71.87% Sacred Gear Creator (English) / Chapter 23: Rescue and end of the war

章 23: Rescue and end of the war

Seeing the youkai gathered in the temple where the Amonojaku was probably sealed, Yan conjured up his U.G.W and mixed it with the environment without being noticed by anyone, as only a few moments later Yasaka snapped her fingers. While the boy watched the battlefield to avoid the worst possible scenario, the defeat of the leaders of the Kyoto Faction, the girls, Chloe and Koneko, ran in search of Kunou using the same sword made five months ago that he can track.

Just before the battle started at the temple, the sword stopped moving in the air, "A barrier", Koneko murmured to Chloe who reached out to touch the invisible barrier and muttered, "Trance-on!", bright blue stripes that expanded to the barrier, all the information was transmitted to her mind and at the same time she said, "quae nobis sunt ones qui vinces", causing the barrier to distort revealing its interior.

When they entered the barrier, the sight of a giant camp with several tents visible filled their view, but there were few fires burning and even fewer watchmen were on the scene. Chloe and Koneko flew over the camp while the kitten used her Senjutsu to blend in with the environment, one of the little tricks Koneko developed to survive the most extreme places where she was played day after day.

"I'm going to start, you already know what to do," said Chloe and projected a black bow without strings in her left hand and in her right a sword with a spiral blade ready to shoot. Koneko stood in a four-legged position when her gothic lolita outfit disappeared and gave way to a tight black t-shirt, short brown shorts and went barefoot, one of the functions that Chloe added to the outfit was switching between two looks, claws grew as well as the hairs on her arms and legs, the golden iris became like that of a cat, "Nhyaaa!", she meowed as the double tails trembled, all her senses were amplified, vision, despite being nocturnal she saw it as if it were day and still managed to identify the auras of those present, hearing, she could hear the conversations from dozens of meters away as if she were being said at her side, the sound of her own heart would bother her if she was not very excited about the battle that was in turn, the touch, each muscle was under great stress due to the amplification of its capabilities.

"Now," at Chloe's signal, the kitten dropped to the ground warning the entire camp with the landing on an unluckily lost devil, "Intruders!", alerted one of the watchmen before his head and another devil was beheaded by a white figure. Koneko was creating a distraction for Chloe to be able to act, and it was extremely effective, about thirty devils were surrounding the little one and Chloe couldn't be happier when she shot the arrow towards the small detachment that was already dead, they just didn't know it yet.

The arrow shot towards the devils shone brightly when it shattered in a huge cloud of metallic dust that entered the respiratory system of most of those present, unfortunately for them, when they realized the figure that caused this cloud it was too late, "It seems like they are nervous, at times like this acupuncture can help you know, "she said, stretching her arms out before pointing the indicated finger imitating a gun towards the group and exclaiming, "Pei!".

Some devils laughed while others accumulated devil power to attack the girl, when cries of pain echoed from their companions who were suffering from pain in the fetal position, pulling their hair and on their knees or standing with their hands on their chest, terrorizing the few unaffected through the cloud until blades grew from inside their bodies, of the most varied sizes and shapes, the corpses looked like hedgehogs of so many swords that emerged from their bodies.

The devils ran away from two little girls, there was no point in staying and dying for nothing, their superiors ordered them to stand by and repair a kitsune youkai daughter of the leaders of the Kyoto Youkai Faction, it was supposed to be a simple mission, to wait and leave no one touching the child to be used as a bargaining chip as a last resort if the invasion fails, but the detachment that was on standby was not very qualified with just a few lost devils being manipulated and a few young purebred devils who had no a lot of combat experience.

And that happened, in less than a second, several were killed by a white beast, a Nekomata, who crushed him and then started her massacre without giving the devils time or conditions to concentrate devil power and cast their spells, but managed to regroup and against -attacking just to fall into a trap, a project flew towards us and with no chance of reacting we were surrounded by a silver mist and another massacre happened, dozens of swords emerged from the devils and the few who will escape were impaled by arrows on their backs or their heads were ripped off by the Nekomata, abruptly changing the screams of pain to a morbid silence.

