Unduh Aplikasi
10.1% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 10: Will You Marry Me?

Bab 10: Will You Marry Me?

December 6, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Gabrielle was sleeping on the bed, her neck in bandages and a few bruises visible on her face and arms. Harry sat in the chair. He knew Gryffindor was throwing him a party right now, but he didn't want to leave Gabrielle.

He had watched her from the stands sitting with Hermione, Ron and his other friends. He probably should have gone to sit with her family and Sirius, but he wanted to be with his friends.

Watching her get choked by that tree thing had unhinged him and he actually tried to get through the wards to save her. He had woken in the Champions tent after she was done and being looked over by Aunt Andi and Madam Pomfrey.

Now he sat in the hospital wing. From what he understood, she had done well, escaping the tree things, saving most of the eggs that had been put in danger and retrieved her treasure without much issue from the suzaku. Apparently fire recognized fire.

"Harry, she is going to be sleeping until morning. Why don't you come and have dinner with us?" Alain offered, getting up from the chair across from him and arching his back.

Alain looked at Sorenson. Apparently he had walked through the challenge relatively easily until he met a roc guarding his treasure. There were bad burns on his arms and he had been hurt pretty badly before he had managed to kill the bird.

"What if she wakes up and I am not here?"

Alain gave him a knowing look. "She is sleeping and the sleeping draught should work through the night. It will take at least that long to heal the damage to her throat. Come to dinner and then you can return."

After a moment, Harry nodded. He kissed Gabrielle's forehead before joining her papa. "Alain, I plan on proposing to Gabrielle on the night of our Yule Ball, unless you would like me to do it before family?"

The man smiled at him as they walked down the stairs and towards the main entrance. "As much as I would love for Gabrielle's family to be involved, this is also about you and my daughter. If you think it is the way you and Gabrielle want, then we will be happy to celebrate it when you come home with her at Christmas."

Harry nodded. He wanted this to be special for her.

"I will tell Apolline. She will want a press release the second it happens," Alain added.

Harry nodded. How had he come to love Gabrielle so quickly?

When they made it into the cool December air, he took in a breath. It felt good to be in the open air. "Are we going into Hogsmeade?"

"Oui. The rest of the family is getting a room in the Three Broomsticks. Apolline will not leave for France until she knows Gabrielle is up and alright. The two of you were tres magnifique today."

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't get to see Gabrielle finish. I hear she did well?"

Alain gave him an approving nod. "She did well, but I have a feeling she will not feel that way. I heard you had to be restrained. I had to stop Apolline. Any interference could have endangered Gabrielle more. The event staff was just about to head in, but they couldn't unless she got sparks off or was incapacitated," the man finished bitterly.

"Hermione and David had to stun me," he acknowledged sheepishly.

The man snorted. "Gabrielle has chosen wisely in you. I have already talked with the organizers. Those tasks were much more then were at Beauxbatons three years ago. Serpopods, a roc, okoge ne and an apip? Those are class five beasts and plants. It is lucky none of you died today. There is going to be a complaint put in this week about this."

They fell into an easy silence as they walked down the drive and approached the main gates. "Alain, can I ask you a question?"

Alain turned his dark eyes to him with a raised brow, asking what he wanted without saying a word.

"You said I could talk with you, about Gabrielle, about her veela-blood, if I need?"

Alain nodded. "I take this is not something you want to ask my wife about?"

He shook his head. "Non. Would you mind if it was more of a, ah, personal question?"

"I do not want to know any details of whatever you and Gabrielle get up to. You understand she is my daughter, but I will strive to answer any question you might have about being intimate with her. I am assuming that is your question?"

Harry felt his face heat up. He had wanted to ask Sirius, but he didn't want to be teased and his future father-in-law knew about these things more than his godfather.

"Ah, please don't think that I want Gabrielle just for that," Harry quickly said.

Alain laughed. "Harry, I have been with my wife for almost thirty years. I think I understand how passionate a veela-blood can be. If we thought that was all you wanted in her, we would not be talking right now. I also would never have agreed to a betrothal and you would not have gotten close to the Trousseax ballet to begin with."

Harry heard the threat and the acceptance that Alain trusted him. "Ah, alright," Harry replied. "Do you find that you are usually the one to say no? I do not want to push Gabrielle, but I find it hard to resist her."

Alain chuckled. "Is Gabrielle pushing you too fast? Veela-blood usually find it very hard to resist their own urges when their mates are around."

Harry felt a little weird talking to Alain about this, but who else did he really have? "I am afraid I am pushing her too far sometimes."

Alain gave a full belly laugh now as they passed the gates. "Harry, understand this now and your future may be bright. When a veela-blood decides to give themselves to their mates, it is with all they have. They are very physical and needy and like to reciprocate. I see it with Gabrielle already. I should not say this, being her father, but Gabrielle will tell you if you go too far or she is not willing. She will also respect it if you say the same. Otherwise, it is best to enjoy the ride she will give you and let her enjoy it as much as she wants. Life is easier with a sated veela-blood than one that is not."

Harry's face was burning now and Alain shook his head. "You two are still young. Don't rush anything, but don't fight it either. You will figure out what is the right balance for the both of you."

Harry nodded. He was finding it very difficult to control himself at times and was surprised how fast things seemed to be moving with Gabrielle. He was happy for it, but Merlin! "Thank you, Alain."

"Any time. You know how to get hold of me," Alain replied.

