19.04% Harry Potter: Lost Son / Chapter 2: Chapter two- Shopping, Wands and Black Manor

章 2: Chapter two- Shopping, Wands and Black Manor

Soon after leaving Gringotts I realized one very important thing, I hadn't had any breakfast yet and I was starving, and so that was how I ended up in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Now while the adult in me tells me that ice cream for breakfast is a bad idea and unhealthy. The kid in me doesn't care and thinks that ice cream for breakfast sounds delicious, and so I was now sitting at a booth in the back of the Parlor on my own with a large ice-cream float in front of me and was currently tucking into it while I was reading over the occlumency book that I had gotten from my family's vault, and from what I read of it so far occlumency seems like a very beneficial magic to learn, allowing for much more than just protecting your mind, but aids you in controlling your emotions and even drastically improving one's memory and ability to sort and recall information quickly, this would come in handy if I was going to remember every little fact in order to plan out things later on.

It would also aid in my studying in class to better recall what I was taught, I don't see why this isn't a taught class at Hogwarts, many students would benefit from this and drastically increase exam outcomes if students could easily recall everything they were ever taught. There's only one reason that I can think of as for why it isn't taught at Hogwarts, and if I was right then it just meant I would have to be a hell of a lot more careful, the information inside my head about future events would basically be a cheat sheet for either side, and right now I'm not sure the light is so light.

---Scene break---

With my stomach settled with a good helping of ice cream I decided it was time to start my shopping, I knew I was going to be getting more than just what was on the list of necessary items, I was a Black with plenty of money to use to get myself set up with everything, plus the fact that I virtually had nothing with me on coming hear meant that I had everything to buy for myself over again, it was going to be a very long day of shopping.

So with the fact that I had only two sets of clothing to my name in mind I started off to my first destination of the day, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, I knew it was unlikely they would sell muggle clothing there but I at least could get my Hogwarts robes ordered, and I wanted to make sure that I got all the flashing lights if you get my meaning.

Walking in through the doors I looked around, there were some very fancy dress robes on display, and the shop seemed rather busy, but then it would be with all the Hogwarts students and their parents.

A woman who I assumed was Madam Malkin herself looked up from behind the front desk where she was currently writing down orders, she was an older woman with short curly silver hair and wire-rimmed glasses wearing a violet robe with an intricate flower design woven into it, she looked to be rather stout and a little on the plump side of things but pleasantly so.

"Another one for Hogwarts robes dearie?" she asked me from behind the desk, I nodded in response and she pointed to a set of chairs currently all vacant, "Take a seat and I'll be with you in a minute," she said and then went back to writing.

I nodded and did as I was told to, sitting down on the chair to wait as I rubbed at the detection ring on my right middle finger, currently it was the only ring visible on my hand, my heir ring was currently hidden from sight so as not to show off who I was, a hand trick Ironclaw had shown me before I left Gringotts, the last thing I needed right now before I could sit down and think about things for a while was for someone to realize I was from the House of Black, who's sons are notorious, Sirius for his apparent betrayal of the Potters and my father for being a death eater, no one else bar me and those involved knew the truth, and while part of me wanted to go right to the DMLE and get Sirius released, I knew I couldn't do that, it would mess up the timeline and then I wouldn't know what was happening, not to mention I hadn't the first idea how to go about it, as I highly doubt that Madam Bones was just going to take the word of a child who wasn't even out of nappies when it happened. No I needed to plan, but for now, I would go with the flow until I had time to sit down and make one, I had a whole month before Hogwarts to do it in, plenty of time.

Once she was finished writing down whatever it was in her ledger behind the front desk making her way over to me with a pleasant smile, the kind you give to children not to frighten them, I guess I would have to get used to that for a while.

"Well dearie, come along let's pop on into the changing room so I can take your measurements for your robes," she said as she gestured to behind a large curtain to the right of the chairs.

I nodded as I stood up, "Yes Ma'am, but I'm actually here for more than just my school robes today, I need to have a full wardrobe made up, I've only recently joined the magical world but my parents left me an inheritance so I am able to look after myself"

I saw Madam Malkin frown slightly at that, "I'm sorry to hear that dearie, but don't worry I'm sure we can get you sorted out," she said before pointing to the stool, "now just stand up there and I'll have your measurements taking and then we can discuss what all you need, we'll focus on your Hogwarts robes first and get them out of the way" she smiled.

Nodding once more I moved to the stool and stepped up onto it keeping my balance as I did, which I found was actually a little harder than it normally was for me, which I think now is just more than me not being used to this body, and more to do with my being a Metamorphmagus, Tonks was always clumsy wasn't she, I'll have to try and think of some way to fix that, it could get me killed if I'm in a fight and I trip up when it's most important.

No sooner was I stood straight on the stool Madam Malkin tapped the long measuring tape that was over her shoulders and it zipped right off her and started to encircle me, "Hold your arms out dearie," she instructed, I did so and the measuring tape went to work measuring my limbs and torso.

Right about now I had wished that I had taken some time to learn how to use my metamorphic abilities, changing my measurements mid-measure would really throw her off.

