The morning sun shone heartily through the air towards the exterior part of the dormitory.
Giving a slight metallic sheen to the earthy coloured shade of the hostels making them look kind of nice and strangely beautiful.
* * *
Inside a particular room. The bed rustled as a male student shifted his sleeping posture to a more comfortable one.
After a while, the sound of a slight rumble rang out through the room bouncing off the walls while making disturbing echoes in the room.
David's eyes jerked. His eyes shot opened up gradually. He yawned with his mouth opened wide however his eyes indicated he was still extremely sluggish.
As he was going to close his eyes once more, the slight thunder sounded out again however this time in a progressively furious tone.
'That was an extraordinary rest' Dav thought as he propped himself up from his bed.
'Guess I'm really hungry' caressing his rumbling stomach speaking to the imprint located slightly below his wrist.
A compartment detached itself from the wall, a network of connected machinery rapidly arranged it self revealing a one meter sized mirror. Sitting besides them was a bunch of tools needed to clean himself up nicely.
Also in the other side of the mirror, was a small compartment with a hole in it, which Dav speculated was a type of waste bin.
He took his bath soon afterwards which was a weird experience for him but it was quite nice. He left his room hurriedly, his stomach almost rumbling in sync with his footsteps.
Upon following the pull of the imprint. He reached the cafeteria only to realize that it just opened like a minute ago.
There was no food available yet.
Seems like he had arrived too early.
Sitting in one of the chairs in the cafeteria, he noticed he was the only one in there at the moment. Although it was a bit strange, he didn't think too much about it.
He had decided to wait until the food was available but until then, he intends to find out what the students guide is all about as it had places him in a tight spot the previous night and also how to operate his imprint.
Applying pressure on the imprint for approximately three second straight.
'Good morning David, hope you enjoyed your days of sleep?'
The robotic voice of his personal AI rang out through his mind.
'Of course I did, thanks for asking.' Although, it was only a computerized reasoning, it hurts no one to be polite to it.
'Wait, what do you mean by days of sleep?' David asked, somehow confused by the words spoken to him by the AI. David was a really perceptive person. Thinking outside the box and noticing what others rarely notice, he was really good at that.
'The duration of your slumber was 52 hours : 12 minutes : 5 seconds which is approximate 2 days hence the word 'days' .' The robotic voice answered.
"What?" He was stunned. David's voice was raised an octave higher than usual.
He was truly freaked out. The fact that he had slept for two days straight surprised him and honestly, he currently still wished to sleep a bit more.
Although, he loved sleeping like really but that doesn't indicates he would be blinded by it.
Who falls asleep for two days straight without eating anyways?
Breathing in deeply, he calmed his nerves 'What seem to be the problem?' David asked the Ai.
'I can't seem to comprehend your question.' it replied.
'Right, I forgot it was an AI.' David thought.
'I slept for two days straight, is that normal?' David stated his problems to the AI.
'Although slightly abnormal, it's still considered okay. It was stated that due to the process undergone by the students, stressing out the limits of the human body, the body would need certain amount of rest. Sleeping for a day and maybe two is perfectly normal in order for the body to regain its energy. Although, 98.7 percent of the students woke up after a few hours of rest.'
"I'm a very special being, so doing special things should be expected." David comforted himself.
'Now, can you kindly inform me, what actions I must perform to operate my imprint? And how the hell you are talking straight to my head?' he had just registered he had a voice directly speaking through his head.
'To operate the imprint, you just have to switch to the manual mode which would decrease my rate of activities, to grant you access to the system.
The reason I could communicate to you straight to your head is due to the ROTFELD principle.
It's the combination of different complex theories and thesis on vibration and frequency.
Several centuries ago, the entire human genes available in the genome was read and edited by the conjunction of many Genetists from different parts of the world. They came together to form great inventions, thesis and theories and one of those theories is the ROTFELD principle which generally allows for telepathic communication through physical contact, gene frequency deciphering and electric brainwave frequency matching. ' The AI concluded.
