please come back I need more
I'm still so proud of shinso for that
Last round, Shinso had actually managed to hurt Bakugo. Breaking the bomber's nose and giving him 'a cup check to end all cup checks' as Mina had put it, leaving Bakugo livid and still wanting more combat, the blond's anger only made worse upon noting how Shinso had joined Izuku's circle. Now…now Bakugo was going to be fighting Reiko.
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
"Bad!" Kirishima echoed, borrowing the newspaper to swat Mina.
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
"And have memes of just you two now!" Mina showed her phone which showed Kakuna and Metapod memes about the two hardening quirk users along with the calvary battle memes. The joys of the speed of the internet.
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
thank you for pre reading my mind and writing these out
'When you've got to beat a mother fucker with TWO motherfuckers.'
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
"Turns out there are already Memes about the Calvary battle." Kan was snickering as he looked at his phone.
Anime & Comics · Huvnn
*cries in American*
"Parker, you're in Japan, as in you have free health care and don't need to pay for hospital bills."
Movies · Huvnn
and your absolutely right
"Why, no! For I, a mere defenseless civilian, have been caught in this terrible disaster and had a building fall on me, rendering me unable to move!"
Movies · Huvnn
if appears so
"After reading everything that I could about the Hungarian horntail I started planning how to get into the dragon enclosure in Romania" I said and started thinking.
Movies · Kinsos
"Guess what! I'm a citizen now".
I Am Energy In Dc
Anime & Comics · PcaNovels