After a moment, his thoughts returned to the hospital wing. She was going to be alright, but it didn't mean he didn't worry about her. Up until Gabrielle had been knocked over, Harry had thought she was doing excellent against those daemon plants. She cast wordlessly almost every spell. They came at a speed that was faster than the few times she had come to practice with him. But, having to fight a plant or a creature was different than the duelling arena. If he could finally convince her to train with him all the time, he could start to break the bad habits that were good on a duelling run, but not so much in real life.

Harry was thinking how he could help Gabrielle as they entered the Three Broomsticks. Apolline and Fleur both greeted him with kisses on the cheeks while Renee hugged him tight. Sirius laughed at his dumbstruck face, while Alain just shook his head and sat to a beer. Bill didn't look as pleased.

As he sat at the table, Harry came to the realization that this was going to be his family. Only a few were missing, like Gabrielle, Hermione and Ron, but for once, Harry felt like he had real family. More than just what he had hobbled together over the last few years.


December 7, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Gabrielle was pleased to be leaving the hospital wing. It came with a warning to not stress her neck for another day or so, but she was leaving on Harry's arm. Her parents had been by earlier to check on her, Madam Pomfrey would had allowed her to leave just about lunch time.

"You want to eat in the Great Hall or take something back to my rooms?"

"If I 'ave a choice, your rooms," she told him.

"Tomorrow morning David and Hermione and everyone will want us to eat with them."

"That is tomorrow," Gabrielle replied.

Harry had hardly left her side since waking today. She could tell he had been worried for her. She didn't want to leave his side.

They walked down into the upper dungeons and to the painting. It wasn't long before Harry was carrying a basket. As they were walking up to the Gryffindor Head Boy rooms, many gave them accolades or congratulations from yesterday. She was surprised how many Hogwarts students acknowledged her as a Champion. She didn't feel like she did that well. She had missed so many clues of what to study and had almost died, then was responsible for four eggs being destroyed.

"My little ballerina, you did well yesterday," Harry softly remarked.

"Non, I did not," she responded a little grumpily.

"I was told about how you handled yourself. It is not your fault for what happened," he tried to soothe her.

She turned to look at him. "I thought you were watching me?" she questioned.

He looked a little guilty. If he didn't have one hand in hers and the other carrying a basket, she had a feeling he would be rubbing his neck or running his hand through his hair. She recognized when he was nervous or embarrassed. "Ah, Hermione and David had to stun me. I tried to come to you when the plants started to choke you. Hermione didn't revive me until it was over. It was probably a good thing because I would have tried to help you again."

As down as she felt about herself, there was that fluttering in her that happened every time Harry did something that endeared him to her more. "I do not need saving," she replied softly. She stopped him just a moment so she could kiss his cheek. "Thank you."

He gave her a soft smile. "I can't help myself. I really love you Gabrielle and I don't like to see you hurt if I can prevent it."

She gave him a chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you. I love you too."

When they made it to his rooms, Harry started to setup the table between the chairs. She, on the other hand, looked at his desk and moved towards it. A trinket size sakura was chasing after a long snake. She bit her lip to see the small silver fire bird dodge the snake. Harry slipped his arms around her waist and she leaned back into him. "I couldn't sleep last night and I wasn't allowed to stay with you in the infirmary."

"What was your final challenge? Papa didn't want to talk about it, not after they were told not to get me worked up."

"Do you know what an apip is?"

She turned her head to try and see his face. It stretched her neck just a little. "Non. I don't even know what those tree things were that attacked me."

"Okagne ne. Your father recognized them. They are known as demon trees that cause paths to change and when the people or animals are disorientated on which way to go, they attack. I had to look it up. They are extremely dangerous and highly controlled."

Her hands wrapped around his and she held his arms tight to her midsection. "I don't like them." She couldn't stop the shutter.

Harry kissed the side of her head. She felt safe in his arms like this. "I don't either. If you don't like the sakura, I can make something else. I just thought you might like something to mark yesterday. I also understand if you don't want to remember it."

She shook her head. Maman had always taught them to take all lessons they learned and keep them close to them so they would not make the same mistake twice. "I shall keep them. Is that snake an apip?"

"Oui. They are very ancients snakes. Ones most think extinct. They hate the light, the sun or any fire. That was my final challenge," he told her.

She watched the enchanted charms for a moment. "I am sorry I did not listen to you and train with you. I was letting my pride get in the way." She took in a deep breath and let it out. "Harry, I have not told you fully why I wanted to be in the Triwizard Tournament or why I was so pleased to meet you that first night at Fleur's Rehearsal Dinner."

Harry kissed her on the side of the head again. "Is it because I am The-Boy-Who-Lived?"

She heard the sad tenor to his voice. She shifted and moved her head so that she could look into his brilliant emerald eyes. Her neck let her know it protested the movement. "Who told you and what did they say?" She felt a twinge of fear roll through her.

He gave her a soft smile. "Hermione told me how obsessed you were with Harry Potter. The Harry Potter from all those books. The one that was the Greatest Wizard ever by the time he turned eleven. I bet I could challenge Merlin, non?"

She felt like she had been slapped. "NON! That was younger me! I do not see you that way, my love. I did not see you that way when we first met. Oui, I started to train for the tournament in some vain, childish plan to impress you and make you mine, but that is not the reason. It stopped being the reason before I met you. Non. I am untruthful because I now hoped to show you that I would be worthy of you to look at me. I want to be worthy of you. What those books said is a shadow of what you truly are, Harry. Please don't think I only like you because of those rags. I only see you as Harry. My Harry."

She was imploring him to understand, willing his eyes to see the truth in hers.

