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50% MHA: Echoes of the Wind / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Bab 6: Chapter 6

He had always believed quirks weren't truly powerful. Useful? Yes. Strong when used properly? Sure. But never overwhelmingly powerful.

Until now.

Flying over one of Japan's secluded areas, a sudden, deafening explosion shattered the quiet. The air trembled from the sheer shockwave, the ground quaking as if a violent earthquake had just passed.

After scanning the area, he spotted the source—All Might, locked in combat with a white-haired man dressed in a suit. It was clear this fight had been raging for some time. The landscape was a scene of utter destruction—flames, frost, debris, and craters stretched as far as the eye could see. Both fighters bore the scars of battle, their bodies riddled with injuries.

But what truly caught his attention was the villain. The man wasn't using just one quirk; he wielded several, seamlessly shifting between them.

"CAROLINA SMASH!" All Might bellowed, his hands crossing before he launched forward with a speed that shattered the ground beneath him. In an instant, he was above the white-haired man, bringing down a devastating cross chop. But before the blow could land, multiple shimmering barriers, each a different color, materialized above the villain's head. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

"You'll need more than that!" All Might growled, unleashing a flurry of punches. Each strike hammered into the layered shields, leaving imprints of his fists. With a final punch that seemed to shake the very atmosphere, he roared, "CALIFORNIA SMASH!"


The explosion that followed was immense, the shockwave stretching for kilometers. Dust and debris filled the air, vegetation was torn from the ground, and the land was left scarred with yet another massive crater.

As the dust began to clear, the villain remained standing, suit long gone and in tatters, hovering above the devastation. Elements swirled around him—multi colored flames, heat glare of light, crimson lightning—before converging into a single point. Without warning, the multi-colored energy shot toward All Might with blinding speed.


"TOSHINORI!" a small, elderly hero shouted, clad in a white and yellow suit, as he darted through the air and yanked All Might to safety. The villain's attack missed by inches, slamming into a nearby mountain and detonating in a cacophony of elemental chaos—fire, light, crimson lightning, and shockwaves tore the mountain apart.

'Enough watching,'

Wanderer gathered his power, wind swirling around him in glowing green currents, enveloping his body. This was no fight against mere criminals; he had to go all out.

'Hanega: Song of the Wind'

With a burst of speed, he shot toward the villain, shockwave left behind him, the sheer force of his movement dispersing the clouds. The air current bent to his will, propelling him forward at incredible speed, his fist encased in swirling, luminous wind.

In a heartbeat, he was above the blue sky, the next he was in front of the villain. Time slowed, as his punch aimed squarely at the villain's chest, was met with a strange, brown glow. The villain's skin turned to various solid minerals, coated in some sort of invisible gel-like barrier. Still, the punch landed, and the resulting shockwave ripped through the air, sending the villain flying into the sky, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

All Might and the elder hero stared in disbelief at the destruction, which rivaled that of All Might's own attacks. As the dust settled, he landed softly, his right sleeve torn but otherwise unscathed.

"Wanderer? What are you doing here?!" All Might demanded, breathless and battered from the fight.

"I was looking for something," Wanderer replied casually, as he brushed off some dust in his shoulder. "Who was that?"

"A villain too powerful for you to handle. You should leave," the older hero snapped.

"You weren't exactly doing a great job yourselves," Wanderer shot back, raising an eyebrow.

Before anyone could respond, the villain's voice rang out from behind them.

"Well, well, if it isn't the number two hero."

They turned to see the white-haired villain, walking toward them. His body was riddled with wounds—exposed ribcage, a busted eye socket, a bleeding hole in his stomach—but they were healing right before their eyes. Flesh knitted together, bones realigned, and in moments, he was whole again.

'I was sure I sent him through the atmosphere,' Wanderer narrowed his eyes. "You have multiple quirks." He stated.

"Correct," the villain sneered. "Your quirk is quite formidable."

"Get out of here!" the older hero warned, urgency in his voice. "He'll steal your quirk!"

Quirk theft? Wanderer smirked.

That won't be a problem.