"Um Ma'am it might be important for you to know, I'm a partial Metamorphmagus, I haven't learned to control it yet though so, that might be relevant to my clothing," I told her as I continued to watch the tape take my measurements.

Madam Malkin looked at me and blinked, "Oh I see, well that is very fortunate for you dearie, and I can easily factor that in with your clothing, some resizing charms can be put onto your clothing so that it will grow right along with your body when you do change" she told me as she watched her quill write down my measurements.

That had been the opening I wanted, "Um, what other charms can be put onto my clothing, and do I have any choices about my Uniform, materials and the like?"

Madam Malkin smiled, "Yes dearie we provide a selection of fabrics for you to choose from to have your uniform made from, as well as a selection of useful charms that can be applied, the better the fabric and the more charms the more expensive it will be though, how much can you afford to spend on your uniform and other clothes"

I smiled, "Money isn't a problem, my inheritance was rather large, my parents wanted me well looked after," I could practically see the twinkle in her eyes when I said that and I went for broke, "Do you sell just robes here or do you sell muggle clothing as well, I would like to be able to go out into the muggle world as well so I'll need muggle clothing as well, again money is not a problem"

Madam Malkin looked like she wanted to burst out into joyous laughter at my words and I can tell that I had just made her one very happy with.

---Scene break---

About two hours later I was finally coming out of Madam Malkin's my order placed for a full wardrobe or robes for all my needs from formal to casual wear, and my Hogwarts robes, I was told I would need to give her at least a day to have them all made up, I had ordered the very best, I could practically see the galleon signs in her eyes when she rounded off the total and I paid for it all before leaving.

I had already put all my muggle clothing into my shrunken trunk, they all had various charms on them as well, though not as many as my robes, apparently muggle clothing can't hold as many enchantments as wizarding robes, something to do with the materials, I didn't mind.

Looking around the alley I knew where I was going next, I wanted to leave getting my wand to last so I was steering clear of Ollivander's for now, as I walked on towards Flourish and Blotts, I knew that Black manor likely had a library, but like the one in the Black vault every other book was likely cursed, so it would be like trying to navigate a magical mind field to not get cursed, ring or not, I didn't want to risk that… at least not yet.

Walking into Flourish and Blotts I was relieved to see that the crowd that had been there before had lessened while I was in getting my clothes seen too, they had a number of tables set up with stacks of books on them in bundles, each table with a sign on it for each year group, I realised looking that they had created packages of the books each student would need for their core subjects in their years so as to speed things along, a handy idea, but I knew that I was here for more than just the standard books and went in search of others browsing the shelves checking the above labels to find the books on the subject I was looking for, and I quickly found them and started to take a copy of each, copies of each wizard law book, pureblood politics, and any guide for muggle born students just entering the wizarding world, I wanted to learn all the facts so I wouldn't be caught out on things, while I was tempted to try for some more advanced text books on other subjects, I knew I would have more than my fair share of topics to study over the month and so adding more to my list would be pointless until I got all my facts straight and my occlumency training underway so I could remember it all.

Taking all my books plus the first year package up to the till to pay, I could see the girl behind the till raise an eyebrow at my choice of books, but didn't say anything after I put the galleons on the front desk to pay for it all, she offered to shrink them for me but I declined and just loaded them into my trunk before leaving for my next destination already having enough to preoccupy my mind for now.

---Scene break---

Walking to the next shop on my list to get my cauldron and my potion ingredients, I paused as I walked past Eeylops Owl Emporium, there in the window was sitting the cage containing the beautiful white snow owl soon to be known as Hedwig, I couldn't help but smile seeing her, and I was very tempted to go in there and buy her myself, but she was Harry's owl, and changing the time line even in a small way like that had me on edge, I didn't want to risk throwing anything off balance in a major way not for a while yet, and while I had thought about getting an owl I didn't exactly have anyone to write too, and I could always change my mind later in the month and pick one up if need be, plenty of time after all, but I had to remain focused at the moment and resumed my paced as I continued on to my next destination.

---Scene break---

Three hours later found me at the door to Ollivander's to get my wand, finally, I had splurged in every shop I had been to, buying more than what was on my list to get, I always did like to be over prepared for everything and you never know what might happen.

So with a final step I pushed open the door and walked inside, it was just as the movies showed, it walls upon walls of wand boxes of all shapes and sizes, way too many to count by hand, I was looking around in slight awe as I entered, I well knew that Ollivander liked to sneak up and weird children out who come to his shop to get their wands, so I was prepared for him to jump out from behind a corner in an attempt to scare me… I was not however prepared for the old wand maker's voice to sound from behind me, I practically jumped three feet in the air and swerved to find the man behind me chuckling in amusement. It took me several seconds to get my breathing under control and to stop my heart from thinking it was a good idea to exit my body by means of busting through my rib cage.

"Ah Mister Black, I was wondering when I would be seeing you," Ollivander spoke clearly as he smiled at me, "Sorry for the scare, I just wanted to say hello" he smiled wider.

Getting my breath under control I was about to speak when my voice caught in my throat when I realised what he had just called me and I swallowed, "Um, no problem," I spoke as I tried to figure out how he knew my name, "um sir how did you know my last name, I haven't told anyone about that?" I asked a little put off by the fact the man knew a fact I was trying to keep secret.

