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8.35% The Great Demon System / Chapter 37: The Much Awaited Torture

Bab 37: The Much Awaited Torture

Before continuing the torture, Moby and Jayden had made sure to tie up Nathan's arms and legs to make sure he doesn't attempt anything.

Moby had just finished breaking all of Nathan's fingers and ripped out all of his fingernails. Nathan let out a loud scream of pain with a gushing waterfall coming down his face every step of the way. 

When Nathan's last fingernail was torn, he thought that it would be the end of the torture. 

However, he was sadly mistaken. 

 Suddenly, a bright green light shined on Nathan's hands and they were completely healed. 

"David!? Where did you come from!? You bitch! Were you working with them all along!" Nathan roared in anger and surprise, regaining more and more emotions. 

"Nah, it's just me!" Jayden said with a chuckle as she transformed back into her original body. 

"Y...y...y...y...you are no humans! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!" Nathan screamed like a madman.

"Hahaha, you just now noticed! Of course, we are not humans! We are demons!" Moby said, staring into Nathan's eyes, using his "Nightmare" skill.

The skill only lasted a second, but for Nathan, it might as well have been days or even weeks.

Then, Moby squatted down to Nathan's eye level looking straight into his pale, terror-filled eyes.

"Are you ready for round 2?" Moby said with a sadistic smile. 

'I was waiting to say that line for a while now' Moby thought with a chuckle patting himself on the back. 

Moby once again broke all of Nathan's fingers and ripped out all his fingernails. The pain was just as hard as the first time as Nathan kept screaming and crying all the way through. Then, Jayden would heal his hands and they would start again 

Moby repeated the process 10 times before Jayden finally interrupted him. 

"Can I have my turn now! You can't hog all the fun for yourself!" Jayden said to Moby in a slightly impatient tone. 

"Sure! Knock yourself out" Moby said with a smile, walking away from Nathan. 

"Do you know how uncomfortable I felt every time you would stare at me like I was a doll and every time you called me "Honey", "Dear" or "My love"? I wanted to throw up every time I was pretending to like you and how you actually thought you had a chance. But, all of that has been more than worth it for this moment now!" Jayden said with a cynical smile. 

"Do you know how many times you said either "Honey", "Dear" or "My love"? Because I do! 17! And I will make you pay for every word! Jayden said as she took off Nathan's pants and underwear, exposing his tiny soldier. 

"So, that is the puny, little, disgusting thing you fantasized about putting inside me huh?!" Jayden said with a loud laugh.

"Pathetic!" She screamed as she used a swipe of shadow energy, slicing it clean off.

Blood started gushing everywhere from where his sorry excuse for a cock used to be. 

Nathan let out scream far louder than every scream he had done so far. Tears kept on running down his face as he continued screaming while hyperventilating between each one, looking at where his dick once was. 

Jayden picked up Nathan's dick off the ground using her shadow ability as she refuses to touch or even come anywhere near his disgusting cock. 

"You also expected me to suck this little thing! Disgusting why don't you have a taste then!" Jayden said as she forced Nathan's Mouth open using her shadow ability, shoving his dick into his own mouth, choking on it. 

Nathan started to gag on his own dick with eyes filled with fear and embarrassment. Struggling to spit it out before finally succeeding.

"Don't get too happy!" Jayden said with a chuckle.

"This was only the 1st of 17 times! You still have to endure this 16 more times" Jayden said with a smile that would have definitely made Nathan piss himself if only he still had a dick to do it with.

Suddenly, Jayden transformed into a short green hair girl instead of David, to do the healing.

"Your friend David's ability is super slow and weak compared to this girl's. He can't even regrow lost limbs as he was only limited to healing bones, and injuries. I'm glad I found this person or else this would have not been possible!" Jayden said with a smile as she completely healed Nathan's penis making another one grow back where the last one used to be.

After the 16th time of Nathan gagging and getting his dick cruelly sliced off, it was finally Moby's turn to do the torturing once again.

At this point, Nathan could no longer feel his nether regions anymore. He doubts that he would ever be able to go to the washroom without suffering severe PTSD or if his dick would ever work properly again. But, that was now the least of Nathan's worries. If he dies, then there would no longer be a reason for him to go to the washroom or use his dick ever again.

Nathan's skin was as pale as a ghost, his eyes have long since dried up from tears and he had nearly completely lost his voice from screaming.