After a moment, he gave her a pleasant smile and pecked her on the lips. She felt confused for the moment. "Gabrielle, you don't need to prove anything. If I thought you wanted me only for my fame or something that I had no part in achieving, I would not have decided to pursue you."

"But I didn't prove I am worthy," she said, a tear on her cheek. "I went in unprepared and stupid for not listening to you, Hermione and David. David kept saying I should talk with you and train with you more. I just barely survived, not by my skill, but calling on the veela in me. How is that showing I am worthy to be at your side?"

Harry shifted so he could hug her and she put her head on his shoulder and felt the hot tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I thought I was the unworthy one. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Others see it and I see their jealousy you are with me and I fear you will realize that you could have anyone else you want. I bring danger to you. I have a past that took Aunt Andi and Sirius years to help me heal from and I still doubt myself all the time. I fear you will see that and realize I am not worthy of you," Harry confessed.

She hugged him tighter before giving a watery laugh. "Most men would not feel that around me. They would think me a conquest or as though they deserve me when they have done nothing to earn that right. They would not question if they are good enough. Harry, you are what I want. I just hope I am good enough for you."

He kissed the top of her head. "Never doubt you are, my little ballerina. What you did yesterday not many would have done. I don't care about this tournament proving anything between us. I just want you here, with me, safe and healthy."

She let a smile come onto her face. She could feel the truth in Harry's words. He really did want her just for her. She lifted her head and Harry met her lips. As he kissed her, she felt the love and heat in him meant only for her. Being Veela-blood meant so many men, and even some women, would want her for just her body or looks. Harry wanted her for her. His left hand came up and brushed the tears off her cheek.

"I love you, Gabrielle Delacour."

She smiled and kissed him again.

"You look tired. Why don't you eat and then take a nap in my bed for a while."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you asking me to your bed?"

Harry gave a nervous laugh, probably because of what they were just talking about. "I am offering my bed so you can take a nap. I was told no stressing your neck or any part of you today."

She kissed him again, ignoring the slight tinge of pain as she reached for his lips. He moved to lessen the strain. "Pity. I would not mind laying with my boyfriend."

Harry growled at her. "I will not cause you harm."

"There are ways we could kiss and you could touch me that would not be harmful."

"Tomorrow," Harry told her with some effort. She pouted with her lips, giving him some big eyes. He almost cracked before gently pushing her away. "I promise to touch you tomorrow, if you want. Today you are resting."

Her lip pouted more. "You're mean."

"I love you," he replied and she felt her insides melt.

"You're still mean."

He laughed at her.


December 14, 1994

Stockholme, Sweden

Alain was meeting with a few of his colleagues today. He did not get out into the muggle world often, but Robert Smith, the American Representative, had been reaching out to him for weeks now. With him taking up the Head of Magical Cooperation, he couldn't put the meeting off anymore. Deena Sudra, the Greek Representative, was also meeting with them.

Robert had grown up a no-maj until going to Ilvamorny. Never having given up his roots, the man preferred the no-maj locations for meetings like this. Many in their world would not suspect as such, and diplomatic immunity allowed for portable rune wards to be used in private places in the no-maj world. Thus, Alain found himself at a late lunch with Robert and Deena.

"Afternoon, Alain, I am so glad you could join us today," the sandy hair man of middling age greeted him. He was in a nice black no-maj style suit. Alain's own blue pinstripe suit was not too out of place. Deena, on the other hand, wore more the traditional robes of many European magicals.

Alain took the man's hand, the more traditional way most Americans greeted. "I joined at your request and to work on our relations between the ICU and the MACUSA, Robert." Alain turned to Deena and bowed. "It is always a pleasure to see you, Deena. How are the grandkids?"

"They are getting big. Emma starts Beauxbatons next year and Xavier is in his second year at Grecnobles. My youngest granddaughter is set to celebrate her third birthday in a few weeks." Deena remained seated and extended her hand, which Alain took and kissed.

"That is lovely to hear. Apolline will invite you and your brood to our gala in April. Gabrielle is due to be home for a week and I think she would like to show off her soon to be betrothed," Alain told her with some pride. "Fleur may also have some news by then if my niece is to be believed."

"Your first grandchild?"

"Apolline is hoping so. She is finding the house empty right now," he replied to Deena. "As for you, Robert, Apolline will be sending no invitations to you or anyone associated with the MACUSA until she receives an apology."

The man cringed. "You can't still be upset over what happened with Harry Potter? You know that was all a ploy by Rosie?"

"Oui, I do," he responded, still angry enough to mix his French and English, something he almost never did. "You abused my family's hospitality, insulted a personal guest of my family and offended Apolline to the point that she almost threw fire at Rosie. You are welcome back, Robert, because of our years of friendship, but Rosie and others will only ever set foot in my house again when formally invited, and only after an apology." Alain did not want to burn these bridges, but Robert and him had worked together on the ICW Council for the last decade. A President and her underlings should know how large of an offense they committed, especially to a Senior member of the Council.

Robert frowned. "Alain, Rosie didn't mean to come off so offensive. You have to understand our position. For almost two years now the British Ministry has been snowballing us and then one of the lead figures around all this stuff just happens to be thrown at us... you can't tell me that you wouldn't have used the situation as well?," Robert countered.

"I am sure I would have, but not the way you did, Robert. There are ways of being coy and ways of being brash. And then there are Americans," he said as an insult. "It does not change that Harry Potter was our guest that night, and soon will be family now. You know I will not take offenses to my family, and will work to find another route to get my cooperation agreements that do not need to include you, your President or her cabinet. I do have other links in the MACUSA, but I prefer to go through the proper channels," he chastised Robert.

