It turned out that Thrudd was actually quite serious about offering Fiona that protein bar.
The two of them sat together on a cliff overlooking their isolated valley.
Fiona was a lot less cold now that she had chosen a seat in between two very large hell beasts who happened to be like living space heaters.
Fiona was starting to see the appeal of the beasts. They were sort of cute and harmless when you got used to their appearances.
"It's funny… this place kind of reminds me of home."
"Hm?" Fiona looked up with a mouth full of peanut butter protein and found Thrudd staring at the valley with a forlorn look.
"My family lives in a valley just like this. Although, it's a fair bit more vibrant and the lake is a lot cleaner." Thrudd chuckled.
Fiona actually thought that she was joking.
No one from the Order had ever set foot in the abyss. Even gods only started getting let in recently.
someone dm me on discord with ideas for this giveaway contest I feel like I am hitting a wall with it
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