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98.65% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 359: The Fifth God Revealed, the Wrath of the Bat

Bab 359: The Fifth God Revealed, the Wrath of the Bat

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Norsca, the Lands of Vargs/The Golden Monolith Ruins

It's been a couple of days since the battles of the Golden Monolith ruins, with both battles ending in the Dark Legion, and their Lord, Ixion Daemonhart's victories.

Along with both former enemy forces being assimilated into the thrall of the Daemonharts, increasing their numbers and power to greater heights, currently the march to the southlands has been placed on temporary hold, until the Chosen of the Gods, recovers his lost strength from back to back battles.

With the Dark Legion commanded to scouwer the areas for more loot and plunder, more of Norsca has fallen under the control of the Warp Gods, and with it many more villages and tribes have either fallen or subjugated by the followers of Ixion/Warp Gods.

When the Chosen of the Gods, saw the broken, and burned state of the Daemon Prince, Yuri Godslayer, he guided his mortal follower to a chamber in the central floor of Enzium, a giant pool filled with bubbling multi-colored liquid at the center that covered most of the room, covered in daemonic and dark runes allover the chamber and the largest runes are etched on the edge of the pool.

They used this chamber and the pool, to heal their troops both mortal and daemonic hence their ability to keep fighting without losing large number of warriors to wounds and crippling, this is where Ixion took Yuri and dump into the waters and started the healing/regeneration as long is the subject is in those eldritch, healing waters.

Since then Yuri has been in the Healing Chamber, healing and regenerating there for those days.

Location Within Enzium, the Top Tower-The Throne Chamber

All the while Ixion/Warp Gods were resting on their throne chamber sitting down on their throne accompanied by some daemon guards, and Laharl's manticore Whiptail resting on their side.

Khorne was frustrated that they couldn't join the battle, since their avatar has taken a beaten, while Nurgle was enjoying the short break and Tzeentch was mentally contacting/invading one of Metal Chaos Sorcerors still inside Enzium, taking all the knowledge and while at it drain his magical power of the sorceror and gaining some new spells for the Lore of Metal, [Gehenna's Golden Hounds & Transmutation of Lead] are now their to use.

Laharl appreciate Tzeentch's deed...but requested that he doesn't kill all their sorcerors, since this previous battle allowed them to finally have more sorcerors in their army, they're still needed...but should they be close to death then he can devour their souls and knowledge, anyone against them in the future they can go wild.

All the while their commanders lead scouting parties, hunting for more meat and resources for the later campaigns, and also they attacked the surrounding areas from the Monolith of Katam, this monolith was raised in honour of the legendary Chaos Sorcerer Katam, Kholek Suneater and Dullahan were responsible for this attack against the tzeentchian ruled territory belonging to some of the Graelings.

Skarlet under the orders of the Blood God, headed southeast to the Monolith of Borkill the Bloody-handed under the control of the Skaelings, it is raised in honour of the Skaeling Chaos Champion Borkill the Bloody-Handed after his triumph over a Bonegrinder Giant, in order to overcome the Giant, Borkill drank from the Chalice of Chaos, which caused his body to swell with Dark Magic allowing him to slay the Giant in a one-on-one battle, as the chalice is known to allow those who drink to undertake the Dark Apotheoisis into Daemonhood, the monolith likely commemorates Borkill's ascension to become a Daemon Prince.

Khorne wanted more bloodshed and strong worthy followers, hence he trusted Skarlet and his Blades of Khorne to take the Borkill Monolith and takeover the skaelings and assimilate those that impress the Bloodsoaked King into the fold of the Dark Legion.

With this these days they been responsible for quite possibly be one of the few being that have successfully taken over majority of Norsca, aside from Wulfrik the Wanderer or before him the Everchosen, such as Morkar the Uniter, or even Asavar Kul the Anointed that quite possibly the Dark One's favorite Chaos character from Fantasy with Archeon being the second.

Returning to the Warp Gods, passing time as their avatar's recuperation the Dark One was taking the opportunity to further connect and enchant Tai Tai...speaking of her.

Location Within Enzium, Basement Floor 1/Room 13: The Beastmen Grounds-The Garden of Madness

Tai Tai was resting on one of the floor of the Castle/Enzium which held a massive a beautiful garden that is wild and untouched by any one the beastmen, her Clutter as well have made this floor called Garden of Madness, within the entire floor at the lower part of Enzium in truth to the beastmen it resembles more a wild, lush forest that overgrew some man-made ruins, it was perfect to them and has become the grounds were beastmen marked as their own.

With Tai Tai and her Shien Clutter taking over the higher levels of this maze like garden, with quite possibly multiple levels which should be considered floors, but the magic that flowed through Enzium could make a room one room or multiple, same with floors.

