Unduh Aplikasi
11.11% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 11: Yule Ball

Bab 11: Yule Ball

December 21, 1994

Hogwarts, Scotland

The Entry Hall and the grand staircase were crowded as students met with friends and their dates. Harry was escorting Hermione down with Ron and Neville walking before them. Seamus was escorting Lavender while Dean had gone off to meet Padma. Parvati was on Ron's arm until they made the staircase.

Hermione was in a very pretty and flattering blue dress with an embroidered bodice. Her hair was tame and in curly locks thanks to Parvati and Lavender. Parvati was in a sari and her hair pulled back and decorated with some gold jewelry. Lavender was in a very suggestive red dress that highlighted her curves and showed off her shoulders.

As they walked down, Professor McGonagall intercepted them. "Potter, the Champions are to go into the antechamber. A few reporters would like some pictures and an interview."

He nodded. "Yes, Professor. Have a good time. Gabrielle and I will meet you after the first dance," Harry told his friends.

"Have fun yourself," Hermione said with a wink.

"Go find Luna," he replied. David was going to escort Hermione in and Luna was going with the fifth-year Dennis Creevey. Neither boy had a date and didn't really want one. Colin had told them that Dennis had a muggle girl back home he was sharing letters with. Apparently they had been best friends before he came to Hogwarts and were still staying that way. Dennis really liked her. Harry hoped it worked out for them once he left Hogwarts, but that was still a few years away.

Hermione flushed a little. "I wish we didn't have to hide," she whispered.

"You know we will all support you two," Harry whispered back before leaving her with Ron as he met a rather attractive looking Lisa in a green dress.

"We'll see you," Ron said, waving goodbye as he walked Lisa towards the queue into the Great Hall.

Neville was looking around nervously. Hermione came up to him and took his arm. "Let's go find Esme. I'm sure she will be with David."

Neville gave a nervous chuckle. "Thanks, Hermione."

Harry left them to make it to the antechamber. As he walked in, there were two things that hit Harry. First, he was shocked to see Alain and Apolline. Second, it was one of those cliché moments. He caught Gabrielle's scent, saw the silvery hair and as she turned when her father nodded his head towards Harry, he really didn't feel like he was breathing.

She was in a floor length, sleeveless black dress that had embroidered silver designs. Wide shoulder straps covered most of her shoulders with a lacy stretch of fabric between them which made a V down to the center of her bodice. It was elegant and classy, but left no doubt to her more feminine qualities: narrow waist, nice hips, outlines of her larger breasts, the sway of her hips as she moved.

Harry was totally entranced. The broad smile once she saw him was just the icing on the cake.

He forced himself to move, oblivious to the others around him. "You look marvelous," he whispered, pecking her on the lips. Her smile was even more joyful.

"You look handsome yourself," she replied, taking his hand. He was enjoying the light in her eyes.

"Ah, Potter, wonderful for you to join us," Bagman brought him out of his stupor. "I see you have your date. Wonderful!"

"Excuse me," Alain interrupted Bagman. "Before you get to take them away, I would like a word with my daughter and Scion Potter."

"Of course. Of Course," Bagman said with a huge smile. "Just come on over when you are ready and the press is salivating to get some pictures and statements from you two. Excellent performances in the first task and courting. It has been all the news."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Bagman. Just a few moments," Alain said again.

"I didn't think you would be here," Harry said once Bagman walked away. There were three men with cameras hovering just a few paces away. Two of them were taking pictures and talking with Sorenson and his date, who was a rather nice looking Millicent Bulstrode who had grown into her looks over the years and now was a very attractive full-figure young woman with a more hour-glass shape, and his father.

Almost two dozen other dignitaries were in the room, making it feel small.

"As Head of Magical Cooperation, I can easily get into events like this. Now, I see there is some news you and Gabrielle have for us before you tell these scavengers?" Alain said with a smile.

Apolline was standing tall, acting demure, but he had a feeling she was hopping just as much as Gabrielle was earlier on the inside.

Harry stood tall and Gabrielle raised her hand. "Gentilhomme and Madam Delacour, I have asked for Gabrielle's hand and she has agreed."

Apolline's face spread into a smile to match her daughter's as she took Gabrielle's hand. "Mon dieu, no one will be missing that," Apolline exclaimed before letting Gabrielle's hand go. She turned to Harry and took him in, kissing both his cheeks. "You treat her well. Welcome to the family."

"I will, Apolline."

Alain shook his hand. "Yes, welcome to the family. Now, I think some people would like some of your time. If you need, we will have an official press release available within the next day or so."

"Thank you, papa and maman," Gabrielle replied. She let out a breath and let her more aristocratic face set in. Harry did his best to copy her. He supposed he would have to get used to this now.

Harry let go of her hand and held out his arm. "If my lady is ready?" Harry enquired.

"Oui. I will always be ready for you," Gabrielle responded, slipping her right arm into his left and folding her other arm over to put her hand on his arm so that the ring was clearly visible.

The small bubble that the Head of International Cooperation for the ICW afforded them was popped as soon as they met Bagman and Dumbledore. Bagman was a smiling fool anxious to show off the Champions and Dumbledore gave him a small nod and a wink, as though acknowledging their coming union and being very proud of him.

They had just barely been introduced when a woman pointed a feather towards Gabrielle's hand. "Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet. Is that a betrothal ring, Ms. Delacour?" the woman asked. She was in bright red dress robes, a high hair do and glasses studded in what looked like diamonds.

"Oui, madam," Gabrielle said, a smile breaking her mask.

"Congratulations, Ms. Delacour, Scion Potter. Peter Daily of the Boston Gazette. When did you get betrothed?" a man queried. Harry was surprised the Americans had a reporter here.

"Only recently. Lord Black and Gentilhomme and Madam Delacour should have a formal announcement available in the next day or so," Harry responded to this one.

"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delacour and Mr. Potter. Greta Wilhelm of the Der wöchentliche Hexenbericht. When are you getting married?" a woman with a German accent enquired.

"No date has been set," said Gabrielle.

"Does this mean that you will finally be taking up your seat in the Wizengamot? Or what about the Delacours' seats in France and the ICW?" Skeeter asked.

Harry tried to keep his frown off his face. "Ms. Skeeter, was it? That is a decision still held up in the Wizengamot on whether I can take up my rightful positions now or when I am twenty-one. Lord Black would have to answer any other questions on it since he is my Regent for now."

