked.

"Since the beginning." Aizen turned around.

"Quit talking nonsense." Ichigo said.

"Don't you understand? I'm telling you it was from the beginning. I knew about you since you were born." Aizen said. This made Ichigo even more surprised. "You were special from the moment you were born. That's because you are human and..." Before he could say, a sword came at him, to which he only dodged.

"You talk too much... Aizen." Isshin said after he made a jumping attack.

"Awwwww. I was enjoying the show, right as it was hitting its climax. Why stop? The only thing it missed was a popcorn." I said as I appeared all of a sudden on top of the building.

With me, there was Rukia, Yoruichi, Cirucci and Kūkaku.

"Īsan. You are really a wild card. Why don't you join me? Together we-." I interrupted him.

"How about no? It seems more interesting to fight you all." I said while resting my arm on top of the hilt of my sword that was sticking on the ground.

"Annnd? Are we just going to stand here looking at each other or are we going to fight?" I asked.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C81
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


