Unduh Aplikasi
87.35% The Wish of the Dragon / Chapter 150: Side Chapter 7

Bab 150: Side Chapter 7

(AN: Thank you for the donation: Victor Gonzalez, Fransisco J Guzman, and Miguel Hernandez. I hope all of you enjoy the saido chapto!)

"O-Order sir?"

"...Fall back. Do not engage."

"B-But sir..."

"This is an order... If they're really a crew member of the <Eternal Crimson Pirates> then all of you won't be able to go against them. Only the Admirals could stand a chance. For now, just fall back, I will send an admiral over."


On the other side of the snail phone...

"...Damn. To think that they're involved in this mess." A tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache groaned: "Not only that, the report said that there are also other big bounties on that island..."

The other marines who were on that island reported the sightings of other pirates not long ago.

"Shall I go, Sengoku-san?" An incredibly tall, relatively slim man asked with a laid back voice.


"Daughters of that <Eternal Crimson Pirates>, huh... Interesting... I wonder if they're as strong as their parents~"

"Don't underestimate them, Kizaru." Sengoku warned.

"Oh, I won't... After all, their mother is anything but weak. Just the fact that Natal March Hyoudou could control the ocean itself is more than enough to speak for their strength. Not to mention that they single-handedly defeated most big top pirates out there such as Shiki the Golden Lion." Kizaru said seriously without the laid back tone he formerly has.

"Indeed... It's such a shame that they refuse our offer to become a marine. They would've been a great addition to our ranks..." Sengoku said in pity.

"You're surely joking, Sengoku-san... Maybe if it wasn't for that 'incident' then they would make a great marine. Becoming an admiral also wouldn't be a problem with their strength taken into consideration."

"...Indeed, because of that incident, they're basically one of the most wanted pirates out there..." Sengoku said in reminiscence.

More than ten years ago, the <Eternal Crimson Pirates> officially became one of the world government most wanted... Because they almost wiped the holy land out of existence! Even then, there are some casualties from the world noble.

By the time they get there... All that's left is ruins and the laughter of Francis Drake Hyoudou on top of that said ruins. Two admirals tried to apprehend the two female captains but to no avail... Despite their best effort, they couldn't even defeat the first captain!

Only when the second female captain called her name that Francis Drake Hyoudou finally leave the holy land... Yes, that's right. She LEAVES the holy land on her own volition and not driven out or forced to retreat! That day is one of the most shameful days for the marines...

They tried to curb the news from leaking out but in the end... The world still found out about it.

If it wasn't for Natal March Hyoudou called her out then perhaps the marines would've lost two admirals that day... But the results are still debatable or so they claim since the third admiral and the fleet admiral weren't there.

But both admirals who fought Francis Drake Hyoudou know that even if the other admiral and fleet admiral were there, it will still be of no use. Granted, the five elders weren't there at that time so maybe they have a chance if they were there?

On that very same day, the marines put a bounty on the two female captains... Five billion! The two of them have a bounty of Five billion beli individually! Making them the highest bounty second only to the pirate king himself! They also officially become the fifth and sixth emperor of the ocean.

They call themselves 'pirates' but to their knowledge, there's only two of them. There's a report of a sighting of a masked man but that's only rumors. They've never seen any crew members on their ship.

Not really surprising considering Natal March Hyoudou's ability to control water. They wouldn't really need crew members to run their ship if they could just control the water around them on their own.

The masked man in question never really makes an official appearance either as far as they can tell.

But what's more baffling is that they're supposed to be a Devil fruit user but how come the two of them could swim in the ocean?! Well, they didn't really swim but rather glide inside the ocean just like how a Fishmen would!

How weird is that?! IF they're Fishmen then it wouldn't be as surprising but the fact is they're human! The two of them didn't have any fins or webbed hands either.

Many tried to track them down but they all fail to pinpoint their location. Everyone, whether they're other pirates or marines couldn't find their base of operation.

They could only find them if they wanted to be found or if they make an appearance on their own.

They're basically a ghost!

"Let me go as well!" An incredibly tall, light-skinned, unusually muscular man shouted.


"Let me and Borsalino go. Kuzan isn't here so that only leaves the two of us." He can still remember that shameful day... The day when he was toyed around by a pirate! He and Kuzan are the two admirals who faced off against Francis Drake Hyoudou.

It's two versus one but they still couldn't defeat her. The two of them become a laughingstock even till this very day.

