4.06% Life Travelling Through Fiction / Fallout Character Sheet

Fallout Character Sheet

Fallout 1

Wasteland Wanderer

Starting location: Vault 14

Age: 29


Heroic Strength -You're one of the strongest living creatures to ever walk the wasteland; a Hercules of the post-apocalypse. You could potentially out-wrestle mutants and men in Power Armor with raw strength alone. At this point, Power Armor or cybernetics can only offer you protection as your strength can't be enhanced any further then it already is.

Heroic Perception -Nothing gets past you anymore; ambushes are a thing of the past, and people will have a hell of a hard time hiding anything from you. You can see in the dark with how good your eyes are, with the rest of your senses equally as formidable. Your powers of perception will allow you to pick the easiest locks or set and disarm some common traps even without any special training in those fields, and with the right training you could learn to shoot out someone's eyes from over a hundred yards away… with a pistol. At night

Heroic Endurance -Your resistance to damage, disease, and the other dangers of the wasteland is nothing short of miraculous. Mundane poison has little to no effect on you, at least not in the amounts that poisonings usually come in; radiation is also far less harmful. While you're far from immune, you'll only start to be adversely affected by all those rads when you start glowing. You can keep on your feet for a day or two without rest. Lastly, you'll find that it takes a lot more damage to put you down. Even getting shot in the head might not take you out of the fight with a skull as thick as yours, not unless your opponent's packing some decent firepower.

Very Bad Charisma(Drawback/Temporary) -Not even your own mother could love an ugly mug like yours. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn't wretch at the sight of you. Your ability to convince people is similarly low; even intimidation is harder, as most would rather put you out of your (and their) misery then give in to your demands. A lot of shopkeepers will also charge you through the roof for "scaring away their other customers" and such, which is probably accurate.

Heroic Intelligence -A mind like yours is rarer and more precious than anything that can be brought up from the earth. With the right knowledge you could easily invent new technologies in the wasteland, as your brainpower is at the very least a match for the greatest minds at Vault Tec, RobCo, and the labs of the Pre-War government. Learning new ideas is a breeze as you absorb entire medical or scientific texts in the course of a single afternoon, though your existing knowledge base is equal in breadth if not depth to the greatest scientists in history already

Heroic Agility -You're practically a blur now, ducking and dodging in and out of firefights like greased lightning. With your dexterity, you could even "dodge bullets" by moving out of the path of the bullet before it's fired, or maybe even afterwards if you're lucky. You'll find that you have a natural talent with all weapons, including your fists, as well as subtler arts like stealth or thievery; however talent is no replacement for training.

Heroic Luck -Strange; I wouldn't expect you to find a four-leaf clover in a desert like this. Your luck is absurdly good; almost as if the dice of life were weighted in your favor. Random chance will save your bacon far more often, with some solutions to your problems coming seemingly from nowhere, and your chances of getting hit in your vitals randomly is greatly decreased-while your chances of doing the same is greatly INcreased. You'll also find that your "skill" at gambling is naturally high; if you take the time to actually learn the games (and how to cheat, both literally and in the sense of counting cards and the like) you'll easily be able to make a living off of gambling. Assuming the casino doesn't throw you out, of course.


First Aid-Treating minor injuries or ailments such as cuts and bruises effectively to heal quicker. First Aid can be a good alternative to using rare medical items such as stimpaks or taking time to heal wound naturally, and utilizes relatively common materials or folk remedies for wounds and sickness. Gives a set of three stimpaks if chosen.

Sneak-Quiet movement and the ability to remain unseen while hiding or sneaking around. Useful for avoiding enemies that might be too powerful for you to handle, infiltration of heavily guarded areas, assassination, and good old fashioned thievery.

Science-Knowledge relating to technology and the sciences, including computers, physics, geology, and biology. Such things are nearly a lost art in the wasteland, and you'd be sure to be a boon to any community you decide to set up shop in. Gives a dose of Buffout and Mentats if chosen.

Repair-The knowledge required to fix broken machinery and electronics, as well as repair and maintain weapons, armor, and other equipment. The difference between science and repair is that of a scientist who knows that water is carried through pipes by pressure and a plumber who can find leaks or clogs quickly and efficiently to fix said pipes. Gives a multi-tool if chosen.


Quick Pockets -You can't be fumbling around with your equipment in a firefight all the time. It's not like you can pause time and inject a dozen stims into yourself while you're getting mauled, after all. Though, with how you pack your gear you could easily carry anything up to your maximum carry weight on your person, so long as it doesn't over-encumber you-no need for a backpack or pack brahmin. You'll also find that carrying such a large amount of gear doesn't hinder you even if it really should, and that it doesn't really show on your person either.

Explorer -There are a lot of interesting sights in the wasteland, and not all of them are on the maps the caravans use. In the vastness of this devastated world, there are places that human eyes haven't seen for decades. You have a sixth sense for such places; while they're often dangerous, you'll never want for new locations to explore, new treasures to loot, or new enemies to fight. In addition, you'll rarely find something unusual in your travels-a peasant crushed beneath the footprint of a massive, strange beast, disappearing police boxes, and flying saucers straight out of Area 51 among them.