"And what about the Delacour seats? This could be a major coup for an English Lord. There is only once in the last few hundred years a Senior seat on the ICW board has transfered families. Is this a power play to force the Wizengamot into recognizing you?" It was like a shark at chum, stepping in closer as though to intimidate them into answering.

Alain cleared his throat and stepped in. "Madam Skeeter, this is not an interview about international politics tonight. This is a night for fun and to recognize our Champions. If you have any questions or speculation about this, I am sure my wife, Madame Apolline Delacour, would be happy to answer your questions."

Skeeters eyes widened a bit before she took a step back. "Ah, yes, Madam Delacour. I do believe there is an invitation on my desk from you right now."

"Yes, Madam Skeeter. I expect you are available the twenty-ninth as requested?" Apolline was nice, but there was an edge to her voice.

Skeeter looked at his future-mother-in-law for a long second. "Of course, Madam Delacour. I look forward to it."

Apolline nodded and Harry and Gabrielle answered a few more questions about their betrothal, the first event and tonight. Harry was happy that they were able to avoid most of the pictures when Bagman came to get them.

It was a long procession line that found Harry and Gabrielle at the back in an empty entrance hall. The event organizers were making a big stink about this and everyone of importance was going to be introduced in a formal manner. All Ministry and foreign delegates would go first, then the Heads of the schools, finally the Champions as the main event.

Sorenson lined up before them, giving Gabrielle and him a small nod. Harry didn't miss that the boy still didn't like Gabrielle that much, but he was starting to show a begrudging respect since the first task.

By the time they sat at a large round table, Harry was already sick of the pageantry. Three champions and a guest were the only people under forty at the center table. They were also the center of attention as they sat. The others that joined them included all three Headmasters, Gjolet's wife, Minister Fudge and his wife, Representative and Mrs. Sorenson and then the Delacours. At this one table was more power in the wizarding world than Hogwarts had played host to in many a year, and that did not account for the other people in the room.

Headmaster Dumbledore stood and the sound of talking died out. "I would like to open this ball with a few words. First, please give a round of applause to the foreign dignitaries with us tonight," he said, before going through the list. The students did as asked and applauded at the end.

"Next, this night would not be so special without our Champions. Julien Sorenson of Durmstrang Academy had a strong showing in the first event and is only three points behind our leader," Dumbledore introduced. Everyone knew the Champions, but this was a show for the papers and others. There was applause and all the Durmstrang boys pounded their feet on the floor as Sorenson stood and did a small bow with a fist over his heart.

"Then the lovely Gabrielle Delacour, of Beauxbatons School of Magic, who is only two points behind the leader." Gabrielle stood up, her hands folding before her and pulling herself up to her full height. Harry didn't miss she put her right hand over her left. This was not the point to pull attention to their betrothal. There was more cheering.

"Lastly, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's own, Harry Potter, who currently holds the lead in our friendly tournament," Dumbledore said with a smile and nod to him. The hall was very loud for him as he stood and tried to stand as stoically as he could.

"Yes. All three are exemplary examples of our schools, they are also exemplary examples of the international friendship this tournament was designed to foster. I have been given the permission to showcase this international friendship by announcing some betrothals that I hope you will all agree with will help all our countries and schools to grow closer," Dumbledore said to the Great Hall.

Harry hated being the center of attention. When he prepared for it, it was bearable. Like tonight and for the tournament. He was not prepared for such a major announcement. A quick look at Alain and Apolline showed two things. Alain looked slightly surprised. Apolline slightly smug. He had a guess right away who had a hand in this. He knew Apolline would not do anything to hurt them, and she must have had some reason to throw it out there.

Gabrielle slipped her arm around his.

What surprised Harry more was that this was being treated more like a society ball, where clear lines were established.

"First, I would like to announce that two of our oldest houses have accepted betrothals that will foster stronger ties between us and France. Scion Longbottom, if you would not mind."

Harry blinked for a second, not understanding. Neville stood, as did Esme. "The House of Longbottom and the House of Dubois would like to announce a formal betrothal."

Neville was flush as he stood and Esme looked radiant. Harry had no clue about that one. Gabrielle nodded to her friend. After a moment they sat. He would have to ask Gabrielle if Esme's family had a seat on the Assemblée in France. Next he had to talk to Neville. He hadn't thought them that close after only two months.

"Next, if Mister Wilkes would not mind standing." Harry saw one of the Durmstrang boys stand with a rather willowy looking sixth year he recognized from Ravenclaw. "Heiress Banks has accepted a betrothal from Scion Wilkes of Luxemburg."

There was applause and a few looks of surprise around the hall. Banks was an old house, with a hereditary seat in the Wizengamot and, if Harry remembered correctly, the Wilkes were one of the fifteen hereditary seats of the ICW. That was as big as him and Gabrielle.

"Now, our Champions also have some news. I understand Mr. Sorenson and Ms. Bulstrode have entered into an agreement." Bulstrode stood, her face impassive, as was Sorenson's. They both acknowledged everyone before Dumbledore turned to them.

"Lastly, Scion Potter and Heiress Delacour have just announce their own betrothal. So if you all congratulate our newly engaged couples when you can, I think we can start off this dinner and ball," Dumbledore said with some pleasure.

Gabrielle was beaming as they sat. Leaning to his shoulder she talked over him towards her mother, who was sitting next to him. She was keeping her voice as low as she could and still have it carry to her maman. "Maman, now everyone will know before I can tell them. Why?"

"My little golden bird, your papa has been denying betrothals for years for you and Fleur. I am sorry to ruin your surprise, but I would like you and Harry to enjoy your night without others trying to interfere. With your betrothal officially announced, no self-respecting member of society would dare to interfere with you," Apolline replied.

Gabrielle eyed her maman. "You just wanted to brag about my Harry."

Apolline shrugged, not looking repentant. "As much as you do, Gabrielle. Do you blame me? I also like to brag about my daughters . Besides you told the papers."

"You organized this. This was not supposed to be some grand ball," Gabrielle retorted.

Alain chuckled while Sorenson was ignoring them on the other side of Gabrielle. "I would like the porkchops tonight," Alain said clearly. "It is better to eat while they go at it."

Harry looked at the man as Gabrielle and Apolline batted it back and forth. He picked up the menu. "I think I will have the beef. Medium rare."

