Lactation Potion. It will cause the recipient to start lactating temporarily for 1 to 3 hours.
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
The black goblin's fist slowly moves towards Milcar's face, as if the black goblin were trying to give Milcar a friendly punch.
Anime & Comics · TGThegood
"Dawn... my paranoid Spinarak-senses are tingling. We're not splitting up on the ship, alright?"
Video Games · BenisBoy14
They used special means to implant a part of the "Beast" into children, making them vessels for the creature.
Movies · Firesight
He found that he now seemed to have a few invisible tentacle-like appendages that were untouchable but truly existed.
Eastern · Monochrome Glasses
Didn't he got 2 other skill when he reached tje Xiantie level or what ?
Martial Skills: Void Grasp (Mastered), Void Skip (Mastered), Devouring (Mastered).
Eastern · Kotario
Author ,You misspeled his name again . 😁
Narcissa glanced at Augustus, who smiled at her. She kissed him on the cheek in the court, Agustus enjoyed her bold actions, but no one saw them, except for the Minister Millicent Bagnold, who was glaring at Narcissa.
Book&Literature · Agwinz
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Isnt a three dimensonal triangel a piramid ?
The Crusher Force watched as a purple ball of energy floated above Turles's palm. One second later, it shifted into a three-dimensional triangle. After that, it rapidly shifted forms multiple times over. But changing shapes wasn't the only thing Turles showcased to them. He showed them how concentrating his ki to one point increased the power of his attack multiple times over. Manipulating his ki into shifting into different forms like fire and lightning. How to share ki with others, temporarily empowering his crew and even changing his energy sphere into a humanoid avatar that formed over his body.
Anime & Comics · CaptainBoyHole
🚨Insert Destruction GIFs/PICs here - Most Likes comment will win 🚨
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Demon Cyborg Genos
Anime & Comics · Kazuma_trash