26.66% Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion / Chapter 11: The lion and the dragon

章 11: The lion and the dragon

Here's what Aslan currently looks like: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/4/48/ArcherGilGOStage3.png/revision/latest?cb=20161227172856&path-prefix=fr


In the courtyard of Lannisport Castle, a 15-year-old man was training. He was 1.62m tall with golden hair and crimson eyes. Aslan's upper body was naked and he had only the bottom of an armor.

Aslan waved his sword with agility and precision. In 3 years of training, Aslan began to develop a style of fencing adapted to murder, a deadly and vicious style.

Cersei and Shiera looked at him with concern because 1 month and a half has passed and the marriage between Elia and Rhaegar would begin in two days.

A Lannister soldier ran into the yard toward Aslan.

"My lord! The men are ready!"

Aslan stopped his sword and he looked at the soldier and said.

"Good. We are leaving now."

Aslan sheathed his sword and took a combat tunic to cover his upper body. He left towards the exit of the castle followed by the soldier when suddenly two worried voices were heard.

"Aslan! Be careful!"

"You have to come back! Otherwise, we wouldn't know what to do."

Shiera and Cersei were worried about Aslan. Aerys has been getting more and more crazy in recent years, especially against the Lannister family. Rumors concerning the real leader of Westeros circulated everywhere. Aerys is only a symbol and Tywin and the real leader. Aerys felt humiliated.

Aslan didn't stop and just nodded while walking.

Outside Lannisport were 500 soldiers surrounded by a murderous aura. All were the elite of the elite who were extremely loyal to Aslan.

Aslan did not give any order, he only took his horse and headed for King's Landing with the soldiers in tow.

Lannisport was silent, all the inhabitants did not want a conflict to break out.

In just 1 day, Aslan and his 500 soldiers arrived at the border of the Crownlands, but they were blocked by soldiers.

Aslan's cavalry stopped and Aslan came out and shouted.

"Who is arresting me ?!"

"It's me, young lord."

A banneret of the Lannisters taken out among the soldiers in front of Aslan.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your father sent me to arrest you, what you are doing will cause tension throughout Westeros."

"Hmph! And then, I'm not going to let my wife marry Rhaegar."

The banneret was silent but why.

"The king could ask for your head you know."

"Ha! If he thinks I will give him my head without a good fight then he is wrong. If he wants war then he will have it. Now move for this lord!"

The banneret saw Aslan's red eyes glow and he trembled. The 500 riders of Aslan put their hands on their swords, triggering an intense thirst for blood.

The banneret soldiers trembled and the banneret smirked and finally let Aslan pass with his riders.

Aslan continued on his way with strong determination.

Aslan knew that in a year, different noble houses would rebel against Aerys. Aslan who did not want to change the chronology from the start too much decided to enter a rebellion if Aerys refused to release Elia.

The 500 riders gathered in a wave of 500 bloodthirsty demons. The villages on the way to King's Landing were terrified and the information about Aslan's cavalry reached King's Landing.

Aerys II, began to swear on the iron throne and the nobles of the court were silent, terrified at the idea of ​​suffering under the hand of the mad king. Tywin, who was standing next to Aerys, had frowns.

The Lords Stark, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell, and Baratheon at King's Landing had all started to move their forces.

The Martell's were in a complicated situation. Two factions were created in the family.

The first was to stand by the king's side and force the marriage while pushing Aslan away. The members of this faction wanted to rely on royal power and Rhaegar was a promising young king.

The second faction wanted to cancel the marriage and apologize in front of the king and then to marry Elia with Aslan. The members of this faction found Aslan better because Aslan was promising and the riches of the Lannisters were abundant.

The first faction, led by the Queen of Dorne, had the advantage.

The day after, at the foot of King's Landing, were thousands of city guards. Seeing Aslan's cavalry, they all went into the shield wall fearlessly.

As the two small armies faced each other, Tywin emerged from the wall and shouted.