With a flick of his hand, he unleashed dozens of crescent-shaped wind blades, each one glowing with green energy. They slammed into the villain, sending him hurtling back.

"Leave All for One to me!" All Might growled, the ground crumbled in his step as he rush forward to meet the villain again. "MISSOURI SMASH!" His hand, flat and precised, struck toward the villain's head, but the figure vanished like a mirage, reappearing above All Might, seemingly standing on thin air. His hands bulged with energy as he prepared to strike. "Air Cannon," He muttered.

Sensing an attack, he redirected the blast toward Wanderer, who was closing in without hesitation.

"BOOM!" The air exploded toward Wanderer, but cut through it effortlessly. It was as if the air itself was under his control.

"Using my element against me?" Wanderer scoffed, slamming an anemo-charged fist into the villain's face, sending him spiraling toward All Might.

All Might was ready, gathering all his strength. "ALABAMA SMASH!"

Just as the blow was about to connect, a surge of electricity and raw power exploded from All for One, blasting All Might backward as he let out a grunt of pain.

"Indeed, quite foolish of me," All For One replied, wiping the blood from the side of his mouth as his mangled cheek knitted back. "But at least my mistake didn't cost me much." Red electrical sparks crackled around his feet, and his right eye glowed a brilliant orange before unleashing a scorching laser aimed directly at Wanderer.

Wanderer's eyes widened as he dodged to the side just in time. Before he could counter, he felt a sharp tingle at the back of his neck. He flipped in the air, narrowly avoiding a crimson saber that extended from the villain's palm, where his head had been moments ago.

"You're fast," the villain remarked, amused. "But let's see who's faster—lightning or wind?" With a flick of his fingers, red lightning birds shot from each fingertip, homing in on Wanderer. He responded with multiple wind slices to intercept some of them before taking off, but the birds gave chase, their crackling energy gaining on him.

All For One kneeled, his palms slammed onto the earth, activating a quirk that summoned jagged earthen spikes all across the battlefield.

All Might immediately countered, smashing the ground with immense force, shattering the spikes and reducing the terrain to debris. Spotting a large chunk nearby, he hoisted it up and hurled it with all his might at All For One.

The villain reacted swiftly, summoning an inky substance from the shadows beneath him, slicing the debris in half. Without pause, he retaliated, launching a massive fireball toward All Might.

Before the fireball could reach its target, a glowing crescent of wind sliced through the air, causing the fireball to explode in midair. Smoke and dust billowed from the blast, darkening the sky. Through the haze, Wanderer burst forward, lightning birds destroyed behind, flames swirling around him as his anemo powers merged with the fire. He unleashed a barrage of razor-sharp, fiery wind blades at All For One.

The white-haired villain calmly gestured to the ground, and a towering earthen wall erupted, blocking the onslaught. The clash triggered an explosion, but it served its purpose—All Might charged through the debris with fists ready. His punch met an invisible barrier that cracked upon impact, but before All Might could land a second blow, a shockwave erupted from All For One, sending him flying back.

On the villain's flank, Wanderer fired off more wind blades at lightning speed. In response, All For One opened his mouth, releasing a torrent of pressurized water to intercept the attack. As the water clashed with the wind, the villain stomped his foot, causing massive roots to burst from the ground, snaking toward Wanderer like monstrous tendrils.

Dodging the roots with agility, Wanderer noticed All For One aiming a finger at him. Sensing danger, he shot upward, but the space around his chest warped ominously. Without hesitation, he zigzagged through the air at breakneck speed, throwing off All For One's aim.

All Might returned, unleashing a relentless flurry of punches. All For One quickly summoned layers of barriers to block the assault, then retaliated by launching a hail of razor-sharp debris toward the hero. Ignoring the onslaught, All Might spun his arm with incredible force, summoning a tornado. "NEBRASKA SMASH!" he roared, the gale force wiping out the projectiles in one powerful burst.

Seizing the opportunity, Wanderer gathered the remnants of the dissipating windstorm, focusing his anemo energy into creating the sharpest wind blade he could muster.