The almighty Admiral Akainu and Aokiji couldn't even defeat a woman even when the two of them are working together! And to top it off, they're basically given mercy by the very same pirate!

"*Sigh* Very well... You two can go."

And with that, the two admirals embarked on their journey to face off against the <Eternal Crimson Pirates> once more...

"I hope history doesn't repeat itself this time..." Sengoku could only sigh.

Perhaps they have a chance this time... It's only their daughters so maybe they're not as strong as their mothers? If they could somehow capture them then... could they make use of them as a hostage?

According to their estimation, Francis Drake Hyoudou and Natal March Hyoudou are kind-hearted, as crazy as that sound considering they call themselves pirates. They never really attacked innocent bystanders even during their battles over the years.

They also never raided a city other than that one time. As for the reason why they attacked the holy land, it's supposed to be because one of the world's nobles offended them.

That idiot got mesmerized by their beauty and wanted to make them his slave... In the end, they retaliated with such fervor that it shook the world. And presumably, the cause for the incident this time is also because another idiot coveted their daughter's beauty...

It's not like he couldn't understand where they're coming from since he himself admitted that the two captains are extremely beautiful. They're so beautiful that many men whether they're pirates or marines become captivated at their sight alone.

But for now, he can only hope that the two admirals could successfully capture their daughters...

But this brings another question into the fray... Just who is the father? Is it the rumored masked man?


"What? You're not coming?" Froleytia asked.

"...!" The marines rapidly shook their head at her question.

"Tsk, so boring... Hiyuki, let's go. We need to collect some debt."

"Un, got it big sis."

Hiyuki floated down and land beside Froleytia before they started walking deeper into the island with no one dares block their way.

Even the red-haired man and the other pirates are utterly shocked at the revelation just now.

"...To think that they're the daughters of the two emperors." One of them mumbled in disbelief.

"No wonder they can use <Emperor Haki> just now." Another added.

"*Whistle* They're absolute beauties just like their mothers." Whistled a man.

"Shut up you idiot! Do you want to die?!" A white bear said in horror.

"Look big sis! That bear can talk!" Hiyuki shouted while pointing at a bear who's wearing an outfit and standing with two feet. She floated right in front of the bear which made it flinch.

"Hm? Oh, that bear should be from a race called the mink tribe that mother Natal told us about." Froleytia nodded to herself.

"Heheh, he's so fluffy! Hey, Mr. Bear, would you become my pet?" Hiyuki patted the trembling bear's body and asked. But the poor bear is too afraid to give an answer.

Who wouldn't feel afraid of the daughter of the infamous <Eternal Crimson Pirates> captain?! If he were to give the wrong answer and earn their ire then it would be the end for their pirate crew!

"Sorry, young lady. But this bear is my precious crewmate." A slim man wearing a northern-style fur hat said with a cold sweat.

"Owh..." Hiyuki pouted.

"Leave the bear be, little sis."

"Un, bye, Mr. Bear." Hiyuki waved her hand and went after Froleytia who already started walking into the distance.

"...They seem nice." The white bear said.

After walking around for a bit, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Hmm, this should be the place..."

There's a bar named <Shakky's Rip-off Bar> in front of them.

As they approached Shakky's bar, they could hear some people talking from inside.

When they opened the door to the bar, they saw a group of rowdy bunch looking at them.

"S-S-S-So beautifwuuul!!!" A blonde man wearing a black suit practically flew towards their direction. His eyes completely become heart-shaped.


Froleytia calmly slapped him away making him pass out on the corner.

"S-Sanji!?" His friends called out.

"How can I help you?" A relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards and smoking a cigarette asked.

"We're looking for a man named Silver Rayleigh," Froleytia said.

"That would be me." An elderly man with round glasses and white hair responded.

"You're Silver Rayleigh?" Froleytia repeated.

"Yup, that's me." The elderly man nodded.

"Good, we're here to collect the debt you owe our mothers."

"Your mothers?" Rayleigh raised his brows.

"Francis Drake Hyoudou and Natal March Hyoudou."


"Who are they ossan?" A young man wearing a straw hat asked curiously.

"...You never heard of their mothers?"


"...Francis Drake Hyoudou and Natal March Hyoudou... The <Eternal Crimson Pirates>? These two are their daughters?" A tall and slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair said in shock.

"You know them, Robin?"

"How could I not? If anything, I'm more surprised that all of you never heard of them before given their reputation. Their mothers, Francis Drake Hyoudou and Natal March Hyoudou are two of the six emperors! Who is thought to be the strongest out of the six emperors!"

