/ Anime & Comics / Saruyama Kenichi takes control
4.51 (41 peringkat)
The story is about Saruyama Kenichi, a boy who one day due to a certain incident receives the ability to look at alternate realities, after receiving this ability he realizes that he is nothing more than the secondary character of an Ecchi anime whose only role is to be the perverted friend of the protagonist. With renewed determination and the help of a convenient system Kenichi resists his future destiny as the protagonist's loser friend, but it is not going to be an easy road, in addition to perverts and aliens, the world in which he finds himself is slightly different from the one in which he finds himself. saw in other realities. Will Kenichi overcome all difficulties and gain control of his own life?
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Tulis ulasanNot bad, but too much info dump. It's like reading some wikipedia or fandom. The info dump just too long and have nothing to do with the main plot. From ch 2 to 5 or 6, almost 80% of the ch just some description. After that, instead starting with To Love Ru plot, author write about Bento war. The actual plot started at ch 10 or 11. So if someone wants to avoid the info dump, just read ch 1, skimming through until ch 10, the start reading normally at ch 11.
Good idea, has a lot of potential, but so far it's a hard fic to read. The info dumps are endless, the author writes long texts detailing a lot of information that is practically useless, like a long summary of baki, bentou, etc. He could have easily cut these summaries down to two or three paragraphs, but instead he often writes long dissertations about all sorts of things. I'm on chapter 10 and so far we've had about 2/10 story and 8/10 of that is just info dumps.
While the story had an interesting and fun concept with a good start, everything kinda just went downhill. Good Ideas but not really good execution. Structure of the story is a mess especially when chapters are just full of massive infodumps that really explains a lot too much. A simple summary is better and having such an infodump during situations just messes up the pacing and flow of the story. Yeah sure its their to explain things to people who are unfamiliar with the anime or manga but some of them are just completely unessecary. You don't need to tell the readers as if they want to learn more, they can just search for it themselves if they are fully interested in it. The true main issue that the story suffers is the MC. While yes it was fun having him takeover a side character, the MC's personality overall was just generic nice guy which kinda became boring and eyerolling. He even has some cluelessness which just was annoying. I expected him to have some personality but really he is no different than the generic harem nice guy which most of the girls like because he is nice. Its especially obvious with the whole situation with Kakinozaka as besides shutting the Male Students up, he had this corny and eyerolling speech in order to just get the girls. You even didn't really help much considering that most of his male classmates are completely not-normal that just pushes the girls towards the MC. Heck, you pretty gave Rito a foul mouth which i questioned why even. Do you really need to make him that troublesome just for Haruna to easily fall in love with the MC? The MC really killed my enjoyment of the story. He is just so generic in personality with nothing really making him fun to read. Systems and Powers are just nothing if the MC is a bore.
i have yet to read any further than chapter one, the story direction is to my liking so far i shall wait and see how motivated on updating this you are and continue when a larger count of chapters are available.
Just like your other story this one has lots of potential. I'm very excited to see you combine all the worlds you said you would. Please continue this and your maji story. I'm sure both will get popular with enough chapters out.
Don't drop this author-san....................go beyond...........................................i believe you.............................................
La novela no es tan mala, pero hay cosas que la estropean (En mi opinión personal): 1.- Copiar y pegar la información de wikipedia y wikifans, es decir esta bien que describas personajes y poderes, pero tiene que ser solo un párrafo... no todo el capítulo. 2.- Agregar infinidad de personajes femeninos y lo peor es que son de diferentes mundos. ¿Qué es esto, pokemon waifus? 3.- Pokemon waifus de todo el omniverso, es decir el protagonista "convoca" mujeres de otros mundos y básicamente son muñecas sexual3s esclavas con el cerebro lavado. Esto vuelve mas confusa la novela y reduce el desarrollo de los personajes originales de ese mundo. Además, en ese anime, es innecesario traer otros personajes de otros mundos (anime, manga, comic, hentai, juegos...). 4.- El autor quiere alargar su novela con relleno perjudicial. El relleno es agregar nuevos personajes indefinidamente. Autor, toda novela tiene inicio y final. Toda novela tienen una cantidad de personajes limitados.
Good fanfic but too much info dump, i know that you doing it because some readers are not know about it but it was kinda annoying. But again this is good fic thank you
I can't read more than 1 chapter. bruh, your writing is so messed up, are you an elementary school kid? Because I wrote like that when I was in elementary school. Lots of cringe scenes, info dumps, excessive inner self thoughts, and why do the characters always speak with a stutter? seriously bro it's so cringe.
read to chapter 4 so far. I really like the start. my only complaint was the introduction of a system but that's my fault for not checking the tags. I like the idea and the writing but I'm tired of systems so I'm not sure I'll continue reading or not. But keep up the good work 👍
Думаю стоит больше углубиться в уже присутствующие миры. Ведь, To love ru, DxD, и другие взятые автором миры, огромный. С большим числом самых разных персонажей. И да, очень нужна Ями
เป็นเรื่องราวที่สนุกมาก It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.It's a very funny story.
I love when authors make characters of different series interact with each other in such a Natural way, as if they were friends even before the crossover And here...
Penulis DaoistmvWChj
This fanfic has a enormous amount of potential. And as a veteran translator/reader my advise is for the author to slow down on the skills. None really cares about them, they are only to give flavor or for plot. So slow down with them, and focus in the story. Go slow, as you can delve in a lot of waifus story and other worlds to have 'fun'. So don't make him OP suddenly or you will instakill the fanfic. Make a list of anime/games you want to visit and give them a power level, and scale the MC's power as you go up on the list. Don't collet waifus, choose one to three for franchise. Like Haruna and Lala and someone. That way you won't cluster the fic to much. The main reason for this is because you're going to make the MC go to other worlds. That's about it. The writting is good, and pretty much all the rest is good, so nothing to pick about it. Have fun writting it is the most important part, and if you want to make money of it like some others here, you can! By steady, and don't bother reading too much the comments. Write, enjoy and make a good story!