/ Fantasy / Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution Orisinil

Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

Fantasy 230 Bab 1.0M Dilihat
Penulis: Comedian0

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The entire solar system was destroyed before anyone could notice or even understand what had happened. A massive comet changed its course and ended up hitting the sun, causing a chain reaction that made our biggest star expand and then become a supernova. Five hundred seconds later, Earth started to get hotter, and in five seconds, all the life on the planet burned and died.
That was supposed to be the end of the human race, but for some reason, all the humans began to reincarnate as monsters in another world. Those who wanted to struggle and live for a while longer could fight and evolve, even reincarnate in other forms if they tried hard... Kane was one of them, he wouldn’t let himself be hunted without reason, and he was determined to climb up the food chain of that new world that had many fantasy races and monsters, gods and demons, hunters and overlords.

General Audiences


  1. Eric_Sauber
    Eric_Sauber Berpartisipasi 2076
  2. Ak_Horus
    Ak_Horus Berpartisipasi 2055
  3. Otaku4laifu
    Otaku4laifu Berpartisipasi 2021


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    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

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    First of all this is a fairly decent story. There are elements that I don't like but that is a matter of preference and taste. The MC will occasionally posses minor meta knowledge. These instances don't really detract from the story too much and most readers won't really pick up on it either. Still this suggests a newer author and seeing no other books under their name I suggest to give them some leeway with their writing. In fact with the mindset that this is a newer writer I suspect that if they are given enough support from the community that they may well mature into a wonderful author. Advice for the author: Keep a backlog of unpublished chapters for the days where you need to publish but can't seem to write like sick days or moments of writers block. Try to maintain that backlog and even grow it while maintaining a consistent release scheduled. If your backlog grows too much you can always do a mass release. It's better to release less and consistently than to be inconsistent in your releases. Also your readers will both support you and be some of the worst critics you'll meet. Don't let anyone tell you how to write your story. Take what you need from us but don't let us pull the fun out of writing. This is your story not ours. Best of luck to you.

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    It is a good novel that is worth giving a try. It isn't like every other web novel that we already know what to expect but has good development and leaves you wondering how he will grow as a monster and how powerful he will become

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Love the book I feel like you put a lot of time and effort into the chapters. I hope you continue to update this book for a very long time.

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    Where do I find the chapters that I downloaded? (in the app)

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    This story is interesting to read and I can’t wait to see how it turns out. The beginning is fine and the only flaws are a few spelling mistakes here and there. It’s worth checking out and It has great potential for the future. My opinion may change in the future whether is be higher or lower we’ll just have to see. It could improve on character descriptions if theres any big flaw I could point out.

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    Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem Harem

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    it's been a great novel so far please keep up the chapters it's getting better with each new world Kane travels to.

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    Could only read up to the end of free chapters, but it seemed quite promising already. The system is fairly well constructed and definitely sets the stage for some interesting experiences. Going to be watching some ads here for sure :)

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