Meanwhile, All For One immediately erected a barrier of layered shields around himself. "NEW HAMPSHIRE SMASH!" All Might barreled into them, shattering the shields with the impact of his charge. A series of shockwaves erupted as All Might unleashed a torrent of punches, each hit creating ripples in the air. With a final, mighty blow, he roared, "DETROIT SMASH!" The ground caved in beneath them, forming a massive crater, shockwave spread out disrupting the very weather.

Before the dust could settle, dark tendrils sprouted from All For One's back, wrapping around All Might. Acids and toxins dripped from them, burning and attempting to pierce his skin. All For One appeared again, his battered body regenerating at an alarming rate. "One For All—"

Suddenly, a glowing green burst of anemo energy slammed into the back of his head, stunning him momentarily.

"Your mistake," All Might grunted, seizing the opportunity. Grabbing hold of the tendrils, he spun with such force that a cyclone formed around him. "OKLAHOMA SMASH!" With a thunderous shout, he slammed All For One into the ground, creating another earth-shattering shockwave that left the terrain even more devastated.

Seeing a silhouette in the billowing dusts, the blonde hero rushed forward but a raspy voice came from behind All Might. "Falling for an obvious feint, pathetic. "

"Air Canon."

Before All Might could react, a blast of pressurized air struck him point blank in the back, sending him flying across the battlefield.

As All For One prepared to give chase, he suddenly paused, sensing danger. A massive, crescent-shaped wind blade, glowing with green energy, hurtled toward him. Reacting quickly, he conjured multiple barriers in defense, but he underestimated the sheer sharpness of the blade. It sliced through each barrier with ease, crashing into him and sending up a cloud of dust that billowed across the battlefield.

Wanderer hover beside All Might, who was kneeling, trying to catch his breath.

The battlefield grew eerily still. All For One, stood still, taking time to regenerate his injuries, especially the huge gash on his body.

All Might, teeth gritted, determination blazing in his eyes, rose to his feet. He glanced at Wanderer, who had kept pace with them in this titanic struggle. "Young Wanderer," All Might said firmly, "since you're staying, you have to go beyond this. Go Plus Ultra!"

Wanderer glanced on his right and met the Number One Hero's gaze. "I know," he replied, as glowing green winds surged around him. 'Wind Favored,' He realized that despite his speed and agility, his attacks can barely scratched the villain, unless he use full powered strikes which takes more than a second to prepare. All For One's regenerative abilities and sheer power of multitudes of quirks were overwhelming, and most of the damage so far had come from All Might's relentless assaults.

Toshinori glared in hatred, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, "ALL FOR ONE!" He shouted through clenched teeth as he launched himself towards the enemy, the ground beneath crumbled from shockwave alone.

The white-haired villain grinned as a cacophony of quirks surged from his body, power swirling around him in a chaotic storm.

Wanderer, encased in emerald light, shot through the air at blinding speed.

The battle was vicious, relentless. All For One unleashed a relentless wave of destructive quirks, each one more devastating than the last, but behind such recklessness lay precision—each attack calculated, each movement planned.

All Might was on another level, barreling through the storm of attacks with sheer strength and indomitable body. His fists struck like thunder, each blow resonating with the might of a titan.

Wanderer moved through the battlefield with unmatched speed, darting through the air as if the sky itself were his domain. His glowing green wind cut through the battlefield, attacking from a distance, dodging with grace, and intercepting attacks aimed at his ally.

Gran Torino watched the titanic clash in disbelief. The terrain was obliterated with every passing second—mountains crumbled, forests were scorched to ash, the ground cratered, fissures expanded, and the very air vibrated from the force of their attacks. He understood the power of All Might and All For One, but Wanderer, a hero with only a few years of experience, keeping up with such titans? It was beyond comprehension.

His thoughts were interrupted as Wanderer was struck by a shockwave and hurled toward him, crashing into the ground in a cloud of debris.