Ollivander smiled at me, "that is simple my dear boy, I was the one who made your mother and fathers wands, you look the spitting image of them at your age" he said with a proud smile, "your fathers was a Hazel and Dragon heartstring, nice and flexible, good for shields and powerful enchantments. While your mothers was willow with Unicorn tail hair, very swishy, good for charm work and healing" he recited off the top of his head, "I wonder which you might take after, or perhaps you're your own man, shall we get started then?"

I swallowed and nodded my head as I ran those facts through my mind, and tried to think what this would mean, if Ollivander knew who else did, was my identity compromised before I even had a chance, would Dumbledore know before I even arrive at Hogwarts, there had been speculations that Ollivander reported to Dumbledore, but I hoped to hell that wasn't true now.

Ollivander simply continued to smile, "you have little to worry my boy your identity is safe with me, I shan't tell a soul what I know" he promised me, I just looked at him with wide eyes, how did he know that's what I was thinking, has he been using legilimency on me this whole time and I not know it… no, my pendant would have warned me if he was… he was reading my expressions… I couldn't help but want to facepalm myself, Magnus you idiot you are going to turn out just like Moody at this rate, thinking everyone's out to get you.

I gave him a deadpan look and sighed, "Nice trick, now as you said shall we get started then?"

Ollivander chuckled, "Oh seen through me already have you? My aren't you a clever one, very well then, hold out your arm hand my boy and let me get started" he said as he tapped the magical tape around his neck, just as Madam Malkin had and it shot off his shoulder as well and started to measure my arm, but as I suspected it would, it didn't stop there, it continued on measuring everything, the length of my fingers, my legs, my feet, even my ears, and what I now want to know is what the bloody hell the circumference of my nostril has to do with picking my wand?

All the while Ollivander wasn't even taking down the measurements and started off to brows the shelves of his stock while I was practically molested my his measuring tape, it was trying to measure my groin when I finally put a stop to it grabbing the tape measure and it falling limp in my hands before I put it down on Ollivander's front desk as I took deep breaths trying not to scream, it certainly wouldn't do for the Heir of the House of Black to throw a yelling fit in the shop of the oldest wand maker in Diagon alley…. Where the hell did those thoughts come from?

My eyes darted to the space on my hand where my heir ring was and I realised what it was, it was my heir ring advising me on what to do, it was subtle but it was there, a minor compulsion, it would be easy for me to ignore it now that it was there, and it would likely go away once I had learned how to raise my occlumency barriers to keep all outside influence out, but it was nothing bad, helpful in fact and I suppose it was right in a way.

While I was mulling over this latest discovery, Ollivander had returned to his desk and broke me from my thoughts as he set out a number of wand boxes lining them all up before picking one at what appeared to be a random selection and held it out to me. "Here we are, willow and phoenix feather, nice and swishy" he told me.

Taking a breath just in case something happened I took a breath to brace myself before I reached out and took the wand, and I felt a slight tremor in my hand but there was no large flash or light of any kind as I expected, as I went to hand it back to him shaking my head I felt a pull inside me and then a row of wand boxes fell over, my eyes widened before I winced, the sound made Ollivander jump with surprise and I heard him sigh when he saw the tipped over boxed before waving his hand and they restored themselves to their original place before he turned around and the wand back from me, "Alright then," he said as he put the wand back in the case before lifting another two of the boxes he brought with him, "Phoenix feather late responsive" he mumbled to himself as he placed the boxes below the table and handed me another.

And so on it went, for the next hour and a half, wand came and wand went, I tipped over shelves, cracked his desk, knocked myself on my butt more than once and even blew out the shops window with a loose spell, I was getting rather irritated with the fact we couldn't find one, but come on, Harry got his on the third try.

And the more wands that didn't work the more excited Ollivander seemed to get with each failed attempt until finally, he came back with a long black box with a white ribbon falling off its front and top.

He carefully lifted the top of the boxed off and set it to the side as he took out the wand inside, it was white like ivory white with a circular body that tapered slightly and then dipped un for a small bit like a sword and handle without a hilt before coming back up, down its length were carved small runes that looked very intimidating.

The fact that Ollivander was treating the wand with such care had me weary, and as he held it out to me he spoke, "thirteen inches, Yew, with a dragon heartstring core, rigid" he spoke softly.

As he held it there I could actually feel it, and I knew why, this was is, reaching out I grasped the want and my eyes widened as I felt something fill me as a tingle ran down my arm and I gasped feeling as though I had just had the best sleep of my life, it felt amazing.

Ollivander seemed to smile, "Very good choice mister Black, it is rare that I make wands of Yew and even more rarely do I sell them, that you should choose this wand says a great deal about you, I think it's fair to say that we can expect great things from you mister Black, whether they are good or bad is yet to be seen." He said and then seemed to relax, "alright then, that will be twelve galleons"

I nodded as I looked at my wand, "Could I get a wand wrist holster as well please, Dragons hide with anti-summoning charms and disillusionment charms" I asked as I remembered them in some fanfictions I read.