Robert pinched his nose. "Well, shit. I knew you were upset, but not like this." He sighed. "I will get Rosie to give your family a proper apology. I never meant to upset you that much. I would advise you to use 'the proper channels', otherwise you may really get some riled in the Congress. There is already enough animosity between some of our factions."

Deena was watching this with some amusement. "Robert, we have worked together long enough that you should know never to upset anyone on the Senior Council. Now you have a Senior Councilwoman that is not pleased as well. Alain, please accept my sympathies for whatever happened. I would like to hear more though. Did you say Harry Potter is to be your son-in-law?"

"This is strictly off the record and Apolline will flay me and any of you should she find you let this out. House Potter and House Delacour are in an official betrothal. We only await for Harry to propose to Gabrielle. Once that happens, he shall be under the protection of House Delacour, and once married, he shall be in line to inherit my seat. A fact you should remember, Robert. Harry is not a politician yet and is liable to react in ways you won't predict," Alain said with an eye to the American.

"Alright, I get it. We are looking to avoid an international incident, not start one, Alain."

"I get that, and that is why I am here. Deena, would you like to break the news or should I?"

Deena was holding an even face. "You seem to be on a roll today. Please go on," she said with a wave of her hand.

Robert was looking at them apprehensively.

Alain reached for the leather satchel he had with him. "I am offering a formal information and Auror sharing program between the ICW and the MACUSA. The paperwork is all here, as is the list of Auror teams that will be assigned. Five of my Representatives will be assigned to the teams. Your Aurors will receive rights and some diplomatic immunity to further your investigations in the organization known as the Death Eaters. There is other highly classified information that will be given to your Aurors once they arrive. They have been authorized to work in every ICW country, they are to report to the ICW first and in turn the ICW will share all the information we have."

The gleam in Roberts eyes was hungry. "Are you shitting me? What other strings are attached? The Senior Council has been denying us this type of request for years."

"Only because you will not join the ICW accords," Deena spoke up. "There are restrictions and other stuff in the agreement. Have that hag Hepper sign it within the week and you can start sending teams here next week."

Roberts glee lessened some. "Why are you two giving me this instead of making an official announcement of cooperation?"

"Rosie has not only upset myself in the last two years. That woman's politics may be popular in the United States, but not here. This is a silent agreement that I have authorized as Head of Magical Cooperation. If you look, it will be only our diplomatic departments that are part of this. If the information is passed to other departments, well that is to be expected. Also, over the summer, Gabrielle and Harry will report to me and be assigned to this team once they are ready. I am going to tell you now, what you and others think you are facing is far worse. If any of this leaks out, especially if it hurts my family, I promise you the MACUSA will not find friends in the ICW, and possibly many of our members, for a long time." Alain spoke in a tone that made it very clear what he thought of the American President and the politics around her.

Robert reached for the satchel. "I understand. I'll pass your message along, but you know Rosie doesn't take kindly to threats."

Alain held the man's gaze. "This is not a threat, Robert. I am close friends with six of the Senior Council. We are dealing with a major insurrection brewing that might become as large as the Great Wizarding Wars of Grindewald and the MACUSA and a few other key allies that may be crucial in helping are acting like spoiled children. The adults are trying to stop this. If Rosie and the others want to keep playing their games, they will find themselves involved in a war they could have helped prevent."

Deena nodded. "There are things you and the MACUSA don't know or seem to ignore. You may have stopped the insurrection in Brazil, but I think that was a distraction from their true goals."

"And what are those?" Robert asked.

"We don't know yet, but right now we have four member states that are becoming increasingly unstable and if it spreads further than that, the ICW may not be able to contain it. We need the MACUSA as much as you need us, but the ICW will go this alone if you don't start playing nice," Alain warned.

"Fuck," Robert replied. "I have a series of portkeys back to New York I need to get to then. I will have this on Rosie's desk tomorrow."

"See that you do. You do not know the horrors of what happened under Grindewald. This time I think it will not be contained to Europe." Alain reached for his water.

It was almost an hour later, after a nice meal, that he walked out of the restaurant with Deena. As he walked out the doors, he looked around with a concerned look on his face. "Deena, where is our guard?" he asked.

Only because he was looking for trouble did he see the green light rushing through the crowd. He pushed Deena out of the way and fell just below the spell. The spell hit the stone doorway and part of it exploded. There was a scream and people started to scramble.

Gabrielle and Fleur had not learned their duelling skills from their mother. His wand was out and a section of the pavement was ripped up into a crude wall. Three more spells hit the pavement. Deena was touching a ring on her finger. "Emergency," she called out in Greek and was gone. Alain, afraid the muggles around him would be hurt, stood and started to return fire while pushing anyone out of the way he could.

Three men were across the street. Two were launching death curses as the one in the middle looked on. The men on the sides wore forest green cloaks with wooden masks that were distorted into grotesque figures like the tails of wood men in the Scandinavian countries. The one in the middle was the one Harry had seen in his memories. He didn't wear a mask, but he had his lower face covered in a scarf.

That was all Alain was able to get before he was blocking more curses with stone shields or returning fire. It was perhaps three or four minutes before the crack of Aurors were around them and the three men left almost immediately.

Alain was holding his arm. A cutting curse had gotten through, but that was it.

"Representative Delacour!" a man called out, rushing to his side.

"Josef! Where were you!"

"You came out about twenty minutes ago and said you were going back to your office. We followed you by apparition, but you didn't show back at the ICW," the man replied, looking worried. The other man and woman who were part of his personal guard were also there, looking ashamed.

