/ Fantasy / March of Life

March of Life Orisinil

March of Life

Fantasy 12 Bab 28.8K Dilihat
Penulis: VictimofFeminism

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Calais was an underachiever. When things he wanted were often just given to him. Or when having to do something, he proved to be capable pretty quickly. He became a complacent creature of habit. Never pushing to achieve true heights. Leading to a dull monotonous life, where his main source of entertainment and joy is reading novels. Calais wanted a change, he got it.


The story is a progression fantasy. Mc is reincarnated in a world where everyone has a system and can see their stats and skills. 


I am the author of this novel and have posted it on a different website. Just posting here as well.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. VictimofFeminism
    VictimofFeminism Berpartisipasi 12
  2. Cain_Van_Scoy
    Cain_Van_Scoy Berpartisipasi 2
  3. Yetiboi
    Yetiboi Berpartisipasi 1

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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