Her Clutter was on the fourth level of the Garden, as Tai Tai was basking on the edge of some stone arches, with bundles of vine bushes and lavender hanging from the side, as she and some of her hunters were spying on the some small beastmen herd start the raising of a herdstone.

A herdstone, also called a "Chaos Heart," being an unholy standing stone, and sacred altar of worship to the Gods, this one is one of countless scattered throughout the dark forests of the Old World and the rest of Mallus, that serve as the primary campsites and gathering places of Beastmen warherds.

Seems that a Gor beat many rivals for the position of Beastlord and has established dominion over ground and underground levels of the Garden of Madness.

While allies in battle, it is a constant struggle for power and dominance in the beastmen herds, while Tai Tai Shien has protection from the new Dark God that has made her untouchable by any other beastman, that protection didn't extend to her sisters should they wander around the Garden alone.

Which is why the catsabers took dominion of the higher levels, which none of the gors and bloodbulls could reach them, as they kept on spying on their Clutter's rivals, Tai Tai's cat ears twitched preseaving something approaching, turning quickly around in a threatening cat pose, hissing which was quickly imitated by her huntresses that were accompanying her.

But as soon as she saw who it was, the "Shadow" one of the manifestations of her patron God, that has come visiting her many, many time either in her mind or physically.

Tai Tai calmed her huntresses, and ordered them to return to the main campsite of the clutter, doing as she commanded the jumped off through the pholiage and ruins, and immediately with a smile of sharp-teeth expressing and exuding happiness as she purred and snuggled to her destined mate.

As she rubbed herself against the shadow made figure, he held her close and they spend time together in a embrace surrounded by the overgrown plants.

After some more days...

Location Within Enzium, the Top Tower-The Throne Chamber

It has been a week and a half, the Godslayer was close to being back at full strength and health, and along with that the Warp Gods they have been watching the progress of their forces taking over Norscan in the course of the week Skarlet has defeated the Skaelings and taken over their lands in the name of their brother the Blood God, along with recruiting hundreds of Blades of Khornes into their fold, it was a battle that lasted three days straight but the aid of Nurgle's daemons and warriors turned the tide and won them control over the southwest.

And following the good tidings, Kholek Suneater and Dullahan have destroyed the Graelings and subjugated a tzeentchian warbands that also serves them now.

So aside from the Bjornlings that are entrenched between the skaelings and graelings territories majority of the west was now under their control.

The younger Warp Gods asked their older brother, how much more time must they spend recuperating their avatar, so they can continue their campaign and rejoin the slaughter, destruction, and brutality of the battlefield.

He responded, "Ixion should be able to willstand troops, but fighting against a powerful opponent is still difficult...so I'd say it 20% repaired currently...only 25% more, so it be another week and some days before we can join in battle again." this made the other Warp Gods, whine and complain.

Not that the Dark One, didn't understand their complaints it just they're annoying to him.

The Dark One, did tell them that with all the battles and resources that they managed to amass, they can at least start traveling further south and recuperate while moving their position closer to the Sea of Claws.

This did alleviate some of their irritations, just as they were about to call back all their troops currently outside of Enzium, Laharl was curious how much has the Dark Legion increased in numbers and overall military strength.

So in a very subtle manner, he contacted Aillia to bring up the info he wanted.

She responded in a very cheerful, happy, and usually hyper manner as she's always known for, (Already on it. Congratulations on your victory, was there ever a doubt my Lord!! ⭐️🥳) Laharl laughed happily in his mind, as the screen appeared for his eyes alone.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch

Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle, Khorne, Laharl, Tzeentch, Chaos Undivided.

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword

Weapon Name: Hellbane.

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation, The Chains of the Gilded Prophet.

Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.

Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury, Spinecage Plate, The Bloody Warlord Greaves.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.

Tzeentch: N/A

Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%

2.Norsca 34.55%

Army Size-Total: 10276.


Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.

2.Tai Tai Shien.



5.Yuri Godslayer.

Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.

Daemonic Forces






6.Flesh Hounds-315.


8.Infectors-250=Hostless Maggots 96, Werekin 5, Marauder Hosts 62, Chaos Knight Host 30, Warhound Hosts 50.



11.Chaos Furies-100.

12.Pink Horrors-209.

13.Blue Horrors-312.

14.Brimstone Horrors-125.



17.Exalted Flamers-75.


Mortal Forces

1.Frost Eldars-500=Ice Warriors 200, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 100, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 100.

2.Beastmen-522=Beastlord 1, Catsabers 200, Gors, 110 Ungors 105, Bloodbulls 85, Slaangors 20.

