Cassandra sipped on her coffee. Walter was outside of the cabin, smoking. Cassandra came there as fast as he could with the help of Hubert. He was alive, unsurprisingly, but well, Del wouldn't ask about that. He was skillful, after all.
He was glad that Cassandra came to the
"So, you wanted information about Van Bosch? Why? Do you want to assassinate him or something?"
"No, more like, I want to know how to cause a massive amount of damage to his operation and destroy his reputation. Walter has filled me with its minor details, but I need more about it. He is an anti-war activist, and that was it, I need more. Do you have anything in particular that will piss him off without touching even an inch of his hair?"
"There are a lot of options. Which one that you want to choose?"
"Excuse me? Options? What did I miss?"
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