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33.33% Naruto - Neglected Sage / Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Bab 9: Chapter 8

The next day, Naruto was sitting on the bed back at Orochimaru's old hideout. He was in a meditating stance currently wondering how much skill he was going to show in today's exam.

As he sat there, another figure quietly approached him from behind. Reaching him, the figure knelt down and planted a kiss on his right cheek.

Naruto's eyes snapped open to see a smiling Hinata facing him.

"Good morning Hina-hime" Naruto greeted as he pulled Hinata down onto his lap and kissed her hotly. The Hyuuga heiress embraced and kissed Naruto back with the same amount of passion. A minute later, they reluctantly pulled their lips away to catch their breaths.

"Did you wait long for me," Hinata asked as she just exited the shower.

"Not really," Naruto said, "Waiting for you never takes long at all, because you'll always chase after me, wanting to overtake me."

"Naru-kun," Hinata giggled as she snuggled deeper into his embrace before resting her head on his left shoulder.

"Shouldn't we be preparing for the exams Hina-hime" Naruto asked.

"Being here with you like this for moral support is all the preparation I need," Hinata replied, "I'm confident that we'll become Genins together."

Naruto chuckled at her antics then leaned down and kissed her again.


Everyone was making their way to the Academy. The senior class was up and ready for the Genin Exams and confident in passing and becoming full-fledged ninjas. Some had visions of prestige and exciting thrill-filled adventures while others thought that after becoming ninjas they'll earn the approval, liking and acknowledgment of others or of one Uchiha in particular.

They easily found Iruka, since he wasn't that hard to find. I mean you could literally hear him at the Hokage monument when he uses the Big-head jutsu.

The class was noisy and annoying, as always. One was stuffing his face with potato chips while the other was sleeping. Two girls were arguing without anyone knowing what about. Some were brooding , other remain silent and a few screamed to make themselves understandable. In other words...It was chaos! It was Iruka's personal hell. Iruka has been their teacher for a long time and it was always the same crap! Sometimes he had the urge to grab his kunai and slash every throat that was present at the time. But all on all he loved his job, although it was hard sometimes.

Soon, Hinata and Naruto entered the class hand-in-hand with their fingers entwined together.

Something happened that everyone thought wasn't possible....it quieted down. The Namikaze princesses were happy to see their Onii-chan once more and Mito even called out to him to offer a vacant seat.

However, he just ignored them and led Hinata to the back and sat besides a pineapple haired kid and his big boned friend.

Naruto greeted with a "yo" and sat down. Hinata just nodded at them and followed suit. They returned their greetings and busied themselves with what they were doing, mainly sleeping and eating.

"You know you don't have to be so cold on them" said Hinata as she indicated the Namikaze twins, Naruto didn't reply, looked at their sad expressions and just sighed.

Ino being the gossip queen that she is, immediately asked the duo "Mito-san, Naoko-san do you know that guy? and why is Hinata-chan with him, didn't she leave Konoha?"

They both looked at each other and said "Yes, he's our brother Naruto" answered Mito

"As for Hinata we don't know" continued Naoko.

"WHAT!?" screeched our resident pink-haired banshee "He's the Yondaime's missing son!?"

"Quiet down Sakura-teme" said Naoko "and yes his our missing brother"

Everyone who heard their conversation begun to look at the handsome blonde. Some girls were looking and were drooling a bit at the appearance of the young man. While some of the boys were eyeing Hinata. Already making plans on how to approach her. Specially Kiba who was thinking 'I'll beat that guy up and show that woman who is the true aplha, then claim her as my mate'.

Iruka cleared his throat and everyone sat down.

Iruka "Well students, as you might have noticed we have two new classmates who will join us in the Genin-exams today. Come in front of the class and introduce yourselves."

Naruto and Hinata got up on their sits, and got in front of the class.

"My Name is Naruto and for some special reasons I do not have a last name" he said making the class gasp. "I'm 12 years old and currently in a relationship with the lovely Hinata"

Some of the girls screamed 'Kyahh' as Naruto told them about Hinata, while some boys snickered in envy. Then it was Hinata's turn.

"Hello everyone" she bowed "My name is Hinata and for some special reason as well I don't have a last name, I'm also 12 years old and in a relationship with Naru-kun" after their introduction Naruto led Hinata back to their sits like the gentleman he was and waited for Iruka's next instructions.

Whispers begun to fill the room as they discussed Naruto and Hinata. Ino asked the twins what Naruto meant not having a last name, only for Mito and the usually hyperactive Naoko to quite down and looked away in shame.

"Anyway let's start the exam shall we, just follow me" said Iruka

The students walked outside and Iruka said they needed to pull out their shuriken and Kunai. Everyone followed the order except for Naruto and Hinata.

Iruka "I said to take your shuriken and Kunai Naruto, and Hinata"

Both responded by pulling up their sleeves and showing a bright yellow bracelet that had a complex seal written on it. They concentrated chakra into the seal and with a puff of smoke 10 shuriken and 10 kunais came out. Everyone didn't have much of a reaction since storage scrolls were pretty common especially in a class full of clan heir's.

The seal is actually a dimension seal disguised as your run of the mill storage seal. The difference of both seals are like Heaven and Earth. While storage has almost the same function it remains as a single storage item seal unless you have a bigger scroll, the dimensional seal however actually creates a personal pocket dimension that could store almost anything without limit, and depending on chakra even a Bijuu could be stored.

They found the seals on their excursion to Uzushio or the Village hidden in Whirlpools or at least what remained of it. It was the origin place of all Uzumaki. Where Naruto was able to find items that were sealed in a tower's basement with a blood seal only the Uzumaki royals could use. Among them were ancient undeciphered scrolls made by the first founder. But, Naruto was immediately able to understand them due to his Rinnegan.

"Oh, so you use storage seals. I see, carry on then. Naruto you go first since you seem already have yours out(no pun intended)" said Iruka.

"You can do it, Nii-chan!" shouted Mito in support.

"Y-yeah, y-you g-g-got t-this!" said a stuttering Naoko which actually flabbergasted everyone. They had never seen her so reserved and... stuttering?, what was that all about? thought everyone in class.

Naruto looked at his sisters with a deadpan expression. Making them quiet down. However, to their surprise he nodded at them in acknowledgement. Making them smile like crazy.

Then he turned to Hinata and asked "Do I get a good luck charm?" Hinata didn't answer but kissed him on the cheeks instead. He blushed at her unexpected action and grinned. While some of the male students snickered.

He went to the throwing line and threw all the shuriken at once like an uncaring amateur, making every guy mock him. But they all shut up when they saw all the shurikens hit the bullseye. Surprising all the class, even Mito and Naoko. He did the same for his kunais and by the time he had finished everyone's jaw had dropped to the floor.

"Imagine that" he said as he walked off, while Hinata just giggled at her show boating boyfriend.

"Good aim" praised Iruka "Next Hinata"

"Good luck, Hina-hime" he said as he kissed her on the cheek. Hinata blushed like a strawberry. Although she did the same for Naruto, It had a different feel when your at the receiving end.

But she snapped out of it immediately when Iruka urge her on. Unlike Naruto, she took the proper stance and threw the shurikens one by one. It all hit the bullseye, and the class was surprised, only for a different reason this time. The shurikens were practically embedded 4/5 into the wooden log. It must've taken a lot of strength or a good chakra enhancement to pull that off, but they didn't feel any chakra and looking at Hinata's slim, delicate arms they questioned how could she pull that off.

She also did the same for the kunais, however before she threw the last one. Kiba remarked something inappropriate. Which made Hinata purposely deviate her throw, in between the targets legs. She then turned to the crowd and smiled, causing all men to whimper.

Iruka sweatdropped at their results "I guess... both of you pass this part of the exam"

Naruto and Hinata was just enjoying each other's company until the other students were done throwing.

After each and every student had finished Iruka announced "Well done everyone, now we will have the sparing matches. First up, Naruto vs Uchiha Sasuke"

This got half the future 'kunoichi wannabe's to scream "You can do it SASUKE-KUN!" "SA-SU-KE-KUN!" "SA-SU-KE-KUN" they begun to chant. Hinata who saw this just rolled her eyes and thought 'and they call themselves Kunoichi. That guy doesn't even acknowledge them'

They got into the arena and Sasuke mocked "Hn. Dobe, are you ready to loose to an Uchiha elite?" as he got into the interceptor fist stance that all, I mean- well the last Uchiha prided himself in using.

"What ever you say, Duck-butt-kun" he said teasingly, making the whole class except for the Sasuke Fangirls to laugh out loud.

"What did you say to me dobe?" asked Sasuke.

"You heard me, Duck-butt-kun" repeated Naruto.

"HOW DARE YOU MOCK SASUKE-KUN!" shouted the pink haired banshee as everyone winced at the volume. Even her fellow fan members.

"Shut up, Sakura-teme before everyone here turns deaf" said Naoko, while Mito along with everyone in the class glared at the pink banshee, making her shut up.

"That's it, I was going to show you mercy by ending this quickly. But, it looks like you need to be taught a lesson" said Sasuke as he lunge towards Naruto.

Naruto just stood there and waited for Sasuke to get close, he even yawned because duck-butt was to slow.

Then his fist finally came aiming to pummel Naruto in the face. He heard the worried shouts of Mito and Naoko. While Hinata just winked at him making him grin.

To class's surprise it didn't hit as Naruto dodge in the last second, however as if expecting him to dodge Sasuke corrected himself mid punch and used the momentum to kick Naruto.

'Too slow' thought Naruto as he dodge the kick by stepping back once. Due to the unexpected action, Sasuke hit the air, and got unbalanced. Taking the advantage Naruto tripped Sasuke's foot making said Duck-butt hit the ground face first.