"...EHHHHHHH?!" While the rest of them are shocked, the woman smoking a cigar and the young man wearing a straw hat doesn't feel shocked.

"Six Emperors? What's that?" He tilted his head.

"You didn't know?!!" His friends said in disbelief.

"Ah, look big sis! There's a talking reindeer now!" Hiyuki pointed out yet again: "Is he also of a mink tribe? I bet Lily would like him to be her pet!"

"Oh, you're right... but I don't think he's a mink though. Hey, are you from the mink tribe?" Froleytia called out to the shivering deer.

"N-No." The deer shook his head rapidly.

"Hmm, is that so? Well, whatever. Now, Rayleigh gives us what you owe our mom."

"Oh, got it."

"W-What do you owe them anyway?" A young man with a long nose said in horror.

"Nothing much, just some jewelry..." Rayleigh shrugged before he took out something from his pocket: "Here you go." He tossed a small purple gem towards Froleytia.

Froleytia caught the gem and started inspecting it. She gives a small nod before storing it away.

"What bets did you have with them, ossan? A fight or something?" The straw hat asked.

"Nothing so grand or mysterious like that, just a deck of cards game."

"Eeh..." They slightly feel disappointed that the bet they have is just a simple game of cards: "And here I thought it's a mindblowing bet such as you got defeated by their mother."

"That's impossible, Luffy... There's no way the first mate of the pirate king crew will lose against just anyone like that! Even if his opponents are two of the six emperors." A girl with short orange hair heaved a sigh.

"I did lose against their mother you know?" Rayleigh said with a smile.

"Right right... wait... WHAT?!" They all become dumbstruck at his words.

"Do you all have trouble hearing or something? I said I lose against their mother... Fair and square."


"You think I will be making a joke about this? Those rumors about them, if anything, has only been watered down by the marines to avoid further chaos. And they should be thankful that those two are not like the other pirates or they would have the second coming of Gol D. Roger era. Perhaps even worse, the end of the marines." Rayleigh said seriously.

"A-Are they really that powerful? So that news about Francis Drake Hyoudou winning against the two admirals is true?"

"It is true. That's also one of the reasons why I seek them out... And I met them by chance when they're docked on an island..." Rayleigh narrated.

Back then he accidentally saw them on an island full of orphaned children. The two of them are giving away a charity for the orphanage on that island...

By chance. he managed to play a game of cards with Francis Drake Hyoudou while slowly inquiring about their intention. But their answer shocked even him.

They said that they didn't even know anything about "One Piece". They only wanted to have fun and that's it... There's no grand aim or anything out of the ordinary. They simply want to have fun!

Only after he told them about "One Piece" that they take a little interest in it. Just a little though... If they really wanted to then perhaps they would've already discovered it.

He then tested them using his <Emperor Haki> but to his surprise, they didn't even flinch after being exposed to his <Haki>.

Natal March Hyoudou didn't even pay attention to him while Francis Drake Hyoudou grinned at him asking if he wanted a fight. Before he could even reply, she already launched herself at him.

Only then that he finally understands that the rumors are true. The defeat of the two admirals is not a fluke... but rather a complete defeat.

Just when Froleytia about to leave the bar, they all heard a loud explosive sound in the distance. They could even see a huge marine fleet heading their way.

"Uh oh, did you two did something just now?" Rayleigh said after realizing the commotion outside.

"Something? Oh, I kicked some snotty brat face on my way here. If I remember it right, they are called Ten... Ten..." Froleytia tried to recall the brat's name but failed to do so.


"Right, that."



"U-Ugh... G-Godking..." Zelretch groaned after being tossed away by Forzelotte to Issei's front.

"Hi, old man... We will have a little chat later just like old times, alright?" Issei said with a smile but Zelretch could only shiver even further rather than finding solace under his so-called smile.

"H-Have mercy, please?" Zelretch squeezed out a smile despite the pain he's in.

"What are you talking about?" Issei said with the same smile adorning his face: "I'm not mad at all... Even after knowing that you tricked my daughter just for your entertainment, I don't feel angry in the slightest... Not at all. All I want is to have a little chat, that's all."

"...Why did I sense that you're lying?"

"It's just your imagination... Now let's have a little chat, shall we?"


And that's the end of Zelretch shenanigans after being dragged by Issei into the basement... From that day on, Zelretch was never seen again...


The next day...

"So, what are you here for this time?" Fia sighed after receiving Sirzechs and the others in front of their doorstep yet again. It's quite early in the morning and they're just about to have breakfast.

