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98.92% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 360: Reactions of the World: The Four Ruinous Powers

Bab 360: Reactions of the World: The Four Ruinous Powers

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-The Chaos Wastes

The wrath of the Fifth God was felt and steered many followers of Chaos across the north and beyond to action, especially those that serve one Dark God.

Now that there was undeniable proof of Laharl Valboga, the Bat & Chaos God of Carnage truly has descended upon the Old World, his revelation to the world shuke it to it core, especially the Four Dark Gods of the Realm of Chaos.

With their newest rival known and quite imposing they started to scramble to protect and take more territory before the Dark One, the Bat could tip the scales of power against them, but it seems that is already the case, since all territory claimed by their Champion, Ixion Daemonhart are impossible to attack.

Using quite possibly their greatest champion, since Asavar Kul they'd each decided to focus on the soul of their respected champion within the Daemonharts to corrupt and dominate over the other, and offering the world to one of them specifically with the runic protection that they've desperately need on their lands, for both OW-Khorne and OW-Nurgle were at their most active and attacking all tzeentchian and slaaneshi territories and warbands, and more especially since they need to gather strength should they have to face the Dark One in the future.

Thus many champions that still remain in the Old World, were called and sent to battle to either test the rising Chaos Champion and Unifyer, Ixion Daemonhart, or take advantage of the commotion and unrest to attack various location in the Old World, or simply go and join the Dark Legion on their grand campaign of anarchy.

Location the Sea of Chaos, Near the Coastline of the Chaos Wastes

The Plague Fleet was sailing throught the Sea of Chaos on their way to meet with the Maggot Lord, Tamurkhan and his horde at the coastline, from Zanbaijin.

As the rotting, broken down ship sailed through the treasonous water releasing a thick, trail of slime and mucus from where the navigate through, all cause by Gutrot Spume's beast a giant rot-kraken that merged with his original vessel and lead his Plague Fleet for centuries.

As for who is this Gutrot Spume, he is called in reverence as the "Lord of Tentacles," for one of his greatest gift was the several tentacles that make up his left side and arm in his body, he is the Chaos Lord of the Norscan Dragonbone tribe and the commander of the greatest plaguefleet in the north a nurglish proud warrior whose towering arrogance often leads him into battles against overwhelming odds, Spume has risen from the ashes of his former failure to reclaim his position as one of the pre-eminent Champions of Nurgle and Chaos warlords of his age.

The legend and chronicle of Gutrot Spume began as many champions of Chaos as a simple tribesmen of the North.

Possessing a love of the sea that ran in Spume's veins even to this day, as a youth, he earned his name from his habit of plunging into the Sea of Claws with nothing but a knife.

He spent more and more time underwater, slaying the eater-fish and swordsharks that roamed the fjords and dragged their corpses back to his tribe, his abilities as a warrior, sea-farer, and a provider did not go unnoticed, and Spume soon became the jarl of his tribe in Norscan the tribe was known as the Dragonbone tribe.

But in truth Gutrot was not seeking to impress his fellow Men, however, but the gods above, Spume dived time and time again into the Sea of Claws.

Whilst his contemporaries hunted Chaos Spawn, Trolls and Slaughterbrutes on the tundra of his homeland, Spume sunk his knife into kharibdyss, sea serpent and merwyrm alike, but when Spume heard tell of a gigantic rot-kraken that was haunting the coast of the Bile Lands, he knew it was his chance of glory and gain favor of the Gods so he made haste to hunt it down.

This lunatic ambition of his plan saw his expedition amassing a flotilla of Norscan Wolfships, each filled with tribesmen eager to turn the seas red with the blood of monsters, though this hunt for the rot-kraken took Spume and his fleet several months they were meet with several obstacles from not only battling the deadly beasts of the Sea of Claws, but also the High and Dark Elf fleets of both Ulthuan and Naggaroth that sought to stop them, but in the end all his enemies fell to his axe and his mighty fleet his name became infamous with the elves of Ulthuan and Naggaroth, but it was still not enough for the young Norscan Jarl, in the Dark Gods eyes he has yet to proven himself and knew the only way to achieve his destined glory was to accomplish what he has set to do...hunt and kill the rot-kraken!!!

His shattered and battered ships sail for a while more, and eventually found the oily slicks of diseased fluids that were said to follow the rot-kraken's passage at last his moment has come, so wasting no time, Spume stripped to the waist and dived deep into the waters, he followed the noisome stream of secretions that he reasoned led to the kraken's lair, until he glimpsed a tentacled shadow of immense size writhing in the depths.