"Men! Let Aslan enter the city alone, the others will wait outside!"

The guards of King's Landing do not sulk but soon they opened a corridor to allow passage.

Aslan's 500 riders were hesitant about what to do.

"You will stay here, I will go in alone, remember, if I don't go out alive then you know what to do."

The 500 soldiers nodded and stayed behind.

Aslan entered King's Landing, passing the thousands of guards.

Entering the city, he sees his father looking at him with a cold face.

"Why did you lead the soldiers here?"

Tywin asked coldly.

"To get my wife back, this marriage is doomed to failure with my presence. I will not let this marriage be."

"... You are going back to Lannisport now and I will explain myself to the king so that he can forgive you."

Tywin looked at Aslan with daggers but Aslan sniffled.

"Hmph! Father, what would you have done if someone had hurt Joanna?"


"You would have mobilized the entire Lannister army, without worrying about anyone. That's what I'm doing."

The two were silent when Aslan moved his horse forward.

"Ha! Forward!"

Aslan's white horse rushes towards the Red Keep. Tywin sighed and then he too took a horse from the street and followed his son.

At the foot of the Red Keep, a party was taking place. Aerys was also seated on a throne with Rhaella. At their sides were Rhaegar and Viserys.

In the middle of the festivities was an arena where knights clashed for the amusement of the crowd.

Everyone laughed, but the great lords still had a nonchalant face when suddenly a royal guard approached Aerys and whispered in his ear.

Aerys' face changed color and the lords of Westeros noticed this change.

Aerys squeezed his cup of wine so hard that his knuckles looked pale.

Gallops were suddenly heard and a white stallion mounted by Aslan with golden hair entered.

Aslan steered his horse through the middle of the arena to get noticed.

Aerys outraged got up and shouted.

"Heresy! You're not supposed to be here! Guards arrest this man!"

The guards around Aerys rushed towards Aslan, but to no avail.

Aslan from the top of his horse used his sword to strike all the guards. He used the horse to keep the guards at bay and he confronted the guards one by one.

The lords were impressed by the cavalry talents of Aslan.

"He's good. He's comparable to the best knights in The Vale."

"Hahaha, in our Stormlands it would be very welcome!"

Aerys felt mad with rage. Father and son lacked respect. Neither of them gave him a face.

"Kill him! Now! I want him dead!"

No one moved at once and Aslan took the opportunity to shout.

"Your majesty! I want to duel against your son, Rhaegar, to claim Elia Martell!"

The crowd gasped and Rhaegar kept smiling.

Rhaella meanwhile felt indifferent.

Elia was moved to tears, but the faction supporting the Targaryens felt angry.

"Who do you think you are, the king decides!"

The members supporting Aerys stood up and started to scream.

Aerys laughed and said.

"I refuse, for daring to have interrupted a royal marriage I condemn you to death."

Aslan clutched his sword and watched the guards approaching him.

"Whoever gets close will die, I will have no mercy!"

The guards froze and Aerys was ashamed.

"Cowards! You are more numerous, attack together!"

As the guards shared glances, Tywin entered.

"Your majesty, please forgive my eldest son."

"He never disrespected the crown!"

Rickard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Olenna Tyrell, Robert Baratheon watched the show with interest.

Tywin looked Aerys disappointed and ended up saying.

"Vore majesty, my son and Elia are linked and to separate them would be cruel. Authorize the duel."

Aerys looked at Tywin in disbelief. He dared to challenge the royal authority.


"I am ready to return my badge from the hand of the King."

Aerys suddenly froze and he smiled. Aerys was waiting for this opportunity. Aerys had wanted to dismiss Tywin from his hand role for a long time, but he had never found a good reason.

"Well, the other lords agree?"

All accepted, but the Martells accepted with difficulty. They had wanted to have a connection with the Targaryens for a long time and Aslan ruined everything.

Aerys looked at her son with cold eyes and ordered him.

"Face him and win Rhaegar."

Rhaegar nodded and under the gaze of the crowd, he descended from the arena to face Aslan.