A moment later, his plate filled and Gabrielle huffed, "I still wanted to tell people."

"I was not trying to offend you, Gabrielle. Are you really that upset?" Apolline questioned.

Gabrielle shook her head. "No."

A few around the table were looking at the Delacours with a little bit of mirth, but obviously only Madam Maxime, Professor Dumbledore and them understood the French going back and forth.

Harry leaned over Gabrielle and whispered. "If it makes you feel better, I am pleased you said yes."

She gave him a sly smile. "Was there any doubt?"

He lifted her hand and kissed it. "To give my heart to someone always gives me pause. I did not feel that with you and am pleased you accepted me."

Her smile grew more genuine, her annoyance at her mother draining away. "Silly man," she told him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. Many jealous eyes were on them as they lived in their own little bubble for a few seconds before turning to their meals.

Alain put a hand on his wife's arm. "Leave them be," he whispered loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Now, Mr. Potter," Minister Fudge said across the table. "I should congratulate you on such a fetching catch. Would I be remiss in assuming you are moving to France now?"

The good mood he had been in fell some. "You would be, Minister Fudge. I still have my petition to gain my Head-of-House and family seat before my twenty-first birthday and plan to spend as much time as required in both countries to maintain my residence."

Fudge's eyes pinched but he remained jovial. Everyone at the table turned to look at them. "I see. That is marvelous you are not moving. You must know our usual laws apply for reasons. Perhaps if you were to take an internship at the Ministry, maybe even in my office, there can be a good faith for the vote to occur in a year or two after Hogwarts, that way you can learn about how things work?"

"I understand my education is not complete, Minister Fudge. That is why I will be taking an internship with Gentilhomme Delacour at the ICW," Harry told him.

"Harry, is that wise to take a position out of country like that. There is much to learn and do here," Headmaster Dumbledore spoke up. "I know that Professor McGonagall and Flitwick were offering you potential Mastery apprenticeships after your NEWTs if you didn't decide to become an auror."

"Thank you, Headmaster. I have already talked with Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick and they have agreed to give me letters of recommendation," Harry replied.

"From what I hear your grades would propel you to the top of the Academy first year. Or would you rather become an auror for the ICW?" Minister Fudge pressed.

"No, I don't want to be an auror. I would like to work for the ICW though. The Death Eaters aren't in England right now, but working with Gentilhomme Delacour I can go where ever they are," Harry responded.

This got a small reaction. Before anything else could be said, Alain spoke up. "Scion Potter is marrying into the Delacour family. As part of his contract, my daughter and him will be taking up all their family seats and I would like to train them. From what I understand, Scion Potter was denied much of the training he should have received from a young age and I would have him do the Potter and Delacour family proud."

Gabrielle sat up taller, her more aristocratic look on her face. He had only really seen her act this way that night with the MACUSA President. Harry tried to do his best to copy her, thankful for Sirius again.

The Headmaster gave a cursory nod to Alain and the Minister pursed his lips. "What do you mean taking up your families' seats?" Minister Fudge queried.

"I do need to retire some day, Minister, and I would have my family continue our traditions. As an heir to a member of the Senior Council, Scion Potter will be granted diplomatic immunity and be able to take up a dual citizenship. Surely you should know this? He would also fall under French inheritance laws once he marries Gabrielle. They are not as kind for any type of denial of his inheritance," Alain said evenly, starting to eat his pork again. Before the pork made it to his mouth, he remarked, "Oh, and Minister, being part of the Senior Council only requires you to live a week a year in any country you have residence in due to the work load at the ICW."

Representative Sorenson snorted. "Just as sly as always, Alain."

His future father-in-law shrugged. "Not sly. Only facts."

Harry was trying hard not to laugh at the look on the Minister's face. The man looked like he had just eaten a bushel of lemons. Harry had a feeling things may start to move on the Wizengamot soon. Merlin! He loved Gabrielle and her family.

"Of course, if Scion Potter is still held to some archaic laws, I am sure Lord Black would support a petition through the Magical Cooperation Department to see Scion Potter recognized as a French Citizen tomorrow at your solstice meeting. Now he is betrothed to Gabrielle, my daughter and him are essentially married by ICW law due to her blood status. Technically, Lord Black also falls into this category as he is betrothed to my niece and they are to marry in a few days," Alain put in as one last departing shot before he started eating.

Minister Fudge's face reddened, but he didn't say a word. Dumbledore was eyeing Harry with his typical grandfatherly face. Harry wasn't sure what to think of that. At the start of the school year Dumbledore had called him to the Headmaster's Office twice for some meaningless chats, but then nothing, just like the last three years.

He swore he saw a little bit of a smile on Apolline's face.

After that, Gabrielle was asked to show her ring, as was Millicent. The talk was lighter and there were questions about the first task and whether any of them had worked on the clues given to them. When the tables were moved to the side, Gabrielle gave him a big smile as she slipped into his arms for the first dance. With only two couples to start the Ball, Harry knew most eyes were on him and Gabrielle.

As normal, Harry lost himself as he danced with his little ballerina. He still felt so clumsy next to her, but she insisted he danced very well. As the music ended, he pulled back, taking her hand and kissed the back of it.

When he stood, she moved in. "That is not where I want to be kissed," she told him, meeting his lips.

Others joined them and soon Harry found Hermione in his arms as David took Gabrielle for a dance. "You two look like you've been dancing together for years," Hermione told him as they did a slow dance.

"I still can't believe she likes me that much," Harry told his best friend.

Hermione gave him a satisfied smile. "I had hoped. She is good for you."

He laughed. "Cheeky little bint. You started all this."

Hermione had a very self-satisfied smirk. "Guilty." She sounded anything but.

"I have not seen you dance with Luna yet," Harry stated, a little more sedately.

"I was going to drag her off to the gardens after this. I don't want her bothered by the others," she responded, not sounding as happy.

He kissed Hermione on the forehead. It was a sign of brotherly affection to a beloved sister. "Hermione, it is up to you two, but you know you have a bunch of friends and people that will support you."

She bit her lip as the dance ended. "Oh, bugger. Am I a Gryffindor or not?" she said to herself.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her as she turned, stalked off to Luna sitting in a chair, pulled her up and planted a kiss on the blonde girl's lips. It was not the action he had expected. He thought they might just dance, not declare to the entire hall that they were both into each other like that.

When Hermione stepped back, Luna had a huge smile on her face. "Luna, will you be my girlfriend?"