The hair on Koneko's legs and arms were red because of so many beings she killed, normally a child should have a huge aversion to killing someone, but since she was a child she was mistreated by her 'benefactor' and servants, so she saw a massacre starring her sister who abandoned her until she finally got used to the pain of losing everything and everyone, but one day she met him, someone, who at first did not interest her, but after seeing him beat an entire group alone, she started to respect him a little and as time passed by her side she discovered another side of the pain, which makes her stronger so that she can defend herself and at the end of each day she wants to feel more of that pain.

Although he is a little perverted and probably wants to lock her up in a basement, he cares about who is under her tutelage, encouraging and aiding in her growth, it probably wouldn't be bad to stay in a basement, I still remember the day we went to rescue Kunou the first Once, and I was seriously injured, it made my heart flutter, I would die in a short time, but he came and made me feel alive, overcoming the pain of death, at that moment I didn't think about anything else but Yan.

While Koneko was having her internal monologue, looking at the bloody scene in which she found herself and killing the survivors in cold blood, Chloe went after Kunou following the floating sword that took her to the largest tent in the camp, where she felt two sources of life inside, "Come in," said a male voice from inside the tent.

Before entering the girl projected Kanshou and Bakuya, strengthened her body with magic, prepared to launch Rhos Aias at any moment, and entered. The inside of the tent was very well decorated, in the center there was a miniature of the city of Kyoto with an emphasis on the Amonojaku temple, on the right side there was a cage where Kunou was chained with chains on her arms and legs, with a collar around her neck, in spite of this, there was no sign of dehydration or hunger, just slept soundly.

As if guessing Chloe's concerns, the devil said, "Don't worry, nothing happened to the girl", the devil had a red turban on his head and was wearing a brown thobe jubba, a male Arab dress, with fair skin and red eyes.

"So can I take her or will you resist?", Chloe asked as she entered the combat position and small blue rays sparkled over her body, "I wish I did, but orders are orders and I really liked her and I intend to add in my collection ", the man started to get a gray tint on his skin when a wave of devil power sent the girl flying out of the tent.

"Koneko, we have a latecomer!", Chloe didn't have time to say anything more when the devil flew showing two pairs of bat wings on its back and launched flames in its direction that consumed everything in its path.

"Would you and your friend like to enter my collection?", The devil asked calmly with greed in his eyes, before complementing, "You don't know how difficult it is to find a Nekushou Loli today!", His interest was in Koneko, since the Nekoshou are a very rare breed of Nekomatas, and for him, Chloe is just a toast that came in a two by one package.

Chloe's magical power exploded when Rhos Aias grew up in the flames, "You are disgusting, so far so good", Chloe's voice grew higher and higher as the words came out of her mouth and her shield subdued the flames, "You can lust any person! ", the figure of Chloe disappeared from the flames," But never despise me! ", The devil was startled to hear her voice coming from his back.

The shield's petals will involve the devil who was unable to gather his devil power and counterattack and tried to use brute force to escape, but he didn't even scratch Rhos Aias. Deep down in her heart, Chloe still felt scorned by her family when she was sealed, and seeing the devil not even looking at her as an enemy, being just a toast, made her lose control and channel her absorptive power through the shield completely drying the Devil.

A few minutes later the devil had passed out inside the petals and Koneko finished him after he was released. Upon arriving at the tent Chloe quickly broke all the enchantments present in the cage and chains before Kunou awakens, "No! I don't want to wear maid clothes!", were her first words when she woke up.

"Who are you?" Asked the little fox when he saw the unknown girls, she had never seen them because she was in isolation and was replaced by a shikigami, "I am Chloe and the girl almost passed out is Koneko, we came on behalf of my master and at the request of your mother to rescue her! ", hearing these words, Kunou was unable to hold back the tears, finally, she would be safe from that pervert who wanted her in his collection.

