Erend decided to quickly walk back to his bunker. Along the way, he saw many rotting corpses, Humans and Elves. No one bothered to bury them because the soldiers were too tired.
Sometimes there are indeed people who are seen digging holes to bury their dead friends or relatives. But he's also just going to dig a hole for them and not all of the dead soldiers.
The Elves never returned to retrieve the bodies of their dead soldiers. As if they didn't care and chose to let them rot here. Unfortunately, the smell of the Elves' corpses when they decomposed was much worse than the smell of human corpses.
Soldiers who came to the bunker for the first time must have experienced a deep shock when they smelled it. Like Erend used to be. But it is something to get used to because they will experience it almost every day.
The bunker was already visible up ahead. Erend knew that at any moment there would be guards saw him so he had to move slowly and start raising his hands.
At that moment Tut suddenly spoke. '
'Hey, do you already know how to add Status Points?'
"Yeah, I know," replied Erend. "Wait, only I can hear you, right? Then I have to speak silently."
'Yes. You have to be careful.'
'Okay. Anything else you want to say?' asked Erend, starting to speak silently.
'Nothing for now. When the time comes, I will call you.'
Erend nodded then Tut's voice disappeared. He walked closer to the bunker and saw a soldier watching him through binoculars.
"It's me! Erend Drake, Corporal!"
"Corporal, Drake?!" The young soldier looked surprised.
"Yes! No Elf around, let me in, John!" Erend said while walking closer and closer.
"I thought you were dead," said John.
He was a Soldier who had only arrived a few months ago. His rank is still Private.
"Yeah, I thought so too," said Erend. "But here I am!"
"Wait a minute sir." John immediately got off his watch.
Erend knew he would have to wait before he could move if he didn't want to be bombarded by the machine guns. Even though Erend was confident that he could survive the machine gun, it wasn't something he could show his comrades. What would his comrades think when he saw his body turn into a reptile-like scale?
Erend smiled subconsciously. He now had a body that could withstand the Magical attacks of the Elves. Not only that, but he can also spit fire.
Previously when he had acquired the [Fire Breath] skill, Erend immediately tried it on the corpse of the Elf he killed. Erend was so amazed when he saw that he could indeed shoot fire from his mouth and burn the Elf to ashes.
It might even be that the fire was much hotter than ordinary fire because it could cremate the Elf's corpse in just one second.
The bunker door opened and Erend lost his smile and put on a normal face. Lieutenant Boartusk walked towards him accompanied by two soldiers. Billy, his roommate, and Max. The three of them were fully armed like when they wanted to go to war.
"Lieutenant." Erend smiled.
"Raise your hand!" cried Lieutenant Boartusk while brandishing his rifle.
Erend immediately complied raising his hand as high and clear as possible.
"Who the hell are you?!" asked Lieutenant Boartusk.
"I'm Erend. Corporal Erend Drake."
"Don't fuck with me! I saw Drake get carried away by that damn bird last night!"
Erend swallowed his saliva. "Yes. But I managed to escape them, Lieutenant."
Lieutenant Boartusk looked at Billy. Billy nodded and began to speak.
"Prove that you are Erend." Said Billy.
"What proof do you want?" Erend asked.
"Okay." Erend started to think. "Your sister's name is Rose. You two are three years apart and she was born on the thirteenth of August."
"How did you know about my sister?!" Billy widened his eyes.
"You tell about her once a week," Erend said with a tired smile. Billy had lowered the muzzle a bit.
"He's Erend, sir," Billy said.
Hearing Billy's words, Lieutenant Boartusk lowered his rifle. "Come in and explain to me what happened."
"Yes, sir!"
They all went back into the bunker. Erend directly faced Lieutenant Boartusk's room and explained everything. Of course, what he said was a lie he had contrived along the way. After a few minutes in the Lieutenant's room, Erend returned to his room and found Billy sitting on his bed.
"I thought you were dead, man," Billy said.
"Yeah." Erend lay down on his bed. "I thought so too."
"What happened?"
"That damn bird took me, I stabbed his leg with a dagger, he lost his balance and fell," Erend explained.
"What about the Elf riding it?"
"He died too. I finished him off as soon as we fell."
Billy sighed. Decided not to ask him anymore for an explanation.
"Whatever it is, I'm glad you survived," Billy said with a genuine smile. Erend smiled back.
"Thanks, man."
After that Billy fell asleep. Their activities are not too far from resting and eating. Taking the slightest chance before the Elves attacked at the most unexpected moment.
But Erend didn't feel that he needed sleep. His stamina felt like he had just woken up. Was it because of his new power?
'A Dragon.' Erend thought. What an amazing life he will live in the future after gaining the power to become a dragon. A creature that only exists in a fantasy world. But Elf is a fantasy world creature so this is not a fantasy anymore.
Erend reopened his Status Window while lying down.
[ Name: Erend Drake ]
[ Level: 1 ]
[ Race: Dragonborn (Lesser Dragon) ]
[ Exp: 0/50 ]
[ HP: 10/10 ]
[ MP: 10 ]
[ Strength: 20 ]
[ Agility: 10 ]
[ Stamina: 10 ]
[ Defense: 10 ]
[ Vitality: 10 ]
[ Intelligence: 10 ]
[ Magic Resist: 10 ]
[ 5 Status Points Available. ]
'To make fighting easier it seems I have to strengthen my Defense or Agility.'
MP is also very important for using skills. But he already had to increase his strength as a human as he wouldn't be able to use Skills too openly.
His Strength Status was twice as great as the other Statuses. That meant he was already much stronger than an ordinary human. That status can be left alone for now.
Erend adds 3 Status Points to Agility and 2 Points to Defense. Then go to the training ground.
There was no one at the training ground. Erend decided to try out his new powers now. He lifted a weightlifting barbell weighing ten kilos but he didn't feel any weight. Erend felt that he was just lifting a piece of dry wood.
Erend continued to add up to twenty kilos but still no significant weight even though it felt a little heavier than before. Erend was still able to lift it with one hand.
Finally, Erend attached the two fifty-kilo plates to both sides of the rod. Now he lifts a hundred kilos. Only now did Erend finally feel a meaningful burden. But it still felt light in his hand.
Erend looked at his hands with a happy smile. Admire his new powers once again.
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