Luna giggled and then hugged Hermione. "I already am."

Some people around them looked shocked, others disgusted, but more than he thought either looked at them with acceptance or indifference.

"Did the mudblood just kiss Loony," an all too familiar voice said from close by.

Harry casually turned to the voice. "You have a problem with that?" Harry questioned Draco.

The boy sneered at him. "It's not natural. Not that you would know anything about that with your beast," Malfoy snarked back.

Harry's nostrils flared. "I would be careful with your words, Scion Malfoy. That is my betrothed and best friend you are talking about. I would hate to have to duel you for some family honor. Not that you have any."

Draco's eyes narrowed. "You just wait. Soon you will not be protected."

"Why wait?"

Draco took a step back as he seemed to realize that Harry might actually call a duel and then snorted. "You can't do that without your Regent's permission," he snarked with a nasty smirk as though he had just one-upped Harry. Draco was in the same boat he was in in the Wizengamot. With his father on the run, Draco couldn't claim Head-of-House before twenty-one, and only if the Wizengamot declared Lucius as 'abandoned his post', and Draco would need to get permission from his mother to duel Harry in an Honor duel, otherwise he would have to pay some reparation to Harry. His petition was just as stalled as Harry's was in the Wizengamot.

Harry didn't stop glaring at Draco as Gabrielle walked up to him. "My papa can vouch for Scion Potter," she said in a very concise English, speaking a little slower than normal. "He is a Delacour also now."

There was a silence, most of Draco's crowd looking at him for a response to the half-creatures claim. "You just wait. Things are going to change."

With that, the blonde boy turned and stormed off. Harry hadn't realized that all the seventh-year Gryffindors had lined up behind them with their dates. Ron let out a huff. "Brave when its ten of them against one, not when it's all of us."

"We should let maman know he challenged and threatened you. I don't think she will take kindly to this," Gabrielle told him.

Harry just watched Draco leave the Great Hall. He had a feeling there would be a retaliation soon.


December 23, 1997

Paris, France

Gabrielle held both of Harry's hands as she dragged him from the front doors towards her rooms. Yesterday they had attended the Wizengamot meet in London. It had been rather explosive compared to the Assemblée, which usually was more orderly and constrained, even with rivals.

She had not expected the British body that made laws and over saw the courts to deny Harry's petition again. Seigneur Black had immediately struck back, bringing up the petition her papa had put in for Harry. That had caught the attention of many and a few worried expressions as Harry's status as Heir to her papa's seat in the ICW was recognized. Then there was the petition of Inheritance Denial per French Wizarding Law that would have to be overseen by the ICW. She was interested in attending the sessions in the next few weeks as a tribunal was called to look into the mess.

Now, though, she was home, Harry was with her, and she wanted him in her room.

"Dinner will be in about forty minutes," her maman called after her.

"Yes, maman," she called back.

Harry gave her that sly smile that always sent a pleasant thrill through her. "I thought Apolline said my room is on the other side?"

"Oui. The other side of my room," she answered, her nose up.

Harry laughed. "You mean the other side of your bed?"

She flushed a little. "Or the same."

It had been three days since Harry had lain with her and made her his. Since then, she had still been a little sore the night of the Ball and they had not been able to get enough time alone to repeat what they had done and she was finding that much too long. Harry stopped and pulled her to him just before they made her door. "How about on you?"

She shivered in his arms at the anticipation. "How about in me?" she countered, blushing some at her forwardness. Harry blushed some too, but the desire in his eyes only served to raise hers more. The heat in her needed Harry.

Pecking his lips, she pulled him, opened her door and then pushed him into the wall, shutting her door behind them. She wanted her mate and kissed him as she started to grab at the jumper and shirt tucked into his pants. He responded with a searing kiss and his hand moving down her body before grabbing her bottom. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around him as she growled. Her skirt pushed up. She could not get his clothes off like this, but she was enjoying his stiff member in his pants pressing into the material between her legs.

She pulled back. "Take me to my bed," she ordered him.

He looked around for a moment and then moved them both over to her large bed. She had always thought it a little silly to have such a large bed just for her, but now she thought it the best thing ever. It was a mad scramble for them both to lose their clothes and a while later for them to both be lying on her bed, breathing hard and holding each other's hand.

"Bloody hell," Harry muttered.

She had to agree. The first night their lovemaking had been slow and oh so delicious. This had been totally animalistic, her veela-blood taking over. There were a few scratches down Harry's chest from her nails and her left shoulder hurt a little from when he had sucked on it harder and long while he was inside her.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," she said as her breathing calmed down.

"I didn't mean to bite your shoulder," Harry replied, reaching for his wand. She looked and where she had thought he only had sucked on her skin, she could see the impressions from his teeth. She wasn't sure to be worried or turned on. He had responded to her in the way she had thrown herself at him.

With a giggle, she moved and reached for her own wand. "I am not sure my other self liked waiting so long for you again."

He gave her a wry grin and then a light hiss as she touched the scratches she had made. "I am yours, Gabrielle. You can have me whenever you want."

A flush passed through her. For him to offer himself so freely was such a heady feeling. "As I am yours, my love. I am sorry. I think my desire infected both of us," she told him.

He rolled and kissed her. "I am not complaining, but I promise not to bite you like that again."

She smiled. She knew her veela could do that to them, but she had not expected it and let herself fall too far into her ancestry. Waving her wand over Harry's chest, she watched the few spots she had broken skin mend themselves and the angry red welts fade away. "Can you teach me to do that? I do not know much healing magic," Harry enquired.

"You can practice on me," she told him. Since he had put the ring on her finger and he made love to her that night, she found any doubt that Harry wanted her were gone, making her feel more herself. Now, her worry was replaced with real things, like what could be out there hunting her Harry. Learning to heal each other could be a good thing.

He smiled. "Good. I do not like seeing your skin like that. Especially from me."

She took his hand with his wand and made a zig zag pattern, like stitches on a cloth. "You visualize the person's magic knowing how its body should be. Then you visualize what the body should be."

"You mean perfect?" Harry put to her and she found herself preen a little. She was pleased Harry found her so attractive. It was not her allure. It made her feel normal, not this creature others thought her to be.

"If that is how you see it," she told him.

Harry kissed her nose and then wove her wand over her skin in a zig zagging manner. The tip glowed a pleasant yellow and the pain from his love bite faded, leaving only a very small bruise. "I tried to heal it all."

