90.69% Hollywood RE:CODED / Chapter 115: Chp 107 : Tears From Eve

章 115: Chp 107 : Tears From Eve

Timeline: Mid-December

I'm having a witer block, wish me luck to be able to overcome it. Enjoy.


The bad news was not bad as it seemed, only surprising for him. He did intend to tell the world he was the writer of <Jurassic Park> the 5 years best-selling sci-fi book.

What made him had a distaste feeling was how the headline news showed to the public. It made him looked like a bad guy like they were mocking his book because it was written by him when he was 11 years old.

Fortunately, the news did not make the sales of his book going down, it was the opposite. The sales of his book going through the roof.

There was also a lot of controversy regarding this book. The genealogists were used to recommend this book as a must-read sci-fi book because of the most accurate representation of cloning and the DNA theory about the ressurection of dinosaurs.

But now because they realized it was written by an 11-year-old boy, he didn't know how they would react to it. He imagined their world must be crumbled like flat eartheners who realized the earth is truly round.

The article also told him that one scientist named Stephen Gould was upset with him because he didn't divulge his identity sooner or else his fellow scientist wouldn't bother using his 'children fantasy book' as a bible.

He just laughed at this guy's statement, as for the other people besides scientists, they were just amazed at his creativity, imagination, and intelligence for writing this book.

As soon as they saw his other book also use the same sci-fi theme, his sales of the other book increase. Many scholars of English literature commented that his book was ahead of its time and many computers scientist were liking his book because his idea about the future such as Artificial Intelligence, Cyberpunk Android, and dream machine was amazing.

After reading some of the articles in the newspaper about him, he felt his eye was twitching. There were a lot of people who badmouth him, especially the Hollywood Reporters article who accused him conned the Science community in the USA. As if they knew that science communities were offended or not.

The most confusing thing was how did they know it was him, well he was not trying to guard it like a national secret but the timing was close when he decided to publish his collection of short stories.

"Are you upset about the article?" Ione asked beside him.

"A bit, they painted me like a villain for misleading the old guys of the science communities." He replied.

Both of them were sitting in the economic class so the other crews feel their genuineness. He was sandwiched by Vivian who was sleeping on his right and Ione on his left.

"Weird, I didn't understand about the gen and DNA things but I really like the story, it was heartwarming yet thrilling. But I admit, it was certainly a children's book. I love how protective Tim with Lex, is Tim is your projection of yourself into the book?"

Well, he did change a few bit of details of that book so it was more friendly to children readers, it was heavily told about Hammond's grandchildren, a big brother who would do anything to protect his little sister when they were trapped in Jurassic Park. Yep, he swapped the age of these two siblings.

(If you watched the film or read the book, Tim is the little brother while Alexis is the big sister.)


"I knew it! You are so protective of your little siblings, I can see a lot of you in Tim's character. I never talked this to you, but your other book keeps getting darker. Especially that ASOIAF, you killed my favorite character in the first book! And incest! Oh god, if you did not tell me, I won't be sure if it was your book." Vi suddenly joined the conversation.

"Oh, you are awake Vi." He raised one of his eyebrows, "Then should I write a light romance novel next?"

"Oh, I'm not sure it will be a good book. I wonder how you are thinking about love when you did not contact Gwen for a whole month." Ione snickered.

Al suddenly felt embarrassed and his face became ugly, "I was afraid, okay. I don't know what I would say to her on the phone, 'hey Gwen, sorry I fell in love with Ione' It seems so wrong. I better tell her face to face than call her."

"Okay, I believe you, but I've warned you before, don't blame me if something happens," Ione smirked.

He was looking at her face who gave a subtle hint to him. He didn't know how but he can feel that something would happen when he arrived in LA.

They took an evening flight to LA but the shooting was only an inch from being finished.

Some scenes must be reshot in the studio and the lake scene would be done in one of California's Lake where the climate was warmer than in North Carolina.

Because it was almost Christmas, the shooting will be continued after New Year's Holiday. It won't take a long time, only a week of shooting and then the shooting will be done.

They also begin the post-production as soon as possible because they would be joined the Cannes Film Festival next year.

When he was arrived at LA International Airport, at the arrival gate, he was ambushed by dozens of reporters who wanted his clarification about his pen name.