Quickly Chloe sent Koneko to Avalon to rest, the neko mode is extremely exhausting, and she can't keep more than five minutes before needing to rest and during the fight, she passed her time limit leaving her physically unfit to continue while taking Kunou to her mother, since the temple was mixed with Avalon before the barrier was made, Chloe was able to teleport without being hindered, thanks to her authority over the terrain.

The reunion between them was exciting because they thought they would never be able to see each other again, and it was tragic at the same time because the barrier was broken and the leader, Kunou's father surrendered, however, when Yan completely materialized his UGW and killed all invaders of the party atmosphere reached everyone.

"Oni-chan is amazing!", Said Chloe and Kunou at the same time, the first with puffing up her nonexistent chest of pride and the last incredulous at how someone apparently a little older managed to win a war, practically alone.

From a place further away from Kyoto, a man wearing an elegant black overcoat with gray skin and large pointed ears was watching the war that was going on, "Very good, insignificant worms die, this is just the prelude to what is to come!", He said, revealing five pairs of black wings and flew somewhere away from the city.

The persecution of traitors and lost devils was started, youkai who surrendered were duly tried and punished, the Ookami Clan had a great loss, since most of its soldiers died alongside their leader, requiring the appointment of a new one. The representative who was occupied by Nobuna's secretary, swearing allegiance to Kyoto's leaders.

The lost devils were easily found, everyone had explosive spells implanted in their heads, multiple bodies were found across the mountain, probably not to leak information or betray their employers.

A week spent with Yan and the girls walking around Kyoto with Kunou as a guide through the temples and shops, to buy gifts for Sona and Ravel, a set of Shogi from Kyoto, which is played just like its traditional version, but has fewer pieces and a 5x5 board, along with a traditional Shogi board for Sona, for Ravel was bought 'The art of war' in two versions the original and one with more modern writing, in addition to buying yukatas for both, a blue with purple details for Sona and another red with golden birds for Ravel.

Since the day of the war Serafall spent as much time with Yan as possible, especially after learning that the peace treaty was signed. The rewards for the achievements on the battlefield would be delivered after the victory festival that would take place in Urakyoto, the exploits of Yan and the girls reached the public and became one of the main news of the supernatural world, with him earning the nickname Lord of the Swords.

At night in Urakyoto the festival of victory was being held, the streets crowded with youkai of the most different races. In this event, the rewards for helping to defend Kyoto would be distributed, based on their merits that would happen in front of the mansion of the leaders of the youkai faction.

"Kyaa! They are so cute, too bad they can't wear mahou shoujo clothes ", Serafall commented when he saw the girls enter the living room, wearing their yukatas, Kunou with a characteristic costume of a priestess and yan following after them. Serafall took advantage of the moment and started taking pictures of everyone.

"Kunou-chan are you not going to tell us what our reward is?", Chloe asked, she was very curious about her share awards, which had not yet been released to anyone, and Kunou was forbidden to tell.

"No, Oka-chan forbade me to say it, so you'll have to wait until the time of the ceremony," she said smiling, much to Chloe's dismay and the others' indifference.

"So can we go?", Yan extended his left arm to Chloe who grabbed him before showing his tongue to the little fox who just laughed in disgust, Koneko took the chance and held his right hand, the five went towards the armed stage to reward them.

Around the stage the crowd waited for their heroes, everyone knew that if it weren't for the interference of three Kyoto children, it could be on fire and a new war started, reports of the bravery and cleverness of the children were told by word of mouth with great distortions in the story, like, for example, Yan created a gigantic sword that broke Nobuna in half and then Kanon seriously injured sparked his flames and burned the wolf's corpse, as two little girls faced hundreds of devils on a suicide mission to rescue Kunou, and rumors they became increasingly absurd to the point of considering a romance between a Maou Serafall and a child.