But this day, Vali and her teams are also here. Looks like they didn't bother of being seen together with the others since they thought that the days of the <Khaos Brigade> and old satan faction is numbered.

"S-Sorry to be a bother yet again." Michael apologized awkwardly. It was not their intention but somehow they become very uneasy last night.

"Sorry for the trouble." Gabriel apologizes next. Her gaze sometimes wanders inside the room looking for a certain someone...

"Just get to the point."

"W-We're thinking if we could somehow receive some training from Issei-sama." This is their unanimous decision together. If they could somehow receive some training from someone like him then their chance of survival would become higher, no?

"Our husband is not free and we're about to have breakfast. So leave." The one who answered them is not Fia but rather Forzelotte who's currently being surrounded by their children in the living room. They all are around at the age of 4 to 5 years old.

Ophis is also in the room and there's also a few children crowding around her. Her expressionless face is currently glowing with happiness for being surrounded by so many children who possess a similar aura to hers.

She liked the silence in the dimensional gap but she likes her current situation even more. Being surrounded by her supposed kin.

She never thought of having any offspring of her own before since others usually feared her or just wanted to make use of her power. But now... now she craves to make an offspring of her own.

Kozelotte is laid prone on the sofa not far away with her butt raised to the air. There's a red palm mark on her bottom...

"Uuuu, it hurts... Mama, you're so mean... Girls help me defeat mama..." She whined with teary eyes.

"Don't listen to her rambling and don't follow your big sis Koze example, okay?"

""Okay, Forze mama!"" The children said in unison.

"Umu, good girl." Forzelotte nodded feeling satisfied with their answer.

They cast a pitying gaze at their big sis... Sorry, big sis... But we don't want our bum to get spanked by Forze mama... They thought at the same time.

"You all are traitors..." Kozelotte cried harder.

"Okaa-sama Okaa-sama! Read this book next!" One of the toddlers who has angel wings said excitedly while carrying a drawing book, hoping to divert her attention from their pitiful big sis.

"Let's continue this later... We should have breakfast first. Your papa is already here." She said with a pampering smile.

"Ah! Papa!"

"Good morning, papa!"

"Otou-chan! good mworning!"

All of them practically scrambled to his front leaving the slightly annoyed Forzelotte alone.

"Heheh, good morning." Issei responded while carrying Chaika in his arms: "Good morning, honey."

"Umu, good morning." Forzelotte rose from her seat and give Issei a light kiss: "You girls are so... Once your papa is here, you immediately abandon us, your mothers."

"Ehehehe, sorry." They giggled mischievously.

"Everyone, it's time to eat~" Kyou and Kinou shouted. Soon the other girls come out of their room and gathered.

"As you can see, we're about to have breakfast. Feel free to stay if you want to wait for us." Fia said.

"O-Oh, then we'll wait. There's no rush." Michael said hastily.

"Very well. Feel free to wait in the courtyard, there are chairs and some beverages ready there. Feel free to use it." Fia give a faint nod and closed the door to join the rest of her family for breakfast.


After waiting for about 30 minutes, Sirzechs and the others heard footsteps coming their way.

They saw seven women with Issei in the lead heading their way.

Each and every single one of them is gorgeous beauty just like the other woman following Issei.

Once again, Hyoudou Issei shed yet another tear of blood at this sight... Is there any justice in this world? Why did his other counterpart is surrounded by so many bombshell beauty?! He thought bitterly.

They're quite varying in appearance. Some have angel wings, black angel wings, and devil wings. Some possess a holy aura while some have a dark aura.

They're none other than the <9 Divine>.

Just like their other counterpart when they first saw them, whether it be Sirzechs, Michael, or Azazel, they become utterly dumbfounded.

Odin is not here but Rossweisse of this world went in his place.

The men got charmed by the divines while the women are charmed by the Godking. The way the sunlight shone at his tall and imposing figure, mesmerizing wine-red eyes, and his soothing yet domineering presence...

He had staggering height and the broadest of shoulders with an otherworldly handsomeness that defied logic and common sense. There was an inherent allure to his every movement, a dark, seductive promise even though the person himself isn't intentionally exuding it.

There was an indescribable power to him as well. He doesn't release an ounce of his power but yet they could somehow sense that this man in front of them is beyond powerful. It was like being in front of an ancient, primordial beast and he caused fluctuations in the air from his mere presence alone but it's also like he becomes one with his surroundings that brings a serene feeling to those who look at him. Light and Dark in one body but instead of causing conflict against each other, there's only harmony and balance...