Flashlight after flashlight was flooded the place after he passed. He was guided by aviation security to his car.

Others suddenly became a side character in a certain book. But they were glad, they saw how uncomfortable Al was behind those media spotlight.

The reporters were frustrated, from every Hollywood Celebrities, the hardest was him. He got a big name to ignore them for the past 5 years.

But when he was going to hop to his car, he stopped, and said, "Okay, I can give you all time for 10 minutes to ask me any questions."

Their eyes were like a deer in headlights. This was unusual. Usually, he just shrugged them off.

Without wasting their time, they were all asking him all of the questions simultaneously.

"Guys, guys!! One by one please or no interview!" He warned them.

They were all silent in a second. Then a blonde bombshell reporter brace herself, "What're your comments about the accusation on most of the headlines?

"What? It's just a Sci-fi book I wrote when I was 11."

"But the scientist said that that book had become a reference in most of their breakthroughs in genetics." She added.

"Really? Wow, I was overwhelmed... well, I wrote that book with some reference in biology book I borrowed from the library and a little bit of imagination. Tell me, do you like that book?"

"Yes of course. Although I didn't understand the science side at all, I love the characters of Tim very much, it was heartwarming."

"Well, now you get it. I'm sorry for all the scientist who was offended because they realized I was written that book when I was 11, it's not my intention to scam all of you. And thank you to all my loyal fans for reading my book."

Another man asked after he finished his statements, "Your book has dark tendencies such as Ghost In The Shell and Matrix, and last is A Song Of Ice and Fire, are you in a need of help from a child psychologist to manage your mental health, Mr. Brandt? Knowing that a child actor like you is always having a mental problem?"

"Seriously? That's your question?" He shot back and sighed, "Okay, I'm fine. I grew up in a nice environment and had my childhood rainbows and butterflies, and I had no problem with my mental health whatsoever. The book is just fiction."

"Alphonse Brandt, we've heard your flight from Virginia, and is this related to the next film you are starting in?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes, this is the project my film company has. I can't tell you the title yet but this film will compete in Cannes next year."

"I've heard you have some dispute with River Phoenix, are you jealous of his sudden rise?"

"No, he's like my brother and I'm pissed he's dating my little sister."

"Sister?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Next question." He hurriedly changed the topic.

The blonde bombshell who asked the first question stood in again, "Alphonse, as you know since you present in the Oprah Winfrey Show in September had pushed that show to be the most popular talk show in the United States with at least 9 million viewers each day and still, the most popular episode was the first episodes where the viewer demanded that they should be re-broadcast that episode once every month.

Also, do you realize there's a statistic of increase in couples in a few States for the past months because they watched the first episodes of Oprah Winfrey Shows and followed your dating suggestion?"

He was surprised his advice worked and said, "I never knew that but I was grateful to them all. Oprah is a talented host and I'm so comfortable in her shows. I'm glad for her shows are succeeding."

"And people have been asking for the songs you sing on the talk show, that's one of the reasons they wanted that episode to keep broadcasting. It's a beautiful song, Alphonse." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to record and release the song or maybe make an album." He said.

After answering a few weird questions and offending attacks from anonymous reporters, he retreated to his car and left them with curiosity in their faces, who felt that 10 minutes were not enough.

John Mick ensured no one trailed behind their car by driving to the northern part of Hollywood and took longer road before they went back to the orphanage.

Al was sometimes afraid that paparazzi smelled his whereabouts and tell the media where he lived. So he paid numerous some to security company and donations to local police to ensure no paparazzi were present in the orphanage's neighborhood.

But he also not that naive, with his fame kept growing, someday someone would definitely leak his whereabouts and forced him to move out from the orphanage, his home for more than 10 years.

He always felt dread for the day when he leaves this place. He preferred to live here than live somewhere else and visit this orphanage every day.

Once he reached the front door, he was greeted by the rest of his siblings. He greeted Mrs. K and the rest of the tenant, soon a cough was heard from the entrance to the dining hall, a fear crawling from his toes to the end of his hair.

There he saw his friend, Anthony, Max, River, and Ione. As for the one who was coughing, his girlfriend Gwen Stefani, with her bright platinum blonde dyed hair, a skimpy Metallica teeshirt that showed her navel, and ripped jeans that hugged her sexy legs.

