Abaddon was standing alone at the head of the ship staring nonchalantly into the sea, an ocean in front of him and one within his mind.
For the first time in a while, the demonic emperor was traveling without his wives or an army.
Now that he knew his home and his people were going to be under threat, his wives and best soldiers had to remain at home to make certain preparations.
He would be lying if he said that their absence was not weighing on him, but at least he would not be entirely alone on this journey.
"I do so often find you like this."
Abaddon glanced over his shoulder and smiled warmly at his traveling companion.
"My child... you are always such a vision." He said as he noticed her new clothes.
Thea smiled back as she shyly pushed her blonde hair out of her face. "Do these suit me?"
"How could they not?"
Yazukoto reommended that I do a Q&A since the book is coming up on a year in serialization so you guys can ask me whatever you want here or on discord.