Abaddon and Seras ended up leaving their kids awake to eat Apophis' culinary abomination in peace.
Together, they snuck into the room of their sleeping children and bestowed them with the sins and virtues they believed would suit them best.
Afterwards, they returned to their own bedroom where their bed was already filled with sleeping loved ones.
They got undressed in the dark before crawling into bed alongside the unconscious women.
Their intention was to go to sleep innocently without waking anyone.
However, Abaddon and Seras weren't quite as tired as they should've been yet.
Since they were in close proximity already, their hands ended up seeking each other out on their own.
Their touch was less lustful, and more appreciative and intimate.
This was likely because of their plans for tomorrow.
The Tathamets know that they are strong, but they are far from arrogant beings.
i usually never say this but I don’t think sending diddy to jail is the right move.
1,000 bottles of baby oil and lube?!? that mf is finna be right at home in there!
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