No more chapters ? 😢
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Pretty sure thats the doing of the Duke of Orlean. Sold every scrap of food abroad and orchestrated the revolution. Can someone confirm ?
Moreover, next summer France would face a severe hailstorm, and with the impact of previous years' droughts, a national famine was imminent. This would be followed by a mob of hungry people storming the Bastille, triggering the immense upheaval of the Revolution, with hundreds of thousands meeting their end at the guillotine...
History · Mount Tianhai
Tbh that would look like a peasant and a noble are of the same status.. It could be interesting for whatever internal conflicts in the country might happen next. A reconciliation through 2 brides representing each population.
I wonder when/if there is a limit to his parabolic growth now. We first started seeing him progressing faster than anyone else, but having pullback in the progression, to then making even more progression.. But since the moment he cheated the 3rd boundary everything is just parabolic, and the only setback is him slowly dying but thankfully he met the princess... He might just be a REALLY lucky guy in his bad luck. If even one thing necessary for his survival was missing, he would be dead so many times. Let's see how you deal with that!
Thank you for the mass release ! 🥰
Ohhh so that’s because she’s some kind of time traveller I see.. it all makes sense now 😂
Yeah I saw that in the next chapters. I just remember her, in the earlier chapters, being closer to Beam somehow.
Was Loriel removed from the story ?
Gotcha ! Thanks ! Btw, is it worth revisiting the previous chapters you edited ? Not sure if important parts of the story changed.
The Scum Emperor's Redemption System
Fantasy · Celipse