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Avatar the Last Air Bender Character Sheet



Nomad -On second though, the "dropped in out of the blue" thing has a certain appeal to it. While you don't gain any training, skills, knowledge, or connections that you don't purchase yourself, you also don't have to deal with any new memories, nor thee attachments which come with them.

Nation: Water Tribe

Starting Location:

Allied Town – You're a bit far from home, but at least you've found yourself in friendly territory. For Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom members, this is the Lesser City of your opposite number - Omashu for the Water Tribe, the North Pole for the Earth Kingdom. Air Nomads will instead wind up in the outer ring of Ba Sing Se, along with a passport with a false identity should they wish to leave. Finally, those of the Fire Nation will find themselves in Yu Dao, oldest of the Fire Nation colonies.


Spiritualist - Though only the Avatar may truly act as a bridge between the Spirit and Human worlds, you're close to his level. You may innately sense activity within the Spirit World, and with effort, view or even cross into it. Spirits are also much more receptive to you, rarely acting with outright hostility and usually at least willing to talk with you. You also gain an in-depth understanding of all but the most obscure spiritual practices and beliefs within the Avatar world.

Bending Abilities:

Bending Arts - You were born with the ability to manipulate the element of your nation, and have been trained in its use. The Bending Arts differ from element to element, but always involve a combination of physical movements designed to evoke that element, focused with the will of the Bender. Bending an element provides substantial control over it, allowing you to move it, shape it, and direct it, though the exact nature of each depends on the individual element. It should be noted, however, that you cannot actually create an element - though Firebenders can transform their body heat into a raging inferno and Airbenders can make the breath from their lungs into a gale, Waterbenders and Earthbenders must have a source of their element to Bend.

Lifebending - Water is the source of all life, and all life is a source of water. You are one of the rare Waterbenders able to access this source, bending water within living organisms. Aside from enhancing your healing, you may now control water within plants, leeching it from them or twisting them into any shape you desire. However, under the full moon, you gain the power to Bloodbend, controlling animals and even humans as your puppets, or leaving them as dessicated corpses. With time, you may truly master this art, Bloodbending even in the light of day.

Bending Genius - You are a born master of your Element, using it on a level that most Benders could spend a lifetime failing to achieve. Where others toss boulders, you throw hills; where others could freeze a raindrop, you can transform a rainstorm into ice. Even the most trivial effort will allow you to learn any bending form you observe, and with casual practice you can master, then improve, on them. This genius also enhances, rather than supplants, any other Bending perks you've purchased; your talents are now exponentially greater, and your mastery also applies to the Specialized Bending Art which you learned, letting you master that art with little more difficulty than you'd have with the pure form.


Clothing- Even in the primitive jungles of the Foggy Swamp Tribe, running around in the nude is frowned upon. You start with a couple outfits from your Nation befitting your station in life, and may purchase as many additional outfits as your heart desires. Unlike the starting clothing, these are not limited to your Nation's apparel - pick anything from the simple saffron robes of an Air Nomad to the raiments of a Fire Nation noble, or even a suit of armor if you'd like.

Waterskins - Well-designed and heavy duty, this set of waterskins can easily hold several gallons of water, and are designed to evenly distribute them over your body for easy access. Aside from carrying a ready source of potable water on long travels, these skins provide a ready source for Waterbenders without a steady supply of their chosen element. These skins have a special blessing as well - each Full, Half, and New Moon, empty skins will refill themselves.

Set of Maps -This combination of maps and guidebooks completely cover the Avatar world, giving you information about every major settlement, landmark, and natural feature you could potentially come across, as well as handy travel tips, such as local cuisine, celebrations, and things not to do unless you want to be executed. If you should somehow find yourself in another world, you will find your maps now cover it instead, with information current as of your very first visit.

Original Master - The first Benders were not humans, but animals with deep understanding of their elements no human can match. You've gained a bond with one of these creatures, appropriate to your nation - Airbenders gain a Sky Bison calf, Earthbenders a Badgermole cub, and Firebenders a young Dragon. Each is still a child, though still large enough to ride, and will prove to be a loyal and powerful friend your entire life if cared for well. As the Water Tribe learned from the Moon and Sea, they will not gain an animal; instead, you gain a deep connection to these spirits. Aside from this enhancing your ability to learn Waterbending by watching the tides, you will find your waterskins full each night, and you will no longer lose power when the moon wanes, or even during a lunar eclipse. May be purchased more than once; additional purchases need not be a member of the same species as your Nation learned its art from, and will be at a discount.


Marked - Whether the extensive tattoos of an Airbending Master or a gruesome burn scar across your face, you've been marked in an obvious way which serves to easily identify you unless you take significant steps to conceal it; casual clothing won't be enough. While this does not come with any notoriety per se, if you accumulate your own you'll need to conceal yourself to have any chance of blending in, and people may get suspicious if you wander around looking like you have something to hide.

Blind - You were born with milky eyes and incomplete optic nerves, unable to see even the slightest hint of light. Since this is a natural condition, it will be impossible to heal or cure in any way; the world of sight is absolutely lost to you. Though it is possible to rely on your other senses, it will take substantial training to even approach the world the same way as someone who can see, and some abilities will forever remain out of your grasp.

Into The Inferno - As it turns out, your arrival on this world did not go unnoticed. Both Fire Lord Azulon and Prince Ozai received a vision of who you are and what you can do, and now consider you a serious threat. The Fire Nation is now devoting a significant portion of its forces to hunting you down and killing you, and will only be increasing it as you continue to evade them. Moreover, they've placed a very substantial bounty on your head, enough to tempt even his enemies to hunt you down. It's possible to end their crusade, but it won't be by killing them; all that will do is cause their people to seek vengeance.

Extra Points Warehouse upgrades:

Local Net- a secure connection to the local internet or internet parallel.

Stasis Pod Number 2- can now take 2 people with you as companions.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C0
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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