Perfection, they thought to themselves... Even those who are already married or have someone they love felt slightly entranced. Whereas those who are still single almost couldn't help themselves to directly pounce on him. His aura of masculinity made a certain part of their body become restless and tingly...

Michael paled at the sight of her sister's unfurled wing which already turned black halfway. He hastily shook her body trying to snap her out of her daze but to no avail. Her eyes stayed transfixed on Issei's gallant and seductive figure.

Vali bit her lower lips with her cheeks reddening. Out of anyone here, perhaps she's the most affected since she housed a Dragon herself inside her body.

Whereas Kuroka of this world already went into heat without anyone noticing it but thankfully she could still retain her wits, stopping her intention of pouncing at Issei. She keeps licking her lower lips as if anticipating something though...

"So I heard you want to receive some training?" Only after Issei arrived at their front and called them out that they finally snapped out of their daze.

"Ah? Oh, yes. If it's not too much trouble, Lord Issei." Sirzechs nodded hastily.

Gabriel is still entranced but at least her wings already reverted back... albeit there's still a tinge of black at the tip. Michael wasn't planning on bringing her along with him but she insisted on tagging along and he finally relented.

"Hmm..." Issei gives them a glance: "I refuse."

"O-Oh..." Although they've already expected this, they still couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"May we know why?" While Sirzechs and the others didn't have the intention to press the matter even further, Vali who's also here with them couldn't just let it go like that. Not when the chance to get stronger is right in front of her.

"Hm? You're... Vali of this world?" Issei raised one of his brows. She has a similar feature with his friend back home and they could be considered twins with how similar they look. Perhaps if her long hair is shortened and her... nevermind... There's no hiding that explosive chest of hers. Not to mention that full and wide hips. Looks like even in this world, she's a battle maniac hence her fit figure.

"Yes, I am." Even though her cheeks are flushed, she still looks straight at him. She can sense Issei inspecting her figure just now but instead of shying away, she straightened her back making her already explosive chest more prominent. It's as if she's telling him to look at her even more.

"I see... and to answer your question. I rather spend my free time with my family rather than training some stranger. Does that answer satisfy you?" Issei said bluntly: "You might be my friends and even my wife parallel self but that doesn't mean that I thought of you as one as well. I don't have any reason to train you either."

"What if we have something in return? Your wife said that you don't do stuff for free so we have something to exchange for your help." Vali reasoned with her eyebrows furrowed.


"Indeed, lord Issei. We didn't come here hoping to receive some help from you for free. If it's alright with you then please take a look at our offer." Azazel added.

"Allow me, my king." Mertel stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Um." Issei nodded at her.

"Show us what you have to offer then." Mertel turned her head and asked cooly.

"Here, milady." Azazel stepped forward and presented a catalog.

"Hmm..." Mertel then went through the catalog in her hands. There are an array of magical tools in the catalog and also a few other assets. But there's nothing really catch her interest just yet...

"You might want to stop looking at our king, little angel, or you might fall." Ultinia who notices Gabriel state advised with a chuckle.

"Hehen, as if she could stop looking at Issei-sama!" Ekate said with a smirk.

"Ara? Does it matter whether she falls or not?" Marialis said next.

"I-It will be a big trouble if my sister were to fall." Michael said stutteringly.

"Eh, you common angels are weird. Even today I still couldn't understand what your creator had in mind when they created you. Whether it's the common angels from our world or this world." Miarute shrugged.

"Common angels? You're different from us?" Michael repeated.

"Uh huh, you're common angels while we are of the Kalars race." Izana explained: "Our race could transform into an angel or a devil when we fulfilled a certain condition but there's really no big difference between the two. There is no 'fallen angel' either. Marialis here is an angel with dark element when she underwent her <Rebirth> process while Ekate is a mix between the two. A Nephilim, you could say."

"I see..." Sirzechs nodded understandingly.

"Papa!" A childish voice resounded.

A small girl looking like 5 years old can be seen trotting her way towards Issei with Forzelotte standing behind her.

This toddler is Forzelotte's third daughter, Lotte. Just like her mother, she has a set of horns on top of her head. Her cheeks were plump full of baby fat that it looks so soft and pinchable.

Unlike her two elder sisters, she doesn't have purple hair but rather a white hair and also a white horn. And her eyes are also colored wine red. Besides her face, she inherited all of her father's features.