But the overconfidence of the young Gutrot cost him and he was too late to realize, he eventually saw smaller tentacled beasts converging upon him.

Each of the pallid things was no larger than a hound, though they attacked in such number that he soon found himself fighting for his life, as rubbery white tentacles slapped and grabbed, razored beaks bit into his flesh.

Until one of the creatures swallowed Spume's left arm whole, in pure agony he used what strength he possessed to fight his way free.

But he realized that he only seconds left at most to survive and not drown, he managed to free himself and the young jarl as he swam to reach desperately for the surface.

He did not expect to survive, just as his men did not expect him to return from his foolhardy quest, and dive, yet Grandfather Nurgle was feeling even more generous than usual, and though his rival Chaos Gods turned away in disinterest at Spume's failure, the Lord of Decay saw fit to reward the Norscan for his bravery.

When Gutrot finally surfaced, his body had changed beyond recognition, feeling power unlike anything before and his left side had merged with one the kraken-spawn that had taken his arm, and his entire side bristled with tentacles that writhed with a mind of their own.

His gut had swollen to twice its original bulk, and his skin was the ghostly white of an undersea beast, Gutrot Spume he climbed aboard his flagship once more, not as the jarl of a Norscan tribe, but reborn as the "Lord of Tentacles," a Chaos Lord and Champion of Nurgle.

It was not long before Spume marshalled his armada once more, this time intending to sack the coastal settlements of the Empire.

Spreading his name and fear across the coasts, for he is the only Naval Chaos Lord, amongst the many chosen by the Grandfather, he even manage to survive a encounter with not just the Emperor, Karl Franz, but also the Ice Queen of Kislev, Katarin Bokha despite losing those battle he remains alive leading his Plague-fleet in the name of Decay. (Gutrot Spume has two version of his lore, from OW to AOS which are practically the same except in one he fail to kill the kraken and was still rewarded, in the other he succeeded, regained his sunken fleet and the kraken became his beast/ship, this version of Gutrot is mix of both.)

Seeking redemption for his defeat, he swore to the Grandfather that he'll correct his original failure, and prove himself a Champion worthy of his love and blessings.

Returning to the original site of his ascension and the nesting ground of the rot-kraken, he and his fleet faced off against the beats and its spawns, a great battle occurred resulting in most of his fleet and warriors being dragged down into the waters, leaving him alone on a ship that was breaking apart to face such a beast, once the kraken exposed it head Gutrot struck, swinging down his mighty rusted battleaxe onto the rot-kraken and managed to slay the beast, roaring out his victory and offering said victory to the Maggotking, he has reclaimed his honor for a failure long ago and greater rewards than before.

All the ships and men were brought back from the depths all transformed into a true plague ridden fleet, with his men having lesser version of his mutations/gifts sprouting tentacles and having ghostly pale, and sickly skin as he and then the once sinking flagship started to shake and rumble.

As slime oozed from the floor boards, barnacles started to climb and ludge themselves onto the side oozing ooze and ungodly stench, then Gutrot saw the green tentacles of the kraken emerge from the waters as the beast started to merge with his ship, becoming as one and he also felt a connection to the beast as it became his!!

Not only that but smaller rot-krakens started to merge with the other ships, with kraken-spawns climbing onto the ship and becoming apart of his fleet/army.

Once again the Lord of Tentacles was reborn, again blessed by the Grandfather, as he scouwers the Old World seas and lands with his Plague Fleet renamed the Slime Fleet of Spume.

And right now that same fleet and nurglish champion, were on the way to unite with another great Plague Champion and his army, for the rise of the Bat, has triggered the Grandfather into action commanding Gutrot and Tamurkhan to set out and strike at South, finally it was time for a great plague to fester and spread onto the men of the south, and fall into the loving embrace and gifts of OW-Nurgle, as Gutrot Spume rise his battleaxe and order his rot-kraken and fleet full speed ahead onto the Wastes.

Location the Northern Region of the Chaos Wastes-The Crystal Spires

A massive invasion is occurring in the Architect of Fate territory in the Waste, and the last mortal champion of the Great Deceiver, Aekold Helbrass was called by his dark master to defend the site of the Crystal Spires, a great tzeentchian corrupted location with grand spires made blue crystals and diamonds.

Aekold was leading a large army of Disciples of Tzeentch, defending it from the combine nurglish forces from some of Tamurkhan's Horde, Maggotkin and Rotbringers.

Aekold Helbrass is a legendary and quite possibly the last remaining mortal or immortal champion of Tzeentch that remains in the Old World.

