4) Shadow Control [Can create tangible weapons with shadows and can move or merge with shadows. Gives her near invisibility/camo in darkness.]
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
Give her the perfect balance.
6) You have a better idea. Comment here.
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
9. What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
Double the in the question
"1. 84% of people reading this will not find the the mistake in this A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z."
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
Wait. Male or female water dragon?
Of course, there was an option to turn off this function, but we will save that for later, and Ray would only know this after he knew his water dragon was masturbating to him in a very very far day away.
Fantasy · Rysangel
So he’s a shower not a grower.
Lawrend's rod was the type that doesn't shrink when limp. If you didn't know, that does exist.
Fantasy · Daoist_Little_Yun
Cynthia or green
Vulcan = Fleur Delacour. can have the familys meet wile young then when they meet again hat hogwarts Things happen. Hitomi = peter parker can have so she finds out about him just after getting his power and then helps him make his gear.
Bab ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Yay_Pepto
Just type +1 in the comment or here.
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc