47.76% Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon / Chapter 32: Chapter 32

章 32: Chapter 32

#### Time skip , day before the 3rd task ####


I have given it a lot of thought and I just don't want to write about anything before the 3rd task in detail. The 2nd task just went almost as same as canon, I am sure everyone has already read the book or even watched the movie, and me writing about it is just wasting mine and everyone's time. I will just give a quick recap. Don't worry, the story won't be ending anytime soon, even after Voldemort's death. I really don't want to add meaningless filler chapters just to stretch the story. Also, this story is not about romance, if you wanted Tonks and MC's whole dating process in detail, the story is not for you. Also, I won't be showing MC taking his master test and whole Newspaper thing in detail, I just did that about his NEWTs a few chapters back, doing it again will be just boring and repetitive. MC is just going to take his tests and ignore everyone's reactions as I am sure you can imagine a newspaper article like his NEWTs calling him a Prodigy and blah blah blah.

I am sorry if me not writing the aforementioned things are off-putting, but I have been thinking about the issue whole day and just couldn't write this stuff. )

Its the day before the 3rd task. Due to Tonks' mentor, Moody getting stuck in Hogwarts this past year, her Auror duties have had unpredictable timings and she is assigned wherever she is needed like for paperwork, guarding duty in different parts of ministry, etc., Whenever any Auror takes day off, she gets assigned with said Auror's work for the time since she is in reserve for now. Due to this our dates have unpredictable timings and could happen back to back for two days or not for even two weeks. But we have managed to make it work, as this will only be until the end of Moody year of teaching at Hogwarts.

At first, Tonks was kind of guarded and we didn't have sex for almost a couple of months. But I didn't push her and waited for her to feel comfortable and not pressured. After a couple of months since we started dating, she finally confessed the reason. Turns out she was a virgin until then. She told me that the boyfriends she had before always wanted to use her due to her metamorphmagus ability and wanted her to turn into other girls to fulfill their fantasies. So, she always waited to see if the person she is dating wants to be with her or just to take advantage of her metamorphmagus ability. But since I never asked her to turn into someone else or pressure her to have sex, unlike her previous boyfriends, she finally told me and we took the next step in our relationship. And let me tell you, it was worth the wait. Let's just say that she is very adventurous in bed too, and leave it at that.

She is officially my girlfriend now and she has even put some of her clothes and other stuff at my place since she frequently spends the night with me.

Like I previously predicted, my hostage for the 2nd task was Robin since I and Tonks are keeping our relationship at down low and also as she was absent during my 2nd task due to Auror duties.

I used the bubblehead charm and Aguamenti charm to propel me forward in the water. I quickly located Robin's location using a previously placed tracking charm on her. After finding her I cut the ropes binding her and used the Aguamenti charm again to propel us back to surface. Not that I care about it, but I got the highest marks for saving my hostage first. Everything else went as same in books. Since when I saved my hostage, Fleur was still in the game, and I just couldn't save her hostage as she was still in the task. Just as in the books, Harry saved her hostage with his own. Well, whatever.

Next Big thing was me taking my 6 Masters exams. Since I had submitted applications for 6 masteries, DOME couldn't reveal the news until I took all 6 of my exams, as per the rules. But after it was over and I had my 6 masteries, news finally leaked to everyone via the newspaper. Daily Prophet practically exploded with the news. My pictures were on the front page for many days and there were articles about me called as 'once in lifetime Prodigy' and other shit. Papers practically printed my whole life story (good thing they didn't know anything I wanted to hide from others) and even other stuff like Canis House. I became very famous and many of pureblood families even sent marriage contracts for their daughters but I ignored everything.

The best thing that came out of the whole ordeal was that Tonks rewarded me very generously and uniquely in bed for my achievements. Let's just say that I am very motivated to study and take more mastery level tests, just for her reward.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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