His legend began in the Empire as the son of a Graf of Reikland, he'd enjoyed a life of privilege, young Helbrass soon tired of the intrigues of city life and searched for a greater purpose in life, so he threw himself into religion, becoming a knight of the Order of the Jade Griffon.

But even in his service to Sigmar, Helbrass found no greater purpose, as he found the order's teachings to be no balm to the pain and pettiness of everyday life.

Despite his desperate and devoted praying to Sigmar to show him the path to achieve something of lasting value in the mortal world that would change it for the better, no answer came, which led his faith to be shaken and slowly wither with time.

In despair fate took a change in his life, when a drinking friend introduced Aekold to the Brethren of the Golden Eagle, which a secret tzeentchian cult, that originally were supposed to be his mortal enemies, but having not found purpose or answer he decided to learn more from the Brethren of the Golden Eagle, and under their tutelage of this Chaos Cult of revolutionaries, Aekold quickly advanced in their ranks, seeing this as a opportunity to not only better himself but much more, his status, family, and the Empire he dedicated himself to learning all he could and master these teaching and powers for good originally...

Unfortunately for him, the cult was uprooted by the witch hunters, Aekold was one of the few who managed to escape their attentions, until one of his acolytes revealed his name under torture.

When his fellow knights came to arrest him, he tried to reason with them, but found only deaf ears, desperate for help but all he was meet with scorn, betrayal and disgust as his family, friends and former colleagues turned against him, Aekold was forced to leave Altdorf to survive, and he fled to the north, constantly hunted by the witch hunters.

After managing to leave the lands of the Empire, Aekold arrived in Troll Country, where he came upon a large Chaos Monolith dedicated to Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, that was guarded by a mighty Minotaur.

In a ferocious battle, Aekold managed to kill the guardian and investigated the monolith, only to find a picture of himself, a knight with a shield emblazoned with a rampant Griffon, carved upon it, despite the carvings being centuries old.

Aekold Helbrass pushed further north, leaving civilisation behind him to discover the meaning of the monolith.

That desire now turned obsession to understand what that monolith's descriptions meant lead him to the edge of the Chaos Wastes, where Aekold came upon a large Chaos altar, where he was greeted by a mirror image of himself in his younger days, ready to defend the Empire and slay the servants of Chaos.

After the mirror image came to life and attacked him, Aekold realised the pointlessness of his actions in the course of the strange duel against himself, but chose to press on nonetheless.

After he defeated his mirror image, Aekold Helbrass discovered he had been mortally wounded and was slowly dying from his wounds just as he touched the gateway of the altar, for one final time Aekold felt a pang of guilt, and for one last time he longed for his former life, and regretted all the things he had done that had brought him to this dark, lonely destination.

But he knew it was far too late, that there was simply no turning back.

As Aekold pushed himself through the gateway, he was reborn as a Champion of Tzeentch. Looking back on his former life, he promised to return to the Empire and show them the truth his new master, the Architect of Fate, had revealed to him. He had found the purpose of his life at last.

He wielded a legendary weapon, as he swung it around this is the Windblade is the great, double-handed greatsword that was granted to him by his divine master, Tzeentch, like all the favours of the Changer of Ways, its powers are erratic and unpredictable.

It can allow Helbrass to fly, strike more swiftly than Humanly possible or be thrown afar only to return to his hand.

Also the bearer of a most unsual gift from the Changer of Ways, called the Breathe of Life, for where Aekold walks the grass springs green and meadow flowers blossom, when he walks upon the desert sands and stony rocks the land bursts into life as he passes and living things he touches spring into new and vigorous growth, as well as long dead wood of doors and staves takes root upon his touch.

Now he was in the middle of slaying another warband to the accursed Plague God, as he threw the Windblade cutting through the bloated filth as it gushed out blood, puss, and vile from the slain maggotkin that Helbrass has killed, and with open palm the Windblade returned to his hand.

Surrounding his feet a lush and vibrant patch of plants and flowers, as pointed his magical blade forward commanding his tzeentchian marauders, kairic acolytes, and doom knights to destroy the vile followers of the Plague God, not only since the disappearances of Lord Kairos, the Changeling, and Vilitch much of Lord OW-Tzeentch's territories have been under attack and siege from the forces of OW-Nurgle.

Spinning his Windblade in his hands a couple of times, before starting to fly into battle leaving a trail of life blossoming behind him, with the rise and reveal of the New Chaos God, Laharl Valboga, the forces of disease and stagnation have become more bold, and brazen against his dark master.

