/ Movies / Marvel: Video Game Templates!
4.33 (49 peringkat)
After a tragic death at the hands of Truck-Kun, Alex was transmigrated in the body of Maxim Novikov, a Russian mutant kidnapped by Hydra to become a brain-washed Super-Soldier.
Falling into despair after being continuously tortured and beaten due to his Mutant Power of Superior Regenerative Healing Factor, Maxim tried to kill himself, allowing Alex to transmigrate into his body.
Armed with Maxim's memories, his knowledge of the MCU and his love for Marvel SuperHeroes, Maxim plans to break out of the Hydra Facility, using a certain Transmigration Golden Finger:
[ Congratulations, you have awakened the 'Video Game Template System'! ]
[ Current Game: Valorant ]
[ Choose your Character:
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Tulis ulasanfor the next template , here are some that i hope you will consider delsin rowe ( infamous second son ) dante ( devil may cry ) as they are strong but not too strong for marvel and for really strong characters kratos ( god of war ) sun wukong ( black myth wukong ) and you cannot forget elden ring and Hogwarts legacy for magic based powers and you should also add a shop where mc can buy the weapons of the template like Dante's rebellion and kratos blades of chaos
Ehh, it’s not terrible. It feels like it’s AI assisted (I mean this in a negative way, btw). Writing is okay, not many errors, but it is often repeating. The story concept itself is interesting, but I don’t think the author managed to reach the full potential of it. The pacing is quite fast and the MC’s actions would not be smart if not for the author making it the ‘right’ choice to make at the moment. Overall, wouldn’t recommend it if you want a deeper story. You don’t have to(and I don’t recommend) use your brain while reading this.
En lo personal creo que la idea era interesante pero tiene mucho por mejorar empezando desde el principio más que todo la forma en que de repente paso a decir que están asustado e impotente a convertirse en un asesino despiadado que podía escapar con facilidad, primero que hay que hacer en una historia es lograr cercanía o simpatía del lector por el personaje y luego volver más poderoso haciéndolo pasar por dificultades reales en un proceso de al menos algunos capítulos ya que de otra forma se siente forzado o como si el protagonista no se mereciera ese poder, también me parece que hay muchas lagunas como por ejemplo porque agentes de hidra que deberían haber pasado por entrenamiento militar, combate, espía, sicológico entre otros como de tortura y tener lavado de cerebro para morir por una causa se asustarían y entraran en pánico tan fácilmente, en esas condiciones no deberia haber salido ileso de su primera batalla, además de como logro averiguar toda estructura de la base secreta y horarios de los guardias si en teoría solo debería conocer el camino y las salas a las donde lo mantuvieron encerrado y entrenado, además de que los métodos de hidra tienden a ser extremadamente meticulosos y engañosos utilizando a su hermana como una amenaza y un seguro para mantenerlo obediente y leal.
What's killing this story is this excess of side plots. Chapters and chapters where the MC can't even be called a supporting character. And these are plots that aren't even interesting, they barely contribute to anything and only serve to increase the number of words. The plot has to be focused exclusively on the MC, since in addition to the MC being an introduced character, he is a reincarnator and must always be built and improved. The way things are, it seems that sometimes the MC is remembered, and then he quickly grows so many % in strength with the system, and this isn't even developed properly in the story. The system ends up as a boring crutch, used to justify the MC's sudden increase in strength, which is really boring. If it doesn't change, it will be just another story to leave out. I always make the observation that the author can and should write whatever he wants and have fun doing it, since it's a non-profit thing, but what's the point of publishing the story if the readers don't even bother to read it because the story becomes so boring.
This is a really good story, we have a good balance between plot and action, the characters have meaningful interactions and the idea behind this is just great, on top of that the system is only there to give power through the struggles and growth of the Mc not to give missions or control him.
I really like it so far, grammar is fine, MC is well constructed and not overpowered, new chapters regularly. One of the better Marvel fiction, hope it stays this good.
The grammar is a little bad, but not terrible. Everything else is great. It's one of the better Marvel fics.
good writing and the themes done right so far. he doesn't progress too fast or too slow either.
I love this. Can't wait to see what you have happen next or how the Hela situation is going. Totally ship Hela and oc. Have t-shirt already printed.
I like It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's kept me interested and annoyance free up till chap 30 were I'm stuck now waiting for the author's next chap. REALLY the fans need better basement guards. find him and stick him back in.
is author going to drop the novel.author took too long to release chapters. In the beginning author posted at least two chapters a day. so i want to know when will be the next chapter be uploaded.
did the author drop the novel. a good marvel novel.powers,mc personality,hela as wife is just right for me. and if author still writing you can use league of legends as next game.It have a loft of characters for templates.
gud shit keep up the work my good sir .........................................................................................................................................................................................
Sangat menarik ,yah walaupun ada beberapa yang tidak ku mengerti seperti kenapa MC memiliki bekas luka dari pelatihan hydra walaupun dia punya faktor penyembuhan super
Penulis StrikerAuthor
The SI is subsumed by the OC, but the problem is that there is zero character development. That means that when the main character goes out to do his thing, the motivation is 1 dimensional (revenge). There isn't a puddle of depth to what he's actually trying to accomplish or what he's going to do later on. I'm fairly certain the video game aspect of this story is interchangeable with any other power/system/cheat. It's probably not going to impact the narrative in any meaningful way aside from letting the MC stomp all his enemies.