"Are you happy to see me again?!" Moby said with a smile. 

Nathan tried to run away from Moby as soon as he neared him. But, he only ended up squirming in a place like a worm having a seizure trying his best to scream and cry with nothing coming out. 

Nathan has yet to recover from Moby's "Nightmare" which felt like more torture than everything else he had gone through. All that Nathan wanted was a fast painless death. The pain he felt never got old and he never got used to it. If anything, it felt more painful every time. But, he knows full well that his wish is out of reach.

"Jayden, can you please be a dear and heal his eyes and vocal cords for me? I really want to hear his loud pain-filled screams and see his waterfall of tears once again," Moby said with a heartwarming smile towards Jayden. 

"Why certainly!" Jayden replied with a cute smile, doing as asked. 

"Please!! Just kill me now!! I can't take it anymore!! I beg of you!!" Nathan screamed as soon as he felt that his voice had been healed. 

Suddenly, Moby started laughing in hysteria at Nathan's words. Then, he cut off Nathan's bindings and looked straight at him with a slight glow in his eyes.

"Shove your fist up your ass" Moby ordered in an authoritative tone. 

Moby found out that he can use his "Minor mind control to make people do only a little self-harm as long as it's not severe, or fatal. Breaking bones was not allowed but eating or drinking anything was possible. Shoving someone's fist up their ass was completely in the realm of possibility of the mind control. He had a lot of time to experiment with the rest of Nathan's gang. They were the perfect test subjects.

Suddenly, Nathan felt like he had lost control of his body as his hands moved all by themselves. He formed a fist and shoved his hand his ass fairly deep. 

After 5 seconds, Nathan pulled his shit covered hands out of his ass. It gave off a dreadful smell from the clumps of feces that covered his hands.

"Now, eat it!" Moby said, pointing at the shit covering Nathan's hand as he started to laugh.

Nathan tried his best to resist but it was no use. Before he knew it, he had already been sucking on his hands like a toddler, licking off every spec of shit covering it.

Although Nathan's body was moving on its own, the taste of his own shit was still very real and revolting. 

As soon as the mind control wore off, Nathan threw up in litres.

"It was you! You were the one who controlled my body and made me do all that weird shit in the washroom that day! Luckily, no one else saw but I know you had another motive!" Nathan managed to mutter.

"I'm surprised you are still able to think properly even after going through all that! I guess I need to pick up the pace! But, your right! I had everything filmed and I am going to be posting it online! I'm going to make so much money from that video!" Moby said with a greedy laugh.


He had already lost all his dignity so what is the harm of begging one last time. Even if it has a 0.000000001% chance of working.

As soon as Nathan said that. Moby looked like he was deep in thought taking in what Nathan was saying. 

'I guess, it's about time I try this out!' Moby thought with a smile.

"Fine! But you better make yourself useful! Once you become my servant you will be bound by my words and orders and have no will to disagree." Moby said as he put his hands on Nathan's head.


His 0.000000001% gamble had paid off and now he has a second chance at life! He could finally see a slight light at the end of a previous pitch-black tunnel. And, he was grasping on to every shred of hope still left.

Suddenly, an unknown energy began to invade his body. It was like nothing he had ever experienced in his life. It felt like a true blessing of pleasure and joy. He felt true bliss like all his pains and worries were being flown down a river. 

Suddenly, Nathan felt an immense pain coming from his head in the area where Moby is grabbing.

"HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?" Moby wailed as his grip on Nathan's head became much tighter, forming cracks in Nathan's skull. 

Suddenly, Nathan felt like his blood was boiling with the heat of 1000 suns. 

Every bone in his body bent in weird ways and broke all at once over and over again.

 All his organs felt like they turned inside out. 

He felt his skin start to boil off with the intensity of boiling magma. 

Black Blood started to pour out of every orifice of his body in litres.

His previously blonde hair could be seen turning white with the naked eyes before starting to fall like rain on the ground turning him bald.

 His skin started to age and gain wrinkles at rapid speed and his fat chub started to fade away making him look like a starving, old senior citizen.

The torture lasted for over 10 minutes before it stopped. Nathan was now on the ground completely motionless, shrivelled up like an old leaf. But he was still very much alive. 