Ollivander nodded as he took one out from below the desk and placed it next to my wand box, "that will be twenty galleons and seven sickles mister Black" he smiled.

---Scene break---

I exited the shop with my new wand placed inside its holster on my left wrist, I would have to add drawing practice to my list of things to learn later now when I start learning and training, I have five years to get myself ready, the war is coming and I am going to be ready for it.

Making my way back to the leaky cauldron I went up to my room and made sure the last of my things were packed away in my trunk, I could just throw the old clothes away but I needed a safe place to call Kreacher anyway.

When I knew I was set I turned to the empty room and called out, "Kreacher" the next second the old house elf was there with a pop.

"Who be you to call Kreacher?" Kreacher wrenched as he looked at me with his small beady eyes, "There be Black blood in you but I know not who you are."

I kept my expression cool I remembered that this is what Kreacher was like in the movies, so I was more than expecting such. Holding up my hand and willing my Heir ring to appear I responded, "I am Magnus Roark Black, Son of Regulus Arcturus Black, heir to the ancient and most noble House of Black, that is who I am." I spoke with complete authority in my tone, it wouldn't do to let the old elf see any doubt in me.

As I spoke I watched as Kreacher's beady eyes seemed to widen, "You be Master Regulus's son?" He spoke his voice a little shaken by my declaration.

I nodded, "I am, I did not know my father nor my mother. I was orphaned and only found my way back to the house of my birth this day. Did my grandparent's portraits not tell you?"

Kreacher nodded, "Kreacher was told of the return of the Heir to the House of Black, but Kreacher knew not that it was you," he said before he quickly knelt before me.

"Kreacher will gladly serve young master Black, what does young master wish of Kreacher," The old elf spoke submissively.

I smiled slightly, very pleased with how things were going, "I am ready to go to Black Manor now, please take me there," I spoke and watched a shiver run through the elf on my words… oh right, he was used to people making demands of him, probably has never been asked nicely to do something in his life.

After a moment Kreacher seemed to snap out of the shock he had fallen into and held out his hand to me, "At once young master, please take Kreacher's hand and I shall do as commanded"

I nodded and reached out taking the elves hand before feeling a tug and my eyes widened when the whole room started to spin as I felt like I was lifted off my feet and sent spinning on my head for several moments before suddenly my feet touched the ground again and I felt like my stomach was doing backflips, I stumbled back letting go of Kreacher's hand before falling flat on my arse as I tried desperately not to puke.

It took another moment or two for my stomach to settle before I started to look around me, we were on a pavement across the way from a block of houses, I recognised where we were immediately and slowly stood to my feet as I took a final calming breath, I will not be doing that anytime soon for a while if I can help it.

I looked to Kreacher, "Where is the Manor?" I asked

No sooner had I that than I heard the creaking and groaning as I watched on as the space between numbers eleven and thirteen started shaking and moving, as everything seemed to reveal itself, as Black Manor, also known as 12 Grimmauld Place, showed itself.

I looked over the exterior of the manor and swallowed slightly, it was very imposing, and it also looked very filthy, the external walls with layers of dirt on them, though it didn't look as bad as I remembered it from the movies, but then that would have been after another five years of disuse to allow more to build up, it gave me slightly more hope for the inside of the manor.

Both Kreacher and I crossed the street and went up the steps to the large black door of the manor, I was about to reach for the handle when I stopped, something telling me that it was a bad idea to do so, and then I felt knowledge of just what to do enter my mind and I blinked, guess that was the Heir ring again.

Holding up my right hand I willed my Heir ring to appear before reaching out and placing its head against the door I could feel the two magics touching each other, the magic of the manor and the combined magic of myself and the ring, they seemed to clash for a moment but immediately settled down, that was when I spoke.

"I Magnus Roark Black, Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, demand entry into my family's home" I spoke firmly as I kept the ring pressed firm against the door, no sooner had I finished than I felt a humming resonate from with my the heir ring and the whole door flashed before creaking open partly.

I sighed in relief as I took my hand back and willed my heir ring to disappear before entering the manor.

As I entered the hall I began to glance around, it definitely wasn't as bad as it was in the movies, five years from now, but it was still pretty bad though I could see where Kreacher had been trying to make repairs and clean, the floors were swept clean and it looked as though the hall at least had been dusted, though that helped about as much as putting a small plaster on a bullet wound.

Wallpaper was peeling away, the floorboards were rocking and creaking beneath my feet, and there was a musky scent in the air. In short the house was in need of some major repair work, I'd have to see to such eventually but for now, I had other things to focus on.

I turned my attention to Kreacher, "Where is the room I will be staying in?" I asked.

Kreacher with his head bowed gestured to the stairs, "this way young master, Kreacher will show you," he said and I nodded before following him up the stairs.

The room I was lead to had green carpet with dark and light blue striped wallpaper with a fireplace on the opposite side of the room from where I had entered with a large double bed in between the door and it, and above the fireplace hung a plaque with the Slytherin emblem on it, I recognised the room from the Wiki, it was Regulus old room.

