Yup but they like Imperial Japan are notorious for their isolated nature. Most Shinto kami stayed inside their domain and rarely intervene except maybe Inari. But that’s a big maybe since Yasaka was attacked inside her own land and no Shinto god help her despite her heing a shrine maiden to Inari
"Look out! Let us through! The Youkai God's come to save us!" Yasaka said, as the onlookers stared in awe as their leader led him down the street.
Anime & Comics · Koyon
Uh no wrong, 99% of gamblers quit before they win big. Be that 1% and always GAMBLE!!!!!! Let the Gacha God flow through u just as when he came inside me
Naruto facepalmed as he stared at the debuff. This was why he didn't want to use the token. Gambling never worked. He didn't know how high of a number you could roll, but hopefully adding 20 was pretty good. He also didn't know what rolling really meant, so it might have been completely useless. However, as for the debuff, he knew that would be annoying. He was Naruto Uzumaki. Talking was how he connected with people, friends and enemies alike. That would be way harder if they constantly misunderstood him. He wasn't sure when "the worst possible time" was, but hopefully he'd never find out.
Anime & Comics · Koyon
it is a longinus
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Goksumr
It was word for word repeating
"If other forces act, the Sect will also do its best to help avenge and provide ample compensation."
Eastern · Nine Profound Mountain Master
Oh he fixed it… nvm
"If other forces act, the Sect will also do its best to help avenge and provide ample compensation."
Eastern · Nine Profound Mountain Master
here ur 5 stars since this looks interestingaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Eh Erebus is worse. Lorgar is like that gullible friend that believe in anything u said. Erebus is that devil on ur shoulder that tells u he has ur best interest at heart while slowly corrupting u and ur brother then kickstarting the heresy because dude wanted more power
"Unless you want to make fun of Lorgar. Cause fuck that guy." I told her.
Anime & Comics · JManM
I’m down to be in 40k as a necron lord or overlord with a tomb hidden on a death world that no one wants to explore. Be fun to play wuth their tech and build up my forces and claim more tomb under my empire
"40K is my safety blanky." I began my impassioned speech, "No matter what I do, or what I see, I can sleep peacefully at night because… at least I am not in 40K. That is what Riser insulted, and that is what he gets."
Anime & Comics · JManM
This Riser dude reeks of heresy. Tho they are all techinaclly xenos and are all heretics
"Is that a Warhammer cosplay?" Riser asked with a derisive tone.
Anime & Comics · JManM
Day 1 of asking u to update
Naruto: A Life On The Battlefield
Anime & Comics · CYANOMN1VORE