Moby and Jayden had been watching the entire spectacle in awe and amusement. It was like they were watching the world cup finals where their favourite team came back from a 20-0 deficit in only the last 10 minutes of play.

Moby's experiment had ended much better than he expected! Moby had wanted to try this experiment out for a very long time now and what better guinea pig than Nathan.

Moby had noticed all the extreme pain that comes with turning into a demon, so he wanted to test out if it could be turned into a torture method. Moby's theory was that if he provides Nathan less demon energy than needed and does not give it with the intent to turn him into a demon that it would provide the same painful torture effects without turning him into a demon. 

The amount of torture and pain he had witnessed looked much more painful and took much longer than both his and Jayden's. 

'Now, time for the moment of truth!' Moby thought as he used his inspect skill on Nathan.


Name: Nathan Johnson

Race: Human

Ability: Level 1 Earth

Power Level: 40

Hp: 9/100

Mana: 0/1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 1

Mind: 0


Moby's eyes became wide open in shock after witnessing Nathan's new stats. His stats have been so severely reduced to the point of crippling him. Those were the stats of a toddler or even a newborn baby.

Moby noticed that he was also still human which means that his experiment was a complete success! 

'I'm impressed you figured that out all by yourself!' A familiar voice came from Moby's head which he had not heard speak in a while. 

For the last few days, Avilia has been very quiet, taking a back seat and enjoying the show eating metaphorical popcorn. All that Moby had heard from her are her insanely loud laughs every time something funny happens or when he starts to torture people. 

This was the first time in a while that he had heard her finally speak to him. 

'When you inject demon energy into a human without the intent of turning them into a demon,  it will cause them such an astronomical amount of pain and anguish that is almost unrivalled. It is far more painful than your evolution process without a shadow of a doubt. However, this technique has many limitations. It can only be used if the opponent is either severely weakened and injured or when someone willingly lets you inject your demon energy into their body. That is why this technique is only really used for torture. The more demon energy you inject into your target the more suffering you will cause them. Seeing that you provided this Nathan guy with just under the needed amount to turn a human into a demon, it caused a really insane amount of pain.' Avilia explained.

'Thank you for the explanation Avilia! It seems like my theory was mostly true!' Moby thought in excitement.

 Moby now had a quick, easy, and accessible way of torture that is far more painful than he could ever normally cook up. 

'You are growing much smarter and more cunning these days. I'm starting to like you even more! I feel like you will make a fine demon lord!' Avilia said in a happy tone. 

'Thank you for the compliment Avilia!' Moby thought. 

'No problem! I only compliment you when I feel like you deserve praise. And now, you deserve it!' Avilia said with a mental equivalent of a smile.

Moby looked over at Nathan's still unconscious body and decided to take his final piece of revenge. The cherry on top.

He unzipped his pants, pissing all over Nathan's shrivelled face.

Suddenly, Nathan opened his eyes slowly.

"Oh! sorry! I ran out of water, so I decided to piss on you instead!" Moby said with a loud laugh.

Nathan ignored the stench of piss that his body reeked off as it was currently the least of his worries. The memory and pain of his last torture had just hit him like a train all at once. His body was so weak that he could barely even move, he looked at his stick-like arms and legs in eyes of complete horror. He was shivering faster than a vibrator on steroids. 

When he saw the figure of Moby and Jayden in the distance, his eyes became even more fearful than before. Which was very hard to believe even for him. 


Sadly, even if Moby wanted to do it again, Nathan would just end up withering away and dying.

Moby looked at his watch to check the time.

[ 10:34 ] 

Curfew was only in 1 hour and 26 minutes so he did not have much time remaining.

Nathan's body was now too weak to be tortured. His bones were as fragile as a stick and his organs and bone structure looked like they were about to fail in less than an hour, even if good healing was provided.

"Jayden! You know what to do, right?!" Moby said to Jayden with a smile.

"Yes! Of course!" 

"I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!" Jayden said with a distorted grin from ear to ear, truly befitting of a demon leaving Nathan somehow more fearful than before. 


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Drip Drip

Sorry for the late chapter! I was trying to make this one as good as I could because it was the most awaited chapter of my novel so far!

I made it 2 times as long as a normal chapter to give you guys the full experience! I could have easily made this into 2 chapters but then decided against it!

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

The next chapter will be the last chapter of the first arc!

next chapter
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