Abaddon had never actually met this man before.
And yet, he knew a great deal about him already.
The Shining Order of Sacred Mercy are a multiversal level secret society.
From the moment that they are reborn, inhabitants of Tehom are fully aware of their fated adversaries known as the Abyss Hunters.
The order is shrouded in an unnatural amount of mystery.
Even Nyx, who knows nearly everything, doesn't know much about them.
They are a collection of humans who seem to have dedicated their entire lives to combating the evil of the abyss.
But how they do this is anyone's guess.
They do not accept, nor interact with the gods of earth, and are even said to view them with contempt.
Their power comes from… actually, no one is quite sure of that.
Some say they are just regular humans who use a form of magic devised completely of their own creation.
I fucked up.
yesterday my girl booked me this spa treatment thing where you get a whole facial and stuff and a beard wash and even a short massage.
it was nice, but the problem is that it knocked me out completely when i got home.
I slept from 9 last night until like 9 this morning.
i literally had to write all of this on the fly, so if the ending feels abrupt it’s because I was rushing to get something out to you guys.
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