The wallpaper was peeling in some places and the bed didn't look overly comfortable, and I could tell with how several bits of furniture in the room were misplaced that the room had once had an expansion charm applied to it to make it much larger, but by the looks of things that had faded some time ago reverting the room to its original size.

Taking my trunk out of my pocket I set it down and with a double tap to its top I stepped back watching as my trunk grew to its full size, opening its lid I descended down into its depths via the ladder that was on the inside front wall of the trunk.

After climbing down the ten feet my feet touched the bottom and I was standing in a two meter wide corridor that had multiple doors, and at the far end was a large open space that was a like a living and dining area with a large fireplace with a number of chairs and sofas sitting in an arch astound the fire, the kitchen was to the side of it with another door leading to a currently empty pantry.

I made my way down the hall and came to a stop at the door just before the living area and walked in, the room inside was large two floors high at least and three of the walls were nothing but bookshelves, all of them currently, empty except for one at the far side behind a large oak desk and chair. On the wall opposite that was a large fireplace with two armchairs sitting at angles partly facing each other and the fireplace in a triangle set up.

Closing the door behind me I started over to the desk and the shelves behind it, I knew exactly what book I was looking for that had the most chance of containing the information I was looking for, though I had yet to even start reading it.

I remembered from past fictions I had read about Albus using paintings to spy on students in Hogwarts, same with the house elves and ghosts, they were his eyes and ears around the castle, I also knew what was in his office, portraits of all the past head masters, but I was currently only worried about one of them, and while I knew these facts myself I needed to be able to back them up to anyone who asked about them, I couldn't just claim to know something and not remember where I had found the information, that would get people asking all the wrong questions.

Reaching the shelves I quickly found the book I was looking for, Hogwarts: A History, and took it to my desk and started to scan through it for the proof I needed, I was able to find a list of previous headmasters quite quickly, though it took me a bit longer than that to find mention of the headmaster portraits, but find it I did.

While I had no proof that what I suspected going on was actually going on, I couldn't take the risk and rose from my chair and started out of my office library and headed for the ladder out Hogwarts: A History under one arm.

Starting out of my bedroom after leaving my trunk I looked around, "Kreacher" I spoke in a soft tone, not wanting to shout in case I was overheard by the portrait in question that I am worried about.

The old elf appeared in front of me with another small pop and looked down at him, "Kreacher, is there a portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black anywhere in the manor?" I asked him

Kreacher nodded to me, "Yes young master there is, on the third floor just outside the Library"

I frowned hearing that, it was rather cleaver to have the portrait placed there, the library was no doubt filled with dark texts and the portrait could easily report back to Dumbledore about anyone who entered, it also meant as long as it was there, I couldn't even risk going to the library if I was spotted by that portrait there was a very high chance that Phineas would jump to his other portrait at Hogwarts and tell the old man about someone being in Black manor, and I had no way of knowing if Dumbledore was already privy to the knowledge of where the manor was, and I did not want Dumbledore to pay me a visit this early on.

Snapping out of my thoughts I nodded to Kreacher, "I have a task for you Kreacher, one that you have to be very careful about, I need you to remove the painting of Phineas Nigellus Black from where it is currently, cover it and place silencing charms on it, before taking it to the Black vault in Gringotts, if Phineas currently resided in that painting, you are to hit it with a stunning charm to knock him out before proceeding, do not let him see you or escape his portrait if he is here"

Kreacher nodded his head to me and then disappeared with a pop to go and carry out his given task as I sighed a breath of relief, that would be one problem sorted, I did not need Dumbledore having eyes and ears here, not until I got my measure of the man in person when I went to Hogwarts in a months' time.

---Scene break---

I gave it five minutes before I started toward the stairs once more and ascended to the third floor, wanting to make sure that Kreacher had removed the painting before I risked anything, I couldn't avoid to take any chances.

But as I rounded the corner from the stairs onto the third floor I sighed a breath of relief, there were three corridors to go down here one to the left, the other to the right and the third was straight forward and the shortest of the three, it was rather obvious to me that the right and left-hand corridors had expansion charms on them as they were by far longer than the total width of the house, and there was a clear spot down the left-hand corridor next to a set of double doors that was a lot lighter than the rest of the wallpaper where it was fairly obvious that a painting had hung till recently.

No sooner though had I had my moment of relief than the sound of my Grandmother's voice filled my ears.

"Magnus? Care to explain why Kreacher has just removed the portrait of one of your ancestors?" She asked.

My eyes turned to the sound of the voice, the portrait hung just a few meters away from where the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black had once hung between the two doorways and was watching me with calculating eyes, I had no doubt that she was wary of me, but I also knew that I had little to fear from her as she was only a portrait and all she could do was screech at me, but given how I was playing things carefully I knew I needed to placate her.

"Oh course grandmother, I was just airing on the side of caution," I said as I gestured to the book in my hand, "It's my understanding that Phineas Nigellus Black was once a headmaster at Hogwarts and like you and grandfather he has two paintings one here in the manor and another at Hogwarts" I explained.

Walburga's eyes narrowed, "What are you suggesting?" she asked me, I could practically see the wheels in her head turning as she listened to me.

"I am suggesting that Phineas might not be completely loyal to house Black, and I didn't want him to see me and then jump back to Hogwarts to inform Dumbledore about me," I said plainly.