At the top of the stage appeared Yasaka and Kanon wearing golden yukatas and full of jewels and among them Kunou, the audience fell silent when Yasaka started his speech, "We are all here today celebrating our victory over the traitors!", The crowd roared celebrating, "We managed to cross this obstacle more, and we are stronger than ever!", At the end of Yasaka's words blue flames surrounded Kanon who demonstrated his power, driving the crowd crazy, if your leader was strong without Senjutsu, imagine now after that he acquired it.

"But we must not be blinded by power, we lost many fathers, mothers, and children in this meaningless struggle", Kanon's words made the crowd remain silent for more than a minute in respect for the deceased, "So we have to reward those who made the casualties on our side as little as possible, in addition to guaranteeing victory! ", everyone clapped when Yan with a flower in each arm went up to the stage being followed by Serafall in his flowered purple Yukata with her hair tied in a side bun.

"These young people, together with Maou Leviathan, were responsible for saving my life and my daughter, as well as countless youkai", the crowd knew the stories, but it was the first time for many seeing them up close, some did not even know they were children responsible for such deeds, "Yan Zollen, Chloe Zollen, and Koneko Toujou please take a step forward", following Kanon's words everyone took a step forward, Yan was calm, compared to fighting Rise and his peerage a simple ceremony it was even relaxing, Chloe was very excited, she could finally find out what her reward would be and Koneko never took her eyes off a stall in the distance selling Takoyaki, a kind of cupcake.

"For their merits for peace between devils and youkai, we give each of you a sacred peach!", One of the best rewards that Kanon could offer to his benefactors, the sacred peach has the incredible ability to expel impurities and restore energy vital lost, but only affects youkai, also the reincarnated ones and does not have many uses for devils besides their consumption to strengthen the body and devil power. Once every 50 years, it is possible to harvest a single fruit that never spoils, getting rid of three is the same as losing one hundred and fifty years of cultivation, but thanks to these children it was possible to preserve the peace that took hundreds of years to be created.

They were delighted to receive the peaches, of course, they were allowed to visit the peach tree that is in a pocket-size in the mansion to visit, and what they saw was a huge tree bigger than an imposing building and Kunou explained everything about it.

Yan and the girls were about to thank when Yasaka's voice stopped them, "But not only that, as payment for rescuing our daughter, we will build a hotel in Kyoto in honor of you and the property will be yours", they would never expect to win one property that will be an excellent source of profit, "In addition, we will send a Youkai with Koneko to the underworld to train her for a year in Senjutsu, Chloe will gain a branch of the sacred peach tree", youkai live in relative harmony with the environment, so to get a branch of the peach tree you should wait until it releases naturally, varying from tens to hundreds of years, many youkai have never seen a branch of it, however, they do not use it to create weapons or the like, being practically useless and only used as a trophy.

"Yan, all of this happened thanks to you, in case Serafall-sama didn't have the drink, I can't even imagine what kind of future we would look forward to", Yasaka bowed towards the boy and all the youkai, except Koneko, repeated the act, "In my gratitude, from my people and my daughter, I offer Kunou's hand in engagement, she agrees with this and in joining his peerage".

In the center of Kyoto at the same time, an angel has just arrived in Kyoto together with a woman, "Griselda-san you said you know how to get to Kyoto, but your sense of direction is horrible!", Serafina finally arrived in Kyoto five days late, in her schedule, "Serafina-sama, I apologize, I didn't think everything would be written in Japanese," said the nun with golden hair and blue eyes. "How can anyone not think about something like this?", Serafina thought before remembering cases where people go to other countries without even speaking the local language and gave a slight sigh in defeat.


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I am back!

Sorry for the delay, but I came back, and I intend to translate my fanfic again, I hope you like it.

I was asking for your opinion as to which Yan Familiar should be? a monster or a girl, for example Nero, Black Glover, she will not be chosen, but you can give suggestions.

For those who read thanks, tomorrow I will translate another chapter.

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  • 世界の背景

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