3.The Blades of Khorne-1075=Aspiring Deathbringer 1, Khornate Norscans 300, Wrath Khights 248, Mighty Skullcrushers 60, Khornate Chaos Spawns 32, Bloodreavers 200, Blood Warriors 188, Bloodstokers 12, Bloodsecrators 8, Slaughterpriests 8, Realmgore Ritualist 1, Khorgorath 1.

4.Plague Marauders-237=Berserker Marauders 32, Great-Axe Marauders 45, Rotknights 20, Plagueknights 100, Axe-throwers 40.

5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-324=Myrmidesh Painbringers 120, Chosen of Slaanesh 60, Pleasurebound Knights 80, Blissbard Archers 62, Chaos Sorceror 1, Shardspeaker 1.

6.Disciples of Tzeentch-260=Chaos Lord of Tzeentch 1, Doom Knights 90, Kairic Acolyte 167, Tzeentchian Chaos Spawns 2.

7.Chaos Marauders [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-3035=Berserker Marauders 500, Spearmen 650, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 1000, Fimir 15, Axe-throwers 195, Skin-Wolves 45, Chaos Warhounds 200, Norscan Ice Wolves 75.

8.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.

9.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.

10.Chaos Sorcerors-23=Tzeentchian 10, Pyromancers 5, Metalmancers 4, Shadowmancers 5.

11.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4

12.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10



Finally their back to the 10-thousands of troops, and with the strength of their commanders and using mix invading forces they've haven't lost much, and once everyone returns they'll continue south to where they originally planned, before they'd were stuck in a back to back war in the area.

As he dismissed the screen, and was about to call back their forces along with his brothers, something happened that made Enzium reacted and roar at a possible threat.

Location Outside of Enzium, the Lands of Vargs/The Golden Monolith Ruins

Enzium staring at the east as a massive army was approaching it.

A Chaos/Norscan army of monsters ranging from manticores, chimeras, mammoths, warhounds, raptoryx, curs'd ettin, chaos furies, harpies, and mindstealer sphiranxes, with several trolls in the mix.

Mountain/Cave Trolls or as some called simple Trolls, which are armed with huge clubs made from trees or a piece of bone from an old prey they've killed and ate, River Trolls that have more of a amphibious appearance also armed with clubs some made from river-rock, and Stone Trolls called that caused they have acquired some rock-like physical characteristics, including a very tough, almost stony hide and are quite resilient against magic.

That was far from the end of the trolls within this army, as Ice Trolls were also marching in the mix, which are primarily found in the frozen wastes of Norsca, mutated by Chaos to allow them to freeze their enemies with an icy breath, armed with club made from glaciers spikes that is kept frozen solid in their thick hands, and lastly their were Bile Trolls as well, corrupt of flesh and dwelling in living agony, that is always in the state of putrefaction and regeneration, Bile Trolls which have been corrupted by the Chaos God OW-Nurgle, as maggots crawl and dig onto their bloated flesh they march slowly ahead under the banner of the Troll King.

Along with several hundreds of Chaos mutants, utterly disfigured and multi-limbed dregs of the world, barely clothed and using makeshift armor that was held by ropes or chains on their retched bodies.

Armed with various things acting as weapons, for them Enzium continued to roar and try to intimidate the incoming enemy army, but with their leader and King, Throgg leading the charge at the creature in front of them, Throgg stomped and crunched through the snow with his maul held on his huge, thick hands and his red, raggedy, ripped cape/cloak Flowing behind him.

The Warp Gods saw this through the eyes of Enzium, sitting on their throne watching the view through the glass orb on the Throne Chamber...

Location Within Enzium, the Top Tower-The Throne Chamber

The Warp Gods were frankly annoyed, they were weakened both in the integrity of their avatar's overall physical state, and majority of their forces were currently far away from them to provide any aid to them.

Khorne was trying to convince his brothers charge straight at their enemies, and if they go down return to the Warp to better prepare their avatar for a greater bloodshed, meanwhile Tzeentch called him a idiot that can only think with axe instead of his brain, that they should use strategy over brute force bombarding the enemy from afar and use their Combo Spells to defeat their enemies.

This started a heated argument between the Blood God and the Changer of Ways, while Nurgle tried to calm them both.

As they argue and yelled at one another, trying to get their way on what should they do in this situation, but then the Dark One yelled at them, "SHUT UP!!! KHORNE WHILE I'D LOVE TO FIGHT REGARDLESS THE TIDE OF A BATTLE, BUT I WILL NOT LOSE IN A FOOLISH WAY!!!!" Laharl finished scolding the Blood God, he saw the Changer smiling and chuckling lightly, which made the Dark One anger focused on him, and start yelling at him as well, "TZEENTCH!!! QUIT SMIRKING, YOUR IDEA IS ALSO DUMB!!!! THESE MONSTERS AND TROLLS ARE MORE RESILIENT AND ABLE TO TANK OUR BOMBARMENT, AND OUR SPELLS WOULD TAKE TIME AND WASTE OUR ENERGY, LEAVING US WIDE-OPEN FOR ENEMIES. SO BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK!!!!!"

