52.17% Pokemon - Adventure / Chapter 12: Pewter City

章 12: Pewter City

After two long days in Viridian forest, I finally reached the exit.

I have to admit, the System did a really good job with navigation. I managed to catch all of the Pokemon I needed once more.

My Pokedex now had entries for Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree and the rare Venonat.

Venonat was a tough one to catch, being so elusive. But Charmander pulled through, thankfully.

Speaking of Charmander, he is now at level fifteen! So close to evolution.

Walking through the trail, I finally saw Pewter city in the distance. It was the biggest city I had visited thus far.

The morning sky, along with the massive mount moon in the distance was such a great sight that I simply had to take a picture.

(A/N: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/77/Kanto_Route_2_PO.png )

Oh, and yes. I've been taking pictures of not only Pokemon but many places along the way.

One day, when I retire, I hope to publish my journey as a book and encyclopedia.

Back on earth I always liked writing, but never really knew what to. I also enjoy drawing.

I will make a massive encyclopedia... Where I will leave my tactics, studies, sketches of Pokemon, and my journey to the top of the world.

Well, enough about my dreams. It's embarrassing.

After a while of walking, I reached Pewter city. As usual, the first stop was the Pokemon center.

Nurse Joy seemed to know that I was coming, swiftly taking care of Charmander and company as I looked around the facilities.

Pokemon Centers really were huge.

Not long after, a Chansey came over with a tray holding my Pokemon. I thanked it and left.

After breathing in the morning city air, I headed to the gym.

Time to see the results of our training in the forest.

The Gym was as big as the Pokemon center, and when I entered I was greeted by a receptionist.

"Hello. I'm here to attempt the gym challenge. I have no badges and here is my trainer ID."

The woman smiled at my decisiveness and gladly took my Pokedex, where my ID was located.

After a while, I was given the pass and she told me to stay in the waiting room.

I sat down with Charmander and relaxed.

Just as we sat down though, a small blue Pokemon approached Charmander. It was a Horsea.

I quickly scanned it with my Pokedex.

"Horsea, a dragon Pokemon. In this unique Pokemon species, thousands of eggs hatch in spring and the male raises them himself."

"What is that tablet thing? Why can it talk?"

As I was going over Horsea's data, a voice sounded from the other side of the waiting room. There, some dude was Staring at me. He looked like one of those collectors from the games.

Do I have something on my face? So uncomfortable...

"It's called a Pokedex. A high-tech encyclopedia."

Hearing my answer, he made a confused face... But after seeing Charmander, he let out a smirk.

"Heh. Are you going to enter with a fire-type? Don't you know that Brock uses rock-types? I admire your stupidity. Is that your only Pokemon?"

What a nice fella.

I have no time for people like that, so I completely ignored him.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes. You can ignore me all you want. But with that measly Charmander, you're not going to get very far. Heh."

As soon as he was finished, someone came out of the door next to us looking depressed. It seems that they had lost.

Not only that, but the person had a Charmander by their side. It was all beat up.

"Hahahahaha. That's how you'll end up!"

The dude kept on laughing non-stop after that, until his name was called and he got up.

"Do you want to see my match? There are stands for any bystanders to watch if they want, you know?"

I ignored him once more, focusing on the Horsea's data.

"Well, you could have learned something. Too bad for you."

With a whistle, he called back Horsea and they left into the room.

Ah, I hate people like that. They make me nauseous, really.

twenty minutes later, he came out of the room with no badge.

Looking at me with a face full of resentment, he exploded.

"What are you looking at! Horsea! Use Water-Gun on his Charmander and teach him a lesson!"

Looking a bit sad, Horsea complied.

As the water approached, I smiled. Keeping quiet.

Charmander made a graceful movement with its head and narrowly dodged the pressurized water.

The action had been swift and elegant.


Looking at him with a smile, I made my way to the door along with Charmander.

"Do you want to see my match? There are stands for any bystanders to watch if they want... you know?"

Returning his words, I entered the room.

Inside, it looked exactly like in the games. Brock was at the end, with no other trainers in sight. He had no shirt on... For some reason.

On the side wall, there was a big screen.

(A/N: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2f/Pewter_Gym_battlefield_PO.png )

"So you're finally here, Shawn-kun. I was expecting you. Your friends set a pretty high standard, so don't let me down!"

Why does everyone know me? So annoying... I don't even get to introduce myself.

"Well, if you know me... Let's not waste any time."

"Heh. Show me what a trainer chosen by the professor is capable of! Geodude! Go!"

Geodude made a strong appearance and got into a battle stance.

"System, display relevant data."

[Answering Host.

Species: Geodude

Level: 12

Ability: Sturdy

Moves: Defense-Curl and Tackle. ]

Level twelve? Easy target.

Green's Squirtle and Red's Bulbasaur must have bullied this one real bad.

I'm not going to fall behind though.

"Charmander, go."

Charmander nodded and headed into the field. He and Geodude locked gazes and measured each other for a while.

The screen on the wall then displayed their health.

"You go first! Those are the rules."

"Okay then. Charmander, Dragon Dance!"

The red aura made another appearance and the flame on Charmander's tail grew exponentially.

"Ooh... Unexpected! Geodude, use tackle!"

Geodude wasted no time and sped towards Charmander, thinking quickly I gave it orders and Charmander dodged out of the way, impressing Brock.

Its time to showcase our new tactic.

"Charmander! Run in circles around Geodude while using Ember at full power!"

Obeying, Charmander used its speed increase from Dragon Dance and became a blur as it ran in circles around Geodude.

"Geodude! Dont panic and use Defense-Curl!"

Geodude was increasing his defense, But Charmander had done a few laps already. A massive circle of fire started to rise up.

Using the rotating air from Charmander's speed as well as the updraft caused by the flame, a fire tornado was created.

Inside, Geodude couldn't breathe. All of the air was being sucked in as fuel by the flame.

"Incredible!" Brock had his mouth wide open.

When the tornado finally subsided, it revealed a fainted Geodude. Not breathing for so long was apparently too much for it.

Brock looked at me with disbelief, and i smiled in relief. I had been banking on that plan to win for a while.

"Truly amazing... Geodude, come back. Now, time for the real show. Onix!"

With a strong throw, Brock released his second Pokemon.

Onix appeared on the field and the ground trembled, making me almost fall over.

It's massive snake-like body was looming over Charmander.

Oh boy, this is gonna be tough.

Moxie Moxie

Surprise release!

I'm home sick today so I can write as much as I want without having to focus on anything else.

I'll release another one later hopefully at the usual time if everything goes well.

As always, if you can, drop some stones, reviews, and comments.

Happy reading!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


