I'd say it's balanced. I want to go for a realistic feel, more of a slice of life, along with the adventure, action and combat. I want to build a world for everyone to become emmersed in. Time will only tell how it goes, but I know for sure it wont be too dark or too light hearted. But a mix
thanks for the support!! next chapter releasing tomorrow!
I nearly had a stroke reading this. Holy s***
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Fantasy · Hile_Lawrence
Nice going! definately a read you should check out! when is the next chapter releasing? Good luck with the writing and keep up the good work
Some nice writing, would like some more chapters though, so if you could write a bit more that would be great Goodluck with the writng and keep up the good work
honestly i'm clueless read the first three chapters writing is below average genuinly confused, though maybe i am misunderstanding. not that interesting not worth a read i dont think.
Have really enjoyed writing this novel so far, its done wonders for my writing ability. I hope to carry this on far into the future to create a world everyone can read and enjoy.
I really like the concept. Its got a solidly written base idea and is a good novel as far as I've read. looking forward to see where it goes.
Extremely minuscule, multi-fingered appendages
By foolproof, I am naturally referring to my operation. The Information Heist! I've been planning this for the last few weeks, a genius plan to access the books and papers in the study, this has to occur whilst my brain is still in its information-absorbing stage, so time is of the essence! My laughter intensified, 'I'll finally able to grasp my tiny little hands around some solid information!', hopefully this will inform me as to where I have been reborn.
Fantasy · RetroZeb