She was looking at him. "I didn't even tell you the incantation."

Harry shrugged. "When I am calm and relaxed, it is easier for me just to will my magic. It is what I want to teach you when we start training for the next task. You are training with me." There was no debate in his voice.

Giggling, she pulled him down to kiss her. "I already promised to train with you now."

He nodded and sat bolt upright as a small pop echoed in the room.

"Mistress Gabrielle, your maman is requesting you down in the dining room. Dinner is about to be served and your family is waiting," a house elf in a nice dress with the Delacour coat-of-arms on her chest called out as she adverted her eyes away from them.

"Merde! Maman will not be happy. Get dressed," she told Harry as she rolled to find her clothes. "Julia, tell maman I will be down shortly."

Julia bowed. "Master and Madam are in the formal dining room tonight. All the family is here."

"Merde!" she swore again. "I thought only Fleur, Bill, Renee and Sirius would be here tonight."

"Calm down. Here is your bra," Harry laughed at her.

She gave him a glare. It was almost ten minutes before they walked into the dining room, her arm around Harry's. Many conversations were going around the table and no one really paid them attention for being late, except for the look from her maman.

There was a formality to the seating, having two open seats with Sirius and Renee across from them at the head with her papa. Her uncles and aunts were next, then Fleur and Bill, Marissa and Madeline across from them and next to her Maman at the end. This was a formal family dinner.

"Nice of you join us, pups," Seigneur Black said with a wink. She had to think of Sirius as Seigneur Black tonight. Having them all at the head of the table was the declaration by her papa of who was in charge of the Delacours and who would be next. It was not a typical showing by her parents, but given she was now the Heiress to their house, with Renee being second, it made sense. Both her Uncles did not want to be Head of the Delacours, even with Uncle Pierre representing them in the Assemblée right now. It would take away too much from their own passions.

Harry held the chair out for her. "Evening, Gentilhomme Delacour," Harry greeted, apparently reading the situation in the same way.

"Seigneur Potter," her papa inclined his head. The conversations stopped.

When it was quiet, her papa stood. "Thank you all for coming tonight. It has been almost a year since we all sat at the same table and I would like to acknowledge the new additions to our family and those that will be family soon."

He took up a fluted wine glass and held it up. "To the Weasleys. I would like to officially acknowledge you as part of this family and for you to know you may call on any of us when needed. I know I gave my blessing at your wedding, but I would like to reiterate it. May your union ever be fruitful and bear all the happiness you both desire."

Bill nodded his head. "Thank you very much, Alain."

Fleur's smile was plastered on her face. Bill should have stood and acknowledged her father. There was no offense though knowing his upbringing and you could hear his honest meanings to his words. Her papa smiled at him and nodded. Fleur relaxed a little.

"Next, Seigneur Black and my niece, Renee Delacour. May your union in a few days ever be fruitful and bear you all the happiness you both desire. Again, welcome to the family and we will be at your call."

Seigneur Black stood, holding his wine glass up. "Gentilhomme Delacour, Miss Delacour and I thank you for your blessing and alliance. The Blacks will be at your call and you and your kin are always welcome at any place we call home."

Alain nodded. "A generous offer humbly accepted, Seigneur Black."

They all took a small sip from their wine again. Bill leaned over to whisper something to Fleur and she batted him away for a moment. Gabrielle tried not to smirk. Bill was a very good man, but he needed to learn how to act in these situations. Fleur would teach him better.

"Lastly, but not least, Seigneur Potter and my daughter, Heiress Delacour, I shall offer the blessing of the Lord of this house. Gabrielle has accepted Harry's offer of engagement. May your union be fruitful, bear all the happiness you both shall want and to give you the grace and poise to continue leading the House of Potter and the House of Delacour into our futures."

Harry stood next to her. "Thank you very much, Gentilhomme Delacour. I am honored that you would invite me into your family like this. The Potters offer their alliance to the Delacours and the Delacours will always be invited to any place we shall call home. I would also like to announce, per our agreement, that once Gabrielle and I wed, our Houses shall be combining. I shall adopt the name of Delacour, as Gabrielle will be adopting the name of Potter."

She blinked for a second and looked up to Harry. She had not gone over the betrothal agreement yet, trusting her parents to have her best interest at heart, even though Harry had told her he wanted to go over it with her.

There were a few gasps from her Aunt Athena and her daughters. All her uncles and maman just nodded. Of course papa would have informed them of this.

"Yes, once Gabrielle and Harry have agreed upon a date, I shall submit the paperwork, but the main line of the Delacours shall be known as the Potter-Delacours upon their wedding day. Pierre and Sebastian have agreed. Myself and Apolline support this wholeheartedly. I see much potential in Seigneur Potter and feel the Delacours are well set with him and my daughter at the helm someday," her papa announced.

"Thank you, Gentilhomme Delacour." Harry sounded like he just barely got that out, emotion on his voice.

Her papa held up his glass and smiled. Everyone emptied their wine... well, she thought they had until she realized Renee had only taken her water. She gave a questioning look to her cousin who just nodded towards the other end of the table and she noticed Fleur's wine had not been touched either.

As congratulations and other conversation started up again as the elves brought in the food, she caught Fleur's eye, who gave her a knowing smile when Gabrielle indicated her glass.

Gabrielle was about to open her mouth when she suddenly bit her lip hard to keep in a cry of pain as she felt a pointed boot get her shin. She shot a glare at Renee who subtly shook her head. Oh, this was going to be torture. There would be only one reason they would both avoid their wine. She knew she didn't have to worry because Harry had made sure they were safe.

"So, pups, you want to tell me what happened at the Yule Ball and why Alain had me put those two petitions through yesterday?" The formality was over now, so she looked at the man as Sirius.

Harry shrugged. "It was really Alain. You would have been impressed with how red Fudge got. I do want to know about Dumbledore though. I thought he knew I was going to apply to the ICW?"

Sirius laughed. "I can only imagine. Dumbledore knows. He doesn't approve. Thank you for doing that, Alain."

"Gabrielle and Harry are the heirs to both Houses. I will not see them denied what is theirs," he said simply, ladling some brothy fish soup into a bowl.

"Uncle Alain and Aunt Apolline have always been very protective of our family," Renee spoke up.

"Harry, I hear you will be apprenticing with Alain once you graduate. That must be an exciting opportunity?" her Uncle Pierre asked.

