A pair of thick black double doors were pushed open and Abaddon came striding inside with his hands clasped behind his head.
Yaldabaoth's throne room was relatively boring and uninspired to him, and he was silently thinking of ways to redesign this place with Valerie's help.
Stepping inside, a total of six individuals were already there; waiting by the throne.
On one side, the spectral bodies of the previous kings floated with their heads down and without meeting Abaddon's gaze.
Each of the kings had a different appearance altogether.
Fatum looked like some kind of dark warrior, clad in black armor from head to toe and with a red cape billowing behind his back.
Tor'baalos looked like a mass of light in the form of a fallen angel.
Tanin'Iver looked like a large demonic serpent with three horns on his head instead of the usual none.
watching that new X-men show had me feeling like a kid again I been humming the theme song to myself all night
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