Artemis a trophy room of things the campers have hunted or defeated
Ah. Figured it out.
What type of snake is it?
Forgot one
From his extensive knowledge, both from his past life and the game, Floyd was aware that only a handful of Mega Evolution stones harbored Dragon-type energy. The ones he could recall included those of Sceptile, Salamence, Charizard, Ampharos, and Garchomp.
Anime & Comics · iceclaw9113
It depends on the myth. Some sirens are mermaids like while others are harpies
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No arcannine
Someone from infini stratos
Hopefully your not stealing someone else work. This reads just like dungeon slayer by konrad Ryan with different names.
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Get a rotom in it
It would fly around Shamouti Island and the surrounding islands several times. As long as it caught any people from Team Aqua, the drone would alert him immediately.
Anime & Comics · Skye12_
Who’s pruna again
Harry Potter and the White Death Eater
Book&Literature · Anon20K