

LV 15
2022-12-30 Bergabung Global
Lencana 17

Moments 6740
25 minutes ago

their nature*

Caleb turned from carefree to authoritative in a fraction of a second. "Yes I have been relayed to that the coalition has also been snooping near the planet. I don't think they will attack the non aligned planet, its not in there nature. If they find out about the artifact though, they may not care and will throw a lot at us to prevent it. You were right in suggesting only mercenaries should go planet side, lowers suspicion."

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

29 minutes ago


Unaware at how my actions stuck her, as to me the suit was not really tech, just an extension of the hive and billions more could be made for me, I let her drag me back to her room. Once inside, I walked with her to the wardrobe, but she stopped at the doorframe. "What's wrong?" I asked at her behaviour. "Don't laugh, but those purple orbs feel dangerous to me." Kathrine replied. "Oh yeah that makes sense, to open the suit, it requires a small sacrifice on the users part." Kathrine took a defensive stance behind her door frame. "Nothing serious, just a good amount of Psionic energy." I said and relayed enough to open the front fast.

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

3 hours ago


Kathrine was fascinated. The Spartari went in the direction of metal implants to improve a persons form, to use external means by linking them with your mind was alien yet fascinating to her. "Would you care to give it a test run?" Kathrine looked at me questioningly. "Don't worry you wont have to link with it, Ill use my head as a relay, but you will hear my thoughts while your inside. Psionic Jaron stuff I wont bore you with the details." I said waving my hand.

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

3 hours ago


Upon opening my eyes once more, I heard a rhythmic breathing to my right. Kathrine was asleep on the bed as far away from me as possible. 'well thats a nice surprise, I usually have one horny bug trying to feel me up as I sleep. Having someone respect boundaries is a nice change.' Growing curios of my bed companion however, I raised the sheet slightly to check if she was waring anything. 'Hmm not bad.'

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

4 hours ago
Replied to Ben_Cresswell

np just trying to help where i can, loving the novel so far!

"Go my sweet, best no keep the driver waiting." Sophia said shoeing me along. At the door to her club, I gave her a kiss that lasted 30 seconds before pulling away to walk across the street. This caused Sophia to have to balance herself on the frame of the door as she watched me get inside the vehicle and watched it fly away.

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

4 hours ago
Replied to Jin_moon

so so far a couple hours passed on the other world as of now because of the time spent in his first chasm?

' After going into that Chasm I'll return to the other Earth, I have done some of the things I had in mind and I'll do the rest the next time I come here, but before going back I should deal with Mason's group. ' Lucian thought, sitting on the back seat of the cab.

My NTR Harem

My NTR Harem

Fantasy · Jin_moon

4 hours ago
Replied to FracturedNox

ik i just reached it, hoping something comes if that later

Orchid proceeded to extend her psionic link out to the hive for a moment before closing it once more and relayed to me "Another freethinker variant has consumed a female human-pray in the city and has processed the information of her exocrines structure which it called 'breast' I shall begin my gene alteration now. 

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

4 hours ago

icy look*

"He's not my husband!" Hailey screamed out louder than she meant to. Her icy loot melted away by embarrassment. Kathrine smiled at her small victory before continuing. "Yes-yes dear whatever you say. Anyway I went over to his establishment for a day of partying and drinking." "Hold it!" Hailey interrupted again. "Is this his ex's club? I could not dig up much more on the whore, she keeps her house tidy." 

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

4 hours ago

best not* ( btw im sorry if these little corrections here and there bother you, just tyna help )

"Go my sweet, best no keep the driver waiting." Sophia said shoeing me along. At the door to her club, I gave her a kiss that lasted 30 seconds before pulling away to walk across the street. This caused Sophia to have to balance herself on the frame of the door as she watched me get inside the vehicle and watched it fly away.

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

4 hours ago


Reclothed, I followed Sophia back upstairs and entered her VIP suite once more. Kathrine was sitting there drinking some sort of smoothie, the effect I assume was a hangover remedy. "Morning soon to be boss." I said with enthusiasm, to which Kathrin winched and begun to massage the side of her head. "Not so loud handsome, girl can't handle her hangover as well as she once could."

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell