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My Spider-Man System Orisinil

My Spider-Man System

Movies 35 Bab 258.6K Dilihat
Penulis: TLW

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  1. Creativityiskey
    Creativityiskey Berpartisipasi 103
  2. TLW
    TLW Berpartisipasi 73
  3. Jflash09
    Jflash09 Berpartisipasi 60

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I have a lot of problems with this book. 1. Memory is kinda sealed he only gets a little info from seeing characters, so this memory is unreliable. 2. Author seems to want MC to focus on only tech and leave bio studies to Peter which is very dumb, it is mentioned that MC and Peter have the same IQ and if Peter could be good good at both canonically then why limit MC to only tech? 3. So…MC and Peter made a secret hideout out of their dad’s lab in the train as we saw in the movies but guess what? MC invites all the Spider-Man cast from him class and harry osborne is one of them, who btw seems totally okay with letting harry go to this unknown place with the only reassurance being a tracker near the pothole to the train below(according to my understanding,this is not very properly explained). If y’all know Osborne’s personality you would know that he will 100% investigate this which would possibly lead him to discovering the coach with the Parker brother’s dad’s lab which guess what? Is on the same tracks just a little bit away. 4. MC is also seen as loving prancing Miles as part of his “funny” personality in an attempt to amuse Cindy which just earns a facepalm from me. This was an absolute cringefest. Such a scummy character. Bros before h*es. 5. MC likes to stick to Peter for some reason, he can’t be away from him in any scene. He gives Peter the right to make decisions like leaving early or not and has to give an explanation to Peter whenever he makes a stupid decision like inviting everyone to the train that is on the same track as their dad’s lab without prior warning or preparations. 6. Another nail in the coffin for me was that when he got the spider bite he got a system, but he is only twice as strong than an average adult…yes you read it correct only TWICE!! I don’t care if he can grow stronger later he is the weakest spiderman in history of novels and books ever!!! Even his “friends” and Peter who got bitten by spiders would have a higher base strength than him and can still keep growing stronger like MC if they don’t limit themselves so this was a huge nerf. 7. The final nail in the coffin was when it turns out he can invite people to his “party” through his system to make them stronger. It would have still been fine if author intended to let the system be exclusive to MC and give him a faster growth speed as compensation for lower starting strength and lack of abilities but no, he had to ruin it by making it “that” kind of novel and ruining MC’s advantage. With his character seen so far he would bend over for all his “friends” and give them a power boost while trying to keep his sense of superiority through unlikely and plot driven events. Here ends my rant. It’s been a while since I have been this riled up. As a fan of spiderman this novel hurt me mentally,

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This story is one of the best spiderman books I’ve seen it has amazing grammer and updates it also how a good story some characters I was surprised was gonna be in here the chapters are a very good length the best I’ve seen so far really this is just a enjoyable story overall but I won’t put to much hopes into this book because I’ve seen good books and authors usually drop it sadly😭(but i did add this to my libary) good job author!!!

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