Silence reigned in David's head. Not hearing any robotic voice, "Goodness, are you done?" David finally asked exasperated.
'You don't appear to understand the standards." the AI inquired.
"No I didn't cause you lost me there at ROTFELD Principle." he replied bluntly.
'Switching to ROTFELD principle explanation for dummies.
In layman's term, it basically means reading the frequency your brain uses to receive audio waves and then matching it to send message through the same brain wave.'
"Hmm, I think I get the gist of it."
Before he could continue, a loud buzz sound rang out, indicating the availability of food.
Seeing as the food was already available in the cafeteria, Dav hurriedly stood up for his.
Standing before the machinery, he raised his hands up as he was told too. His imprint was scanned, then instantly, his food popped out from an available space in the machinery.
David stared blankly at the box of sticky fluids on the tray he couldn't comprehend what just happened.
David stared blankly at the box of sticky fluids before him. he still couldn't comprehend how this was food.
"Um, I need food, not... This alright?" Dav stated foolishly at the block of machinery before him.
"Since your star haven't been graded as of yet, That's what any grade less student of the institute gets." A voice spoke out from the machinery. Dav recognised the voice as the AI who said it had been waiting for him two days ago, trying to flaunt it's authority.
"And how do I get it graded?" David asked, he was already pretty tired about this world's complex way of life in the institute.
"If you are adamant about not reading your students guide, you could just pay a certain amount of money for answers to certain questions. The cost of the answer to the question you requested for is three gyno points, cheap right?" The voice stated.
David couldn't be bothered to speak with the money grubber who was bent on collecting Gyno points for a simple piece of information.
Applying pressure on the imprint for three seconds,
"Direct me to the place where I would be reviewed." David walked out of the cafeteria without looking back but not without taking the box of sticky fluids in it. He was still hungry after all.
David stepped into the elevator but not without muttering out a curse . He hadn't forgotten the way the elevator embarrassed him in front of his mates.
He waited until the elevator took him him to the second floor which was the floor the magnetic pull also pointed at.
He had always wondered if the elevator reads people's mind as it seems to know which floor whichever person wanted to stop at.
Although he wondered, he didn't have time for that yet. He had to get himself graded as soon as possible. The taste of the sticky liquid was horrible.
David's mind shuddered as he threw the empty box to the wastebin in the elevator.
Although he hated the taste, he was really hungry, so he didn't even notice when he finished it. All he knew was that it had an horrendous, silky and salty taste.
Exiting the elevator, he hurriedly made his way to the review centre.
He made his way there very easily as the other students were just waking up at this point in time.
Opening the door to the review centre, he was instantly surprised by the immediate surroundings.
It was all white, the same as his room's default wallpaper.
The tip of his eyebrow instantly rise upwards.
"Isn't it too early to be here at this time?" a slightly flat but annoyed voice sounded out, distracting David from his observation.
Dav immediately looked forward, his expression soon changed into an 'as expected expression'.
The person behind the desk had the same posture, expression and even the behaviour of those who works behind the desk on earth too.
For example, the slightly pot belly peeking through the hole from the midsection of the desk, also the 'i don't give a f*ck' expression the man had.
It made David miss earth a bit. Just a bit though.
"Hi there, uhh…not really?"
David replied, sounding a bit confused.
"Anyway, I'm here to get myself graded." David stated.
The man was instantly surprised.
Although, Dav wasn't the first to get grade in this batch of students he also wasn't the second and certainly wasn't the third to be graded among the students of the institute.
But he was definitely among the top 200 talented students of this batch of recruitment.
"Oh, you should have just said that earlier, Mr...?"
As though I was given the chance to talk. David thought in his heart.
"I'm David, you can just call me Dav if you wish." David replied while strolling inside the room.
"Hmm, I would call you Dav then haha, please, sit." the man responded with a laugh this time. Quite different from the his earlier moody expression.