Issei smiles gently at her and proceeds to pick her up once she arrived at his front.

"You're still not done, dear?" Forzelotte asked.

"Papa, hurry! Let's play with the others!" Lotte said while she snuggled her head comfortably against his body.

"Alright alright." Issei gives a chuckle.

"Ise, is the po- I mean, the 'book of culture' here any good?" Ramius who just arrived with Forzelotte asked.

"Uhhh, I don't know about that... You might want to ask my other counterpart or this world Azazel for that." Issei responded with a sweat. Even after she has become a mother of two, this cute wife of his still likes that kind of book... Not that he hates it though.

"Fumu, got it."

"Uhhh, sorry, but we don't follow... 'Book of culture'? Is she looking for a culture book or something?" Azazel said confusedly.

"No... It's 'that' kind of book."

"...Ah. 'That', huh..." The two men of culture nodded understandingly: "Wait! She's also a 'man of culture'?!" Hyoudou Issei shouted in disbelief.

He couldn't believe this... Not only is his wife hot and has a massive oppai but she's also a 'man of culture'?! Wait, since she's a woman then, a 'woman of culture'? Damn it! To say that he's jealous is an understatement! Hyoudou Issei cried tears of blood at this revelation.

"A 'man of culture'? What's that mean, Issei?" Young Rias asked.

"I-It's nothing, buchou!"

"By the way, Ise. Megumin and the others called just now." Ramius said.

"...Ugh, what did those idiots want now?" Issei groaned.

"They said that they will give you a visit. Yunyun and Wiz are about to return so I think they want to tag along."

"Please no..." Issei sighed tiredly.

Just imagining those three idiots around him is enough to make him go nuts. Aqua for the past years keeps improving her action and personality somehow, she finally looks befitting to a true Goddess rather than the useless Goddess she was before in the eyes of the others. But Issei knew better... From the way she looks at him as if he's a walking moneybag is one of the reasons why he knows that she didn't really change.

As for Megumin and Darkness... There's really no apparent difference. One is still an explosion maniac while the second one is still a masochist.

Kazuma has already become a manager on one of their company branch. He even already married to one of the employees and just had their honeymoon together recently.

"And also, Princess Iris is waiting for you to fulfill your promise to her. She will probably come with Yunyun and Wiz as well." Ramius added.


"Papa sad?" Lotte put her hands on Issei's cheeks and started pinching it: "Papa don't worry, be happy?"


"Let's stop it here."

"Uuuhh... You're so strong, Majin mama... As expected, I'm still no match for you."

Arte and Okita Alter stopped their spar for today. Arte is laying on her back feeling a little exhausted over their sparring session.

"Fufu, you're already very strong yourself, Arte. It won't be long before you're able to surpass me." Okita Alter chuckled at her: "Oh, right... It's been a few days already. Don't you need to check on them?"

"Eh, really? I didn't realize it."

"By the way, Arte. Did you remember to arrange the time over there?"


"You forgot, didn't you."


"Well, it should be fine. Just go." Okita Alter said with a sigh.

"U-Un, got it. See you later, Majin mama."

Arte took a deep breath and her body started growing to her 18 years old self once again. Then she opened a spatial opening towards the children's location.

"Sorry, I'm la- are? What's wrong?" Arte appeared in front of them but the whole atmosphere is very depressing.

"D-Demons!" The guards who are with them shouted.

But Arte ignored them and keep looking at Kouki's party.

"Please... Please, help our friend!" The girl who's named Kaori Shirasaki said in tears.

"Your friend? What happened?" Arte frowned and said.

"Don't listen to-"

"Shut up!" Arte waved her hand towards the guards and they're instantly blown away.

Kaori then started explaining the recent incident to Arte... It's been almost a week ever since the disappearance of Hajime Nagumo.

"Alright, I'll go find your friend. But, that's only if he's alive... If he's dead then... There's nothing I can do." Arte said to Kaori.

"Th-Thank you." She gives her thanks.

"Don't thank me just yet," Arte said.

Arte then flew towards the dungeon she's told about and in no time, she found the big hole that they mentioned. There's a small lake down the hole that leads to multiple pathways.

Arte descended into one of the pathways where she sensed a human presence and started searching the area but a few seconds later, she took notice of something on the ground.

"Blood trail..." She frowned.

If it was just beast blood then she won't care but she could tell that this blood belongs to a human.

Then she heard a commotion in the nearby distance and she recognizes this presence albeit it's a bit different than what she remembers.