"G-Gwen! Hi, long time no see?" He stuttered.

If she was mad at him, she did not show it to him at all. The only slight frown that changed into a pretty smile, running in his direction and locked his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.

The underage kids who were cheering on them soon were forced to close their eyes by the adults as they groaned at these two love birds.

"Get a room you two... Wait! Don't get a room here, find somewhere else besides this place!" Toby immediately screamed at the two.

He remembered how noisy both of them the last time Gwen was staying the night.

What they did not expect was after the passionate kiss, Gwen was tearing up and sobbing on his shirt.

"Al, I'm sorry if I did something wrong... I was so worried... you did not call me back or contact me..." She said between the sobs.

Feeling the anger, disappointment, and scorn from everyone else in the room, Al smiled apologetically to everyone and guide Gwen into his room.

Al then sat on his bed where Gwen was suddenly crawling to his body and sat on his lap.


"You shut me down for more than a month, I was afraid if I did was wrong and I've been worried so much." She shrieked.

"No Gwen, it's not your fault. It's mine. I, I was afraid to speak to you."

"Why are you afraid?" She asked in curiosity.

"Did Ione told you?"

"Ione only told me that you have been down lately and told me to call you every day but, I've been busy with everything and when I call you, they told me you were doing some scenes. I was so afraid you were going to dump me! Ione said that there's no way that you were dumping me but, but, I can't help to worry." She whispered on her last words, then realized something, "You even stop calling me Gwendolyn! Did I do something to upset you?"

"No, Gwen, Gwendolyn, it's all me. I'll tell you but you need to calm down okay? Take a deep breath, you might hate me after I tell you this, so be ready."

Almost an hour has passed, Al was telling Gwen how he had been depressed lately because somehow in the set, he had fallen for Ione and has been haunted by guilt.

Ione has assured that they might befall for each other because the shooting environment was so full of love aura and they can't help but felt an attraction, more attraction at each other.

After being cleared out that they might fall too deep in their roles, he was afraid that another month of shooting might interfere with his sense again, which was right but he was able to endure it.

The reason he didn't contact her as he was so guilty and felt wrong to tell this from the line so he was waiting to talk face to face with her and now he regretted it. He saw it made Gwen worried sick for more than two months.

While he was telling this, she did not utter any words and let the tears fell from her eyes to her chin. Al could see how hurt she was.

He looked down and said, "I'm sorry Gwendolyn..."

He still did not hear any words from her, only snots from her cries. He raised his head and saw a hand was coming in his direction.

Heat and pain suddenly felt on his left cheek. He saw Gwen in her furious state was looking at him with anger, pain, and disappointment in her eyes.

This was something he did not expect. She slapped him and it hurts, not only physically but also emotionally.

"You, you are asshole, jerk, stupid, narcissistic man!"


"Don't Gwendolyn me you asshole!" She immediately shut him up.

Al was seeing Gwen like she has grown two heads. 'She screamed at him? Did, did she has a switch flipped on?' He felt dreaded.

"You fucking liar! You shut me down for more than a month because you like Ione!? Bullshit! You men are the same, you love someone else and you will dump the one who loves you? What are you, Hugh Hefner? Who can pay any of whores and fuck anyone you like? Huh?" Then she gave some light punches to his chest while sobbing on his shoulder.

"Gwendolyn, calm down!" He raised his voice and startled her, then she realized everything she had said to him.

Did she just scream and hit him? What the hell happened to her?

"Al, Al, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Oh my god, what did I do? I slapped you!? Did it hurt?"

"It's okay Gwendolyn, it's okay. But what the hell is that?"

The last time he saw her like this was when their first date on the roller rink when she was so upset because she felt she has been used by him.

"I don't know Al, I was so upset because you said you fell in love with Ione and I was so afraid that you might dump me and I lose myself there. God, am I a bipolar?"

"I don't know, but I think any girl was going to be like that when their boys were cheating on them."

"No, Al, you are not cheating on me. You just said that you both fell too deep in your roles right? Gosh, I heard you said that but, I felt I lost it."

She was crying on his chest again. Al sighed and felt that teenage drama was not his forte. But he loves Gwen very much and wished that this relationship could last.

