hmm if he goes to bleach the hollows will be a constant for him if his cursed energy works the same as it does on cursed spirits. dudes a walking dr*g for them
So One Piece, Rwby, DxD, Naruto, Bleach… It's all game.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
that's a line for the books right there lol
"Infinity will not stop my dick." He says, and true to his words, he thrusts forward and breaks the impregnable barrier, penetrating Gojo's virgin pussy.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
with his cooking skills... he's skipping past foodg*sm and going straight into mind break territory
3. Omni-Taste Seasoning: A mysterious spice that enhances the flavor of any food, making even the blandest dish a gourmet masterpiece.
Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_
it shouldn't be as effective on him as it normally would considering his dragon transformation originated from slayer magics
'Like any dragon, an anti-dragon weapon and spells will deal more damage to you.'
Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
if you're not born with the qualifications to be king then make them through effort and forge your path to become the ruler, the KING you strive to be! haki is we**onizing will power so there's no way in hell you wouldn't be able to eventually
I bought them all Except the Conqueror haki book it was really expensive, I hope to have the qualifications of a king because I don't think I'm going the get my hand on 100000 sp but deep down I know I don't have it.
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894
hmm if he uses it on a dictionary to gain a language skill it could be a good investment in the future for things like words of power and such not to mention if he tries to enter his counterparts as**ssin roots knowing a bunch of languages to create coded messages and stuff would be a boon
so expensive I'm lucky I have the discount and I want this ability because I can buy book of a skill from shop and honestly I'm not smart enough to understand a book like time magic or healing magic or something like that so this makes my job easier so I bought it.
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894
what counts as a scroll because if it's just named a scroll and it works he could learn a bs amount of stuff from the RWBY cell phones called scrolls so context matters
touche a book or a scroll to learn new skill
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894
if he ever gets them into metal he could show them through the fire and the flames by DragonForce
"Hi I'm Stephen stills I'm the leader of the band sex Bob-omb, I got your number from Scott which he also got it from Stacey , anyway I just wanted to say I heard about your song and it's fantastic I hope you come over tomorrow so we sing it for you and tell if you have a suggestion" this was what he write.
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894
he's being baited into increasing his charm isn't he lol
charm:10(you are a little good-looking)
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894
ok just making sure considering certain factors that could make it a viable option
touche a book or a scroll to learn new skill
In scott pilgrim world and traveling to other worlds with a system
Anime & Comics · Alucard_7894