"You just have to go through the test first before I can grade you officially. By the way, I'm Johnson but you can also call me Mr John if you'd so wish." John bent down from his seat, when he stood back up, he was holding a type of technological bracelet.
Holding it towards David.
"Place it in any of your wrist."
"What is this exactly?" David was a bit sceptical. He got seated.
"Its nothing really, it just helps us confirm if you really no longer affected by the myalgia." John replied truthfully.
"You would feel a slight pain mind you." John added.
"Okay let's get this over with." David wore the bracelet on his left wrist.
"Now what?" puzzled nothing happened.
"Do not be impatient Da-"
Electric energy flashed as the electrical current was discharged into David's body.
"Hmph! that really hurts." Dav groaned and clenched his teeth rightly to endure the pain.
"Does it really have to be this painful?" Dav complained as the pain faded from his body while removing the test bracelet from his wrist.
"What was that for?" David said as he glared at the pot belled man before him.
"Sorry about that Dav, I'm just following protocols." John replied to David being apologetic. Retrieving the bracelet from Dav, he kept it back to its previous position.
"So did I pass the test?" David questioned, rubbing his wrist gently.
"Of course you did. Splendidly in fact." john smiled
"Great… what if I didn't pass?"
"Hehe, Let's just say, you wouldn't be... here to ask any questions, Dav." John grinned as he relaxed to his chair.
David instantly understood what he meant. The Myalgia would increase one's sensitivity by a lot and if one were to be electrocuted by the bracelet during that time, it was death straight away, no hope of survival.
David frowned as he felt it was way too cruel. But, it wasn't really his business. He just needed to know his grades.
"So what's my grade?" he asked impatiently.
"Do not be impatient Dav, your are now a Three star talented student and as a three star talented student, there are some private privileges specially reserved by the institute for students as talented as you are. You can read the students guide for more information. " John beamed. An holographic image with three bright stars emerged from John's desk.
John reached out to them, he grabbed at the three stars before swiftly throwing them along Dav's direction.
Directly towards his imprint. David was shocked as he thought he was being attacked but the three stars just disappeared into his imprint as if being absorbed into it as though nothing had ever happened. It was a fascinating sight.
"Fascinating, but Why three star, Why not five star ?" Dav questioned subconsciously, as he rubbed his imprint still marvelled by the previous scene.
John smile instantly froze as he gazed at Dav with a deadly stare.
"Get out, Now!" John said in a deep tone. Struggling to keep himself calm. He had mentioned five stars like it was nothing. If five stars were that common, the institute wouldn't be bothered with those thre stars students
"Okay, I was just asking out of curiosity anyway. No need to be that hard in me." trying to defending himself, David raised both his hands up.
Leaving the now angry John's office, David headed straight back to the cafeteria. Although, people are out from their beds already.
Upon getting there, Dav had to wait in line for his turn behind some groups of teenagers.
Finally his turn, he stretched his hand which has the imprint in it.
"You have already withdrawn your morning meal today. please kindly step away from the line or pay a certain fix amount of gyno points to purchase the types of food available for sale?." The familiar robotic voice sounded out.
'F*ck, you call that sh*tty liquid, food? What else do this world call food over here. Never mind, I don't wanna know' Dav secretly muttered.
Dav left the cafeteria in anger.
He reached a certain spot in the current floor. He sat down to catch a breather at a bench he found at some point.
He could see some students walking while tapping into the air rapidly. Some were even tapping furiously at what David can only describe as rays of lights.
He was only able to see multiple rays of light and was confused why the rest of the students would do that.
After a moment of realisation, David raised his arm up.
Applying pressure on the imprint for three seconds, he called to his Personal digitalised computer.
"I want to see my own personal holographic image." David said, he needed to get used to this world quickly in order to avoid suspicion.
"Switching to manual mode,
please wait a moment.
Initialising... 50 seconds to completion,
please wait."