Angered for such humiliation, Sasuke was about to stand up, when he felt sudden pressure on his back making him hit the floor once more. He looked up and saw Naruto's foot planted on him.

"I demand you remove your foot, dobe" he said with an angry tone.

"YEAH, LET GO OF SASUKE-KUN!!" said our favorite banshee.

Our resident blonde smirked at his arrogance, but winced at the banshee's screech. He sighed, but didn't respond and just kicked him in the face knocking him out.

"Winner Naruto" shouted Iruka.

After that the whole test became boring, Hinata was paired against a civilian and won, and although secretly, he watched his sisters win their match using their father's signature fighting style the humming-bird.

The next part was to make a perfect Henge, a transformation jutsu. All students made a perfect copy of Iruka even Naruto and Hinata.

Then there was the last part...the clone jutsu. Hinata had just finished her turn and finally it was Naruto's turn. He walked into the room with Iruka and his assistant Mizuki in it.

Naruto was cracking his neck "Alright, how many do you need?"

Iruka "Just three should be enough."

Naruto got a evil smirk on his face "Clone jutsu"

Three perfect clones of Naruto, appeared. "Great, Alright you pass" said Iruka as he handed him his leaf protector.

Naruto turned to leave and dispelled his clones, one went in a puff of smoke, another in water and the last with rocks. The two chuunin were flabbergasted. A genin actually knows how to perform different types of clones. A Shadow clone, a water clone, and a rock/boulder clone.

"Looks like we have a prodigy in our mist" said Iruka as Mizuki just quietly snickered.

The exams were over and the students had to turn back tomorrow for their group assignments.

Naruto and Hinata were about to leave when they heard two familiar voice calling out to them.

"Nii-chan!!/Hinata-san!!" called out Naoko and Mito, hoping that he wouldn't ignore them.

Inwardly, Naruto was struggling to keep calm. Then he felt someone hold his hands, he looked at who it was and saw Hinata giving him a smile. It brought him confidence.

"Yo" greeted the blonde no longer indifferent to them, which greatly surprised them. Hinata on the other hand just bowed like a lady in greetings.

"Nii-chan, Hinata-san, we saw your skills with the shurikens and your sparing matches, you two were amazing. It was high time that Teme was knocked down a few pegs" said Mito in excitement.

"Y-yeah, y-you w-were awesome! I mean, both of you were" said Naoko the last part without stuttering.

Naruto actually smiled at her honest praise and said "Thank you" which made both sisters blush.

"We saw both your skills as well, and I have to say you were better than most of them" said Hinata.

"Yeah, you two did great. Your Humming bird stance were quite refined" said Naruto making the two blush even more.

"Thank you, Nii-chan, Hinata-san" said Mito as she smiled brightly.

"Yeah! Thank you, Naruto-nii, Hinata-nee-chan" said Naoko no longer stuttering, but surprising Hinata and Naruto at such an intimate honorific.

"Ara ara Nee-chan, huh? Ufufu" asked Hinata as she laughed mischievously.

"I-m s-sorry if I didn't mean-" said Naoko immediately.

"No no, it's ok. I kind of like it actually and I guess it's appropriate" said Hinata confusing the two.

"Appropriate?" they asked

"Let me explain, I'm currently your brother's girlfriend and future wife. Indirectly you could say I'm really your Nee-chan" explained Hinata.

"W-wi-wife!?" exclaimed the two as they looked at Naruto who didn't deny it.

"Anyways, were about to get some dinner. Would you like to join us?" asked Hinata.

"Oh! I'm sorry Hinata-nee-chan, but we can't. Mom said she was going to cook a feast today to congratulate us" Naoko said.

"But you could come with us if you want" suggested Mito a little hopefully.

"NO!" shouted the immediate reply of Naruto startling the two. His face returned from being cold and indifferent. "Let's go, Hina-hime" he said while turning back and leaving.

He could handle some interactions with his sisters, but that doesn't mean he has forgiven them. And his parents are still a landmine for him. He will eventually forgive them, maybe, I think? well I hope. [A/N: I blame you guys for being undecided] But not right now.

"I'm sorry you two, but it's seems we'll have to take a raincheck. Oh and don't worry about him" she pointed at Naruto "Just give him a bit more time and I'm sure he'll eventually give in. I mean who could possibly say no to such cute sisters" she said as she pat their heads remembering her time with Hanabi, she misses her sister very much, but she didn't show it. Naruto had already promised her that he will do something about the clan. All she needed to do was to trust him, because he never goes back on his words.

"Now scurry along, wouldn't want your parents to wait" said Hinata as she winked at them before hurrying to Naruto's side.

""Ok, bye bye Hinata-san/Hinata-nee-chan"" replied the two as they waved goodbye to Hinata.

Gredihart Gredihart

It's here, now I'm gonna sleep.

next chapter
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