Alain pursed his lips. "Get me to a healer and then we will sort this out," he told them.

"What is the call, Representative?"

"Elven, goblin, veela," he replied.

"People of the Creatures," his guard answered. Alain nodded. They would have to use their codes for now on. Josef took his arm and they apparated away. The Aurors could find him at the hospital. Something about his cut was hurting more than normal and he was beginning to suspect that was not a normal cutting curse.


December 20, 1994

Hogwarts, Scotland

The yule ball was tomorrow night. As it got closer, Harry was a ball of nerves. He sat in his chair, looking at the black box on the table with the ring inside. It sat on his open Herbology book. He was supposed to be completing his homework for Christmas Break so Gabrielle and him could work more of the clue for the tournament, but instead he found his insides a ball of nerves as he looked at a ring in a box.

For a week now he had been debating on when and how to ask Gabrielle, ever since they had gotten word her father had been attacked there seemed to be an urgency in him.

When a knock came at his door, he grabbed the box and put it into his pocket. "Come in," he called out.

Hermione opened the door. "It's close to lunch, you coming down today," she asked.

"Yeah. I have a question though," Harry put to her.

"What is that?"

He took the box out of his pocket and held it out for her. "Do you think Gabrielle will like it?"

She knew Harry was thinking about it, but he really hadn't shared with anyone outside of Sirius, Renee, Alain and Apolline what he was doing. Hermione smiled. "I knew it. You've been a ball of nerves the last few days," she told him, taking the box. Her eyes grew as she opened it. "God, Harry! Is that a sapphire?"

"I thought it matched her eyes," he put to her.

She looked up. "It does, but this is huge," she told him, showing him the large oval cut sapphire. It was surrounded by small diamonds.

"Eight point two karats. It was my great-grandmothers betrothal ring. Do you think I should have gotten a new one?" he questioned.

Hermione shook her head. "I think it's perfect. Gabrielle will love it. When are you asking her?"

"I was thinking tomorrow night, but now I'm not sure. Alain said he would like it done before all the family on Christmas," Harry told her.

His best mate gave him a knowing smile. "And what do you want to do?"

"I wanted to ask her the day we got it out of my vaults. I've been sitting on it for ten days now," he told her with a huff.

Hermione laughed. "How much does she have you wrapped around her little finger?"

He glared at her. "Laugh it up. You would hop if Luna told you too."

Hermione gave a shy smile. "I won't deny it. Though I prefer her hopping. She is really cute with bunny ears."

Harry raised an eyebrow at her. "Is that something kinky you two do?"

Her face burned red. "NO! She was practicing her transfiguration."

"Would you like her to show up with only bunny years? Maybe a little cotton tail?"

He laughed at how bright she got. He could see the desire in her eyes before she shook her head. He made a mental note to mention it to Luna. "That is not what we are talking about here. When are you asking her?"

"Tomorrow, I guess," he told her.

"Before everyone?" Hermione raised an eyebrow as though questioning his sanity.

He huffed again. "Isn't that how it is done?"

"I know you, Harry, and I think I know Gabi. I think you would both like to do this in private or before family," she replied.

He sighed and put his head in his hands. "Yeah. I just don't know if this is the time though. She is still upset about her papa being attacked last week."

"Harry, I think you should ask her, maybe tonight. I think it will calm her and you some to finally settle what is between you too, then you focus on Mr. Delacour and everything else," Hermione told him honestly.

He let out a long breath. "Yeah."


Room of Requirements, Hogwarts, Scotland

For the first time in a week Gabrielle felt like she was in a good mood. Harry had stolen her on her way to the Great Hall and taken her to a dinner here. The small table with two chairs was still in the corner as they danced around the room.

She giggled as Harry dipped her and placed a kiss on her neck.

Coming back up, they both almost tripped as she moved to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him.

In the last week, she only felt herself around Harry. Someone had tried to kill her Papa and Madam Sudra, a woman Gabrielle had known since she could remember. There had also been others calling her names, but every time she turned or Harry tried to find them, the people were not to be seen.

To be in his arms, kissing her Harry, it made her other concerns go away for a bit.

As they kissed, she noticed Harry was a little stiff, not as into it as normal. She pulled back to look into his emerald-green eyes. The love he had for her was there, he also looked nervous and something else... something that had been bothering him for days now.

"What is bothering you, mon petit ami?" she asked him.

He took in a deep breath and stepped back. "Can I ever hide anything from you?"

"Do you really want to?"

"Non, but I would like to surprise you at times," Harry replied.

She looked at him questioningly. "Surprise me? What are you surprising me with?"

Harry looked nervous. She had seen him scared, surprised, worried, concerned, happy, lust-filled for her, but she wasn't really sure she had seen him nervous like this before. It made her nervous.

"I had a talk with your father and maman a few weeks ago," he started.

Her eyes widened and her heart started to pound in her chest. "And this is a cause for a surprise?"

"Merlin, I hope so," her boy muttered before reaching into his pocket and then getting down on a knee. Her breath caught and her hands went to her mouth before he even said a word or presented the box to her.

"Gabrielle, I know we have only really known each other for about six months, but I can't imagine myself not wanting you around forever. Would you be by my side for as long as we live, and beyond?" Harry asked. "Would you be my wife?"

She couldn't move. They had talked about being betrothed on and off, both of them sounding half-serious at those times. She knew she wanted this though. She had wanted it since that day he had kissed her after going to the Louvre with her. Her Veela was screaming for this. Those months apart had been torture. Literal torture where she felt like a piece of her was missing. Since coming to Hogwarts and seeing her raven-hair boy everyday, she found she wanted him more and more. Leaving him most nights left her feeling unsatisfied and empty.