Walburga kept her eyes on me and nodded, "I see it is likely a wise choice, his portrait has rarely came by to visit in the past number of years so I don't think he'll notice straight away, but what I want to know is why are you against Dumbledore knowing you are here?"

I smiled, "For the same reason I don't want others to know, they would all see to use me to better themselves, the second that it was discovered that I'm the Heir black and I'm underage, they are going to try to use me and restrict me, have someone placed as my guardian, that is the last thing I want, I don't need someone to tell me what I can and cannot do,"

Walburga watched me closely and nodded, "I can tell that you are not telling me something, but I will not push the matter, you are the black heir now and like it or not there is little I can do about it, but everything you have said up till now sounds just as though it should for a Black, we are never tools to be used, however, you may run into a problem when you begin Hogwarts once there your heritage, position and the fact you have no guardian will come out."

I took a breath and nodded, "there are things I am not telling you, I have suspicions that have no basis as of yet, and until they do I will keep them to myself, and you have my word that I will not do anything to endanger the House of Black" I said firmly, disliking the fact that I had to admit something like this but I had little choice in the matter given she already suspected me, "as for that fact I am already aware of such and I will be searching for a way to get out of such, I have some idea's but nothing that I am willing to state will work for sure."

Walburga nodded in acceptance, "I am unsure how you will go about it but should you need any advice your grandfather is quite versed in both the old and pureblood laws, I am sure he might be of aid to you, his portrait is in his office, the single door to your right, you will also have to engage the wards, Orion will walk you through how to do so."

I nodded, "thank you grandmother" I said before moving to the door and opening it stepping into the large office space, it had two tall windows, both with dark green curtains with a number of holes in them, and one wall was a book shelf with a large oak desk in front of it, with a coating of dust over it, there was a deep green carpet on the floor and the two other walls had a number of Portraits on them, all of them seemed to be frozen in sleep aside from that of my grandfather who was the middle portrait on the wall opposite the desk.

"Well you certainly took your time about coming here, I trust your shopping went well?" Orion asked me.

I nodded, "it did, I got everything I should need, and I can always go back to get some more, though I'm a little hesitant about letting Kreacher take me, his way of travel is a little sore on one's stomach"

Orion nodded, "yes Kreacher is getting on in his years and his magic isn't what it used to be, evidenced by how the manor has fallen into such disrepair"

I nodded my head in agreement, "yes I have seen as such when I came in, the manor is in much need of repair but I fear that Kreacher will not be able to do much on his own, perhaps if we could acquire another elf it might make things easier for him," I suggested.

Orion seemed to nod in response to my idea, "yes a second elf would be beneficial I think, but such are hard to come by most if not all are owned by the pureblood families, you would have to get in touch with one and request to purchase one, and even then I suspect the price would be very high as they are a hard to come by and those who breed them control the prices"

I frowned at that but nodded none the less, I had an idea about how I could go about getting another elf but at this stage, it might affect things more than I would like if I was to do so, I would have to think more about this before I did anything.

Coming out of my thoughts I cleared my throat, "Grandfather? Grandmother said something about my needing to raise the wards and that you could show me how to do so?"

Orion nodded, "Yes I was just about to mention that actually," he said before gesturing to the bookcase behind the desk, "third shelf, third book from the right, push it inwards and stand back"

I nodded and walked to behind the desk and did as instructed, the shelves were lined with a number of old books, each covered with a layer of dust having not been touched or moved in so long, I counted out the books and found the one grandfather had told me about and pushed it inwards, I heard a clicking sound and then the whole middle area of the bookcase shuddered and I stepped back.

The middle section of the bookshelves sunk back behind the sections on its right and left, until it was well behind them and then with a second click it slid to the right, revealing a hidden section of the room behind it, the area was only two meters deep but in it was an altar with a large stone on it with a number of runic symbols carved into its surface that seemed to pulse weakly, and next to it was a stone bowl with a silver knife in it with similar etchings.

Behind me my grandfather's portrait spoke, "That is the master ward stone that controls the wards and enchantments placed inside the manor, you might have noticed some of the rooms don't seem very grand or spacious, that is because their enchantments were suspended in order for the ward stone to save what was left of its limited magical supply," he explained, "once it is reactivated the enchantments will restore themselves and the wards will link themselves to you, while normally it would be the lord of the manor that would control the wards, in his and his lady's absence the Heir takes command of them"

I nodded in understanding, "and how do I reactivate the stone?" I asked, though looking at the knife and the bowl I think I already had an idea.

"Blood," my grandfather said, "your blood, you must fill the bowl with your blood and then pour it over the stone while chanting the incantation to simultaneously recharge the ward stone and connect it to you, your ring will have the information on the incantation"

I nodded and stepped into the small area picking up the bowl and placing it in front of the stone while I lifted the knife, I could see the edge of the silver glisten along its edge.

I took a breath as I put my left hand over the stone bowl and placed the edge of the blade to my palm knowing that if I had to fill up the bowl then a small cut on my finger wasn't going to do it this time. With another breath to brace myself before I pulled back on the blade and let out a hiss as the razor sharp edge of the blade cut into my skin and blood immediately began to pool in the palm of my hand.