A royal guard brought a sword to the prince and Aslan dismounted from his horse to face Rhaegar.

Both were known for their genius and their sword skills.

Under the gaze of the nobles of all Westeros, the two greeted each other.

"Aslan Lannister, I've heard a lot about you. It's the first time you've come to King's Landing, isn't it?"

"That's right, I would have liked to come for a more ... peaceful event."

The conversation between the two surprised the crowd. It was supposed to be a duel for a woman, but the two were gathering friends.

Aslan knew that Rhaegar did not like Elia because he married her only for the goodwill of the family.

The two had no prejudice towards the other.

Under the intense gaze of the crowd, the duel soon began.

Rhaegar cut towards Aslan on the side and Aslan deflected the blow by sliding the sword. He replied with a corresponding blow making Rhaegar dodge.

The two exchanged blows for 7 minutes and the differences between the two began to be noticed.

Rhaegar had more strength due to his age, but Aslan used speed to match Rhaegar.

Various knights in the crowd nodded.

Barristan Selmy at the king's foot nodded.

"The kid has gotten much stronger since last year.

There was also Arthur Dayne alongside his sister, Ashara Dayne who was the queen's confidant.

Arthur Dayne was impressed by Aslan's talent.

"He is only 15 years old but he can already correspond to the prince, he would make an honorable opponent."

Robert, seated at the table of the great nobles, laughed.

"Hahaha, the kid has gotten better since last year's Ned tournament!"

Alongside Robert was Eddard Stark, or commonly known as Ned. The two had known each other for a few years because they were the pupils of Jon Arryn.

"Yes, he is a great warrior." said Ned.

Olenna thought, "This kid is getting stronger and stronger."

The duel between Aslan and Rhaegar continued when suddenly Rhaegar kicked Aslan's stomach throwing him away.

Gasps were heard. Aslan's tunic tore and fell to the ground. Aslan had only the bottom of the gold armor and the red tunic was on the ground exposing the upper body.

Laughs were heard from the women, but the men were drawn to the bottom of the armor that Aslan was wearing.

The quality of Aslan's armor was felt. The lords were interested, but Arthur Dayne who held the morning sword could recognize the material used for the armor.

"He- He used the iron of the meteor! With that amount, we could have made 4 morning swords!" Arthur thought angrily. He felt the urge to spit blood.

Aslan on the ground used his sword to stand up and spit blood from his mouth. During the fall he had cut his cheeks.

Rhaegar ran to Aslan to finish him off but Aslan did not give in. He defended himself but was constantly being pushed back because of his limitations.

Unable to defeat him on a regular basis, Aslan racked his brain to find a solution or a loophole.

In 3 minutes of swapping swords, Aslan found no solution when suddenly he suddenly noticed the sun behind Rhaegar.

Aslan decided to bet it all and just after repelling another attack from Rhaegar, he used his sword to reflect the rays of the sun on Rhaegar's eyes.

Rhaegar felt his eyes burn and he closed his eyes. Aslan took advantage of it and struck the guard of Rhaegar's sword disarming him. Finally, he pointed the sword at the prince's throat to assert his victory.

The crowd was silent, they hadn't understood how Aslan turned the tables to win.

The only ones who saw Aslan's sleight of hand were the seasoned warriors.

Barristan, Arthur and the other members of the royal guard. There was also Robert Baratheon. These people the best warriors of Westeros at that time and Rhaegar is one of them.

Rhaella on her throne was worried about her son, but Aerys was angry. He felt humiliated, he believed that his son was weaker than Aslan while Rhaegar was stronger than Aslan.

Rhaegar only lost because of Aslan's use of the sun.

At the end of the duel, there was silence around the arena when Aerys suddenly got up and returned to the Red Keep.

The lords of the big houses frowned at the lack of respect from the king.

Tywin had a cold face to him but he was happy to humiliate Aerys because of the humiliations which he had previously suffered by his hands.

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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