"Al, I'm sorry. I told you before it's okay for you to find someone else but, but I can't do it. It's so hurtful to be seeing you with someone else even if it's my best friend."

"It's okay Gwendolyn, it's all my fault. If only I could hold myself back before and keep in contact with you every day. I was a coward, I felt guilty and unable to face you or call you. I'm sorry."

"Me too, and sorry for acting up like a bitch."

Gwen was sitting on his lap, moved up, and kissed him. Soon they both began to heat and their hands were traveling to each other bodies, trying to stimulate and make their partner aroused.

His eyes suddenly widened and back away from touching her, "Shit, sorry Gwen, could we hold back this thing?"

"You don't like it?"

"No, someone had said that our relationship was too much physical. We are not connected emotionally yet, I knew everything about your body and yours to mine, but I never know how insensitive I am to you, I didn't realize that you were so worried about me." And he was an empath as Robin had said to him.

He just realized that when he was attracted to her physically, he seemed unable to understand her feelings like the first time he met her, a mystery yet to be solved.

Gwen pecked him and said, "Yeah, let's do that. Besides, remember the last time we do it, Mary was so mad at us." Both of them laughed and talked, trying to get to know each other better.

As they were getting out of his room and tried to meet everyone downstairs, the kids were cheering at each other and attacked Al, forcing him to play with them.

Gwen saw him carrying Alice on his back while being attacked by Annie, Ned, Ted, and Janice.

"He will be a great father." Mrs. K's voice came from her left.

"Yes, I feel that I want him to become the father of my baby..." She said with a longing voice and surprised to find herself saying that thing.

She jerked her head to find Mrs. K, Mary, Jessie, Ione, and Vivian were grinning at her. Her face suddenly flushed red and hid it behind her two hands.

Everyone was laughing at her embarrassment. Al who heard their laughter, looking at them with questioning gaze and saw them giving thumbs up at him.


Midnight snacks were one of his favorite things he loved to have since his rebirthday. That's why he was so eager to have a morning run every day so his belly won't get flabby in the future.

He hoped tomorrow would be just a regular day, except it wasn't. He needs to prepare a lot of things, from a new release of the NOTE 1.0 console and its games to a new release of his collection of stories a few days before Christmas.

He was thinking to buy a car for him tomorrow, knowing that he already had a driver's license when he hit 16. He would take Gwen to choose the car with him, then going for a romantic sexless date with her.

"Midnight snacks again?" A voice came behind him.

"Always, mom." He smiled at her and bringing pieces of bread and smeared them with PBJ's. "You want some?" He said while eating the sandwich he made.

"You want to make me get diabetes, Al?"

"Psst, of course not, you are still kicking like a horse and still look so young mom. How old are you? I think you are still in your 40s."

"Always the flatterer, I'm in my late 60s now." She said with a smile.

Al suddenly coughed, 'late 60s!? 67? 69? But she looks 50!?'

Mrs. K chuckled at his gobsmacked face. She never told Al her real age and yes, she was really ancient.

"You seem surprised."

"Of course! You never told me your real age and this is an improvement, maybe you'll tell me your background. I'm so curious. James Norman might know something but he won't tell me shits."

"Language Al. I won't tolerate any swear words in here."

"Sorry, mom."

"I'll tell you someday, okay, not now."

"You always told me that and I think I'm used to it now..." He looked at her with hesitation in his face, "Mom, I think if I stay here any longer, they might sniff into this neighborhood and they'll know where I lived..."

"You want to move out from here, right?"

He nodded.

"I knew this day would come, it's your choice Al."

"I'm sorry, mom. It's not that I want to move away from here..."

"What's sorry for? My little bird will spread his wings and leave his nest. I also know you don't want to move from here at all. Even I wonder why you aren't moving from here as soon as possible when you became famous and have a lot of money and forget about all of us here."

"Never! I'll never forget about you." His face turned aghast and screamed like a kid whose toy truck was taken by someone else.

"I know Al, I know." She approached him and lock him in her warm hug.

'He grew up as handsome as his father... Jon, Avi, I hope you rest in peace and always watching over him from there...' She thought with a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer 1: Valoui

Executive Producer 2: Oli

Produced by:




Michael S Mifsud


vegard larsson

Micahel E

Donga ten


Emil N

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  • 世界の背景

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