But the ascension of a new Chaos God has brought about great change both unexpected and welcomed.

Aekold was also quite interested in learning more of this new enemy of his dark master, the Lord of All Change, but Aekold Helbrass main target is to face this rising Chaos Champion, Ixion Daemonhart in battle while he cares not who amongst him and the Everchosen reigns supreme he'll serve whichever will bring about not only great change but also the end to the Empire.

While normally that would mean he'd join Archeon as he was currently attacking the Empire of Man, it was predictable that such a obvious move from the east will be meet with great losses and quite possibly a stagnant stalemate between both forces.

If this Chosen of the Gods, proves to be as strong, as he is cunning and unpredictable he'll not only be a worthy challenge but quite possibly a worthy bringer of endless change to the world!!

But that isn't important for now, as Aekold spun in the air releasing his magical sword as it followed his mental commands to swing with his spin, and in one slice he beheaded a dozen of plague marauders, as the Windblade returned to his grasp Aekold Helbrass had a battle to win in the name of Lord OW-Tzeentch.

Location the Chaos Wastes the borders to Naggaroth, the Frozen City

Sigvald and Azazel were forced to change their march returning to Wastes under Slaanesh's command and head to through the lands of the Druchii, Naggaroth and join with a new ally in the campaign south through the Sea of Chill.

It took them months of marching, and during that time they've heard and sensed the revelation of the Bat, the God of Carnage, Laharl Valboga that came to the Chosen of the Gods' aid when he was his most vulnerable, this infuriated Sigvald that the new God would actual come and show such favor and glory to an upstart when it should be him and his beauty being praise along with Lady Slaanesh, Azazel had the same thoughts as his mortal "companion" as the duo trekked through the Chaos Wastes and were meet with several khornate warbands, that desired death under the blades of perfect and magnificent beings as them.

Eventually after several battles and marching for days, they reached the location that Lady Slaanesh has ordered them to go to, the Frozen City at the edge between the Wastes and Naggaroth.

The Frozen City was desolate grand city that once belong to the Dark Elves, but the constant attack from the daemons of Chaos, from the north so it in the end abandoned but not before the Witch King, Malekith, order the destruction of the city making it unusable for his enemies using a powerful spell to literally freeze the entire city in ice.

Cause of this it has become a desolated point between the borders of Naggaroth, which serves as meeting point for chaotic invasion into the Land of Chill.

Both Sigvald and Azazel lead their armies into the ice and frost covered ruined city, they immediately saw another slaaneshi army mostly female warriors with several Cultists of Slaanesh, these beautiful elvish women were watching them, Azazel immediately recognized them as the Tormentors which meant the one that they've come to meet can only be Dechala.

Speaking of the of the legendary slaaneshi champion she slithered out a frozen corner, revealing her serpentine lower body with multiple arms and revealing dark armor, she was accompanied by some slaaneshi tribewomen-warriors and some daemonettes.

This is Dechala the Denied One, also called the "Favoured Concubine", is a heavily-mutated Chaos Champion of Slaanesh and a former Asur elven princess, as she leads the Tak'neisen, the Tormentors, one of the most powerful warbands of Slaanesh in the Chaos Wastes.

Dechala was born in Nagarythe as the daughter of An-Toralis, a mighty High Elven warrior who fought at the side of Aenarion, her beauty was said to be so amazing, exquisite, gracious, that the Daemon Prince Samael, was attracted by her and pursued Dechala and her family across Ulthuan.

The daemon was relentless in his pursuit of Dechala that her family was overcome with panic and worry, that Samael he promised her father and family that he would leave them alone, if they would hand Dechala over to him.

Eventually, her father relented, leaving his daughter to the Daemon.

She was overcome fear and despair that the daemon would abusing her and consuming her soul, Samael instead he chose to corrupt the princess to make her beauty his forever.

Dechala, fearful of the Daemon Prince, but that fear was soon diminished with bitterness at her family for betraying her, became a willing servant of Samael, in exchange for the power to avenge herself on her family, she agreed to marry him.

When she returned to Nagarythe and slaughtered her family, she avenged herself and felt unbelievable pleasure from killing them, this earned Slaanesh's gaze fell upon her, inviting the jealousy of her husband on her.

At that moment she dedicated herself to the Lady of Excess and eventually fled from her Daemonic husband into the Chaos Wastes but Dechala rise of power and defiance has caused a rift between her and Samael that's when Samael complained before Slaanesh, the Chaos God reprimanded her servant for his arrogance, but offered him a compromise, if Dechala was to return to him of her own volition, Samael could do with her what he pleased. If she did not and Samael still existed, she would never ascend to Daemonhood.