When she got there, she saw the young boy named Hajime Nagumo pointing his gun towards a huge bear. The boy's once black hair turned white and he got slightly taller but what stands out the most is his missing left arm...

"Become my food."

Those words were accompanied by the pulling of the trigger. The shot bullets executed their master's will faithfully, pulverizing the bear's head.

The gunshot echoed within the dungeon. The Bear did not avert its eyes up till the very end, neither did Hajime.

A brief silence ensues until Arte opened her mouth: "Congrats on defeating your enemy." She clapped lightly.

Hajime immediately becomes alert and pointed his gun towards her. But when he saw the familiar-looking girl, he lowered his gun soon after.

"...You are... Arte...san?"

"Yup, the one and only." Arte nodded with a smile.


"...A-Amazing..." Hajime muttered seeing his new grown arm.

His arm has been cut off by the bear and Arte just used some magic to regrow that said arm.

"Fuhh, I'm glad it works." Arte heaved a sigh. Healing magic is not really her forte after all: "So, are you alright now? Are there any injuries that I missed?" Arte asked with a smile.

"Yes. And I'm already fully healed so thank you once again." He bowed deeply towards her.

"You're welcome." Arte said with a wave.

"..." Hajime look dazedly at Arte and he inadvertently blushed to see her beautiful figure once more.

He, just like the other boy from his class is mesmerized by her sight.

"Umm." He called out.


"Did you know anything about this thing?" He presented an ore the size of a basketball emitting light to her. It is dripping liquid even as they speak.

"Oh?" Arte knitted her eyebrows together while inspecting the ore: "Hmm... This water the ore let out has healing properties within them. The ore itself seems to be radiating a healing aura on its own albeit the range is basically very short..."

"That's right. I found this ore by accident, and thanks to it, I could retain my life. If it wasn't for this ore then... I would've died of blood loss." He winced at the phantom pain of his lost arm once again.

Even though there's a new arm taken its place, the phantom pain is still there.

"I see... Sorry, if only I have come sooner." Arte said apologetically.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to apologize." Hajime shook his head: "And you can have this ore if it's so valuable."

"Thank you then. But, I don't need that ore, you can keep it." Arte chuckled: "What's your plan now, Nagumo Hajime? Want me to bring you back now?" She asked.

"I..." He wanted to say yes but for some reason, the word is stuck in his throat.

"Don't you want to go back to your family? You can leave all of this behind you and just think of it as a nightmare."

"...I do."

"Then what are you hesitating for?"


"From the look of your face, I can sense some resentment... But your resentment doesn't seem to be a simple resentment either. Care to tell me?" Arte said after seeing his expression. At the depth of his eyes, there's anger, hatred, and also disbelief.

If it's only anger and hatred then she could understand just who the target of his emotion but the disbelief makes her a little curious.


Arte waited for his reply patiently.

After a few moments, he finally said: "...I didn't fall here because of an accident... One of my classmates aimed his magic at me..." He gritted his teeth when he remembered it.

"...I see." Arte nodded: "So... Do you want revenge?"

So that's what caused the disbelief... He didn't think his own classmate willing to go that far.

"...I don't know." He shook his head after thinking for a while.

Understandable... He's only a normal high school student after all. Arte nodded to herself.

This is the normal reaction a boy at his age should have. And as for his so-called classmate that attacked him with the intention to kill is the one who's messed up in the head.

What Arte didn't know is that Hajime would've killed the one who wronged him without hesitation if he were to appear in front of him right now. He only said he didn't know because he wants to see her reaction.

Seeing the understanding look on her face, he slightly feel relieved since it seems that Arte wasn't planning to make them hate each other. For all he knows, Arte could've mind-controlled the culprit or just messed up with his perception.

"If you're unsure then how about tag along with me for a while?" Arte offered: "I'm a little interested in this place, you see. You can just follow me and decide just what do you want to do later on. You didn't want to go back to your friends' side for now, don't you?"

"...Very well. I'll take you on your offer then." Hajime said after thinking for a bit. He decided to just follow Arte for a while. He's still not 100% sure if she would really bring him back to his own world.

It's best if he could get stronger along the way just for safety precaution.

"Umu, great." Arte nodded: "You want me to tell your friends about your survival?"

"No, no need."

"As you wish then."

There are two reasons why Hajime decided to trust Arte. Why did he decide to trust her? He could tell that Arte is stronger than he imagined.

He was inspecting his status plate when she took notice of it. She curiously asked him about it and once she understands the principles behind it, she also took out her own status plate that she created out of thin air.