'It's difficult, fighting someone with such a wide array of powers,' Wanderer thought, his frustration building with each passing second. He panted as he clear his bearings. 'Above, there's a gravitational pull that disrupts my flight. Get too close, and a shockwave wall slams me back. On the ground, it's even worse—mud, ice, earthen spikes, tree branches, you name it. And then there are the annoying ones—homing attacks. Don't even get me started on that crimson lightning, space distortion and dark tendrils.' He breathe in to get a hold of himself.

Gran Torino rushed over as the young hero rose to his feet, shaking off the impact.

"This isn't your fight," the old man growled, his eyes filled with concern.

Wanderer floated back into the air, a slight smile on his lips. "Isn't it the essence of a hero to be a busybody?"

Gran Torino was about to argue when a chilling voice came from behind them.

"Thank you for your quirk."

Wanderer immediately turned around and his eyes widened as All For One's hand clamped around his face.

"I'll be taking your... What?" The villain's eyes widened in shock.

"Hmph!" A surge of anemo energy burst from Wanderer, blasting All For One backward. The villain staggered, clearly taken aback.

"Well, it seems you're full of surprises," All For One mused, eyeing Wanderer curiously.

"YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" All Might's voice thundered as he appeared above the villain, slammed his fist towards the villain.

"Air Canon." The surrounding explode as both fight for dominance before All Might was blown away.

As the dust cloud swirled, obscuring the battlefield, All For One's silhouette staggered. But before he could recover, Wanderer darted through the haze, his body engulfed in a vortex of wind. With blinding speed, he closed the distance, his fist charged with a devastating surge of elemental energy.

All For One barely had time to brace as Wanderer's fist collided with him, sending out a shockwave so powerful it fractured the ground beneath them. The air itself seemed to ripple from the force, pushing back clouds of dust and shattering nearby debris into splinters. All For One skidded back but recovered quickly, his expression darkening.

"You're truly annoying," All For One muttered, his voice steady.

Wanderer didn't reply. Instead, he shot forward again, wind blades spinning from his outstretched hands, each blade glowing with the intensity of a storm. All For One snarled, raising his hand to summon a swarm of black, twisting tendrils from the earth. The tendrils lashed out, meeting Wanderer's attack head-on, but the wind blades sliced through them like paper, cutting a path straight toward the villain.

This time, All For One didn't bother with barriers. Instead, his eyes glowed with dark intent as he unleashed an enormous pulse of energy, rippling outward in every direction. The shockwave collided with Wanderer mid-flight, momentarily slowing his momentum. But before the villain could capitalize, a thunderous roar shook the air.

All Might came crashing in from above, his fist cocked back and glowing with incredible power. "TEXAS SMASH!" he bellowed, slamming his fist down with such force that the air itself exploded. The sheer impact sent out a gale that tore through the battlefield, reducing everything within range to rubble. The ground cratered beneath them, and All For One barely managed to warp away before the strike landed.

Appearing a few meters away, All For One scowled as cracks formed on his armor-like skin. But he wasn't done. Summoning an array of quirks at once, he launched a barrage of attacks in every direction—jagged spikes of ice, bolts of searing lightning, and shadowy tendrils all at once. The battlefield became a chaotic storm of elemental destruction.

Wanderer spun in the air, his body becoming a blur as he danced through the deadly assault. Wind shielded him from the ice, while his anemo energy dissipated the lightning. All Might, on the ground, roared as he deflected the tendrils with sheer brute force, every punch sending shockwaves that cracked the ground even further.

With a roar of frustration, All For One raised his arms, summoning a towering wave of molten lava from the earth itself. It surged forward like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf everything in its path. But Wanderer reacted swiftly, rising high above the battlefield, his body spinning faster than ever. The wind surrounding him thickened into a massive vortex, sucking in the approaching lava and dispersing it in a spray of harmless droplets.

All Might seized the opening. With a mighty leap, he hurled himself directly at All For One, his fists blazing with unrelenting power. Each punch connected with devastating force, each impact creating shockwaves that rippled out for miles. The sky itself seemed to crack as the battle raged, thunder booming with every clash of their fists.

But All For One wasn't outmatched yet. Roaring, he concentrated on a particular quirk—gravity. Suddenly, the air grew heavy, the ground beneath them buckled as an overwhelming force pressed down on the battlefield. All Might staggered under the weight, his knees nearly buckling as the gravity intensified.

