Currently, Thea Tathamet and her brother Apophis were walking through the streets of Luxuria.
As always, they were being showered with bows and warm greetings, but the two of them were still locked in an important conversation.
"And then what happened?"
"Father went to sleep right on the floor of the training room. I assumed him to be exhausted, so I just left him there.
One of our mothers or even Mira will find him soon enough, as it isn't like that place is ever empty for long."
Thea simultaneously fell into deep thought as she smiled and accepted a flower from an old lady.
"I had no idea that he felt like this or even that he had been carrying such awful feelings all of this time... I want to hug him."
Apophis chuckled as he waived at the crowd of girls that were staring at him from across the street.
Though his simple gesture inadvertently caused several of them to faint.
I think I have the worst sleep schedule known to man because I have gone to sleep at 4 am for like six nights straight.
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