

LV 4
2022-03-20 Bergabung Global
Karya Asli
Lencana 7

Moments 3488
21 minutes ago
Replied to ImpishWolf

In Asta's case, he's better because Izuku is only smart when it comes to talking about heroes.

I kept my head down, letting muscle memory guide me to the train station. My mind raced, analyzing every scrap of information.

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto

24 minutes ago
Replied to ImpishWolf

it depends, it might just be annoying

Mom beamed at me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. It was almost too easy.

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto

1 hours ago
Replied to Ireallylikereading

what do you mean bro? what does that have to do with anything?


"Izuku!" she barked. "Language! And why aren't you dressed for school? You're going to be late!"

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto

1 hours ago
Replied to Habutheri

read the synopsis then

"Izuku!" she barked. "Language! And why aren't you dressed for school? You're going to be late!"

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto

1 hours ago


My neck twinged as I lifted my head. I was slumped over a desk, drool pooling on an open notebook. Charming.

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto

1 hours ago

I liked the story but it seems like the author didn't actually read Kimetsu's story

1 hours ago

actually no, the Giyu from the anime was "born" when Sabito died in the final selection

If he was not mistaken, in the anime the day before Giyu's sister held her wedding, the Tomioka family was attacked by a demon and Giyu escaped the disaster because he was saved by his sister's sacrifice. However that day Giyu lost his last family member which transformed him into the future Giyu who was emotionless and reserved toward everyone. Losing her sister made him afraid to make new connection who may very well be dead in the future. So the Giyu depicted in the anime was born that day.

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Anime & Comics · 0_Eclipse_0

1 hours ago

Dude? Giyu's sister is already dead, he's older than Shinobu and Kanao is the same age as Tanjiro at the beginning of the anime so how can he want to give something to his sister?

Haruto couldn't help but praise. Hearing the praise, Giyu's face was obviously happy: "This is for my sister. I think she will like it very much."

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Anime & Comics · 0_Eclipse_0

1 hours ago

If Kanao is the same age as when the Sisters found her then Giyu is already a Hashira and is around 18 years old and there's no way he would be happy considering the trauma and guilt


The young boy who looked like Giyu finished his dinner and after finishing his work, he sat alone in the corner of the campfire, covering his cloth bag with a happy smile on his face. As if feeling something, the young boy raised his head involuntarily and met a pair of golden eyes.

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Anime & Comics · 0_Eclipse_0

1 hours ago
Replied to Hippo9999

I think he just wants to say that they have hidden weapons but for some reason he doesn't want to say it directly.

Almost all of them were busy unloading goods, except there were a few people who just stood in their place. Those few were all strong people with bulging waists. They should be responsible for the safety of the traveling merchants. Especially the leader, although he didn't speak, his eyes were always looking at him vigilantly, especially when he saw the blade hanging from his waist.

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Anime & Comics · 0_Eclipse_0

  • Chat: Sword and Wind [English] original

    Chat: Sword and Wind [English]


    Baru Diperbarui

    English is not my first language, I will always make two versions of my stories, one in English and one in my native language (this one). #synopsis Well, what would happen if a superior being lost a bet with his colleagues and decided to reincarnate a young couple with a bonus of having high-level wishes granted? Well, that's the premise of this story, what if these chosen ones had instead of greed or desire for power only the will to live a new life and survive? #author I don't know how to write a story, although I have experience in world creation, this will be a story with travels between worlds, but these travels will be long, I already have some worlds planned initially. I will ask for ideas for the rest, after that I have some inspirations for arcs and scenes, I will list the worlds I planned to include for sure. Combined world (reincarnation). Arifureta. Demon Slayer. DxD. THE COVER IMAGE IS NOT MINE SO IF BY ANY CHANCE THE OWNER WANTS TO REMOVE IT I WILL DO SO. I also do not own any characters other than my protagonists. [Tags not accessible]. #R-19 #Reincarnation #DxD #Bnha #Arifureta #DemonSlayer #Survival #Action #Destiny #Honkai #Zombies #System #Harem #DimensionalTravel #OP to OP #The characters will be OP, yes, but I will still try to make cool fights in which they have difficulties (they are OPs only in raw power/Herscher form that will only be used as a last resort or in desperation) #I plan doors every 5 chapters so I will try hard not to end with a chlifhanger

    6 Chs 77 Koleksi

  • Chat: Sword and Wind original

    Chat: Sword and Wind


    Baru Diperbarui

    Inglês não é minha primeira língua, sempre farei duas versões das minhas histórias, uma em inglês e outra na minha língua nativa (essa) . #sinopse Bem, o que aconteceria se um ser superior perdesse uma aposta com seus colegas e decidisse reencarnar um jovem casal com um bônus de ter desejos de alto nível concedidos? Bem, essa é a premissa desta história, e se esses escolidos tivessem em vez de ganancia ou desejo por poder apenas vontade de viver uma nova vida e sobreviver? #autor Não sei escrever uma história, embora tenha experiência em criação de mundos, esta será uma história com viagens entre mundos, mas essas viagens serão longas, já tenho alguns mundos planejados inicialmente. Pedirei ideias para o resto, depois disso tenho algumas inspirações para arcos e cenas, listarei os mundos que planejei incluir com certeza. Mundo combinado (reencarnação). Arifureta. Demon Slayer. DxD. A IMAGEM DE CAPA NÃO É MINHA ENTÃO SE POR ALGUMA ACASO O DONO QUEIRA RETIRAR EU FAREI ISSO. Tambem não possuo nenhum personagem alem dos meus protagonistas. [Tags não acessíveis]. #R-19 #Reencarnação #DxD #Bnha #Arifureta #DemonSlayer #Sobrevivência #Ação #Destino #Honkai #Zumbis #Sistema #Harém #ViagemDimensional #OP para OP #Os personagens serão OP, sim, mas ainda tentarei fazer lutas legais nas quais eles tenham dificuldades (eles são OPs apenas em poder bruto/forma Herscher que só serão usados ​​como último recurso ou em desespero) #eu planejo portas de 5 em 5 capitulos então vou tentar bastante não acabar com um chlifhanger

    6 Chs 25 Koleksi