I put the knife to the side as I tilted my hand and let the blood begin to pour into the stone bowl on the altar and watched it fill with my blood, no sooner had it reached near the rim did my bleeding stop and the cut on my palm heal up.

I gave a relieved sigh when I saw my cut close up, part of me had been worried that it wouldn't; given the Black's dark nature but I shook that off. I needed to remember there was a difference between dark and evil, the fact that I was just being foolish came to mind given that it was highly unlikely that a lord would use a knife on himself for such a purpose and not have it charmed to heal the wound after the fact.

I took up the bowl and held it over the ward stone and as I did so I felt the knowledge of what to do come to the front of my mind and began to chant as I began pouring the blood, "familia custodiis restituet" I said as the blood poured over the stone and seemed to seep into it as the ruins glowed brighter as I continued my chant, "sanguis sanguinem meum" the blood continued to pour and I finished my chant, "Coniungere ad novum dominum"

As I finished uttering the last phrase and the last of the blood dripped onto the stone the runes pulsed and the stone let out a pulse, like a shockwave that washed over the entire manor, I felt my skin tingle and my eyes widened as I suddenly was aware of everything going on in the manor, everything everywhere inside it, from where each portrait was on the walls, to the infestation of Cornish pixies that had taken up residence in the downstairs fireplace, I knew everything about the manor.

My mind suddenly raced with possibilities of what this would mean and I instantly thought of the location of the Slytherin locket, the Horcrux that my father stole and that got him killed, and instantly I knew exactly where it was in the second-floor broom closet under rags hidden away.

I knew there was no point in even thinking about getting the locket now given that I would have no means to destroy it until my second year which I would be doing because whether Dumbledore is a manipulating bastard or not Voldemort is a psychotic psychopath with murderous tendencies, and out of the two of them is the more likely to curse me in the back or at least I'd like to hope so.

I was once more pulled out of my thoughts by the voice of my grandfather's portrait, "Excellent Magnus, that flash signals that the bonding is complete you should be able to feel everything that's going on in the manor now. Do you feel it?"

I turned and nodded, "I do grandfather, it feels quite strange in a way," I said, not lying one bit it was a little creepy like I was everywhere in the manor at once.

Orion nodded to me with an amused smile, "Yes it will be a little strange at first but you will get used to it, but for now let's just focus on bringing up the wards, I need to you picture the manor in your mind and think about it being encased in a bubble that will keep everything else out," he instructed.

I nodded and did so as I closed my eyes and pictured the manor and then the bubble as instructed and almost instantaneously I felt the inviable protection wards of the manor snap up and into place, Black manor was now one giant lock encased in concrete, no one was getting in here without a hell of a lot of magical power, and even then they'd be in for one hell of a fight getting through what I could feel the wards were capable of, there was nothing lethal of course but there were a large number of what were definitely dark curses now protecting the manor and anyone who tried to get in would wish they were dead a hundred times over.

As I opened my eyes I saw Orion smiling at me again, "Good job, you're a natural, with the wards up the manor is secure and no one can get in unless you lower them or permit them entry"

I nodded, "Thank you, grandfather," I said with a smile, "Now I was wondering if I could ask your advice, grandmother said that you are well versed in the old and pureblood laws and that you would be able to help me."

Orion seemed intrigued when I mentioned the laws and nodded, "I will to the best of my knowledge, I am here to help, what seems to be troubling you?"

I sighed a breath of relief, "When I go to Hogwarts in a months' time, people will know I am the Black heir, and the fact I am without guardians, magical or otherwise," I said knowing I could reference my source for the information on magical guardians to Hogwarts: a history after seeing it mention that while there that the headmaster becomes the magical guardian for all muggle born students until they graduate, "what I want to know is that is there anything in the laws Old or pureblood that would help keep me from being placed under a guardian, if I was I fear they may try to use me or House Black for their own gains."

My grandfather seemed pensive at this for a moment and nodded, "I see, your reasons seem to be well based and I can see your worries, and while there are a number of ways in the old laws to have someone removed from being your guardian, there is nothing in them to my knowledge that would aid you from being assigned one"

I sighed, "I figured, it's was worth a shot anyway, I guess I will just have to put some more thought into my other option then." I said as I shook my head a little annoyed that this was going to be my only other option.

My grandfather raised an eyebrow at my statement, "oh and just what is this other option?" he asked curiously.

I smiled, "it's still in the works, but I shall tell you more about it when I have a firmer grasp on what needs doing," I said seeing the approving nod from the portrait, "for now I need to focus on my studying and getting the manor restored, and perhaps purchasing another house elf to see to things"

My grandfather nodded once more, "I would recommend going to see Ironclaw again and asking for his assistance on both the matters on the restorations of the manor and the acquisitions of a new house elf, Gringotts take fees for their connections but they value privacy about all else," he advised, "and as for your study, the Black library is open to you to view, each book has protectively cursed on them to harm anyone who attempts to read them without the lords permission, as you are the heir no black curse will harm you, so do not worry about the gem on the detection ring turning black, it is just a protective curse"

I nodded, that was very good to know, I had spotted a number of books back in the vault that I had left because of the curses, I would have to add a stop to the vault to my list of things to do the next time I went to the vaults unless I found the same books in the library here, "I believe I will go and see the library now, I'm quite eager to begin my studying."