He was looking at her, his green eyes imploring her to accept. The look of rejection started to creep over his face as she stood there frozen. Suddenly she squealed, grabbed the box and threw herself at Harry. "OUI! OUI! A thousand times oui!"

Harry caught her and laughed as they fell to the floor with her on top. She grabbed his face and started to pepper kisses over his face, his jaw, his nose... whatever she could reach. Harry laughed. "I love you too, beauty. Don't you even want to see the ring?"

"Non! I want to kiss you," she told him, claiming his mouth. Harry met her as Gabrielle started to snog him heavier than she had before. It was a few minutes before she screamed as they were suddenly tossed up and landed on a soft surface. Harry rolled and she found him half on top of her. They were now in a soft, large bed. His hands rested on either side of her chest and his face wasn't far from hers. Gabrielle started to laugh. This room was full of surprises. "I don't remember a bed in my ballroom," she teased Harry.

"There is a first for everything," he told her. Gabrielle finished with a giggle that trailed off. Her eyes went from mirth filled and wide to half-lidded and intense with passion. Her broad smile turned more into a slightly open mouth that begged to be kissed. She felt the magic in her call to him. It was the call to her mate. A call to a man she knew she loved.

"Does this mean we are betrothed?"

"If you accept the ring, then the contract is active. You need to put it on," Harry told her.

She took the box and he moved to sit next to her. She didn't want him so far away. Opening the box, she was looking at a stone that was almost the same hue as her eyes. It was a large oval sapphire surrounded by diamonds. Her breath caught. She was not one to wear much jewelry, the bracelet with her pendants being one of the few exceptions. This was larger than the diamond papa got maman when they were betrothed. "Merde," she whispered.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it," she responded softly. "Would you put it on? Non," she giggled. "It goes on my left hand."

"Oh," Harry said, taking her hand and slipping the ring on.

She looked at it for a long moment. "You are mine now?"

"I think I was yours that first night we met," Harry responded and her insides did flips.

She slipped her eyes off of the ring to Harry. "Will you make me yours tonight? I don't want to leave you and if you are mine, I want all of you," she told him, feeling the heat in her rise. Her veela wanted its mate and she wanted Harry.

Harry leaned down and gave her a soft, languid kiss before pulling back. "Are you sure? I am not leaving you."

"Please," she begged. "Don't you want me?"

His hand came up to her cheek and she nuzzled into it, enjoying his warmth and tenderness. She closed her eyes and felt a smile come to her face as he talked. "Mon chere. My little ballerina, it is never a question of me wanting you. I just want to make sure you don't feel like we are rushing."

She opened her eyes to see his brilliant emerald eyes. There was a power to them she that had her shifting as she felt the flush run down her body. "Harry, I want you. You are my betrothed now. I will never want to give my body to anyone else and right now my body, my veela, wants you. I want you."

Harry looked at her for a moment before he leaned down, his hand curled up on the side of her face and he kissed her. There was a scent and feel from him that excited her more than anything else had so far. "I love you, Gabrielle. Know I love you for more than your beauty," he whispered against her lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Show me you love me. All of me," she whispered back before pulling his lips closer.

It wasn't long before the sweet kiss became more needy. Harry's hands started to roam over her body and she wanted his shirt off before she raked her nails softly over his chest, eliciting a delicious groan from her Harry. Harry's wand came out and he swished it. The cool air of the night suddenly attacked much of her skin. He had switched her dress for air, leaving her only in her panties and bra.

He moved his wand and pointed towards his pants before it went back into his holster and the holster was off and next to the pillows.

The look of need that came over his face to see her in a lacy black thing that showed her nipples had her running her hand down to the belt buckle of his pants. She had warn it to get that reaction when Harry took off her dress tonight. She just hadn't planned on this. She wanted his clothes off now, but her wand had been in a secret pocket of her dress, a holster was not really practical to look her best tonight.

"You are beautiful," Harry whispered when he leaned over after getting his pants and shorts off. He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear, eliciting a deep sound of pleasure from her. It grew when his left hand slid down her. His fingertips brushed down her neck, over her bra, down to her stomach, along her hip and then between her legs.

She bucked her hips into his hand. Harry had brought her to a climax a few times with his hand now and it felt more torturous tonight with how he moved over her panties instead of just sticking his hand inside.

"Harry, make love to me," she begged as his lips moved lower and kissed her exposed skin, but not touching her bra.

"You said you want me to show you I love you," he cheekily replied, pressing his fingers hard into her panties.

She had had enough and reached down, taking her panties off and then moving to take her bra off. Harry chuckled and she gasped as he took a nipple in his mouth the second it was exposed and put a finger in her at the same time.

Grabbing his face, she brought him up to her own face and started a rapid dancing of their tongues, leaving them both breathless and Harry groaning when she was frustrated and reached down to pull him between her legs by his dick. She made sure to tease him some too before the heat between her legs was as much from herself as the feeling of him pressing at her opening.


"Harry, you ask me again and I will scream," she told him. She knew what she wanted and it was him.

"I love you," he told her, kissing her again. He started to push and she stopped breathing for a moment. She had used her fingers before. Harry had a few times as well. That was nothing like how he filled her as he pushed his head and then his shaft in. The veela in her cried out at the sensation. She closed her eyes, enjoying it just as much.

He pushed until he was fully inside her. Maman and Fleur had said this would probably hurt the first time or two. Gabrielle could only assume with all her ballet and other activities she must have broken her own hymen at some point. She knew that could happen. She only felt slightly uncomfortable with how she was being stretched. It was delectable at the same time.