Mysterious Stranger -Tales of a mysterious stranger appearing in a person's time of need to aid them have spread across the United States. Who is he? Is he a Pre-War ghoul? An android? An angel? Whoever he is, he seems to appear for you quite often. Now, at the start of any fight you happen to get into, there's a chance that the Mysterious Stranger will appear-wielding a weapon that is considered high-end for wherever he might be, as well as his traditional leather trench-coat. Here it's a plasma rifle, but in other places it might be a magical sword. While there's nothing stopping you from turning on this mysterious helper so you can claim this weapon for yourself, doing so will obviously prevent him from helping you in the future.

Psyker (Danger Sense)-Radiation, and the Pre-War biological weapon known as the Forced Evolutionary Virus, have given rise to many strange mutations. However, none are stranger-or more rare-than the mental abilities that some people develop. Known as "Psykers", these people have gained the ability to affect the world with their mind, developing abilities such as pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, telekinesis, telepathy, and even precognition. You've developed one such ability, and while it will start out weak it will grow in power with time, becoming a formidable power in its own right.


Starting Gear -You get a 10mm pistol and 72 10mm Hollow Point rounds, a simple, non-armored outfit of your choice, a week's worth of food and water, a knife, two flares, and four stimpaks, as well as a backpack to carry these items in.

Electronic Lock Pick -A highly advanced lock pick designed for doors that are electronically locked and require key-cards or access codes rather than keys. It can't be used on regular doors, but won't break from overuse.

Pip-Boy 2000 -A specialized, hand-held device created by RobCo and distributed to several Vaults in the California area, the Pip-Boy 2000 is a hand-held computer capable of monitoring its users vitals, as well as storing an incredibly large amount of information. It's other functions include the ability to record sound and video for later playback, the ability to (slowly) type text documents, automatic mapping of terrain via satelite and solar imaging (where available), a timer and alarm function, and even the ability to play a few simple games. It can also play and record onto Holotapes, and has a cable that allows it to connect to other computers.

Stealth Boy 3001-A highly advanced experimental piece of military hardware, allegedly reverse-engineered from something the Chinese used; the Stealth Boy 3001 was created by RobCo as a personal stealth device, and can generate a modulating field around its wearer that transmits reflected light from one side of an object to another-essentially making the wearer blend in with their surroundings. Unlike normal Stealth Boys, this one will slowly recharge itself when not in use.

Vault 14 -One of the advanced underground Vaults created by Vault-Tec. As its history is unknown, it's up to you to determine it's past-and future. Was it one of Vault-Tec's genuine Vaults, designed to protect its inhabitants from nuclear fallout? Or was in an experimental Vault like the one at Necropolis, whose door could not close all the way-allowing radiation to leak in and ghoulify its inhabitants? It could be empty save for the ancient skeletons of its former inhabitants or it could be a thriving community under the earth. Whatever the case, it comes equipped with a water purifier (although they've just started on their last water-chip) as well as a digital library, room for several hundred inhabitants, and everything else needed to sustain life such as a garden.


Good Natured -You're a friendly sort; you'd fit right in at a Pre-War suburban neighborhood. Unfortunately, this is the post-apocalypse, and a good handshake is no replacement for a killer instinct. While you're not any weaker you're very unskilled at all combat-related skills, and avoid violence when at all possible.

Ghoulish -Some people, rather than dying in agonizing pain due to radiation, live on in moderate pain as a ghoul. Most ghouls are from before the war, though their time is ticking-without the right medical treatment, they'll eventually succumb to their wounds, or else turn feral. While their minds are more or less intact, their muscles have heavily atrophied, making them weaker and slower-to say nothing of their looks, which are like something out of a bad zombie movie. On the upside, like other mutants they're immune to disease and radiation.

Chem Reliant -You've got an addiction to a fairly uncommon wasteland drug, with all the negatives that includes. If you're addicted to Buffout then your muscles will waste away without constant doses; Mentats are much the same, only with your brain and eyes. Psycho is like a mixture of cocaine and meth when you can't get enough of it. Rad-X and RadAway will compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to disease, radiation, and poison, such that regular wasteland living will leave you constantly sick.

Crippled -One of your limbs-or both of your eyes, if you'd prefer-have been hacked off, leaving you a little lopsided. The drawbacks of missing a limb or your eyes should be obvious; you will be prevented from replacing your limb with anything more than a peg-leg or basic prosthetic while you're here by any means, nor will you be able to access any alternate forms or transformative abilities that could negate this.

True Wanderer -Although this world is no stranger to supernatural occurrences, the fact of the matter is that they're still uncommon. In the future ghosts, aliens, and strange artifacts might appear more often, but in the here and now of this world they're almost unheard of. To better fit this more grounded world, your supernatural abilities aside from those granted by the Body Mod are stripped from you, including access to your Warehouse and any other items that follow you. This also applies to your companions and followers.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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