"It is what is required of us. Gabrielle will be there with me as well. Pierre, was it?"

"Oui. I was not sure you would remember me from Fleur's and William's wedding," her uncle said jovially.

"It is hard to forget the parents of such beautiful girls as those at this table. Madeline and Marissa, correct?" Harry said smoothly.

She didn't miss how Madeline blushed and Marissa batted her eyes at her Harry. Gabrielle was not going to share him, thus her hand, the one with her ring, found its way into Harry's on the table. She saw maman and Aunt Athena follow the movement.

"Oui, Seigneur Potter," Aunt Athena replied. "Both have commented on you since that night."

"I think Harry was talked about as much as Gabrielle from our wedding. If I didn't know better, I would say I wasn't there sometimes," Fleur added with a smirk.

Gabrielle flushed some. "It was your wedding and most eyes were on you."

"How would you know? Every time I tried to get your attention your eyes were on your beau," Fleur teased her sister. "Besides, I was already taken. It was you and Renee on the hunt that night."

"I was not hunting," Gabrielle responded hotly.

"I was," Renee said and a few around the table laughed.

Aunt Artemis rolled her eyes. "And I feel bad for your quarry. I can only ever thank Sirius for showing you pity enough to let you sink your claws into him."

"MAMAN!" her twenty-eight-year-old cousin yelled at her mother.

"The only two boys we found cute were already taken," Marissa complained.

Harry leaned over to her. "Is this how all these dinners are like?"

Gabrielle smiled. "At times. If Uncle Sebastian asks you to play cards after this, don't. If you have no choice, I can hold your money pouch if you like."

He looked at her dubiously. Alain poked into their bubble. "When it is just family, we only ever let our true selves show. Gabrielle is right though. Be careful of my middle brother. I have lost many a game to him, and many a galleon."

Harry just nodded, a small smirk coming to his face. She turned back to see Renee hitting Sirius arm and the man laughing while her maman shook her head.

With her being older, Harry and her were invited into the parlour after dinner. Even Marissa and Madison were invited tonight. Usually this was just an adult thing while the kids were told to scamper off and enjoy something elsewhere in the house. When they were all really young, that meant tag in the ball room or convincing their elves to get them more ice cream.

A relatively happy family filled in the large formal parlour. It was meant to hold three or four times the people here, so everyone was able to find a comfortable seat. Liking the chairs Harry and her shared in his rooms at Hogwarts, she had him sit in a large chair and she sat in his lap.

Aunt Artemis laughed. "You look as though you do that often."

"I would do it all the time if I didn't think we would get in trouble in classes or at meals," she told her aunt.

Harry chuckled. "I don't think Madam Maxime or Professor McGonagall would take to that too kindly."

She giggled to think of the unimpressed look her Headmistress would give them. "Do your Professors lips really disappear when she is that angry?"

"We could try it and see how much trouble we get into when we get back," Harry cheekily offered.

"We will not," she scolded him, which wasn't really effective with the smile on her face.

Her aunt laughed. "I am glad to see Gabrielle found someone as playful as she is."

Someone cleared their throat. They all turned to see Fleur and Bill standing between two couches. Fleur had both her hands on her stomach. She felt the excited anticipation as it was obvious the couple wanted to announce something.

Fleur looked to Bill. "It's your family," Bill told her.

Her sister's smile was wide. "Bill and I would like to announce this tonight to not steal any of the thunder from Renee and Sirius wedding. Maman, I know you miss our little feet running around this house. Bill and I have accepted a transfer to Gringotts Paris, to work as ambassadors and still do field work for clients."

Her maman looked happy. "Are you and Bill asking for an in-law suite? We have four that are not in use."

"I would like to live back here, but we would need to ask for another room as well. We will become a family of three in June," Fleur said. Their maman was up and moved to her sister and Bill as fast as she could.

Uncle Sebastian clapped her papa on the shoulder in congratulations. Renee let out a laugh and Gabrielle squealed as she jumped out of Harry's lap to make it to her sister. She was the third one to get to Fleur and hugged her, Fleur returning the hug just the same.

"I am going to be an aunt! Oh, I am going to spoil her and send her home a mess, just like Aunt Artemis used too."

"Don't bring me into this. I am still in trouble with your maman from that one time you both found a mud puddle with Renee," her aunt warned Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle was only four and Renee was fifteen! She should have known," her maman retorted.

"It was hilarious to see Gabrielle throwing mud at Fleur and Fleur getting all upset," Renee added.

"It took two baths for maman to finally get all the dirt off my scalp. It was not funny," Fleur snapped at Gabrielle. Gabrielle couldn't keep from laughing. Fleur always was the one who cared for looks the most out of the three of them.

Bill looked towards Alain, who just smiled. "If you can promise to not do that to my child, Bill and I would name you godmaman," Fleur yelled at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle stopped whatever she was going to say, her eyes going wide. "Godmaman?"

"Oui. Who else would we pick? I trust you more than Renee and Charlie has already agreed to be the godfather," Fleur told her.

"Show the little prissy girls how to have fun one time," Renee huffed before smiling. Fleur shook her head.

Behind them Marissa loudly whispered, "Do you get the feeling we were born a few years too late?"

"Oui. But I would scream if we were allowed to play in the mud," Madeline replied.

"I can still find a mud puddle if you feel left out," Renee told her younger cousins with a mischievous smirk.

Apolline moved in to hug both her daughters with an arm each. "If you are going to make a mess, go outside and have the elves hose you down by the kitchens when you come back."

"You wouldn't allow Renee to do that to us!" Marissa screeched and Madeline hid behind her sister.

"I would," Aunt Artemis put in.

"AUNT APOLLINE! MAMAN! You wouldn't!"

Gabrielle giggled. Harry slipped in behind them. "Congratulations," he said, reaching around to Bill, who shook his hand, and when he tried the same with her sister, Fleur pulled him in for a hug.

"Now, Gabrielle, I have not seen your ring," Fleur commented when she let go of Harry.

Gabrielle held it out with some pride. She didn't think she usually preened, but Harry seemed to bring this side out in her. "Mon duie, Gabrielle! Harry, you got her this?"

"Oh, my. Harry do you want a second bride?" Madeline asked.

"I have warned you," Gabrielle growled at her cousin.

Harry took Gabrielle's hand. "Madeline, I am sorry, but I am a one woman type of man."

