/ Anime & Comics / 中断 Shinobi System Royale 中断

中断 Shinobi System Royale 中断 オリジナル

中断 Shinobi System Royale 中断

Anime & Comics 2 章 22.9K ビュー
作者: theMadLad


詳細 目次 Reviews


Plopped into the World of Naruto along with 5 other System Users spread between the 5 Major Villages, a Shinobi System Royale initiates!

I’m stuck without any village to join or backing to help me, will I survive?

.....Wait, is this really a bad thing?

General Audiences



  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



It’s great so far, as you’ve probably read, if you read the other reviews, this is a polarizing plot line; it could either be really good, great even, or on the opposite end of the spectrum and end up trash. I hope this doesn’t pressure you in dropping, quitting, or anything of the like, as it is currently a well done story. Best of wishes, hope you do well, and hope this story does well also.

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It truly is disturbing me ,when write post a chapter soly for the words. If your story is to short for the algorithm then simple save up some chapters so when you release it you some 10 to 20 chapter story ... And not some ... : Ignore this chapter! And spam 90 pages of waste just so your one chapter story can be ranked ... !!!

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I am the exp of my Holy Scripture Review. Webnovel is my body, exp is my blood. I have created over a thousand useless reviews. Unknown to sleep, nor known to reality. I have withstood Cliff-Kun to create many reviews. Yet these hands will never tap anything. So, as I pray ... Unlimited Exp Works!

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More plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Moaaaaaaaaar Moaaaaaar Moaaaaaaaaar Mooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Only 1 chapter out In my opinion, being unaffiliated to any of the 5 majors villages is a boon. He won't have to hide his perks to not attract attention. Anyway, as the system seems adamant about him being disadvantaged I hope that the 5 antagonist have really huge boons. I also hope that they won't be stupid. Imagine that each of them gain control over their respective village (shadow leader or outright Kage) and immensely boost their overall powers. MC could create a group like Akatsuki (not Akatsuki itself as they would be wary of it already). You could also do alliance game between them and their battle royal would encompass all the world. Information war, spying war, squirmish, all out war. There's so much potential to this story. Five gods fighting using the world as chessboard. Only one winner. Also I hope that MC won't always be so lucky afterwards. I understand that you want to give him all this so it's good this time. You choose to major in Fuinjutsu and Ninjutsu but don't ignore Taijutsu and Genjutsu. A real ninja should be swift and violent (Taijutsu) as well as deceptive and shrewd (Genjutsu). Fancy Ninjutsu won't help everytime. Also don't exaggerate Fuinjutsu. It's not all powerful. Its main use is for support. Stay realistic. Fuinjutsu I not formation of Chinese novel. **: If you think you're able to do it correctly, I propose that he be born 5 years before the creation of the 5 major village. That way, they would still be born in the 5 major villages. They could be from Hiruzen generation or slightly higher. I never read a fanfic going on in this times. There's very few information and you could make up all you want as long as it stays logical.

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All in all massive potential it could be dumb or could be good it just depends on how the author will go about it.

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borderline stupid or genius...would be weird or dope...seems interesting but I must ask,,there will only be one MC right?, there will other SI BUT only one MC right? IDK, always thought bks like this are weird but eh,,,something new I suppose...GL..I'll just request one MC to focus on and that he isnt stupid nor a perverted retard

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I hope to see this novel to the end. Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp.

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作者 theMadLad