To anyone that is still reading this story I'm going out on the record and apologizing as I may not be able to continue the story among others as honestly, I've lost inspiration.
I'm not going to give any excuses other than the fact that I'm just feeling lazy in that regard and I'm not sure where to take the story.
Not to mention, my current headspace is an exactly sunshine and roses right now I found it a lot easier to write when I didn't have to worry about what I was going to do with my future.
And with my recent eye surgery and me moving house, in addition to other things that I'd rather not mention, it's getting harder and harder to write maybe it's just because I've lost the spark in a way or I am more than likely, just unable to make a coherent story.
Maybe one day I'll write another chapter, but I apologize but I may not be able to.
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