Since that time, Dechala has led armies of Slaanesh in battle against the other Chaos Gods, but she still feels bitter about the fact that, no matter how many enemies she slays, she will never join Slaanesh as a Daemon Princess as long as Samael exists, but never shall she return to him, and as planned many plots to eliminate her "husband" but still this day as ended in failure.

Until Lady Slaanesh contacted her and offered a new compromise, if she can seduce the Chaos Lord, Ixion Daemonhart or seduce her champion to emerge sooner then she'll break her bindings on her allowing her the opportunity to finally ascended into daemonhood and be freed of Samael once and for all.

Accepting her Goddess deal, she immediately headed with her Tormentors to the west and has been waiting for her new "allies" that Slaanesh will send her on a mission to the south.

The rise of the new God, has seems to really steer Lady Slaanesh if she place her, along with Sigvald and Azazel to join forces to strike at the south and challenge the Chosen of the Gods, all to make them fall into her thrall, regardless of the reason the reward was more than enough for Dechala to play nice and cooperate with two of her biggest rivals...for now.

Location the Chaos Wastes-The Tower of Torment

Arbaal the Undefeated gathered a massive khornate army from the remnants of Valkia's army along with several scattered warbands, under the command of his dark master, the Lord of Slaughter, while Skarbrand the Exiled was on the Dark Lands fighting against greenskins, Arbaal was attacking one of Slaanesh's territories in OW-Khorne's name.

Arbaal is a ancient and powerful Champion of Khorne who wrought many woes upon the mortal world during the time of the Great War Against Chaos, and it is said that he still lives to this very day, a Chaos Champion who has remained undefeated for millennia.

He is the "Destroyer of Khorne", though high in the esteem of his bloody god, the title of the Destroyer of Khorne is both a blessing and a curse, for while it blesses OW-Khorne's chosen Champion with great might and unrelenting energy, should the warrior ever fail or falter in his duty, it would cause him his ultimate demise, for only the strong may bear the title of the Destroyer!!

A relentless fury of destruction and blood-letting descends on Arbaal whenever he wades through his foes in battle no one has ever been able to withstand his attacks.

He is ever aware of the eyes of OW-Khorne are upon him, knowing that should he ever flee a battle, or face the humiliating sting of defeat, the terrible wrath of his patron deity would descend upon him and turn him into a Chaos Spawn, such is the punishment for failure...

Arbaal the Undefeated, the Destroyer of Khorne, was tired of not finding any foes worthy to face him in the mortal world, that it's is said that he rode into the Plain of Skulls to challenge Khorne himself...the Destroyer would not be seen again until many centuries later, when he fought in the Great War Against Chaos.

At the Kislevite city of Praag, Arbaal led a hundred daemons in the assault on its boundaries, it was Arbaal who finally broke the gates of the city with his powerful axe, beginning the slaughter, he would go on to slay a thousand of its unlucky defenders.

The Champion of Khorne survived the defeat of the forces of Chaos in the Great War, which saw the deaths of many of the Dark Gods' most favoured followers, such as Valnir the Reaper and even the mighty twelfth Everchosen himself, Asavar Kul, the high zar of the Kurgans.

He rides upon a giant flesh hound, known as the Hound of Khorne which is one of the Blood God's own Flesh Hound, along with Karanak that also gone missing, it a daemon of huge proportions combining the attributes of a Flesh Hound with massive size and power, only OW-Khorne's chosen Chaos Champion is rewarded with the Hound of Khorne, which the Champion rides in the fashion of a monstrous beast.

Right now he was riding straight in huge squad of slaaneshi warriors and daemons, as he was eager to cleave them all with his great axe, and the Hound of Khorne was starving for blood, behind him were packs of flesh hounds, bloodcrushers of both mortal and daemonic variants with wrath knights on steeds riding onto battle chanting, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!"

As this invasion turned into a slaughter in the name of Blood God, who was greatly angry with his sister and mortal rival, Slaanesh, blaming her for the loss of Valkia and Karanak, and now with Slaanesh more interested on the new God that has revealed himself on Norsca the territories of the Lady of Excess were vulnerable to attack in the mortal world.

Once this battle was over and all lay dead on the axe of Arbaal he'll travel south to meet and if needed face this Chosen of the Gods, thinking that either he at last found a worthy challenge or lord that can replace Lord Asavar Kul!!!

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