She kissed him as he started to move. The pleasure it brought had her making sounds of pleasure as he moved. It was hot pulses of intense something she couldn't really explain.

"Harry," she said a few times, encouraging him. "I love you."

The sensation grew. She had not expected to feel this close to her own release when he grunted. His dick seemed to grow and pulse in her and when he pushed all the way in, his crotch touching the hard spot on the top of her slit, she cried out as her body went through its own ecstasy.

She wrapped her legs around him, making sure he stayed in her until she was done. When he pulled out, she groaned, not liking he had. He was breathing hard, sweaty and smelly, but she had never wanted him more.

Rolling over, she gave him a sweet kiss. "I love you, my Harry."

He smiled against her lips, still trying to catch his breath. "I love you too, my little ballerina."


December 21, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry had not wanted to take Gabrielle back last night. Like her, he was starting to feel frustrated with the rules of being at school. They were both of age, could do anything they wanted in the wizarding world, and all he wanted to do was hold her and wake with her in his arms this morning.

Instead, he had taken her back at close to eleven, after she had wanted to make love to him again. Harry was only too happy to give her what she wanted. It was what he wanted too.

Making sure his hair was as tamed as he could make it, he put on a Gryffindor jumper and grabbed his heavy winter cloak. As much as he liked his muggle jacket, it was warmer to use his cloak.

Looking at his watch, it was only a little after eight. Gabrielle had told him not to come get her before nine-thirty. She liked to sleep later than him and even getting up by nine on a day she didn't have too seemed to be too early for her.

Harry had a feeling if he had been allowed to curl up with Gabrielle in his arms last night, he doubted he would be awake.

Having some time to kill, he walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room to see if anyone was up.

The door to the Head rooms was right next to the stairwell leading to the dorms. Walking into the room, it was empty except for a few under years. Two were sitting at tables doing some homework. Probably trying to finish it before the Yule Ball tonight and the train ride home tomorrow. Most of the third-years and below went home yesterday on the Express.

The others in the common room were chatting. Harry was pretty sure he recognized them as most of the fifth-year boys. Maybe he would wait for Ron or Neville today?

That thought had him sitting in a chair before the embers in the fireplace. It was a little chill in the tower this morning so he put a few logs on the fire before sitting again.

Watching the flames come back to life, he was musing about Gabrielle. Merlin! How the hell did he manage to get a girl like her? She was beautiful, even more so with her silvery-blonde hair spread all over the bed as her sweaty body wiggled or bucked below him, her larger tits moving as he did...

Someone snapped their fingers and he shook his head. Ron laughed at him. "You there mate?"

"Yeah. I'm here," he replied.

Ron kept laughing as he took one of the other chairs next to him. "You didn't look it. You also have this really goofy smile on your face. Something good happen with Gabrielle last night?"

Harry tried to keep an even face and drop the smile, but was only able to get it to a grin like the cat that ate the canary. "She said yes," Harry told him.

Ron looked confused for a moment before his eyes widened. "Bloody hell! You really went through with a betrothal? And she was mental enough to say yes to you."

Harry laughed and punched Ron's shoulder. "Yes, she was bloody mental enough to say yes."

Ron rubbed his arm and chuckled. "I'm letting Gabrielle know you called her mental."

Harry huffed. "Some best mate you are," he griped, still smirking. It was impossible not to feel so pleased this morning.

"I take it by that grin she did more than say yes?" Ron put to him with a sly smirk.

"If she did, that is between us. Merlin, Ron, I'm engaged," said Harry.

"Mental. Completely barking, you are," Ron teased. "So you going to be smiling like that all day? Was it good?"

"Oh, shut it. Its not like you weren't the same a few weeks ago and you never told us what Lisa and you were up too," Harry countered, not wanting to answer his question. Gabrielle was his, and what they did with each other was between them.

Ron shrugged. "You never asked. And yes, Lisa is bloody brilliant. She also has this neat birthmark on her right breast..."

"Alright, I don't want to know. You have Seamus and Dean if you want to share stories."

Ron grimaced. "Yeah, don't want to keep hearing what Dean and my sister got up too, thank you. Luckily, they broke up now."

Harry looked at Ron. "When did that happen?"

"Two days ago. Ginny thought he was getting too attached so she suddenly accepted an invitation to the ball with some fifth-year Ravenclaw after they broke up. Dean's less than chuffed though," Ron replied.

Harry had been so into Gabrielle the last few days, and being Head Boy, Champion, third in class... alright, Harry was really only spending his free time with Gabrielle lately. He had no clue what was really going on up here in Gryffindor House.

"Do we need to take him out for lunch for a pick-me-up?"

"Seamus has it. Padma has agreed to go with Dean. She didn't have a date yet. Parvati was saying their father is pressuring them to find someone and Padma doesn't really like anyone here that way," Ron informed him.

"When did you become such a gossip monger?" Harry questioned.

Ron shrugged. "Hard not to when you date Lavender. If she isn't kissing you then her mouth is moving."

Harry laughed. "I'm telling her that."

Ron shrugged again. "It's part of why we broke up. I was getting tired of hearing everyone's secrets or hearsay. Could she use her mouth though…"

Harry shook his head. "Speaking of said gossip queen, I probably owe her an exclusive today. Gabrielle was going to contact her mother as soon as she could."

"She really said yes?"

"Yes," Harry said exasperatedly.

"You are going to have a lot of jealous boys looking your way," Ron remarked.