Orion seemed to smirk, "you sound too much like a Ravenclaw, knowledge is good but only when it is useful, remember that." He told me.

I nodded and turned to leave before smirking, "all knowledge is useful, one just has to know the right time to use it," I could hear the portrait of my grandfather let of an amused chuckle as I walked out.

---Scene break---

Considering the library and the lords office are next door to each other it was a relatively short walk to the double doors, I had originally not planned to learn anything in here until I got through what books I already had in the library in my trunk and I still didn't but it could never hurt just to take a quick peek at just what I had to work with once I was finished with what I had.

Putting my hands on the double doors I tried to open them but they wouldn't budge and I scowled but before I could do anything further my grandmother's painting spoke up, "You will have to use your Heir ring to get in, before my death I used my magic to seal the library off, I didn't want to risk the Black library or our family grimoires falling into unworthy hands before they could be rightfully claimed." Walburga's portrait told me.

I nodded in understanding as I moved to place my heir ring to the doors, the mention of grimoires had caught my attention somewhat as I had never heard mention of such things in either the books nor the movies but I had in the fanfictions and I couldn't help but feel a little excited about seeing what was inside them.

With my heir ring once again in placed I spoke out as I felt the magic flow, around the door and my ring before fading as I demanded entry, when I was down I simply pushed forward and the doors opened and my eyes widened at what I saw.

The room was huge, no strike that huge doesn't even begin to describe how big this room is. It had to be at least three floors high.

I walked inside in a state of awe, it was incredible, there enough space for ten or twelve people to stand side by side at least and wave their arms about freely. There were old looking but comfortable sofas, chairs and small tables around the place with a large main table at the crossroads where the room broke off in a sort of cross or X like profile.

At each of the curves in the profile of the room, there was a ladder that I saw leading up to each of the walkways of which there were two evenly spaced.

As I neared the middle of the room I couldn't help but be amazed, I don't think that even Hogwarts has a library this extensive, but given my views on how limited the subject matter of Hogwarts is that isn't hard to believe.

And once more I was broken from my thoughts by a voice, this one knew to me.

"I don't believe I have seen you before," the male voice spoke, "though it has been a while since I've seen anyone" it added as I turned to find the source to be another portrait.

"My name is Magnus Roark Black, the newly recognized heir to house Black" I introduced myself and showed my heir ring.

The man in the portrait, who looked to be very late fashioned robes making it hard to tell what time era he was from given the wizarding worlds sense of clothing seemed to have stagnated in the late sixteenth century, nodded at my words when he saw my ring, "I see, well this is very exciting isn't it. I am Arcturus Black, the first, and you are most welcome here. It is good to see the House of Black will be able to recover, after the death of Walburga I had feared we would be absorbed by another house, you are our saving grace young man. But might I ask why I have not seen you before this day?"

I nodded, "My father, Regulus, died before I could be introduced to the family, same with my mother, I was left at a muggle orphanage, and only just found out my heritage today,"

Arcturus nodded his head, "I am sorry to hear about your father, Regulus was a good man it broke his mother's heart when he disappeared, no one ever found out what happened to him, she held out hope but when she finally got the courage to check with Gringotts it was confirmed his vault had merged with the main vault, confirming his death"

I nodded not sure what else to say about the matter, in truth I kind of felt a bit like I was intruding on another person's moment here, given that I had my own memories of my life before this, something else I will have to get over, this is my life now, my past life is gone, there's no going back.

Luckily, probably sensing I didn't know what else to say Arcturus changed the subject, "Might I ask what bring you to the Black Library this day, are you just exploring your new home?" he asked

I smiled, "actually I was wanting to learn as much as I could before I began Hogwarts next month, and I have a lot to learn given that I wasn't part of this world for eleven years"

Arcturus nodded, "You have a good head on your shoulders then, you will be sure to find anything and everything in theses shelves, the black library is very extensive, there is not a branch of magic in the world that we do not have a volume of somewhere in here, though I am sad to say that even with a month of free time you will be hard pressed to learn everything other heirs your age will know, even if you retrieved my time dilation pocket watch from the house vaults, you would be hard pressed for time"

I blinked hearing that and reached into my pocket and took out the pocket watch that grandfather had told me to collect from the vault and held it up to him, "you mean this one?" I asked.

Arcturus blinked when he saw it and laughed, "ha, the very same, an ingenious little device that my own invention, because it works like the time dilation bubbles the goblins can put up, those goody two shoes in the ministry couldn't claim it was interfering with time like a time turner, though its effects are somewhat minimal I'll grant you that, but any extra time is always an advantage is it not"

I nodded as I slipped the watch back into my pocket, "it definitely is, but now only one question remains…" I said as I turned to look at all the shelves of books and tomes, "where to start?"

PsyChotiX556 PsyChotiX556

To keep up to date on all my fanfiction writing progress follow me on Twitter @Psychopath556

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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