(There will be a major timeskip, but I won't skip it all. I will show all major events in those two years, like concerts, interviews, song performances, etc. I plan to provide 20 chapters to illustrate those two years.)
TV · Alittlepiggy33
We're just saying it's a bit off-putting. His decisions in the 1st few chapters. I literally just finished chapter two and was considering dropping this book but decided to check out the comments and am glad i did. I'm happy he realised his mistake with the gun and car, but i still feel there will be consequences when the car is found. maybe i should read more and see what happens. But if this was really set in the real world 2023. I believe robin will eventually have success and questions will be raised on how he got there. A little tracing back to a mysterious self starting car found in his neighbourhood/university will surely raise more questions.
Good read😌
Seriously dude, are u in Nigeria?
Hold up. hold up. your an Nigerian?
really really like this aldus character. reminds me of old characters from movies and series that are calm, complicated and violent when necessary or emotional
he just needs to bring his mum and be a good son
Bitch, we don't give a fuck about CPR
Life of Being a Crown Prince in France
History · Mount Tianhai