Madeline looked disappointed, as did Aunt Athena behind her. Uncle Pierre just shook his head. Aunt Artemis took her hand. "That is beautiful. You have wonderful taste, Harry. I am very happy my niece found you."

"Hunted," Fleur said out of the side of her mouth.

"I did not hunt Harry," she snapped at her sister. Renee and a few others chuckled.

"Well you sure had a crush on him before you even met him," Madison accused grumpily.

Renee came to her rescue. "Gabrielle at least grew out of it. Last time I saw both of your rooms there were quite a few posters of Viktor Krum and other stuff of Harry Potter. Both are a little old for you, non?"

"And your betrothed is thirty-eight. That is ten years older than you," Madison argued. "Harry is only three years older."


Harry stepped back. Gabrielle, her sister and her cousins were going round robin on whether they were too young for him and Victor Krum.

Alain and Sirius came up to him, Sirius handing him a tumbler. "Sebastian has asked us to go play some cards."

He looked at the two men. "Apolline made sure I didn't have too much on me," Alain said, as though accepting the inevitable.

Harry shook his head.

"Should we save Bill?" Sirius indicated the redhead Weasley.

Alain laughed. "The best way to save him would be to announce your news."

Sirius quirked an eyebrow. "Who says I have news? Isn't it news enough Renee and I are getting married on Christmas?"

"I am not the politician I am by missing small details. I will be a grandfather in June, and I knew that would be announced the second Fleur did not touch her favorite elven wine. I did not miss Renee did the same," Alain said in a low voice.

"You paying attention to this one, pup. He can teach you more than I can," Sirius told Harry.

"Like how to avoid answering a question," Harry shot back.

Alain chuckled. "Nice catch, but there are better ways to turn it back on him. How far is Renee?"

Sirius shook his head. "August," Sirius admitted. "We didn't want to steal any thunder away from Fleur."

"Get my niece to tell everyone. Fleur is my daughter and I will be a proud grandparent. Artemis and Sebastian have been waiting longer. Don't take this from them. Fleur and Apolline will understand." Alain took a drink from his tumbler.

Harry sniffed it. "What is this?"

"Dwarvish bourbon."

He took a tentative sip. It was sweet with a little kick to it. With a shrug, he took a bigger swig.

Sirius laughed. "Easy there, pup. Small sips. This stuff is strong. If you excuse me, I will try to break up this nest of hens," Sirius said, looking as though he was about to walk into a battle. Seeing all the Delacour girls quipping at each other, Harry figured it may not be far off from war.

Alain laughed at Sirius. "Unless important, it is usually wise to step away when they get like this."

"Is this a veela thing?" Harry asked.

Alain shrugged. "Maybe some. I think it more a family thing, but their veela-blood does try to establish a pecking order. Apolline is on the top. You will notice that most will defer to her when a real disagreement occurs, and her word tends to be adhered to more than others. Until last year, Fleur was starting to rise, but with you claiming Gabrielle, I have a feeling she will become the top in a few years. It is a position she will need to accept. Some day you and her will be head of this family. My brothers do not want the power, but I see the ambition in Athena and her daughters. You may have to watch them in the future."

Harry watched them. Where Renee and Fleur easily joked with and supported Gabrielle, he had seen the way Madeline and Marissa constantly challenged Gabrielle. He scrunched his brow. "Do I really need to worry?"

Alain chuckled. "I do not know, but I am always on the lookout for what is the best for this family. I meant it that Apolline and I are proud to call you our son and the two of you our heirs. There is much for me to teach you though over the next few years. Even if they do challenge you, you are to know you will be the lord of them. Just always remember they are family. We are all your family now, Harry."

"Thank you, Alain. I have been enjoying myself tonight," he told the man.

Alain smiled. "Good. This is what a dinner party and family should be."

Harry nodded and took another sip of his dwarfish bourbon.

Sirius and Renee were talking off to the side. "Harry, I would appreciate that you and Gabrielle do not share a room for the next few nights while everyone is around. I understand you may not be able to control my daughter, but Apolline would appreciate you two being discrete until after the wedding, when her sisters and my younger nieces go back home. Everyone here is staying until then."

Harry had a bright flush. "I will make sure I am in my own room tonight."

Alain nodded. "Thank you. The elves have moved you to Fleur's old rooms, next to Gabrielle's. Bill and Fleur will have their suite on the first floor ready by the time they are ready for bed. If you and Gabrielle decide you would like to live here, we will have the second floor opened and ready by the summer. When you and Gabrielle do talk about it, I know Apolline would like to recommend a summer wedding. I am not sure Gabrielle will wait much after that either."

He watched his silver-blonde girl talking with Fleur and her Aunt Athena. Some of this felt like too much thrown at him at once, but he had understood this might be the way of things the day he asked Alain to bless this union.

"Gabrielle and I would like to sit with you, Apolline and Sirius tomorrow or soon to talk about all this," Harry replied.

Alain smiled. "Tomorrow might be best. I think Sirius and Renee will be a little busy the rest of the time you are here. Apolline and Athena are very happy to have them wed Christmas afternoon."

Harry chuckled. "It's about to get busier."

Sirius and Renee moved towards the center of the room and Sirius cleared his throat. "Excuse me," Sirius called out.

Alain toasted his glass towards Sebastian, who looked to his daughter and then Alain. "Get ready to see Artemis beam and preen," Alain whispered to him.

Harry watched and wasn't disappointed.

Once everyone was looking at them, Sirius addressed them all. "Renee and I were going to hold off on this, not wanting to take anything away from Fleur and Bill, but I am sure they would be pleased to know that their child will have a cousin to play with."

Artemis squealed like a little girl as she rushed a beaming Renee. The woman hugged and kissed her daughter's cheeks, holding Renee's face in her hands for a moment as she gushed about her future grandchild and then turned to Sirius.

Sebastian was right behind, and a very pleased Fleur was excited to go through this with her cousin. Harry was happy to be out of the mess.

It was a while later that found Harry sitting around a small circular card table with all the men. Gabrielle had told him to go off. He was not a big card player. Pierre didn't come off as one either, but it was obvious Sirius, Bill, Alain and Sebastian were. He had not bought into this round, instead watching the players as they played a complicated game called Canasta.

"William, when your child is old enough, I shall make them a wand," Sebastian said before playing a card. "You as well, Sirius."

