Abaddon was led to the lowest level of the cathedral, where not even the light of torches tried to reach.
The further his descent, the more Abaddon began to get a sort of sickly, unnerving feeling.
It was oddly familiar.
Finally, he reached a single door located a few miles underground.
Karliah had been pretty chatty and trying to flirt with her new son-in-law quite a bit, but once they reached this place, even she fell silent.
Just as well, since there was only so much flirting that Abaddon could handle.
It had been a long time since someone had openly treated him like a piece of meat; most everyone else just let their internal fantasies run wild not knowing that he could read their minds.
But Karliah hadn't seen a man like him in all of her time plundering alternate realities, and she was damn sure going to let him know it.
However, now she had no more flirty remarks to dish out.
Instead, she almost seemed... afraid.
ight Xaivier, what you think my boy?