When the morning finally came, the first thing that Abaddon did was seek out all of his children and embrace them.
With his body being so large, he was easily able to wrap his arms around most of his children all at once, with the exception of Thrudd who was hanging across his back like a koala bear.
"Ahhh… I missed this so much."
Yemaya: "I missed you too, dad!"
Straga: "Glad you're back, pops."
Belloc: "T-That's great, but please let me go…I'm not made for all this affection. "
Despite Belloc's protests, Abaddon only hugged his son tighter.
"I don't really want to hear something like that from you when I can see two different sized marks on your neck."
Stheno and Melanie were leaning on a nearby wall together and blushed when records of their 'intimacy' was discovered.
after grabbing Tartarus I want to do an arc with characters that I don’t get to use alot but I’m not really sure which ones to pick.
I need to know which characters you feel haven’t gotten enough screen time and you want to see more from.
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