Both Khorne and Tzeentch listened to their older brother, and now that they weren't arguing they were able to think on their original ideas...and regrettably their older brother was right on his perspective of their respected plan.

Nurgle then thought of a idea, and tell his brothers of it, "Brother Laharl...why...not...use...your manifestations...to...make these....mortal...creatures...submit?" then all three of his brothers, turn towards the Plague God, and couldn't refute Nurgle's question/suggestion, and Laharl felt like idiot cause Nurgle is completely right.

So he told his brothers, "Let me finish this, while you my brothers call back our army." nodding as Laharl start to focus his dark divine presence outside of the avatar...

Location Outside of Enzium, the Lands of Vargs/The Golden Monolith Ruins

Throgg and his army were getting closer to Enzium, getting in range to start attacking it and find the Chaos Lord, Ixion Daemonhart, the Chosen of the Gods.

Throgg want to fight and take over everything he has so they can finally have the power to get revenge on the humans that keep hunting and attacking Throgg's lands.

When the entire area started to darken, the Sun was blocked by darkness and a great gust of wicket wind burst fort, pushing up the snow of the area and blinding every creature in Throgg's army, and then the mindstealer sphiranxes started to thrash and roar in pain and fear since they could sense something dark and divine coming.

As all the shadows started to turn into silhouettes of daemons, laughing in a wicket manner as they started to stretch out and separated themselves from their hosts, rising from the ground becoming 3-dimensional and then split apart as swarms of bats made from shadow and darkness.

These shadow bats, started to swarm around and screech, causing everyone of these monsters and trolls fear, as they started to converge into a growing into a titanic black mass.

It grow and grow, sprouting three humongous, pairs of bat-like wings, along with a pair of humongous arms with massive claws especially left hand.

Eight black serpents as limbs also sprouted from this entity, their eyes were blazing amethysts, as this entity rise up revealing a bat like skull with shadows acting as some flesh and ears for this entity, with razor-sharp fangs and teeth, lastly it's eyes were blazing red.

Immediately the Norscan within Enzium, that have managed to caught glimpse of this God, they knew this was the Bat, the Carnage God, the Lord of Darkness and the Void, Laharl Valboga, under this divine manifestation of the Fifth and New God of Chaos, they kneel and lower their heads in respect.

Not only them but all beings of divine ranking, or have spies watching the frozen, chaotic Northlands, have learned of the presence of this new malignant deity, the Snake God, Sorbek, the Dragon Emperor and Empress of Grand Cathay and even the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth felt this powerful entity finally revealing itself.

The Chaos Gods of the Old World, were especially shocked that their newest rival from another dimension has finally showed himself, and taking the shape of what the Norscan belive him to be, Laharl plan to use this form using his [Physical Shift: The Shadow of Despair] while remodeling it to fit the Old World, perception of him.

Roaring with such intensity and ferocity, causing Throgg and his forces to kneel and coward before him.

The serpents hissed at them as well, using his psychic power to speak to those mortal creatures telepathically, expressing his anger and frustration that they dare attack his chosen champion, during a important dark pilgrimage to drown this world Chaos!!!

Again roaring and hissing at Throgg and his beasts for the souls and offering that Ixion Daemonhart has done in this and the other world, so only this once will the Carnage God directly intervene with this trial...which is the truth Ixion as their avatar has done much for the Warp Gods, and will continue as such.

The Bat/Laharl Valboga threatened with devouring the forms and souls for daring to oppose such a quest of untold Carnage and Ruin that his and the Gods will, as Laharl drew back his body, and serpents as a sign of attacking, Throgg pleaded for mercy, stopping the Dark One "supposed" attack.

He asked the Troll King, "what do you have to offer for my mercy?" Throgg knew even in his simple mind, that if he doesn't something of worth to this God, he'll be killed alongside all his army.

That's when Throgg offered his and his army service, growling as the Dark One's serpents lowered themselves to them, and he spoke mentally to the Troll King, "Offer your service? Would you swear under the I, the God of Oaths, to forever serve me and Chaos?" Throgg knowing he has no escape, he did swear binding himself to Laharl and ending this battle before it could even start.

Laharl's [Oaths] divinity, did bind them and Laharl placed them under the complete control and command of Ixion Daemonhart, and also warn them break their oaths to him and their pain would be a sweet mercy, compared to punishment he'll bring upon them, as he roared to the heavy turning back into a swarm of shadow bats, flying back to their main host returning their original shadows.

With that Laharl consciousness returned within Ixion, and he told his brothers to prepare for what comes next...

next chapter
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