"Did you think you could defeat me so easily?" All For One taunted, his voice echoing across the battlefield. With a flick of his fingers, he sent chunks of earth and debris hurtling at All Might and Wanderer, each piece moving with the speed of a cannonball.

Wanderer, fighting through the crushing pressure, gritted his teeth. "We're just getting started!" he shouted, gathering every ounce of his strength. His body glowed with pure anemo energy, and in one swift motion, he unleashed a hurricane of wind. The pressure lessened, and the debris was swept away in a storm of razor-sharp air.

All Might, regaining his footing, slammed his palm together, creating a shockwave that sent the gravity-distorted air blasting away. His aura flared, more powerful than ever. With one final burst of speed, he charged at All For One again, fists blazing.

At the same moment, Wanderer summoned a colossal wind blade, its edges glowing with elemental fury. In perfect sync, the two heroes struck together—All Might's fist crashing into All For One with an earth-shattering punch, and Wanderer's wind blade cleaving through the air with unstoppable force.

The impact was cataclysmic. The ground exploded into a massive crater, shockwaves tore through the sky, and a blinding light filled the battlefield. For a moment, it seemed like the world itself was about to break apart.

When the dust finally settled, All For One stood at the center of the devastation, his body battered and smoking, but still standing. His breathing was labored, and his armor was cracked, but his eyes burned with fury.

"You… haven't won yet," he growled, summoning the last vestiges of his power.

Wanderer and All Might exchanged a glance, determination etched in their eyes.

"THIS ENDS NOW!" All Might screamed, stepping forward as his aura flared and threw a hook.

All For One sneered, dodging the blow. "Always screaming," he mocked. "At least Shimura wore a smile when I killed her."

Wanderer's heart sank as the realization hit him—this fight was more personal than he'd known. It was a trap, and All Might was walking right into it.

"Stay back!" Wanderer shouted, but it was too late.

"KEEP MY MASTER'S NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" In a blind fury, All Might charged forward, his injuries forgotten. His wounds was marked with strange symbols, and in his rage, he didn't see All For One's hand, surging with the combined power of multiple quirks, aiming directly for his stomach.


A massive explosion sent All Might soaring across the battlefield.

'Now!' Sensing an opportunity, Wanderer immediately shot towards All For One, collecting the residue elements in the surrounding and leaving shockwaves behind him.

Gran Torino rushed to aid All Might.

Without hesitation, All For One activated dozens of defensive quirks, but Wanderer was too fast. Appearing above the villain in a flash, he gathered all his remaining anemo energy into a concentrated sphere beneath his feet. The air around them was drawn into the sphere, creating a swirling void of wind(anemo). Elements of flame(pyro), lightning(electro), water(hydro) and earth(geo) surrounds it—a miniature black hole with a dark, multi colored, pulsing core.

'Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays'

"Know your place!" Wanderer stomped down, and the sphere exploded into a brilliant emerald light, consuming the villain in its epicenter.

The world itself seemed to tear apart in that moment. A blinding emerald light, infused with the colors of fire, lightning, and water, burst outward, consuming everything in its wake. An earth-shaking roar that sent fissures splintering across the ground, and the very air ignited with violent gusts. All For One's figure was swallowed by the light, his form vanishing into the storm.


When the light faded, All For One staggered, his right arm all the way to his shoulder completely gone, his body aching with pain. Debris and dust hung in the surroundings. His vision was blurry, his ears ringing, but before he could react, he heard HIM.

"Go beyond..."

All Might, battered and mouth bleeding, a part of his torso missing yet he stood before the villain, eyes blazing in determination. His fist clenched, glowing with multicolored light.


With everything he had left, The Symbol of Peace drove his fist into All For One's face.

The Symbol of Evil was engulfed in a final, earth-shattering explosion.

Gamblerect Gamblerect

Brain got fried writing the fight scene. This how I imagine prime All Might and AFO fight. Though I probably didn't do it much justice...

next chapter
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