Her status plate is vastly different compared to his status plate. What's different is not the status inside it but rather the plate itself. His was shaped just like everyone else, whereas hers are shaped more intricate.

When he tried reading her status, what he saw is this:

[Name: Arte Savant Hyoudou

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Class: ???

Level: ???

STR & AGI & VIT & RES & ETC: ???]

All of her statuses are unknown! The only thing that's readable is her name. Not even her age is known...

Making this woman in front of him as his enemy is not a smart thing to do.

As for the second reason why he trusts her, she could've just killed him if she wanted to harm him. She also didn't need to go on her way to heal his lost limb.

Of course, that doesn't mean he completely trusts her either. What Kouki said the other day is also a possibility such as that she couldn't harm them directly because of this world's God protection and all that.

And after spending a little time with her, he knows that his decision was right.


Later that day, Arte and Hajime are sitting around a campfire. Arte propped her chin with both of her hands while observing Hajime. The latter had his cheek reddened slightly when he realized her gaze on him.

He decided to feign ignorance and proceed to eat the meat that he just cooked.

"Hmm, for a formerly normal human you're really weird." Arte said while observing Hajime who's currently feasting on the meat from the beast that he just killed.

"How so?" He asked while chewing: "And what do you mean by a former human?" He took a glance at the pile of monsters behind Arte. All of them have been sucked dry leaving only skins and bone.

He briefly shuddered thinking if she's really a succubus after all... He couldn't help let his imagination wander... If she were to suck him dry... Why did he suddenly think that it might be not so bad? He hastily shook his head snapping him out of his delusion.

"How to say this... A normal human body would've exploded the moment they consume a meat that contains such dense raw magical energy. Their body is not capable of housing a magical energy of that size... But probably the reason why you survived is because of that ore's water." Arte pointed at the ore.

"You're right. When I first ate this beasts meat, my body almost exploded from the inside out and if it wasn't for this water then I would've died just like you said." Hajime affirmed her guess.

"It's still weird though... You're very lucky for being able to survive. But further investigation is needed. Ah, don't worry, I'm not planning on doing anything to you." Arte decided to bring some beasts from this world home with her later. She wanted to see if there's something else that they could gain from it.

"And as for what I meant by 'former human' is because you're clearly not a normal human any longer. Hmm... Let's just say that you're half monster half human. Probably because your body had adapted so that you didn't die after consuming these beasts." Arte concluded.

"...Seriously?" Hajime asked slackjawed.

"Yup, seriously." Arte calmly nodded.

"Haah... I guess that's that then. I've officially become a freak." Hajime sighed.

"A freak? No, I don't think you're a freak though?" Arte blinked cluelessly.


"You see, in my original world, there's no such thing as racial discrimination. There are a lot of races under the rule of my father. Whether it be human, dragon, angel, devil, demon, oni, youkai, and so on. All of them live together in harmony." Arte narrated.

"Hee... Sounds like an amazing world." Hajime said feeling impressed: "So your father is a king then?"

"You can say that."

"What's your father name again? I notice that your last name is 'Hyoudou' and that's..."

"A Japanese name?"


"You don't need to guess, my father is indeed a Japanese. Well, he was a Japanese and a normal human just like you. But after he married mother, he moves to her world."

"That's... surprising."

"Mhm, he becomes a Dragon along the way. It's a long story but basically magic happened then you know the rest." Arte said in dismissal.

Hajime also didn't have any intention of probing even further so he just gives a plain nod.

"Is your Japan and our Japan any different? You said that you could bring us back before so I was wondering about that." Now that he knows more about her, he becomes increasingly relieved. It seems that she wasn't lying about being able to take them back to their world.

"Have you ever heard about the <ECH> company in your world before?" Arte asked.

"I have. It's the biggest company in the world... You're saying..."

"Yup, that company belongs to my father." Arte puffed out her chest in pride making it jiggle slightly.

"..." Hajime speechlessly look at Arte... Whether it's because of her true identity or because of something else, only he knows...

"Well then, let's call it a day for now." Arte stood up and snapped her finger.

A small floating villa appeared in front of them. There's a barrier surrounding the villa supposedly to prevent any monsters from attacking it.

"Feel free to use that house. I need to go somewhere for a bit... Then see you later." Arte said with a wave before she disappeared into the void once more.

"...A house? She calls this a house?" Hajime said with a twitch on his face. He shook his head helplessly before he entered the villa.

Leixein Leixein

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