Alain nodded, as the play was passed to him. He looked at Bill, who was his partner for this one. "I am sure Apolline will give a hair if you want. That is if Fleur does not want to do so."

Harry sipped at the brandy. He was starting to feel a little lightheaded, but the dwarvish brandy was very good. He wasn't sure if this was his second or third glass. "Gabrielle said that she could give one too. Does that mean their children can?" Harry put to Sebastian.

Sebastian shook his head. Harry wasn't sure if it was at him or at the card Alain just put down. "Non. A quarter veela is as far as the magic stretches that way. My daughter could give a core to her children and probably her grandchildren, but none of them will be close enough to their heritage to do the same."

Harry nodded. Sirius played a card, just listening.

Bill spoke up, "Fleur would like to give a hair. She feels a large connection to her grandmaman because of the one she has and would like our child to have the same."

"I will honor any of the family that chooses to do so," Sebastian told Bill. Bill put down another card and Alain scrunched his face. "Speaking of wands, I read the story about yours, Harry. Is it true the wand is over five hundred years old?"

"Oui, Sebastian."

The man nodded. "When we are done with the game, would you mind if I look at it?"

Harry shrugged. "Fine by me."

It was another twenty minutes before Alain hit his hand on the table and Sebastian and Sirius were splitting a pot worth a few hundred galleons. "I really need to learn not to play you," Alain told his brother.

Sebastian snorted. "Compared to you and Pierre, cards and wands are all I am good for."

Pierre laughed. "That is all you want to be good for. You were trained by papa just like we were. To tell you the truth, I look forward to when Gabrielle and Harry take over our seat in the Assemblée. It is getting tiring to deal with the pompous gits most of the Representatives are."

"Ah, thanks," Harry replied sarcastically. Alain, Sirius and Pierre laughed at him.

"Better you than me," Bill added. "Fleur did not want to be a politician and I prefer the dangers of a tomb to that of a voting chamber."

"Gabrielle and Harry will be learning from myself, and a bit from you, Pierre. I have a great faith they will do us well," Alain praised him.

Harry felt a little out of his league, but he would do what he could to make them all proud of Gabrielle and him. He wanted to get out and hunt the bastards himself, but he was starting to understand that a politician or consular could be just as influential in a war.

"As much as you may find this interesting, I do not," Sebastian spoke up. "Harry, would you mind me looking at your wand?"

"Sure, Sebastian," Harry said, holding his hand out and having the red oak and silver phoenix wand come to his hand.

"That is a good holster. I didn't even see it shoot out," Bill commented.

"Mad-eye wanted to ensure I have the best. I have two to give Gabrielle for Christmas," Harry replied and handed his wand to Sebastian.

The man took it and looked down the shaft before taking his own wand out.

"Pierre, I hear you are a dealer in antiquities when not in the Assemblée?" Bill asked.

The man smiled. "Oui. Why do you ask?"

"As part of my contract, I am usually allowed to take some items from every job. Fleur is saying my collection is getting a little large and we are running out of places to display things at Shell Cottage. I might be willing to part with some or rent some to museums," Bill put to him.

Harry was watching Sebastian though. "Who was the last owner to have this wands allegiance?"

"Isolde Peverell. She was the last of the Peverells and married one of my ancestors. I have been able to find some records on her in our vaults. From what I can find, she was a rather skilled runecrafter," Harry told him.

Sebastian nodded. "She was not the only one to possess this wand, was she?"

"No. My family has a registry of all wands that were put into our vaults. Most are buried with the original owner, but a few dozen have not. From my registry, I can say she was the fourth to gain its allegiance."

Sebastian didn't say anything as he ran more diagnostics. "You are rather skilled in non-verbal casting, charms, defense and offensive spells?"

"Oui," Harry agreed.

"You also have a talent for enchanting and runes?"

"I find I really enjoy my Ancient Magics class and was thinking of seeking masteries in Ancient Magics and Charms."

"Harry has given Gabrielle many little trinkets that are all animated and even possess some of the behaviors of the animals and people they represent," Alain told his brother. "He has also made the mirror Apolline showed you."

"I only copied it. It was my father that figured out how to make them," Harry supplied. "I still can't figure how to link more than five together."

Sebastian nodded. "I would like to see those trinkets later. The mirror is a wonder. It is not usual for a wand to last like this, but I would say it is as powerful, if not more so, than when it was first made. I would guess it about eight-hundred years old, but it doesn't look a day over one day. Your family has taken very good care of it."

"It has served me very well so far and I try to make sure it doesn't come to any harm," Harry supplied.

"It shows. I would say the Potters and Peverells are both old families and the magic of your lines have melded well. This wand helps to amplify both. It was made for charm and rune work, but it has adapted to support a bloodline that is also combative and good in transfiguration. Almost like a phoenix, it seems to rebirth itself with each one it chooses. A very strong wand for a strong wizard. I can see why Gabrielle's veela-half would seek you out. The children you two will have will be very powerful," Sebastian commented, finally handing Harry back his wand.

Harry took it and felt the familiar warmth and eagerness of the wand. His other wand was great for his defensive and dueling work, but it wasn't as adaptable or natural feeling as this wand.

"That wand has made some truly fantastic magic and will do more for many more years, if not for other generations. I would like to see what you do with that wand," Sebastian told him.

Harry blinked at his wand. He had never thought about it before, but Sebastian had said this wand was over eight-hundred years old, it has done fantastic magic... could this have been the wand that made his invisibility cloak? He knew the first owner of the wand was Ignotus Peverell. Did that mean he could eventually make something like his invisibility cloak?

"Alain, you might have beaten us on this one again," Pierre commented jovially, nodding towards Harry.

Alain laughed. "It has never been my intention to beat you."

Sirius nodded sagely. "That is apparent in the way you play cards."

They all chuckled at the hard glare Alain gave Sirius.

"As long as you beat Alain to give me a second grandchild before him, we are good," Sebastian told Sirius as he picked up his own drink.

Sirius laughed. "That will be up to Renee. I'll be ready whenever she is."

"I don't know, my family is known for lots of kids," Bill commented.

"I would say so. There are more Weasley's than any other family I know," Sebastian teased Bill.

Bill shrugged. "What can I say? We are irresistible."

Pierre laughed. "Don't let Athena or my daughters hear that. They think themselves the same."

There was more chuckling as Harry just looked at his red oak wand.

next chapter
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