Harry's face hardened, his grin finally falling. "Gabrielle has chosen me, not any of them. If anyone makes trouble, I will finish it."

Ron held up his hands. "Not me, Harry. You can't do anything bad. You want to lose your Head Boy badge or have Hermione go off on you for doing something mental?"

They both cringed. Gabrielle would probably forgive him in moments. Hermione...

Looking at his watch. "Well, about time I walk down to get my betrothed," he said a little loudly. He had caught Parvati and Lavender coming down the stairs as the house got up.

Both girls stopped, turned towards him and both their eyes were wide.

"Did you say betrothed?" Lavender asked, a smile spreading her face. A few others in the common room looked towards her, and then Harry.

"I think that's what you call it," he replied, playing with her. "She did accept my gift, making the contract active."

"Merlin's balls," Lavender got out excitedly. "You have to tell me everything! Tell me I can interview you two today. This will be all over the place by tonight. How did you propose to her? When did you talk with her parents? How did she say yes? Did you kiss? Where were you? Merlin, Harry, you just broke half the hearts in the castle once everyone finds out you're betrothed."

Harry laughed, nervous he had just bitten off more than he could chew.


Beauxbatons Carriage, Hogwarts, Scotland

Gabrielle let the water run over her. She was still feeling the ghost touches of Harry over her skin, pleasant thrills running down her spine to think of him inside her. She was soar today, but last night had been beyond anything she had imagined.

She put her hands on the wall of the shower, her eyes looking at the large sapphire on her finger. Looking at it, she felt the regret of having to leave him. For now on, if she didn't want to leave, she was not going too. He was her betrothed, her mate. Something a veela-blood should not be separated from. Something she didn't want to be separated from. Until they were married or graduated though, they would both have to adhere to the rules of their schools.

Letting out an annoyed sound at that, she shut the water off, feeling better than when she first woke. It was only between her legs that was a little sore today, otherwise she felt ready to be with Harry again.

She put on a must less revealing bra, her favorite lavender knit sweater, a long skirt, extra thick socks and loosely tied her hair back. She was in the mood to be comfortable. She would get all dolled up for Harry later for the Ball tonight. Of course, she was one of those types that looked good in almost whatever she wore, but Gabrielle never really tried to flaunt that.

A knock came at her door. "Enter."

David opened the door, stepped in and then leaned on the wall as he shut it. "Did you come back last night or this morning?"

"I was back by eleven. Madam Maxime needs to let us do what we want." Gabrielle told him as she looked in the mirror and decided to redo her hair. It looked a little messier than she preferred. Maybe a nice plait?

She saw David' eyes narrow as he watched her. "What is different about you today? You have this silly little quirk to your mouth."

Her smile was wide as her friend regarded her. "It is probably nothing, David. I just had a really good night. One I didn't want to end. Tonight, I am not paying attention to any curfew and tomorrow I am going with Harry and Hermione on the Express. Are you going home for Christmas?"

David scrunched his brow until she saw his eyes following her hand. "Merde! Gabrielle is that what I think it is!"

She wasn't sure her smile could get larger. A surge of joy went through her to have David see it and she squealed as she ran in her spot for a moment. She took her hands away from her hair, her plait only half finished. She could tie it up again if need be. "David, he asked last night. I nearly fainted to see the size of this thing."

"It matches your eyes. Where did he get this? How big is it?"

"It was his great-grandmothers. Harry told me he was going to have one made, but when he saw this, he thought it was me," she said, her happiness clearly on her voice.

"I would agree. Merde! Is your hand going to be able to carry it?"

"It is not that big," she giggled at his antics. It was maybe 12 or 13 mm long by 8mm at its widest.

"Gabrielle, that is big. It looks like it belongs though. I still just can't get over how it matches your eyes. Are you happy?"

"Oui. Very. When we are home I will need to talk with maman and papa. We are betrothed now. I want to set a date. I don't want to wait to get married," she told him.

"You are only seventeen and we need to complete our IAWL's in June," David told her.

She looked at the ring. "David, I don't want to wait. We will complete our IAWL's, do not fret about that. I just don't want to lie in my own bed without him if I can help it."

For almost two months now she found it harder and harder to walk away from Harry when she didn't want to. Attending classes, practicing or doing whatever else they needed to do did not affect her. But when the day was drawing to a close, or it was just her and Harry in a quiet time, she did not want to let him go.

David looked into her face as she continued to look at the ring, not seeing the satisfied or happy look on her face.

"You slept with him, didn't you?" David asked in a quiet tone.

A contented sigh left her mouth. "It was tres magnifique," she replied in a dreamy voice.

"Put your hair back and I'll run a quick comb through it for you. I take it by your reaction that he really loves you for you, non?"

"Oui," she replied. She felt the need and lust that her Harry had for her, but it was not the lust of men that just wanted to dominate her. It was a warm feeling that stoked her veela fire in a pleasant way. Maman had told her you knew a man loved you for who you were if that were to happen. If it was the other way, their fire called for the rut of passion. It was a feral urge to just satisfy her needs, like an animal. She was no animal. For a man to truly love her, it was a special coupling that she didn't know how to describe, but she knew this was it.

David gave her a kiss on the cheek, like a brother would to a beloved sister. "I am happy for you Gabrielle. You are also going to make many witches even more jealous of you."

She gave a laugh that was not as pleasant. "He is mine. They dare touch him and they will never do so again. Ever."

He chuckled as he finished running her brush through her hair and making it look better. "There's the harpy I love and adore."

She turned and whacked him on the arm. "David!"

next chapter
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